College Football 2112

Started by Tracy_3000, Aug 21, 2010, 02:56 PM

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capt. scotty

Great game, for sure and Id say best champ game since the Texas-USC Rose Bowl...Was pulling for Oregon but you cant blame Auburn. I will say, Im surprised Oregon didnt try to go downfield more often as well as throw the ball to James in open space. It looked like they had success with both of those things nearly eveyr time. I also question not just kicking the FG when it was 19-11 at like the beginning of the 4th quarter. That couldve been the difference between OT and a loss, although Auburn still mightve scored a TD since they got it down to the 1.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

Im also happy Pitt didnt steal our DC Tom Bradley from us as their head coach (though I believe he is still talking with UConn for the HC position..I think they probably made a better hire anyway though by getting Todd Graham from Tulsa.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I was really hoping the Ducks could pull it off.  At least their helmets looked cool. 

capt. scotty

Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 11, 2011, 05:42 PM
I was really hoping the Ducks could pull it off.  At least their helmets looked cool. well as their socks
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

adam w

love bill simmons tweet following the game: RT @sportsguy33: Congrats to Auburn for winning the 2011 title. And congrats in advance to Oregon for winning it retroactively in 2013.

as a UGA fan who saw our best player sit out FOUR games for a $1000 jersey (trying to make a little extra spending money....considering the NCAA already exploits his jersey w/o any compensation), i have a pretty big vendetta about cam being able to play the whole season.

incredible talent. didn't cheat by steroids or anything...but still, had no business seeing the field after taking that money.


Quote from: adam w on Jan 13, 2011, 10:49 AM
incredible talent. didn't cheat by steroids or anything...but still, had no business seeing the field after taking that money.

he never took any money. the whole scandal is about his father seeking money from Miss. State. there are zero allegations about anyone ever offering or taking money.  :)


Quote from: br00ke on Jan 13, 2011, 12:57 PM
Quote from: adam w on Jan 13, 2011, 10:49 AM
incredible talent. didn't cheat by steroids or anything...but still, had no business seeing the field after taking that money.

he never took any money. the whole scandal is about his father seeking money from Miss. State. there are zero allegations about anyone ever offering or taking money.  :)

at least you included the smiley face in this comment, because we all know this a joke!  The whole premise that his father solicited money, but he had no idea about possibly the silliest thing I've heard in years.  Of course Cam was trying to get money (and I'd be willing to wager Auburn paid him quite a hefty sum).  The state of NCAA football is just a joke.  This stuff won't end any time soon.  I'm not singling out Cam, it's widespread.  And when it does come to light that he did indeed take money...I don't think they should be stripped of the title (or he his heisman) whatsoever.  The system is flawed, Cam is just part of the system. 

Here's to hoping the 49ers can somehow land Cam!!   :)


Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 13, 2011, 02:22 PM
Quote from: br00ke on Jan 13, 2011, 12:57 PM
Quote from: adam w on Jan 13, 2011, 10:49 AM
incredible talent. didn't cheat by steroids or anything...but still, had no business seeing the field after taking that money.

he never took any money. the whole scandal is about his father seeking money from Miss. State. there are zero allegations about anyone ever offering or taking money.  :)

at least you included the smiley face in this comment, because we all know this a joke! 

i included the smiley face with my comment because i was trying to ingage in a friendly conversation while stating something that is factual instead of speculative .. but clearly i didn't realize you were an authority on the situation. i was only speaking of the reported allegations that are being investigated ... and that's what they are, no? a whole hell of alot other things could have gone down (or not) but i'm not involved and unlike everyone else, i won't pretend to know everything.

i certainly don't disagree that NCAA football is a total mess. and yes absolutely ... this issue is widespread and more common than not. i imagine there isn't one top team that hasn't been involved in a pay-for-play.

thanks for quoting and calling my words a joke though ;) totally makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside  :P

Tracy 2112

Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 13, 2011, 02:22 PM
I'm not singling out Cam, it's widespread.   

No, actually, you are singling out Cam. Re-read the first post.

If you had said this was widespread, and didn't single out Cam Newton, then you wouldn't have been singling out Cam Newton. However, that's not how it went down and the only name mentioned is Newton.

(and I don't like Auburn, or Cam Newton and I was rooting for Oregon to win)
Be the cliché you want to see in the world.


Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jan 13, 2011, 03:39 PM

If you had said this was widespread, and didn't single out Cam Newton, then you wouldn't have been singling out Cam Newton.



I'm sorry, didn't mean to come across like that and I do apologize.  And I certainly don't 'know' anything more than the next person regarding the allegations.  And I honestly did think you were making a sarcastic statement with your smiley face (just like myself, as a SF Giants fan, stand my ground that Barry Bonds was clean as a whistle, it's only allegations.  ;)), again, I'm sorry.

But (tracy) I guess you are correct, I singled out 'Cam' because I was the first to actually state his name, rather than 'he'.  Perhaps I made a bad assumption and they were actually referring to some 2nd string offensive linemen on Auburn, and not Cam Newton.  Sorry. 

Of course they are only allegations at this point.  In the past, when NCAA allegations and investigations become public knowledge, they seem to have always had the same results.  Not too often do you hear these type of allegations with NCAA sports and they are not later found to be true.  But I still think it's kind of silly for anyone to believe that his father was the one trying to receive money, but that 'he' actually knew nothing of it or was not part of it. 

Anyhow, sorry Brooke. War Eagle!

capt. scotty

Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 13, 2011, 02:22 PM

Here's to hoping the 49ers can somehow land Cam!!   :)

Looks like youll have to spend a 1st rounder on him to get him  :o

This WR class is ridiculous, maybe has/had the potential to be 1 of the best ever. I was really hoping 1 of the studs fell to the 3rd and we could land him, but with Blackmon and Floyd staying in school thats much less likely than it was in the first place. Still cant believe ESPN/Kiper/McShay had Floyd as the #9 WR and 90th overall. Dude is a beastmaster.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 13, 2011, 06:05 PM
Anyhow, sorry Brooke. War Eagle!

no worries .. as a long time phish fan i've been on boards for evvvvvvver (as i'm sure you have as well) and there are places were people are nasty and disrespectful and i was sure this place wasn't one of them (and it's not) .. that and the fact that tones and intents are easily misread online. by the way, your handle always reads to me as 'walfredo' .. there's a song i wouldn't mind seeing pop up. they busted it out at MPP this summer but that was the 1st & last since 2000. anywh0o0o0o .. back to football.

OH! and another reason why your post just me wrong is that i deal with alot of super classy alabama fans (note sarcasm) on the regular that say the most asinine things. so yeah ... my tolerance for AU bashing is at an all time low   :-\


I'm happy for you that AU won (although I was def. pulling for O).  I know that is some serious stuff in the state of Alabama, must be nice for AU fans to be able to experience it only one year after 'Bama. 

And yes, my name is definitely a play on Walfredo.  Didn't make Merriweather this summer (very fitting that they played it there), but did hear it in Vegas 00. 

capt. scotty

Yeah, its crazy that once Bama returns to glory, the next year Auburn wins it and now have the bragging rights over Bama
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons