Started by lfish, Nov 03, 2004, 04:24 AM

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No more four years of tirrany.  :-[

I know everything is still possible, but Ohio seems like chosing for bush.  Another four years of unsafety, terror, more money for the rich, less for the poor, stupid bushisms, a bigger deficit, more unemployment, more stupid expressions on foreing politics, less rights for colored people, unilateralism, unstable Iraq, ... You name it, he's got it.

Wake up AMERICA!


Yeah, John Kerry was going to fix all those things.  
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


Once again, intellect and reason have been vanquished by the hands of fear and closed-mindedness. at least he actually won this time around...


Can't quite believe it.

I've suspected it for a while, but still can't believe it.


Yeah....a little tough to understand but we have to move on and hope that George doesn't get too crazy.  He knows he can't be elected again and that always is a touch scary.  Hope that he doesn't get on the "I will be remembered as one the greatest presidents of all time" campaign and make some really bad decisions.  



QuoteNo more four years of tirrany.  :-[

I know everything is still possible, but Ohio seems like chosing for bush.  Another four years of unsafety, terror, more money for the rich, less for the poor, stupid bushisms, a bigger deficit, more unemployment, more stupid expressions on foreing politics, less rights for colored people, unilateralism, unstable Iraq, ... You name it, he's got it.

Wake up AMERICA!
Bit extreme with your analysis there chief... Tyranny?  I think not.  We are far from the uncivilized ways of 3rd world countries and banana republics.  This country offers the greatest array of choices for people to achieve whatever level of personal success--all you have to do is try a little.  Unfortunately, too many corporations have taken advantage of cheap labor, both overseas and streaming illegally over our southern border, to fatten their bottom lines which hurts all hard working Americans.  I have a feeling that the latter sitution is about to experince a rude awakening--now that President Bush is in his last term you can almost bet the Mexican border will close up tighter than a virgin's honeypot.  Then again, who knows for sure...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


We are far from the uncivilized ways of 3rd world countries and banana republics.

I wish.  It's hard to distance ourselves from those "uncivilized ways"  when we had a had in installing most of those regimes.  Ever ask yourself why they're called "banana republics"?


The myth in any discussion is that Kerry was going to solve all the things you people complain about- and that's why he lost.  People came out in droves to vote out Bush (presumably) but Kerry ultimately failed to convince enough people that he really was going to make changes, and not just offer lip service.  I agree with Kerry on a lot of political issues, but his increased funding of No Child Left Behind, and univeral health care sound great but need to be funded some way (of which he didn't offer clear solutions).  He would have done absolutely nothing differently that Bush would have in Iraq (which probably would have made him a one termer anyway), and his foreign policy calls for allies to help us with things they're interested in buying.  Kerry is supposedly against the war, despite his voting for it, but thinks our allies should help more?  Somewhat contradictory...

Fuck this, I'm going to listen to Steam Engine! :)

The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women



had a hand in installing most of those regimes.  
this may be true but typically this is performed in the spirit of helping a community in chaos attempt to restore a structure that will help provide them a beneficial society.  unfortunately, you can't predict how power is going to affect any given person--sometimes it goes ok and sometimes it goes very badly.  maybe we need to back away from so much nation building, but we also need to be careful about our interests and friends worldwide.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Hello...sorry, but lfish did you vote? Why don't you go and powertab an MMJ song, don't worry I won't be able to open the gdamn thing. Yeah, I'm puttin' on Steam Engine.  ;D


yay bush...yay ohio!  ( I live there )

I'm not getting in any political fights with anyone.  However you should know I am well informed and I can make my own decisions.

peanut butter puddin surprise

This debate is pointless.  And please stop with the "banana republics" nonsense.  That's just plain offensive.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteBit extreme with your analysis there chief... Tyranny?

Indeed a little bit extreme (sorry for that), but yesterday I was a little bit down when I heard Kerry lost.  Nevertheless, that changes nothing on the fact that I consider Mr bush as a complete dumbass.  

He's really a nice guy to talk with, he knows how to handle/please a big crowd, he has charism, no doubt about that, but if you look at the stage where he's the main player, it's sad.  

It's like woody allen put it:

"If you observe him, it's quite amusing, if you listen to him as he speaks, if you follow him closely it would provide you a great many laughs. But it's the perfect example of islands of comedy, comic moments against a very, very tragic background,"


QuoteThis debate is pointless.  And please stop with the "banana republics" nonsense.  That's just plain offensive.

No debate here, just silly taunting.  

As far as banana republics, I will forget all about history and the United Fruit Company.

And for you Bushies, I am leaving behind my doubting ways.  It is time, once again for the U.S. to speak with one voice.  I'm a uniter not a divider.  The people have spoken, and we hate gays and love the Lord Jesus Christ.  We will exploit the environment (for we have dominion over it) and the work force of other countries.  We will ignore international law because we are the shining city on the hill and we must share our light of freedom with the world.




Maybe it's difficult if you're really against Bush, but we have to be optimistic and spare ourselves the little hope that everything will turn out fine.  It's indeed important for america that politicians and people try to do efforts to unite the country instead of dividing it.  

As we all know, Bush is not the only person pulling the strings.  He is the president, but he fits in a broader picture, called the presidency, where he has to deal with different powers, strenghts, weaknesses, opportunities,...  So not really a one man show, but cooperation with congress,senate, government and civil society;  Let's hope he makes some appeasing changes in his new government.  Goodbye Rummie!

Ps I did not vote as I am not american
Ps Powertabs just works fine by me and many other guys.  Have another try, you never know...


QuoteThis debate is pointless.  And please stop with the "banana republics" nonsense.  That's just plain offensive.

It's not really a debate, though, is it? It's just people expressing their opinion about a mementous event - and it's momentous for those of us who couldn't vote as well as for those who could. GWB is the most powerful man in the world that we all live in.

I'm sad to say that SmoothOprtr could be right. Maybe nothing would have changed anyway.

And John, most of what we write on this entire forum is pointless. Lets hear it for pointlessness  ;)


Where's your point? explain?  ;)


there are attitudes expressed in this thread that are prime examples why Republicans have won so many of the recent elections.  not only was President Bush re-elected but the Republicans have increased in Washington too.  maybe the dems, as individuals and collectively, can use the next 3-3.5 years to take a long hard look at themselves and how they need to approach Americans.  I am happy with the results but am not gloating because if there was a viable, believable democrat I might have considered them--beinga registered independent.  sorry if I got carried away reacting to the tyranny statement but I am not one to sit back and let others bash my country, the greatest in the world.  peace all lets work to make the most of these times not a time to be ashamed of or best forgotten.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


It has been a long time, but here's another Amen.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quotethere are attitudes expressed in this thread that are prime examples why Republicans have won so many of the recent elections

like what, exactly?  

Quoteviable, believable

As opposed to George Bush?  I find that hard to believe.

Quotehow they need to approach Americans

I'd say they did a pretty good job if 50 some odd million AMERICANS voted for them.  Don't lecture me or anyone on this topic.  I am passionate too, but don't label anyone else as less than American if we don't subscribe to your twisted values.  

And with that, I swear this is the last you will hear from me on this subject.  See "Lame Duck" thread for details, if interested.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there