NCAA Hoops 2008-8009!!!!!!!

Started by primushead, Oct 30, 2008, 10:21 AM

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He's definitely been successful...just not as successful as I think he could be.  They barely beat ND and UK and Villanova when they really should have beat the hell out of them.  I think they would have if they'd have taken less threes.

Then again maybe they did against ND, Harangody was in foul trouble.  I didn't watch much of the game.

I'm not a UL hater although it must sound like it.  Actually I just think Pitino gets more credit than he deserves and it irritates me how much he talks like a politician.
Louisville Rock and Roll


Sorry dude,  but you sound like a UofL hater to me. So far you think Pitino gets too much credit, talks too much like a politician too much for you, relies too much on the three and think that they should have taken less threes against ND despite the fact that they won the game and you admit you didn't watch it.  Oh, and something about T-Will...

You can't really disagree with Pitino's resume.  I'm going on record to say UofL will make it to the Final 4 this year unless they see UNC in the elite 8.
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I'm going on record that if UL meets UNC in the tournament they'll get past UNC.

My point is that I think Pitino has become lazy and somewhat one-dimensional as a coach.  Very good but could be so much better.
Louisville Rock and Roll


I've never considered Pitino as a "live by the 3 coach" and I don't think you can coach NCAA basketball at such a highly visible school as Lousiville and be lazy.



"Pitino is considered by many to be one of the first coaches to promote fully taking advantage of the 3-point shot, first adopted by the NCAA in 1987. By exploiting the 3-point shot, his teams at Kentucky in the early 1990s were known as Pitino's Bombinos, as a significant portion of the offensive points came from the 3-point shot. Even now, Pitino's teams are known for the 3-point threat and all of his teams rank towards the top in 3-point attempts per season."

Don't get me wrong, I think he's good but has been better and lazy is a relative term.

Louisville Rock and Roll



"Pitino is considered by many to be one of the first coaches to promote fully taking advantage of the 3-point shot, first adopted by the NCAA in 1987. By exploiting the 3-point shot, his teams at Kentucky in the early 1990s were known as Pitino's Bombinos, as a significant portion of the offensive points came from the 3-point shot. Even now, Pitino's teams are known for the 3-point threat and all of his teams rank towards the top in 3-point attempts per season."

Don't get me wrong, I think he's good but has been better and lazy is a relative term.

still don't consider him a "live by the 3" coach, sorry. They take a lot of 3's (35th in the nation in attempts) but I think the full court press D and fast break makes his teams go.

They shoot 33% from 3 point land (around 190th in the nation) and as a result are 12-3. To say he "lives by the 3", considering how poorly they shoot 3's, sort of goes against their 12-3 record, don't you think? I mean, if you "live by the 3" and are 33% for the season, I think they'd be like 9-6. Perhaps he's not a 1 dimensional coach.


But the last three were barely wins...could so easily be 9-6.  Think how good they could be if they took less threes and more high % shots.
Louisville Rock and Roll


QuoteBut the last three were barely wins...could so easily be 9-6.  Think how good they could be if they took less threes and more high % shots.

and Harvard actually beat Boston College who beat North Carolina...

Louisville is 12-3 and they don't shoot well from 3. That's not "living and dying" from the 3 point line, that's called playing good all around basketball and Pitino gets credit.  sorry (again).


QuoteBut the last three were barely wins...could so easily be 9-6.  Think how good they could be if they took less threes and more high % shots.

3-0 in the Big East... That says a lot more than speculation ever could.


Uhh did Illinois blow it against Mich. St.  I was just getting ready to talk smack about how underrated they are.  Had trouble creating good shots down the stretch.  
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

capt. scotty

Pitt are a bunch of bums

I knew theyd lose tonight
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteUhh did Illinois blow it against Mich. St.  I was just getting ready to talk smack about how underrated they are.  Had trouble creating good shots down the stretch.  

Talk about blowing about the refs in that game.  They blew the shot clock violation call and then gave it back to Illinois to can a three...WTF!  Of course MSU didn't help with 12 turnovers in 14 trips in the first half...brain palsy!

Good win for UL...looks like from the boxscore that they scored a little more in the paint.
Louisville Rock and Roll


Good win for UL...looks like from the boxscore that they scored a little more in the paint.

(6-16 from 3 point land)
not too bad for a 1 dimensional team with a lazy coach...


