The 'What Pisses You Off?' thread

Started by Paulie_Walnuts, Oct 19, 2009, 05:41 AM

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Here's your chance to vent your spleen at the little everyday things that piss you off. Here's mine to kick it off:

People who smoke who think it's perfectly okay to toss their cigarette butt in the street when they are finished smoking it. Wankers.
Paulie W


I agree with your smokers observations.

I have too many things that piss me off, but off the top of my head:

- Wal-Mart's destruction of North America
- suburbia and the proliferation of urban sprawl
- destruction of heritage buildings
- cheap architecture
- above-ground parking lots
- BMW drivers (all are pricks)
- speeders
- people that are car-dependent or driving-addicted
- cyclists that ride on the sidewalk
- guys named Gary (see BMW drivers)
- womanizers
- drug dealers
- weasel politicians (see below)
- the Finance Minister, Transportation Minister and Prime Minister of Canada
- Canadian cross-border shoppers (the ones that gleefully shop down south while thumbing their noses at the Canadian economy)
- Duke basketball
- great TV shows that get cancelled well before their time
- people that chronically download music, TV programs and films... illegally
- Amsterdam's hypocrisy regarding tolerance of prostitution
- graffiti, especially tagging
- phone and cable companies
- the Toronto Blue Jays
- the cult of celebrity (meaning, people who are famous just for being infamous)
- most reality shows (and blood-sucking celebrity shows such as TMZ)


Dang Jaimoe!  Let it out, brother   ;D

My pet peeve is people who talk loudly at quiet concerts, and people who watch an entire show through their Blackberry camera.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


QuoteDang Jaimoe!  Let it out, brother   ;D

My pet peeve is people who talk loudly at quiet concerts, and people who watch an entire show through their Blackberry camera.

Ya, I prefer watching Lawrence of Arabia on my cellphone. Screw my HD television.


- destruction of heritage buildings

- speeders

- cyclists that ride on the sidewalk

- womanizers

- great TV shows that get cancelled well before their time

- phone and cable companies

- the cult of celebrity (meaning, people who are famous just for being infamous)

Agree 100%.

Things that piss me off:

-Having a face to face conversation with someone and all s/he does is send/receive texts
-America's current health care system
-Having someone cut you off in traffic, only to drive under the speed limit or turn after driving < 3 blocks
-The Hills
-UT Fans
-Glenn Beck (what a P.O.S.)
-People who take advantage of you
-Miley Cyrus
-my TMJ
-The media's idea of what women are supposed to look like
-Money (or lack thereof)
-Dane Cook
all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


Politicians who think they aren't accountable to all of the citizens of their country, and have the outright gall to claim and act as if they know what is best for everyone else (yet will not submit themselves to their own "solutions"), and think they can get away with attempting to censor dissent out of the natianal dialogue by trying to marginalize news organizations that refuse to bow down and tow their 'holier than thou' philosphical line, and think that somehow everyone in the country thinks its a great idea to flush away tax dollars bailing out industries that can't be bothered to raise their operational efficiency and be competitive, and can't take criticism to the point of trying to railroad legislation through using afterhours and behind closed doors techniques so nobody gets a chance to review and critique instead of trying to be more creative with their approach and make the process more similar to welfare so only those who truly new the sh**box public option to see a doctor can get enrolled in same said unimaginative program.  
Basically anyone in government that wants to get too involved in the free market (auto industry, health insurance, etc.) but would run a hot dog stand into the ground after a week for lack of real world experience.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


- destruction of heritage buildings

- speeders

- cyclists that ride on the sidewalk

- womanizers

- great TV shows that get cancelled well before their time

- phone and cable companies

- the cult of celebrity (meaning, people who are famous just for being infamous)

Agree 100%.

Things that piss me off:

-Having a face to face conversation with someone and all s/he does is send/receive texts
-America's current health care system
-Having someone cut you off in traffic, only to drive under the speed limit or turn after driving < 3 blocks
-The Hills
-UT Fans
-Glenn Beck (what a P.O.S.)
-People who take advantage of you
-Miley Cyrus
-my TMJ
-The media's idea of what women are supposed to look like
-Money (or lack thereof)
-Dane Cook

Pretty much nailed it.


