the books we read

Started by wellfleet, Apr 30, 2006, 12:14 AM

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Quoteraise the roof beams high, carpenters (jd salinger)
and some raymond carver here and there. what a man.

My ex-in laws had that Salinger quote made in to a sign which they hung above the entrance to our reception (Raise high the roof beam, carpenters. Like Ares comes the bridegroom, taller far than a tall man.).

Carver is one of my favorites.  Thanks for inspiring me to pick him up again.  :)
God sure baked a lot of fruitcake, baby.


QuoteAlso, i got The Road but i gotta tell you, i was all pumped to read it after reading this thread, but i'm on page 50 or so and there's nothing going on so far??? i hope it gets better ;-) We ate a can of spinach. We are freezing. I am trying to keep us dry.  
a dear (female) friend of mine did not like 'the road' at all.  i told her she's a lunatic.  but maybe it's just a woman thing, like say, not caring for nicole atkins?  

;) ;D 8-)  


just about to finish Ball Four by Jim Bouton its about the exploits of some of our old baseball favorites
i dont know if i should take this serious or the dude was just extremely full of himself anyway its a really fun read had me laughing out loud on many occasions


I just bought a book called The Road Within. It's a whole bunch of short stories about travel. Pretty cool so far.
How loud can silence get?

Penny Lane

QuoteAlso, i got The Road but i gotta tell you, i was all pumped to read it after reading this thread, but i'm on page 50 or so and there's nothing going on so far??? i hope it gets better ;-) We ate a can of spinach. We are freezing. I am trying to keep us dry.  
a dear (female) friend of mine did not like 'the road' at all.  i told her she's a lunatic.  but maybe it's just a woman thing, like say, not caring for nicole atkins?  

;) ;D 8-)  

perhaps you're right...i will finish the damn thing but was just for nicole-i'm sure she's a nice girl but she never stood a chance on this forum ;-)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

Angry Ewok

I've got another 200 pages or so left to read in War And Peace!
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


I'm reading What is the What right now.  Really excellent read- very emotional
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side


Just finished reading 'Kill Your Friends' by John Niven.  It's a deeply scathing look at the music industry from the point of view of an A&R exec written in the spirit of 'Fight Club'...very cynical, but very darkly humourous as well.

Loved it!


i can't put 'shakey' down at all and i'm just starting the chapter on 'tonight's the night'!  i really should put it down though, school's pace is really starting to pick up.

Angry Ewok

Finished War And Peace tonight... not bad at all.
--- and that's 2 real 4 u.


The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Junot Diaz:  Put this one off for a while, I guess skeptical of all the hype, but hot damn, it was great.  Diaz's prose really surges and talks and yells and screams.  Panoramic in scope, it deals with the progression of an entire family of Dominicans from the DR to NJ and back to the DR.  I love the way this book unfolds chronologically.

I've got this one at home waiting to be read. It keeps getting pushed to the back of the line for some reason...I've been excited to get to it, it's just that other things keep grabbing my attention.

Thanks for all the recommendations though!


same thing with me.  i had a copy and just kept putting it off for stuff i wanted to read just a little more.  i almost had to force myself to start it, but i'm really glad i did.  definitely give it a shot as soon as you have the time.

I finally got into this one last week, am about 2/3 through, and it is spectacular. Diaz just has a cool, smart style, and I hope we see a lot more writing from him...I'd like to find his short story collection, which (I think) is his only other published book.
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


richard brautigan's "in watermelon sugar"


QuoteFinished War And Peace tonight... not bad at all.

I love Tolstoy, read Anna Karenina last month, fascinating book.
Right now I'm kinda reading 3 books at a time: I got myself a fancy edition of "Grapes of Wrath" by Steinbeck in english, "The book of disquiet" by Pessoa in german (this is more like once or twice a day I read a few pages randomly) and "Portrait of an artist as a young man" by Joyce.

Is anyone here really into reading? Favourite books, writers, tell me everything!
I wanted to open a thread but I could already see the first few answers linking me to another thread or telling me to use the search function.
Feelings hour, every tuesday morning.


Anna Karenina is one of favorite books. It's been awhile since I read it, but I remember one chapter specifically as being one of the best things I've ever read. It's where Levin is out working with his men in the fields over the course of a day, harvesting wheat. It's about his connection to the land and his respect for a day of labor. Levin's the man.

Bumbeli - take a look through the thread, and I'm sure you'll get some great recommendations on what to read next!
"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."

Penny Lane

QuoteAnna Karenina is one of favorite books. It's been awhile since I read it, but I remember one chapter specifically as being one of the best things I've ever read. It's where Levin is out working with his men in the fields over the course of a day, harvesting wheat. It's about his connection to the land and his respect for a day of labor. Levin's the man.

Bumbeli - take a look through the thread, and I'm sure you'll get some great recommendations on what to read next!

i know exactly what you're talking about bbill...i LOVED that book ....but i have had trouble w/War and Peace. i've started it about 5 times over the years and i find it tedious to get thru the first 50 pages;

grapes of wrath--reminds me of Woody Guthrie's Dust Bowl Ballads i've been listening to. i love the song where he says the meat is sliced so thin you can read the newspaper thru it.  (paraphrasing) LOVED that book

i have one chapter left in Sky Dog (Duane Allman bio) School is kicking my a** so that chapter could take me a few months.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteAnna Karenina is one of favorite books. It's been awhile since I read it, but I remember one chapter specifically as being one of the best things I've ever read. It's where Levin is out working with his men in the fields over the course of a day, harvesting wheat. It's about his connection to the land and his respect for a day of labor. Levin's the man.

Bumbeli - take a look through the thread, and I'm sure you'll get some great recommendations on what to read next!

Yeah, Levin is great. I felt so sorry for him in the beginning, where Kitty doesn't want to marry him.

And I'm not really looking for books to read, I probably go to the book store more often than I go to buy food, so I got a huge pile of books to read or reread, but I really enjoy talking about books so I thought I'd bring some life in this thread
Feelings hour, every tuesday morning.


I'm some 40 chapters into Moby Dick and I'm loving it.  Oddly enough, I don't feel the urge to read it at every waking moment like other books I've loved reading.
The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place


I juggle many books at once. Currently:
The Bell Jar
Gwen John: A Painter's Life
Zen Guitar
Smile of the Buddha
Leaves of Grass
Heart of Darkness (re-reading)
The Art Spirit
and there are about three more library books on Kara Walker and Emily Carr that I'm almost ready to dive into.
"Yeah, it's chaos, it's clocks, it's watermelons, it's everything."


QuoteI juggle many books at once. Currently:
The Bell Jar
Gwen John: A Painter's Life
Zen Guitar
Smile of the Buddha
Leaves of Grass
Heart of Darkness (re-reading)
The Art Spirit
and there are about three more library books on Kara Walker and Emily Carr that I'm almost ready to dive into.

I read The Bell Jar some a few weeks back, it's quite good
Same for Heart of Darkness and Leaves of Grass, though I'm not really into poems that much (only applies to Leaves of Grass here).
Are you reading Siddharta by Hermann Hesse?
Feelings hour, every tuesday morning.


siddhartha's pretty güd