grrrr pt. 2

Started by eiseyrokker, Jun 28, 2006, 12:09 AM

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okay, so i walk out of work today, and there's glass all over the ground and my car window is shattered. so this sucks. and i look inside and see that my stereo has been ripped out, and also that my 198 cd wallet has been jacked as well. so now i'm tune-less. i have no cd's or any way to listen to them.

ALL OF MY MMJ CDS ARE GONE. this is a major crisis. midn you, i'm not as pissed as all capital letters should imply. but this is a definitely a bummer situation. i'm going to have to put plastic over my window in a few minutes and drive around like a hillbily for the next couple of days. major bummer though, is that, seriously, all of my hard copies of my CD's are gone. There were almost 200 cd's in there, and going at $10 a disc, which is absurdly low, but a nice round number, that's $2000 worth of cd's. I didn't know i ever had that much money, but apparently i have. Looks like i'll get $250 from the insurance company to help replace those, and the window and cd player, too.

but man, it's just still a bummer. that's a lot of cd's to replace. frickin bummer.

i figured out what stereo player i'm gonna get to replace the one i had. this one's got an iPod dock connector so i can use my iPod while i'm rebuilding my cd collection. i figure it's a pretty good deal. Alpine's got apparently the best iPod interface for car stereo right now...

I don't really have much else to say, except that losing all my cd's really sucks.

I'm gonna go tape plastic around my window now. Gonna be rollin pretty ghetto for the next couple of days...

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


That's a complete SOB Tom!  >:(
Real sorry to hear that...
I had a shit load of my CDs stolen once, I'm still replacing them now  :-/
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


 >:( That suxxxx Tom. Sorry to hear about that. If your family has home insurance you might be able to make a claim under the off premises theft coverage on your home policy.    


its amazing how many cheap used cd's are out there.


Sorry to hear about this, but at least the thief has good taste in music.


Ouch, thats sucks.  Do you at least have some of your CDs saved on your computer?

Jon T.

Sorry to hear that Tom.  You may want to look into getting an invite to OINK.  They're floating around here.  You can pretty much find anything you want on there, and because you have technically paid for them already you can sleep better...

How bout a picture of the taped up window ;D


Oh Tom. How horrible. People can be crap sometimes.


haha, you bet there'll be a picture. luckily, USAA gives me $250 toward gettin my cd's back, which is at least all the jacket and andrew bird and (this is what pisses me off most) M. Ward. those were hard to get ahold of.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


that sux. About 10 years ago some rocket scientist stole my detachable face Alpine stereo without the detachable face! Ass clown left my Altec Lansing speakers and amp, and jacked the only thing that was of little use or value.

Hate it for you Tom.

 When's your birthday?  ???


This sucks beyond measure.  I feel for you.


Quotebut at least the thief has good taste in music.

I doubt that's the case. It'd be a damn shame if they were all taken, then thrown out...
But chances are that they were probably sold.  :(



I doubt that's the case. It'd be a damn shame if they were all taken, then thrown out...
But chances are that they were probably sold.  :(

I figured as much. I was just trying to lighten the mood.

I've had friends that have had some of their CDs stolen and one friend in particular got mad because some of his favourite CDs by Zappa and The Who were left behind. He said "Fucking thief doesn't have taste".


i would lose my skull if that happened to me.

i'm sorry tom. :(


I had a bunch of tapes stolen from me back in 95. There were probably 60 total and included some recordings of bands I had been in and some kick-ass mixtapes.

They also stole my backpack with all of my homework and college books in them. FUCKERS!

(That's what I got for leaving my doors unlocked). I've been super-paranoid about locking my doors ever since.


thanks fer the kind words...i'm actually not too pissed. the window gets replaced tomorrow, and that new cd player will run my iPod so i'll have all my music with me, i'll just be missin my cd's for a while. maybe the boys'll hook me up the whole catalog? thats kind of a bummer, the stuff i went through great lengths (by which i mean, ordering online...thank god the run thru ep was at the house) to get is all gone.

tracy, my birthday is october 26, so hopefully i can get my relatives to just hit me up with cd's. same with christmas. just help replenish my stash quickly. i'm figurin two cd's a week for awhile plus the $250 reimursement should have me relatively back on my feet in no time.

The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.



when i worked at the record store, we had people coming in with insurance forms all the time in the same predicament you're in... they left their 200-cd wallets in their cars... FYI people, don't do that!

i'm so sorry... but like i said to ali, people who steal music go straight to hell without passing GO!

i'm going to think good thoughts for you... try eBay for super cheap new and used cds.

i bet if you email the band about this, they will send you their catalogue...

everything sucks. really.


This happened to me. 52 of my best CDs. It's taken me a while to replace all of them....two still to go (Peter Gabriel's "Us" and k.d. lang's "Torch & Twang").

However, the three days after this happened were among the best in my life, so ... try and find the silver lining...


haha, it's weird isn't it? i've been pretty filled with joy for no good reason for the past few days (no good reason as in, you'd expect i'd be pissed, but i'm actually kinda happy. not particularly about the situation, but just happy in general :) )

so yeah, there's definitely a silver lining, a big one. not sure what, but God's showin me somethin through this somehow, and i'm just glad that he;s given me a good deal of joy. there's always something to get out of everything, so i'm workin on figuring out what that is. mainly: stuff's just stuff, especially here in America. greedy bastard-ish as that may sound, there's really no good reason to get bent out of shape about belongings. had they stolen a guitar, my tone would be different, but in the end, that's replaceable too, just has a lot more sentimental value. but still, our lives are much much more than what we own. and i'm definitely thinkin i'm learning to give more through this, too. i dunno exactly what shape it's taking, but i know i'm definitely learning...

with that, i leave you. good night all you fellow jacketeers.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

Angry Ewok

Sweet dreams, buddy.

--- and that's 2 real 4 u.