Besides Meg's list:

-Ultra conservatism
-Overt religiosity (i.e. If you are religious fine, do not browbeat others with it or let it be what defines you)
-Obnoxiously large vehicles...Do you really need to drive a HumVee?
-Sense of entitlement in anyone under the age of about 24 (no offense to anyone here). The world doesn't owe you a fucking thing kids
-My lack of world travel. Seriously, why the hell have I never been to England or anywhere else in Europe for that matter.
-"modern" pop Country music
-Douchbags (male and female) that are so caught up in their look and try to be hip and cool. Fuck off. Just be yourself.
-WalMart, the store and the Company
-Anyone who has listened to Bob & Tom will get this one...The Kenny Tarmac's of the world. No one is that damn important that you need to get immediatly on your phone 1 second after landing and BLAH BLAH BLAH loud enough that the poor bastard who is all the way in the back row, the one across from the shitter, can hear your call. Arrrrgh. I want to just walk up and punch those people, take the stupid fucking Blackberry, and stomp on it in front of them.


I've just thought of a few more:

- bottled water, bottled water consumers and bottled water companies (I call the latter water pirates, since that is exactly what they are)
- grocery stores that mainly stock imported inferior California strawberries in the summer during Ontario's peak strawberry production period
- grocery stores that don't stock local produce
- Home Depot and Costco
- people and communities that don't recycle or haven't fully committed to conservation
- the systematic destruction of West Virginia's Appalachian Mountains by coal-mining companies
- some newspaper columnists, in particular two misinformed and ignorant right-wing hacks in the Toronto Sun (and one is a right-wing Jewish lesbian!)  
- friends that don't buy CDs and DVDs, but always want to make copies of my store-bought CDs and DVDs  


-Anyone who has listened to Bob & Tom will get this one...The Kenny Tarmac's of the world. No one is that damn important that you need to get immediatly on your phone 1 second after landing and BLAH BLAH BLAH loud enough that the poor bastard who is all the way in the back row, the one across from the shitter, can hear your call. Arrrrgh. I want to just walk up and punch those people, take the stupid fucking Blackberry, and stomp on it in front of them.

;D ;D ;D  I love the "hey....we just landed!" guy.   ;D ;D ;D
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


-Those who can't appreciate subjective beauty
-Subservience to the political agenda of one party or another
-Radio morning shows played across half the country
-Pop country music
-People who expect the government to fix their own problems for them
-Reality TV
-People who live by quotes without realizing that they contradict each other
In another time, in another place, in another face


Oh, and...

-People who won't own up to anything in this thread ;)
In another time, in another place, in another face


-Anyone who has listened to Bob & Tom will get this one...The Kenny Tarmac's of the world. No one is that damn important that you need to get immediatly on your phone 1 second after landing and BLAH BLAH BLAH loud enough that the poor bastard who is all the way in the back row, the one across from the shitter, can hear your call. Arrrrgh. I want to just walk up and punch those people, take the stupid fucking Blackberry, and stomp on it in front of them.

;D ;D ;D  I love the "hey....we just landed!" guy.   ;D ;D ;D
I gotta go, my bags are here.


if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


I like that this thread was started because some smoker who litters annoyed me on a Monday morning! A few more:

People who don't queue at the bus stop anymore (this is London....we still queue for EVERYTHING you fuckers!!!)

Ageing rock stars who still keep the same haircuts and clothes that made them "cool" over 40 years ago. Grow old gracefully you silly old sods.

My work colleagues who decide to "reward" people in other departments with chocolates and cards because they helped us out a little. It's their job to help people they work with!

99% of politicians. Especially my Conservative MP who claims a second home in central London, as well as claiming extra money for renovating it. He lives in my town. The train takes 30 mins to London in the morning. I get it everyday, like millions of others. Fat, greedy, Tory bastard!

Men who communicate with each other on the basis of which football (soccer) team they support.

Moral crusaders who are bothered about getting "oversize" women represented on the catwalk. Why only on the catwalk? Why aren't they calling for ugly models too? Or overweight jockeys? Or short basketball players?

People who put "Baby On Board" stickers in their cars. Like that is going to make me drive differently.

And lastly (this may be controversial)....the Paraplegic "Olympics". I don't want to watch blind people weaving down the 100m track, or people with one arm taking three times as long in the swimming pool. It's the same reason I don't want to watch women playing soccer....they aren't any good at it! Everyone should be free to take part in any sport they want, but does it have to be on the TV?  
Paulie W


[size=20]People unable to access the common sense portion of their brain![/size]

[size=16]Outlawing Manhood[/size]

Ever since men wore animal skins and war paint, society took it for granted that boys did not become men spontaneously. Nature was important, but nurture just as much.  

Boys had to be taught to become responsible, good men, and it took a lot of time and effort to do it.  It was -- and still is -- one of the principal duties of fatherhood: a duty which includes teaching boys how to use tools like screwdrivers, hammers, and knives.

