The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I fucking don't know chode, I don't know at all.  how the fuck do apparitions ala kate seeing claire OFF island happen if MiB can't leave the island? can he?  Does he just want the island?  Is that all any of this is over?  the power of the island and simply that?  I keep thinking of when hurley and miles were playing tic tac toe and they were like "tied again, what a surprise".  

fucking A.  

Is it just me or did mr. nads seem to know something when jack came to visit him?  we can't rule the nadlers out, bernard, I don't know why but I like that dude.  "I hope you find what you're looking for jack", same thing kate said to him, it's been said other times.  lockes mumblings in his sleep.. anthony cooper brain dead.. the whole "I wish you would have believed me" thing or whatever it was.  they are juxtaposing shit like crazy this season.  


So, I have a theory for the little boy that MiB keeps seeing... could that be a young Jacob running around through the jungle?

Also, isn't this show all about fate/destiny? Eko couldn't be killed at first by the smoke monster because he had things he needed to do (remember they had that stand off and smokey backed down) but after Eko helped Charlie and Locke and whoever else, he was no longer necessary and therefore could be killed
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


QuoteYeah I'm with you on that one, I think Jack was right and Sawyer really effed things up. Remember the dynamite in the Richard episode. The island wouldn't let Richard kill himself, the same way it wont let MiB kill the candidates just like the kid in the woods told him.

Ok good point, but Jack really didn't explain it well at the time either.

Maybe this is a problem in the narrative, but I thought if you truly were a candidate, you COULDN'T die until you were "done". This is why Locke kept auto-healing and shit.

But then again, people kept getting crossed off.

Still a mystery why Kate got crossed off.

Yeah you're right about Jack. He was being a total bitch for awhile so Sawyer had no reason to trust him.

I think the island just has general healing properties, regardless of whether or not you're a candidate. Rose was not a candidate but the island healed her cancer. If candidates couldn't die until they were "done" then Ilana, whose job was to protect the candidates, would have been a totally useless character. Orrr maybe since she blew herself up all bets are off and MiB can do whatever he wants with them.
Shooting in the dark as to what's best


QuoteYeah I'm with you on that one, I think Jack was right and Sawyer really effed things up. Remember the dynamite in the Richard episode. The island wouldn't let Richard kill himself, the same way it wont let MiB kill the candidates just like the kid in the woods told him.

Ok good point, but Jack really didn't explain it well at the time either.

Maybe this is a problem in the narrative, but I thought if you truly were a candidate, you COULDN'T die until you were "done". This is why Locke kept auto-healing and shit.

But then again, people kept getting crossed off.

Still a mystery why Kate got crossed off.

Yeah you're right about Jack. He was being a total bitch for awhile so Sawyer had no reason to trust him.

I think the island just has general healing properties, regardless of whether or not you're a candidate. Rose was not a candidate but the island healed her cancer. If candidates couldn't die until they were "done" then Ilana, whose job was to protect the candidates, would have been a totally useless character. Orrr maybe since she blew herself up all bets are off and MiB can do whatever he wants with them.

I interpreted Iliana's death as a self correction or simply "she was done protecting them from what she was supposed to protect them from". So for example (hypothetically), she can fight fire, so she saved them from a fire storm, but now there's an ice storm a comin she has no defenses for.

With Jack's poor advice, it's clear that Sawyer also knows about the candidates enough that others most likely know how much he knows, right? So why can't Jack have just said "BECAUSE SAWYER I WAS WITH RICHARD AND I...oh wait, Richard is the only actual immortal one.

Nevermind, I think the original point is Sawyer touching it, there is now an intervening cause that allows for death.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

does anybody else think whatever it is Jacob/MiB are going to talk about is going to change how we view the entire show?  

maybe I'm getting my hopes up but it seems like next week is seriously going to blow the show wide open.  any conversation, every phrase either of those dudes have said has been important to the overall story.  

I'm starting to agree with the original thought that Jacob/MiB are one in the same. I can't remember who suggested this, too lazy to back read.  two sides of the same coin...  perhaps they are both the black smoke as well as both having the ability to turn into other stuff, like appear in human form on and off the island, etc.. who knows.

if they can't kill people but can make them live "forever" that is weird also.


Just watched this weeks episode. Holy fuck. Also, I'd like to contribute more to this conversation, but I usually post from my phone on here, and it would get annoying. I enjoy reading chode and stickys posts though.
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Have we discussed the Jacob/Esau possibility? I seem to recall some website referring to MiB as Esau, which would tie in with the religious themes. Maybe they're brothers- Jacob, obviously, being the good one and Esau, who gave up his faith
Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteHave we discussed the Jacob/Esau possibility? I seem to recall some website referring to MiB as Esau, which would tie in with the religious themes. Maybe they're brothers- Jacob, obviously, being the good one and Esau, who gave up his faith

that's a pretty cool possibility.  tomorrow should be mind blowing.


Ok, further research shows (no spoilers, really) tonite is all about the following:

- no main characters
- jacob
- MiB via Locke
- Backstory, backstory, backstory
I'm surrounded by assholes


I guess this is the one we've all been waiting for!


