International Women's Day

Started by EC, Mar 08, 2006, 01:04 PM

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QuoteI'm looking it as the world as a whole. I really don't know of any country that has total equality both legally and socially between men and women. There are native communties in both Canada and the US that are matriarchal. Other than that...

Imagine what would happen to women if they decided to band together into one giant socio-political sexual revolutionary movement in blatantly patriarchal societies found in the Middle East, Asia and East Asia (just using these regions as examples). Things would not go so well.

again, it was just food for thought for a class of all women social workers in Nashville, Tennessee. Challenging some of the women that they think of themselves as something more than sexual objects for men.

That's all.


I got your gist ycartrob. It got me thinking, that's all. Your original sex comment was amusing and thought-provoking considering its original context.


so all of the posts yesterday about power & strength etc led me to have a little personal meditation on power (whilst on public transport, always the best place for a little personal introspection).  

i did have a massively long spiel about humanity, politics and power to put here, but now that i have made peace with my inner-self and asserted my own personal power... i might just save it for another day!  ;)

just one point though: (some) women may need to think of themselves as more than sexual objects for men, but (some) men need to learn not to objectify women... power is a two-way street

love a song for the way it makes you feel