Yes, a knife is a tool that boys need to learn how to use responsibly.  But that is intolerable to the educrats who seem to think that manhood is a disease that boys must be inoculated against. Their bizarre reaction to actually discovering that a boy might be learning about knives in range of their writ is shocking even in this politically correct atmosphere.  

Across the nation, "Zero Tolerance" polices are commonplace in public school district after public school district. And while they were ostensibly instituted to stop kids from bringing weapons on campus following the 1999 Columbine massacre, they're actually just another tool which liberals and over zealous school board members use to war against manhood.

This has been clearly demonstrated during the past few weeks with the suspensions of Eagle Scout Matthew Whalen of Troy, New York and Cub Scout Zachary Christie of Newark, Delaware. Whalen's infraction was "having a 2-inch a survival kit in his car," and Christie's violation, equally heinous, was taking "a combination folding knife, fork and spoon" to school to use when eating lunch.

Last week, Whalen, a Lansingburgh High School Senior who plans to enter the Army's West Point Academy after graduating, received a 5-day suspension from the Lansingburgh Central School District board on the grounds that his pocketknife -- locked in a survival kit which was locked in his car -- violated the district's "Zero Tolerance" policy.

After reviewing the board's judgment, Lansingburgh Central School District Superintendent George J. Goodwin added another 15 days to the suspension on October 14, 2009, saying he believes a 20-day suspension is "appropriate and fair."

Ironically, it is widely reported that "Mr. Appropriate and Fair" did not even attend the original hearing where Whalen received the 5-day suspension. Rather, Goodwin extended the suspension based on a recording of the proceedings. Moreover, he has declined to meet with Whalen's parents, although they've requested meetings, and he refuses to provide Whalen with the opportunity to appeal his case.

Did I mention that in addition to being an Eagle Scout and aspiring to West Point, Whalen also has a "Life-Saving Heroism" award he received from the Boy Scouts "for performing CPR on his aunt after she had a seizure"? The kid is a certified hero.

Yet with pompous disregard for Whalen's heroism or the fact that he is a boy transitioning into a young man, Goodwin can only spew the usual leftist bilge like: "Sometimes young people do things they may not see as serious, [but] we look at any possession of any type of knife as serious."

It's as if educrat Goodwin wants to make an example out of Whalen to discourage others from being like him.  Yes, for heaven's sake, Mr. Goodwin.  In 2009 America, what we need is fewer young heroes like Whalen who are already on the road to becoming good, responsible citizens.  

This is the same kind of "one size fits all" liberalism that makes it a standing policy in most public schools that if someone hits you and you hit back in self-defense, you face the same punishment as the instigator because you swung too.  It is nothing less than a war on manhood, and one most often conducted by "men" like Goodwin, who benefit from holding positions that allow them to pass judgments without ever coming face to face with those they've judged.

On those rare and happy occasions, when the Goodwins of the world are exposed and forced to deal with the reckless decisions that they make behind the veil of "Zero Tolerance" policies, good things can happen. Such was the case for 6-year old Zachary Christie, whose story rallied the nation to his cause after people learned that his school district had suspended him for 45 days for "taking his favorite camping utensil" to school.

That's right -- 45 days.

After Christie was suspended on September 29, 2009, the public outcry against the Christina School District was so strong that his parents were granted the opportunity to appeal the district's decision. The appeal ended with news outlets around the nation reporting Christie's suspension had been dismissed in the middle of last week.

If we just think rationally for a moment, like the Christina School Board was forced to do when their actions came to light, it's asinine to view a 6-year old Cub Scout and his "spork" as a danger to himself or those around him. Yet I understand that rational thinking is not a trait common to leftists intent on waging war against manhood.

Perhaps if the public outcry were as loud in Whalen's case as it was in Christie's, Goodwin might rethink his seeming infallibility and grant Whalen a reprieve. Who knows how much good a few phone calls and emails to Goodwin's office denouncing this war on manhood might do?

I know I've already emailed and called in my request that Whalen be re-admitted and these ludicrous "Zero Tolerance" policies dropped. If you'd like to do the same, Goodwin's office number is (518) 233-6850 and his e-mail is
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

bear sin rug

Quote[size=20]People unable to access the common sense portion of their brain![/size]

[size=16]Outlawing Manhood[/size]

Ever since men wore animal skins and war paint, society took it for granted that boys did not become men spontaneously. Nature was important, but nurture just as much.  

Boys had to be taught to become responsible, good men, and it took a lot of time and effort to do it.  It was -- and still is -- one of the principal duties of fatherhood: a duty which includes teaching boys how to use tools like screwdrivers, hammers, and knives.