It's been a long time since they've done any backstory, with the exception of the Richard episode, which was one of my favorites this season, so I'm really looking forward to tonight. The backstories are what drew me into the show I think. We got to learn a lot about the characters and you begin to develop an attachment to them. The flash forwards and the flash sideways just get confusing, flashbacks are where its at.
I hope for Sticky's sake that tonight is the night we find out that Vincent is Jacob
Shooting in the dark as to what's best

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteIt's been a long time since they've done any backstory, with the exception of the Richard episode, which was one of my favorites this season, so I'm really looking forward to tonight. The backstories are what drew me into the show I think. We got to learn a lot about the characters and you begin to develop an attachment to them. The flash forwards and the flash sideways just get confusing, flashbacks are where its at.
I hope for Sticky's sake that tonight is the night we find out that Vincent is Jacob

there is no doubt in my mind that vincent is either Jacob, MiB, or both.  no doubt whatsoever.  There's no way a dogs a candidate and can't die? or is there? is Vincent the candidate?  Is Eloise Medusa? hopefully tonight we find out.  

ps. after this episode the next thing I'm most pumped for is the jack/desmond convo.  if there is one, which I assume there will be since sayid told him to go get his ass out of the well.


weak.....seriosly? Any answers?


Frozen Donkey Wheel and Adam and Eve were solved, and pretty much every other big island mystery was at least hinted at.
In another time, in another place, in another face


I've been debating with the fiancee for the past half hour - MiB: the evil twin/inherently bad or only bad because jacob makes him bad?
I'm surrounded by assholes


Also, I think at this point they owe us two more answers:

- how the "light" lets one leave/mechanism behind the wheel
- why Carthage/how the other side is where it is
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

god damn these mother fuckers.  I can't believe their explanation for the black smoke is the light swallowed that dude and then farted him out.

I think it's safe to say MiB is vincent perhaps.  unless Jacob brought Vincent back to life.

They can't ever kill each other so MiB is now kind of a conscious version of the subconscious?  Or what?  Jacob got stoned eyed after he drank that wine/potion.  So what were the powers he was granted? Life, Rebirth? and what else? I tried recording that bullshit but it fucked up.   some of that shit I just don't know.

wtf.  so did their real mom tell weirdo mom to call son #2 Claudia? wtf?

The light is the diamonds in the center of the paulo's doll so to speak (see paulo/nikki episode), they broke the inner shell/ring/layer and released the light/diamonds/god when they turned that key or something.  Desmond is the opposite of the smoke monster?  A Conscious Mind in a Body that can only live in each time line, since he got stoned on that h3tty magnetic light he can bridge himself with his consciousness and alter the future?  

I really don't know what I'm talking about anymore, fuck that episode it pissed me off a little.  

I think the color Red is significant to anything related to the source.
God or whateveer.  Hurley wears red, the people at the temple.  other important people.  locke's wheel chair had red bars on it, vincents leash is red, balls.

balls, balls, balls.  wtf.

also, it's been subtle but I'm pretty sure sawyer see's all the weird dead people and stuff too.  what's up with that?

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

alright coherent thoughts coming now.  got the dvdr working and am watching again, I enjoyed it more the second time.

okay.  this is all going to be fairly random again but i think I see a huge correlation between John Locke & Claudia(MiB).  They have the same attitude about everything.  This reluctance to put faith in other people when they suggest they do something other than what they want.  in other words "DON'T TELL ME WHAT I CAN'T DO!" Both Locke's said that shit.

Perhaps that's why Claudia formed such a strong bond with locke and was drawn towards.  Perhaps Jacob knew this.  Locke showed the same reluctance accepting his father was conning him, deep down it took his father literally killing him to change his realization.  

Juxtapose that bitch for a second.  Jacob's fake mom tells Claudia that she's sorry and then wails him in the head? burns the village down by herself? killed all the people? did they vanish or die? and filled in the well.  she may have had the power to even move the energy? hide the energy?  Jacob apologized to locke in a similar fashion.

Here's the main thought I had was the wine.  that exact wine bottle.

when they drank it they became the same.  richard drank that shit without the blessing shit, but maybe he's got some other powers than just life.

I thought the montage was lame at the end of the episode where they flashed back to young jack/kate/locke..  O'Quinn was and is the man though that's for sure.  he deserves an Emmy fo sho in some form or another.  

= Infinity?

Bob Loblaw

Dude, that shit last night just confused me.  Sometimes I feel so dense watching this show...  

I thought Claudia was their mom's name and they never named MiB...

She said she made it so they couldn't hurt each other.  Was that really the case or was she just trying to keep them isolated from other humans and to believe they couldn't hurt each other but they really could?  I mean, Jakob ultimately killed MiB, right?

Did "the light" feed on MiB, ultimately killing him and coming "to life" or did MiB take "the light's" power, shed his body and become the black smoke?  When did "the light" go from life, death, rebirth, to all things that are evil that must be kept on the island?

So Jakob needs to protect "the light" but he f'd up and let it loose on the island but still needs to keep it trapped on the island?  That's what he does from the end of the episode to current time?  Speaking of time, when the f did this all happen, the 1100's?

Was the weirdo mom hoping for only one child and then everything would have been ok?  Brainwash the one and move on with life, you've got your candidate and can go die now?  Why did she think MiB was special but Jakob wasn't?  So the game really was just made up and meaningless?  Fuck, I could go on all day.  

I felt like I knew what was going on after last week when Jack made his little speech as the bomb was ticking, now I don't have a clue...  I think that was intentional on the writers part.  It's not so easy as he's good and he's bad.  Everybody's both...