The Fitness Thread

Started by dragonboy, Jan 08, 2010, 06:32 AM

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"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Quoterode bicycle
nice work
.....Back at the Model Home

Penny Lane

Quoterode bicycle
nice work

how far? up a hill? did you break a sweat? i'm going to be on your ass need to give more details.

tbd--how goes the 5K training?
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Yep, up hills and broke sweat. Mountain bike felt really ungainly on the street which made it more difficult. Still working on my street bike...
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary



Quoterode bicycle
nice work

how far? up a hill? did you break a sweat? i'm going to be on your ass need to give more details.

tbd--how goes the 5K training?

Better - I am following a Hal Higdon 5k schedule, so I should be fine.  It definitely gets better the more you work at it.. when is your marathon???? is it your first?
.....Back at the Model Home


QuoteStart running then.

I will, looking for total mix ups so I do not get bored, wish I had a lake to swim in because I want some new Force Fins...
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Well, aren't we a motivated bunch lately?  It's good to see so many positive fitness posts.

I got a 10 mile run in on Saturday with a 10 minute mile pace.  I would like to run harder, but I'm kind of scared of injury so I'll keep it right there for now.  My left knee was a little sore yesterday, but I'm good to go today.  This half marathon next month should be a piece of cake.

I planned on riding 30+ miles on the mountain bike on Sunday, but I only got in 13 after a mechanical that couldn't be remedied on the trail.  Luckily I was near a road and I got back to the truck pretty easily; still a bummer.  My bike is in the shop, but I'll have it back in time for the tri this Saturday.


QuoteStart running then.

I will, looking for total mix ups so I do not get bored, wish I had a lake to swim in because I want some new Force Fins...
I hear ya.  I have to have variety or I lose interest fast.

Penny Lane


Better - I am following a Hal Higdon 5k schedule, so I should be fine.  It definitely gets better the more you work at it.. when is your marathon???? is it your first?

My marathon is Oct 17, or as I like to call it, The Tennesee Fire EVE!
I go home to run Columbus w/my dad every year, I only ran NYC once (2006). Logistically it was a nightmare so never again. This will be my 6th full one. MJK's is coming up sooner, 2 weeks, right?

Teo, I'm with you about the lake. Not the ocean (which I'm afraid of) or a pool (which gets old), but a lake.

Flyguy, nice on the long run! I was supposed to do 18 on Sat but I'm pretty sure I only did about 16 so I'm a little behind this year. I need to get in a 22 then the dreaded taper.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill



Better - I am following a Hal Higdon 5k schedule, so I should be fine.  It definitely gets better the more you work at it.. when is your marathon???? is it your first?

My marathon is Oct 17, or as I like to call it, The Tennesee Fire EVE!
I go home to run Columbus w/my dad every year, I only ran NYC once (2006). Logistically it was a nightmare so never again. This will be my 6th full one. MJK's is coming up sooner, 2 weeks, right?

Teo, I'm with you about the lake. Not the ocean (which I'm afraid of) or a pool (which gets old), but a lake.

Flyguy, nice on the long run! I was supposed to do 18 on Sat but I'm pretty sure I only did about 16 so I'm a little behind this year. I need to get in a 22 then the dreaded taper.

Yep 2 weeks. Now if you came here to do your race, you would be done sooner.

You should do Chicago next year with me. Hell, we should get a whole Jacket group together for that.


Took dog to large open area behind school for a run and there just so happened to be a Cross Country meet going on. It was fun yelling at my Gurls with my disguise on because they did not know who it was at first...was able to run in a newly plowed super soft silt field which really gave my heels a break.
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


So I was fairly sleep deprived this morning but foreced myself to do my run, my last one that will be an hour or longer. In my sleep deprived state I may have snuck in an extra 2 miles. Not so much a big deal 'cept I was supposed to do 10 but may have done 12. Not necessarily a good thing with little sleep, and empty belly, tired legs, and the agility of a 3 toed sloth. Me thinks I'm turning in a 6PM tonight.


I flaked yesterday, but the plan is to get a 6 mile run in after work today and tomorrow.  Thursday and Friday will be rest days before the tri on Saturday.  

Oh yeah, speaking of Saturday, my bike is still in the shop with a toasted shifter and they can't get the parts this week.  It looks like we're going to have to do this Macgyver style just so that I can run the event.  At least it didn't break during a race.


My sweet lord you guys are a motivated bunch. :)  I haven't worked out consistently...probably ever.  Here and there, maybe consistently for a month or so, but I've never been able to keep it up...the workouts, that is.  Tried P90X for a little bit but that shit is intense!  Hate running.  Like basketball, need to play that I think.  Don't mind riding the bike, but my legs are definitely not in that kind of shape.  Road 16 miles on Saturday, all flat.  We did get to ride through some serious tornado damage, which was cool/sad to see.  Guy at work is selling his mountain bike for $800...I'd like to have one but maybe a little pricey for a newbie who might not stick with it.  Other guy at work takes his son to the gym for MMA workouts...might start this up too.  I need to find out how tough I am lol.

Good luck with the running everyone!
We could.


Just realized the irony as I typed that up while eating a huge pile of Cheetos.  I am a pile.
We could.

Penny Lane

QuoteJust realized the irony as I typed that up while eating a huge pile of Cheetos.  I am a pile.

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteJust realized the irony as I typed that up while eating a huge pile of Cheetos.  I am a pile.

That look is so hot...I love the how she's having trouble getting the straw in her mouth.


94F is too hot to run so went to the bike shop and bought a new bike. Head on over to FB if you want to see a pic...
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


Yeah, this late heat wave sucks ass. I certainly hope it passes quickly, as least before next weekend. GIve me back the 50's in the morning.