Yes, a knife is a tool that boys need to learn how to use responsibly.  But that is intolerable to the educrats who seem to think that manhood is a disease that boys must be inoculated against. Their bizarre reaction to actually discovering that a boy might be learning about knives in range of their writ is shocking even in this politically correct atmosphere.  

Across the nation, "Zero Tolerance" polices are commonplace in public school district after public school district. And while they were ostensibly instituted to stop kids from bringing weapons on campus following the 1999 Columbine massacre, they're actually just another tool which liberals and over zealous school board members use to war against manhood.

This has been clearly demonstrated during the past few weeks with the suspensions of Eagle Scout Matthew Whalen of Troy, New York and Cub Scout Zachary Christie of Newark, Delaware. Whalen's infraction was "having a 2-inch a survival kit in his car," and Christie's violation, equally heinous, was taking "a combination folding knife, fork and spoon" to school to use when eating lunch.

Last week, Whalen, a Lansingburgh High School Senior who plans to enter the Army's West Point Academy after graduating, received a 5-day suspension from the Lansingburgh Central School District board on the grounds that his pocketknife -- locked in a survival kit which was locked in his car -- violated the district's "Zero Tolerance" policy.

After reviewing the board's judgment, Lansingburgh Central School District Superintendent George J. Goodwin added another 15 days to the suspension on October 14, 2009, saying he believes a 20-day suspension is "appropriate and fair."

Ironically, it is widely reported that "Mr. Appropriate and Fair" did not even attend the original hearing where Whalen received the 5-day suspension. Rather, Goodwin extended the suspension based on a recording of the proceedings. Moreover, he has declined to meet with Whalen's parents, although they've requested meetings, and he refuses to provide Whalen with the opportunity to appeal his case.

Did I mention that in addition to being an Eagle Scout and aspiring to West Point, Whalen also has a "Life-Saving Heroism" award he received from the Boy Scouts "for performing CPR on his aunt after she had a seizure"? The kid is a certified hero.

Yet with pompous disregard for Whalen's heroism or the fact that he is a boy transitioning into a young man, Goodwin can only spew the usual leftist bilge like: "Sometimes young people do things they may not see as serious, [but] we look at any possession of any type of knife as serious."

It's as if educrat Goodwin wants to make an example out of Whalen to discourage others from being like him.  Yes, for heaven's sake, Mr. Goodwin.  In 2009 America, what we need is fewer young heroes like Whalen who are already on the road to becoming good, responsible citizens.  

This is the same kind of "one size fits all" liberalism that makes it a standing policy in most public schools that if someone hits you and you hit back in self-defense, you face the same punishment as the instigator because you swung too.  It is nothing less than a war on manhood, and one most often conducted by "men" like Goodwin, who benefit from holding positions that allow them to pass judgments without ever coming face to face with those they've judged.

On those rare and happy occasions, when the Goodwins of the world are exposed and forced to deal with the reckless decisions that they make behind the veil of "Zero Tolerance" policies, good things can happen. Such was the case for 6-year old Zachary Christie, whose story rallied the nation to his cause after people learned that his school district had suspended him for 45 days for "taking his favorite camping utensil" to school.

That's right -- 45 days.

After Christie was suspended on September 29, 2009, the public outcry against the Christina School District was so strong that his parents were granted the opportunity to appeal the district's decision. The appeal ended with news outlets around the nation reporting Christie's suspension had been dismissed in the middle of last week.

If we just think rationally for a moment, like the Christina School Board was forced to do when their actions came to light, it's asinine to view a 6-year old Cub Scout and his "spork" as a danger to himself or those around him. Yet I understand that rational thinking is not a trait common to leftists intent on waging war against manhood.

Perhaps if the public outcry were as loud in Whalen's case as it was in Christie's, Goodwin might rethink his seeming infallibility and grant Whalen a reprieve. Who knows how much good a few phone calls and emails to Goodwin's office denouncing this war on manhood might do?

I know I've already emailed and called in my request that Whalen be re-admitted and these ludicrous "Zero Tolerance" policies dropped. If you'd like to do the same, Goodwin's office number is (518) 233-6850 and his e-mail is

I bet no one at that school brings another knife on the property.

If this kid wants to be in the military, he's going to have to learn to be more observant of rules, regulations and consequences.

It's a bad idea


"one size fits all" liberalism.

::)  Bet everyone would be in an uproar if there was a "zero tolerance" on marijuana and they found a doober in his car.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.

bear sin rug

"one size fits all" liberalism.

::)  Bet everyone would be in an uproar if there was a "zero tolerance" on marijuana and they found a doober in his car.

That's b/c more people are killed with knives than weed.
It's a bad idea