Kerry-Edwards or Bush-Cheney?

Started by jbreed, Aug 14, 2004, 04:08 PM

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Kerry-Edwards or Bush-Cheney?

Assuming Ralph Nader will lose again, I am curious to see who the majority of the MMJ fanbase would elect. Will MMJ be collectively voting for Kerry?

One vote apiece would suffice.

Thankee, Jbreed  :)

peanut butter puddin surprise

there is only one choice:  kerry-edwards
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there




I can't vote but if I would:



I was wondering, if a person says "I'll never be able to do such and such; or, I could never do that or this."  What's the chances that that person would ever be able to do those things?  Negligible, right?  In the same way, Americans insistence of saying "This or that candidate can never win" is simply a self fulfilling prophecy.  Such negativity from a constituency bent on change is heartbreaking in the least, but not influential.

Nader/Camejo 2004
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


It would seem that you would have to be under the influence of crack to even consider casting a vote for Bush-Cheney.  Apparently there are a few crackheads out there (not on this forum yet!)  Long live John Kerry.  


not a fan of the ketchup boy. done nothing for Massachusetts that rates him getting my vote and I actually don't like him as a person either.  which, I guess, leaves me choosing between Mr Nader and Pres Bush :-/
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Well Mr. Fanatic...
we seem to have the same attitude toward this problem.
Talk less....
Say more.


welcome back my dearest junkie! :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



If you don't vote kerry, it's okay, but please don't vote bush.  Nor the world, nor America need this guy for another four years.

Please remember this wide-spread european wish, when voting.


lfish really has a good point. Although we obviously can't vote, the outcome of the US elections affestcs us a great deal. We watch with interest...


Quotelfish really has a good point. Although we obviously can't vote, the outcome of the US elections affestcs us a great deal. We watch with interest...

It affects us too   :-/

peanut butter puddin surprise

Friends from around the world, feel good in that there are many countless folks here working for change.  I can't remember an election that so galvanized the most apathetic people into action.  You should SEE the work that is being done to spread the word.

That doesn't guarantee anything...but it does show that there is an active opposition to what is going on, and that this country is evenly split (more or less) into two halves, a dangerous position, IMHO.  

I want to reach out to my brothers and sisters in the other half (I'm looking your way, Mr. Fanatic!  ;)) and ask them all to debate it over pints or bourbon or whatever your choice of poison is.  I encourage my brothers and sisters on my half to reexamine the issues, and reach out in dialog with those that do not agree.  We can't surely solve the country's problems spouting sewage on talk radio, nor can we let the talking heads decide for us what we need to know.  This goes for both sides of the aisle.

This election is so urgently important due to the circumstances we find ourselves in at this juncture of history.  There are two paths;  we must decide which path our nation is to take, and I encourage you to vote intelligently and examine all of the issues.  Of course, the most important issue we face is the ongoing war.  Whether you support the idea that pre-emptive invasions are a good idea or not, you have to consider the justifications, motivations, and policy direction we have been forced to go towards during this administration, and what affect that has had worldwide on our image, our trade and economic climate, and our collective soul as a nation.

The war is a mistake.  People are dying RIGHT NOW for little more than smoke and mirrors, faulty and/or misconstrued intelligence, and a whole lot of corporate profiteering that the Constitution doesn't allow for.  We have to ask ourselves some serious questions-where is Osama Bin Laden?  Why haven't we expended billions of dollars finding him and bringing him to justice?  Why is the supposed threat in Iraq more important than any other issue?

We are supposedly a world leader.  We should be using that position in more positive ways-not barnstorming across borders and allowing people to die.  No one is defending the country from invaders in Iraq.  Consider that as you enter the polls on November 2.  I know I will, and that compells me to vote Kerry-Edwards.  

Is John Kerry the perfect candidate?  No.

Is John Kerry the cure for aids, the solution to poverty, the panacea that ignites a social revolution away from the politics of destruction?  Probably not.

Is John Kerry the candidate that has the best chance of unseating George Bush?  Yes, yes he is, by a country mile.  If continuing the failed policies of the past few years is your bag, vote for one of the other two candidates.  If not, vote Kerry-Edwards.  Above all things, vote your conscience and consider the war and its long term consequences for all of us-and know which candidate will continue this failed strategy and which one will not.  I can't stress that enough.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Me - Kerry
my wife - Kerry
my daughter - Kerry


Being a fellow Masshole, I agree with MMJ Fanatic that Kerry is not a great man or leader.  He has voted ultra liberal on all issues.  And, being a hardworking, middleclass citizen, i do not want my taxes going through the f-ing roof.  But, i have to choose my country and the rest of the world over my money and some of my beliefs.  Bush has not been the conservative he promised to be, and he has totally f-ed us in iraq.  There is no doubt kerry will win Mass, so my vote is going to Nader for the 2nd time.  It just makes sense without a popular voting system.  But, i do want Kerry to win because i cannot stand to see what another 4 years of Bush will bring.  peace. :-/


Is this something to laugh or to weep?

Please think twice before voting...


peanut butter puddin surprise

Ah, the million dollar question, my friend.

Bush isn't so much about intelligence or skills, but is so much about philosophy (as in the puppet masters that pull his strings).  There would be no Bush II regime without Rummy, Cheney, Rice, Ashcroft, or even Powell.  

I just LOVE it when we turn back the clock in the name of "progress".  Let's compare 1992 to now, shall we:

-war in Mideast country we're involved in
-unstead economic times, despite the "statistics" touted as recovery.  didn't work then, doesn't work now.
-very high crude oil prices
-like father, like son:  except in this case, Bush I was a better president.  hopefully we won't have to repeat this mistake again.

the same policy makers that were on cryogenics in the early 90s are pulling the strings now.  hasn't anyone been bothered to figure out that these policies DON'T FUCKING WORK?!  who exactly benefits from these policies?  sure isn't the poor fuckers being sent to early graves in iraq in the name of what, exactly?  "security"?  i think not.

the war is a mistake, a huge, blaring, grave misstep in our history akin to Vietnam.  my only hope is that we wake up and wrestle control from the war pigs before we have a body count akin to Vietnam, or worse-more terrorist attacks on our soil.

and there's no fucking way in God's green earth that anyone could construe that as "appeasement".  fuck that-who fights fire with fire?  the more we respond, the more hate we are inclined to breed.  kinda like the mollusk:  don't feed the trolls.  

folks, hundreds of billions of dollars and a thousand american souls have been expended in this horrible mistake.  it's time to call those who are responsible for this mess and fix it:  by replacing them.  if i did .0000000000001% of the missteps done in my name by my government in iraq at work, i would have been long fired by now.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Perfectly said conaway.  Why do people continue to put their perceived special interests ahead of progress and common sense?  What a strange world we live in.


QuoteIs this something to laugh or to weep?

First one, then the other, I guess  :(