The Fitness Thread

Started by dragonboy, Jan 08, 2010, 06:32 AM

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QuoteI got in 32 solo miles on the mountain bike yesterday and the last 5 or 6 really tested me.  My legs were pretty close to done.  I think that I need to bring more food next time.  The 6" turkey sub and 2 GU gel packs just didn't cut it.  Burning 2400 calories and only taking in a few hundred tend to make one weak.  It was a great training ride though...
You ate a hell of a lot more then me. Small bowl of cream of wheat and a naner 1/2 hour before and a power bar at mile a lot of gatorade. I hate Gu packs.


QuoteI got in 32 solo miles on the mountain bike yesterday and the last 5 or 6 really tested me.  My legs were pretty close to done.  I think that I need to bring more food next time.  The 6" turkey sub and 2 GU gel packs just didn't cut it.  Burning 2400 calories and only taking in a few hundred tend to make one weak.  It was a great training ride though...
You ate a hell of a lot more then me. Small bowl of cream of wheat and a naner 1/2 hour before and a power bar at mile a lot of gatorade. I hate Gu packs.
I didn't start my ride until 11 AM and I had a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit for breakfast, too.  Also, I ate quite a bit of pizza the night before.  Still not enough.  How many calories do you estimate that you burn on a run like that?  GU packs don't bother me too much, but I definitely prefer the Clif shot blocks.  I went through 4 32 oz. orange Gatorades yesterday, but only one on the ride with some water, too.


QuoteI got in 32 solo miles on the mountain bike yesterday and the last 5 or 6 really tested me.  My legs were pretty close to done.  I think that I need to bring more food next time.  The 6" turkey sub and 2 GU gel packs just didn't cut it.  Burning 2400 calories and only taking in a few hundred tend to make one weak.  It was a great training ride though...
You ate a hell of a lot more then me. Small bowl of cream of wheat and a naner 1/2 hour before and a power bar at mile a lot of gatorade. I hate Gu packs.
I didn't start my ride until 11 AM and I had a bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit for breakfast, too.  Also, I ate quite a bit of pizza the night before.  Still not enough.  How many calories do you estimate that you burn on a run like that?  GU packs don't bother me too much, but I definitely prefer the Clif shot blocks.  I went through 4 32 oz. orange Gatorades yesterday, but only one on the ride with some water, too.

I use this site to quesstimate. I burned about 3100 Saturday. I ate really heavy Friday to help but I didn't eat enough before and during the run. I felt great until about the last 4 miles then it was just painful. I'll burn about 4100-4500 the day of the marathon. Last year I only ate a couple pop tarts beforehand and several bars during the race. No where near enough food. I was gassed at the end because of it.

lil sis

I started taking this kickboxing class in May that really kicked my arse!  You work with real heavy weight bags, and in between all of the punching/kicking combinations you do lunges, squats, burpees, pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope, crunches, planks, etc for 60 minutes with only three 30 second breaks.  It was really challenging.  Trying to tone up in your late 20s is so much harder than just a few years ago!  But this was fun and kept me interested.  I'm afraid to say running gets old for me after a while.  Anyway, I lost about 6% body fat before my vacation to Turks & Caicos.  I fell off a little when I got back not having it in my routine, but I FINALLY went back on Friday.  Already feeling good.  Love those endorphins.  Not to mention you burn between 800-1,000 calories in that hour.
"There's still time for you to change your mind or whatever else you do."



QuoteI started taking this kickboxing class in May that really kicked my arse!  You work with real heavy weight bags, and in between all of the punching/kicking combinations you do lunges, squats, burpees, pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope, crunches, planks, etc for 60 minutes with only three 30 second breaks.  It was really challenging.  Trying to tone up in your late 20s is so much harder than just a few years ago!  But this was fun and kept me interested.  I'm afraid to say running gets old for me after a while.  Anyway, I lost about 6% body fat before my vacation to Turks & Caicos.  I fell off a little when I got back not having it in my routine, but I FINALLY went back on Friday.  Already feeling good.  Love those endorphins.  Not to mention you burn between 800-1,000 calories in that hour.
Go girl.

Note to self: Do not pick on lil sis.

Penny Lane

QuoteI started taking this kickboxing class in May that really kicked my arse!  You work with real heavy weight bags, and in between all of the punching/kicking combinations you do lunges, squats, burpees, pushups, jumping jacks, jump rope, crunches, planks, etc for 60 minutes with only three 30 second breaks.  It was really challenging.  Trying to tone up in your late 20s is so much harder than just a few years ago!  But this was fun and kept me interested.  I'm afraid to say running gets old for me after a while.  Anyway, I lost about 6% body fat before my vacation to Turks & Caicos.  I fell off a little when I got back not having it in my routine, but I FINALLY went back on Friday.  Already feeling good.  Love those endorphins.  Not to mention you burn between 800-1,000 calories in that hour.

i LOOOOOOOVE kickboxing. i miss it.  :(
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I'd love to do a kickboxing class in the off season. I used to just do regular boxing to stay in shape for a while and that was great. I was stress free.