6-16 isn't all that great, fairly point is that Pitino's offensive theory is to take the 3 if you're open.  Doesn't matter if you're a great 3 shooter or not.  I think you give the green light to 3 shooters if they're good shooters but use all your tools and use your post players.  They do win a lot of games but I think they could win more games, by a larger margin and not lose ones they shouldn't.  The loss to WKU (shouldn't have lost to that team) UL shot 6 for 30 from three land.

Of that game Pitino said:
"Terrence Williams had 19 points and Earl Clark added 11 points and 11 rebounds for Louisville, which shot just 27 percent from the field and made just six of 30 3-pointers. Louisville's guards went a combined 3-of-23. They were open shots, the ball didn't go down," Pitino said. "We didn't offensive rebound with any great authority. It was a double-edge sword."

Again, I think Pitino is a good coach, clearly his record shows that but I don't think he's as good as he was when he was at UK.  He's a gambler and seems to have a hard time switching gears when the outside shots aren't falling.

Louisville Rock and Roll


Quote6-16 isn't all that great, fairly point is that Pitino's offensive theory is to take the 3 if you're open.  Doesn't matter if you're a great 3 shooter or not.  I think you give the green light to 3 shooters if they're good shooters but use all your tools and use your post players.  They do win a lot of games but I think they could win more games, by a larger margin and not lose ones they shouldn't.  The loss to WKU (shouldn't have lost to that team) UL shot 6 for 30 from three land.

Of that game Pitino said:
"Terrence Williams had 19 points and Earl Clark added 11 points and 11 rebounds for Louisville, which shot just 27 percent from the field and made just six of 30 3-pointers. Louisville's guards went a combined 3-of-23. They were open shots, the ball didn't go down," Pitino said. "We didn't offensive rebound with any great authority. It was a double-edge sword."

Again, I think Pitino is a good coach, clearly his record shows that but I don't think he's as good as he was when he was at UK.  He's a gambler and seems to have a hard time switching gears when the outside shots aren't falling.

I understand your point.  What I don't understand is how you have the audacity to say Pitino is lazy or not living up to his potential as a coach.  His track record this year and for the past few decades shows that he is a great, hall-of-fame coach.

To nick pick and say he could be better is just an excuse to hate on somebody.  The facts say Pitino's a great coach, Tower says he could do better.  Well, after you take two different teams to the final four (Pitino's taken 3), we'll talk.

His team this season does NOT rely on the three no matter how much you insist they do (while admitting you don't watch the games, just check the box scores). They are 4-0 in the Big East and they beat the #1, #13, and #17 teams in the country this week.

And your statement about Pitino giving the green light to anybody is bs, too.  T-Will was 3-4 from 3 point range last night, btw.  

I'm not going to say they're not going to lose another game this year, but they have just as good of a chance as anybody to win it all come tournament time.  And if you think UofL is that good despite Pitino, you're delusional.

And I'm not going to claim Pitino is perfect, but no man is perfect.  I could nick pick anyone's resume and find a flaw, but I wouldn't do that to a hall of fame coach and harp on it because that would make me a hater.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


I'm saying "lazy" in comparison to his UK days.  And yes T-Will will have good shooting days but not as many as bad ones.  

I do watch some of the games, not all and my assertion on his philosophy is based on his career.  I think they're very good and he's definitely in the upper echelon of coaches, you're right and his record shows that.  I guess it's just a matter of difference in philosophy.  I'm obviously a huge fan of my alma mater and Coach Izzo at MSU.  Vastly different in recruiting, defense and offensive philosophy.  Izzo has been hugely successful in his own right.  That being said, there are areas in which I think he could improve.  

Maybe we should discuss this over a few Clipper City Heavy Seas and some wings.  I'm sure we could find more common ground :)
Louisville Rock and Roll


ya buddy, no hard feelings.  The next beer's on me!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Vintage Heels last night...

And #1 Wake goes down too!  I guess this means dook (ugh) will be the new #1...barring a loss on Saturday.


UofL walked all over Rutgers last night.  At one point Rutgers didn't score a single point for 10 minutes!  It must have been all the three pointers their lazy coach was telling them to take.  ;)

I mean, Louisville played great D last night.  Vintage Pitino!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteUofL walked all over Rutgers last night.  At one point Rutgers didn't score a single point for 10 minutes!  It must have been all the three pointers their lazy coach was telling them to take.  ;)

I mean, Louisville played great D last night.  Vintage Pitino!

4-11 from 3 point land...not living by the 3

5-0 in the Big East
14-3 overall
#9 in the nation
they are currently 180th in the nation in 3 point shooting %....again, NOT living by the 3

(final answer)