The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Jon T.

QuoteRemember Jack and Claire are half brother and sister.  I wonder if he knows that yet?
Shit I forgot that.

Me too.  I had to be reminded as well.  I went to the link you posted last week to see if there was anything different and it says his theory was debunked.  I wonder what happened in last night's espisode to debunk it.



Is that really you?

all facts begin as dreams dreamt by the wizard


QuoteThis was my least favorite of the season so far.  I saw the Aaron thing coming so that wasn't much of a surprise at the end.  Did anyone catch anything?

it was interesting that Daniel (Farraday) exhibited some short-term memory loss when he and Charlotte were playing the card game (he also seemed to forget his name when he first met Jack and Kate).

and the Aaron thing was fairly predictable.  Kate not leaving Cali seems to have something to do with either her being a huge flight risk OR the DA is working with the people who are trying to figure out what really happened on the Island (think Matthew Abbadon (sp?), who is the black guy who visited Hurley and set up the team to visit the Island).

an interesting factoid about Aaron.  when Damon and Carlton originally pitched the show to ABC part of the the story involved Aaron (who then was Claire's unborn child).  they have commented that Aaron is somehow attached to the Island's history and he is VERY important to the show and the Island.
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.

Jon T.

QuoteThis was my least favorite of the season so far.  I saw the Aaron thing coming so that wasn't much of a surprise at the end.  Did anyone catch anything?

an interesting factoid about Aaron.  when Damon and Carlton originally pitched the show to ABC part of the the story involved Aaron (who then was Claire's unborn child).  they have commented that Aaron is somehow attached to the Island's history and he is VERY important to the show and the Island.

Also, my memory is a little spotty on this but there was that fortune teller guy that Claire saw and he freaked out when Claire was going to give the baby up for adoption.  There was something about the baby being special.  I was trying to tell my wife about it last night and I couldn't remember the exact details.  But he is definitely important.



Also, my memory is a little spotty on this but there was that fortune teller guy that Claire saw and he freaked out when Claire was going to give the baby up for adoption.  There was something about the baby being special.  I was trying to tell my wife about it last night and I couldn't remember the exact details.  But he is definitely important.
Yes sir. The scene where he has his vision freaked us out at the time.



Also, my memory is a little spotty on this but there was that fortune teller guy that Claire saw and he freaked out when Claire was going to give the baby up for adoption.  There was something about the baby being special.  I was trying to tell my wife about it last night and I couldn't remember the exact details.  But he is definitely important.
Yes sir. The scene where he has his vision freaked us out at the time. first he says that Claire must raise the baby and not give him up for adoption.  but then he recants and says that Claire must take the baby to LA for a "nice couple" there.  so maybe he knew the plane was going to crash and that Aaron would be on the Island...
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


The box of wine was hilarious.

I'm glad you guys reminded me about Claire and Jack being half siblings and the whole fortune teller thing.  I totally forgot about both of those things.

I need to carry around a boom box, and evertime something dramatic happens in my life, I will play that spooky violin sound that they do at the end of every episode.  That would freak people out, eh?
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteThe box of wine was hilarious.

I'm glad you guys reminded me about Claire and Jack being half siblings and the whole fortune teller thing.  I totally forgot about both of those things.

I need to carry around a boom box, and evertime something dramatic happens in my life, I will play that spooky violin sound that they do at the end of every episode.  That would freak people out, eh?

for sure...but it would be awesome.
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


anyone think we'll see michael and the goings on the ship tonight?


Not sure if that will be tonight or the last 2 in March which would be ep 6 and 7.

Current schedule is Ep 7 will air 3/20 then they are takin 4 weeks off and coming back with ep 8 and running another 8 or so new episodes straight through.

Apparently ep 6 and 7 are DO NOT MISS shows. We are supposed to get major answers.

Jon T.