Well, I just registered for a cross country mountain bike race on the 19th and an off-road triathalon on the 25th.  I have never done a multisport event so it should be interesting.  I guess I better look for my Asics...



Hoping the ugly weather gives me a window tomorrow to run. Need to do 20 again and I hate running in the rain.

Almost 100% decided I'm going to do the Chicago Marathon again in 2011. Anyone care to join?


Edited: I would be interested in going, but I just don't know if I could put in the time that it would take to build my legs up to a full marathon.  Hal Higdon's training guide is 18 weeks while running up to 4 days per week with one day of cross training.

Running a marathon does need to be scratched off my list, though.


QuoteI would be interested in going, but I just don't know if I could put in the time that it would take to build my legs up to a full marathon.  What kind of pace do you expect to maintain?  

Running a marathon does need to be scratched off my list, though.
I run a 10 minute mile normally and I'm middle of the pack. I have short legs and I'm old. However during race day, you tend to run a little faster. Chicago's route is great and FLAT so you can keep a little faster pace. Penny here runs a much faster pace then me.

You have plenty of time to get ready as its an October run. The big time commitment is on weekends when you have a long one. I do have to run 40-90 minutes almost daily however. To me it's not that much time, but I get up at 4:30 so I have time to do it. The training program I do doesn't have you start until early June but I would recommend starting much earlier so you are able to at least do 4-8 miles.


I hate to work out or run. The only time I like running is when I am chasing someone or I'm being chased (like in a sport). So how do I keep in shape? Yard's the best fullbody workout out there, and it's free. I lost 10 lbs this summer just from yard work.


Penny Lane

QuoteWell, I just registered for a cross country mountain bike race on the 19th and an off-road triathalon on the 25th.  I have never done a multisport event so it should be interesting.  I guess I better look for my Asics...

i've always wanted to do a triathlon/how is off road different than a reg triathlon?
MJK --i have to do about 18 tomorrow AM.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteWell, I just registered for a cross country mountain bike race on the 19th and an off-road triathalon on the 25th.  I have never done a multisport event so it should be interesting.  I guess I better look for my Asics...

i've always wanted to do a triathlon/how is off road different than a reg triathlon?
MJK --i have to do about 18 tomorrow AM.
The off-road incorporates mountain biking and trail running as opposed to road riding/running.  The event that I'm doing is a team event where both teammates canoe 3.5 mi together, both teammates mountain bike 8 mi individually, and both teammates trail run 2.5 mi individually.  Both of the times are added together for placement.  There is also a relay where both canoe, but you either run or ride, not both.  I guess that this would be considered a "sprint" tri.  Here's a link to the event:

I think that most off-road tris (like the xterras) swim in place of the canoeing which allows them to also have a solo category.


QuoteWell, I just registered for a cross country mountain bike race on the 19th and an off-road triathalon on the 25th.  I have never done a multisport event so it should be interesting.  I guess I better look for my Asics...

i've always wanted to do a triathlon/how is off road different than a reg triathlon?
MJK --i have to do about 18 tomorrow AM.
I have 20 on tap, weather permitting. Then I hit the dreaded taper.


QuoteWhat do you think about this program?
Advanced 1 is close to what I do. I've tweeked mine slightly. Plus I do not do interval or relay training. That's great for speeding up your time, but its hard to do some of that stuff by your lonesome. Plus for me, just getting out and running is more enjoyable. If I'm energetic (and motivated) I run faster and can hold it. ie I'm chasing a really hot ginger.


Here is what I did this time. Wednesday and Sunday were non running days. Wednesday was a cardio and or other exercise day for me. You could do that on Friday also, but I chose to run. Sunday was straight up rest.

Week   M     T     W     Th      F     Sa
1         5      6     R      5       3     7    
2         5      6     R      5       3     8
3         5      6     R      5       3     10
4         5      6     R      5       3     8
5         6      7     R      5       3     12
6         6      7     R      5       3     14
7         5      7     R      6       4     10
8         6      8     R      5       4     16
9         5      6     R      6       4     10
10       7      8     R      6       4     18
11       6      6     R      6       4     6
12       3      9     R      6       4     20
13       6      10   R      5       4     10
14       7      8     R      6       4     20
15       4      9     R      7       4     12
16       5      10   R      5       4     7
17       4      3     R      3       2     2 or rest and race is on Sunday


20 again today. ok time. I was doing great until the last 4 or so miles and ran out of gas, fast. I got up a little early and had a nice bowl of oats and it worked great as I didn't need to eat until the end of the run.

Now I'm parked on the couch for the rest of the day I think.