SOOOOO.  What did everyone think?  This show is crazy.  We now know a huge piece of the show but have 50 more questions.  That was probably one of my favorite episodes ever.  Although I'm still not sure what happened.  :D


Really gives some creedence to some sort of time travel/wrinkle in time theories. Did anyone catch the name of the original owner of the Diary from the Black Rock?! Highlighted in White not to spoil <Hanso> and the fact that no one has read it! Could this be the Rosetta Stone of Lost? Does the winner of the auction still have it in his position? This show has soooo many little things going on.

Edit- Could the thing that was bothering Des and the dude on the boat be the "sickness" that effected Roussou's crew when she first arrived on the island? Is this somehow tied in with how the Others and Darma bring the people in on the island?


That was my favourite episode of the entire series.


QuoteThat was my favourite episode of the entire series.

It was pretty badass.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


QuoteReally gives some creedence to some sort of time travel/wrinkle in time theories. Did anyone catch the name of the original owner of the Diary from the Black Rock?! Highlighted in White not to spoil <Hanso> and the fact that no one has read it! Could this be the Rosetta Stone of Lost? Does the winner of the auction still have it in his position? This show has soooo many little things going on.

Edit- Could the thing that was bothering Des and the dude on the boat be the "sickness" that effected Roussou's crew when she first arrived on the island? Is this somehow tied in with how the Others and Darma bring the people in on the island?
Penny Widmore's dad won the diary!  That guy is major!  And I believe Penny saying that she knows about the island in the scene on the phone is due to whatever info is in that diary.

My mind was blown!  I love the whole time travel plot!  cannot wait for Juliet's episode next week.  What are Daniel and Charlotte doing???  And Desmond is Daniel's constant, brillzzzzz.....


QuoteMy mind was blown!  I love the whole time travel plot!  cannot wait for Juliet's episode next week.  What are Daniel and Charlotte doing???  And Desmond is Daniel's constant, brillzzzzz.....
I believe we get a new hatch/station.

Oh and do NOT forget the Others are still out there somewhere. Remember at the end of last season, Ben told them to make their way to the temple. I want to know what is the temple and how this all plays into it.


QuoteMy mind was blown!  I love the whole time travel plot!  cannot wait for Juliet's episode next week.  What are Daniel and Charlotte doing???  And Desmond is Daniel's constant, brillzzzzz.....
I believe we get a new hatch/station.

Oh and do NOT forget the Others are still out there somewhere. Remember at the end of last season, Ben told them to make their way to the temple. I want to know what is the temple and how this all plays into it.

Yes, the rumored Orchid station...perhaps we will learn more about the electro-magnetic energy on the island.  Daniel mentioned it twice when discussing "side-effects".

and i have been hungry for more info on the rest of the others.  And Cindy...what was her real role?  She was kidnapped, yet seems all too happy with the Others.  and those kids....

so many questions!


QuoteThis was my least favorite of the season so far.  I saw the Aaron thing coming so that wasn't much of a surprise at the end.  Did anyone catch anything?

an interesting factoid about Aaron.  when Damon and Carlton originally pitched the show to ABC part of the the story involved Aaron (who then was Claire's unborn child).  they have commented that Aaron is somehow attached to the Island's history and he is VERY important to the show and the Island.

Also, my memory is a little spotty on this but there was that fortune teller guy that Claire saw and he freaked out when Claire was going to give the baby up for adoption.  There was something about the baby being special.  I was trying to tell my wife about it last night and I couldn't remember the exact details.  But he is definitely important.

Richard Malkin, the "psychic", is also the father of the girl Charlotte, whom Eko was sent to investigate due to her being resurrected....
In that episode, he declares that he is a fraud (Malkin).  However, Charlotte had a message from Yemi (his dead brother), which gives credit to her story.  I am so wanting to find out more about this connection.  Damn LOST...keeping me guessing for 4 seasons now!

check this out:


this season has been pretty badass.

i hear the next few episodes (6 and 7) give major clues.

they are also considering showing episode 8 in March instead of waiting until April when the post-writer's strike shows come back! somewhere we will find out another one of the "Oceanic 6" this season!
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.


check this reviews last week's episode with some great insights:,,20182393,00.html
If you're lucky, MMJ will fill the void you didn't even know you ever had. If you're luckier, you'll get to see them live.