ATTENTION NYC Fan Forum Members

Started by CC, Feb 16, 2011, 01:07 AM

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all good points RE: forum posters / lurkers and non-members  :thumbsup: i've been in love with the band since the 1st time i saw them live which was yearsssss before i joined the boards. i have been on phish forums for a long time .... the idea of an MMJ forum just never occurred to me until val/bluesky approached me on my way home from the beacon MOF show and told me i should join (love you val !!).

the reason why i'm an active forum member now is b/c i am at a desk all day and no one at work cares about my internet activity .. chatting with you people about MMJ makes the work day all the more enjoyable  8) another reason i'm on here is b/c non of my other friends (or phish friends for that matter) are big MMJ fans so it's been great to meet other fans (who i now call friends) and have folks to go to shows with  :)


Quote from: br00ke on Feb 18, 2011, 11:10 AM
all good points RE: forum posters / lurkers and non-members  :thumbsup: i've been in love with the band since the 1st time i saw them live which was yearsssss before i joined the boards. i have been on phish forums for a long time .... the idea of an MMJ forum just never occurred to me until val/bluesky approached me on my way home from the beacon MOF show and told me i should join (love you val !!).

the reason why i'm an active forum member now is b/c i am at a desk all day and no one at work cares about my internet activity .. chatting with you people about MMJ makes the work day all the more enjoyable  8) another reason i'm on here is b/c non of my other friends (or phish friends for that matter) are big MMJ fans so it's been great to meet other fans (who i now call friends) and have folks to go to shows with  :)

which Phish forum?


it's actually a girls phish forum .. PT and the like are much too douchey. which is another reason why i love this forum .. non-douchy dudes  :thumbsup: i was on rec.phish a zillllion years ago and PT for a while (also a zillion years ago) but they wore on me.


Quote from: br00ke on Feb 18, 2011, 11:10 AM
all good points RE: forum posters / lurkers and non-members  :thumbsup: i've been in love with the band since the 1st time i saw them live which was yearsssss before i joined the boards. i have been on phish forums for a long time .... the idea of an MMJ forum just never occurred to me until val/bluesky approached me on my way home from the beacon MOF show and told me i should join (love you val !!).

the reason why i'm an active forum member now is b/c i am at a desk all day and no one at work cares about my internet activity .. chatting with you people about MMJ makes the work day all the more enjoyable  8) another reason i'm on here is b/c non of my other friends (or phish friends for that matter) are big MMJ fans so it's been great to meet other fans (who i now call friends) and have folks to go to shows with  :)

This. First time I saw I 'em live I knew they were gonna be special to me, but I didn't walk out of the venue thinking "I better see if they have a good forum." However, I am glad I joined this board and I do think it has pushed my personal fandom a little bit. I don't think I would ever know about storytellers with out this place. I don't think I would have nearly the amount of live music on my harddrive without suggestions from yall, etc. etc. etc. Not to mention the other music that I've discovered thanks to the "other music"section. I just like the internet in general and spend a lot of time on my computer, also.

Most importantly I would have no where to nerd out about MMJ, cause very few of my friends like the Jacket.

This post was intended to be about why this forum doesn't define your fandom, but I went instead in the direction of "I love this forum."
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...

Penny Lane

Quote from: ynwa on Feb 18, 2011, 10:48 AM
wait, 3 forum members?  i thought i only saw 2 - Br00ke & Rats21... who's the 3rd? 

i'd like to say that i don't think someone who has thousands of posts should be considered more deserving of tickets than a newbie or lurker.  maybe that's because i was a fan of the music long before i checked out the forum and then did just lurk for a while before actually registerring.

forums aren't everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't mean they can't also be a superfan.

just my 2 cents  :)

completely agree..i have a ton of posts but most of them are STOOPID as hell and not even MMJ related. my point about only 1 reg poster getting a ticket is that the announcement dropped and people here saw it here before the email went out so were anxiously awaiting (and therefore responded quickly) the email it said to respond quickly, therefore i thought they were taking them on first come first serve basis..THAT'S why i commented that i was shocked..there are  thousands of awesome diehard fans who don't want to post or be a part of our 'family' here..that's cool, too..

thanks, brooky! i owe you much...i'll have to figure out how to repay you..

but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


I don't think anyone would argue post count or membership merits deserving of tickets in the normal course of things. BUT in this case it sort of does matter in the sense that if you're going to "screen" your audience on the basis of their being a fan, a really good measure of that would be whether or not you're (a) a member of the boards, regardless of post count, and (b) post count as a measure of obsessiveness (and perhaps unemployment/too much free time on your hands). Plus, if you want to populate the audience with the "community of fans" the best place to look is where they've actually created a community that by all accounts has literally cohabited together. Other side of that is no one wants this creepy cult to be the only members of the audience as they hold hands together during I Will Be There When You Die

By the same token, I think there was an expectation, justified or not, that by including your login might help tip the scales in your favor of getting tickets. The reason is that this place is about as close as we've got to an official "fan club". So where as PJ offers special benefits to those who are members, this is the closest we have to the same thing, except its free. I'm not saying it's CC's fault or anyone else for telling us to include that info, because I likely would have done so anyway (even if I could go). And it's Gotham Casting taking care of this to boot - final decision rests with them. But if I had any say, if I had two applications, and one said "my post count is 4,000 on the board" and the other said "I lost my virginity to "look at you"" I'd choose the 4,000 poster.

And of course, as with any band, there's always some resentment when diehard fans feel excluded at the expense of some johnny-come-lately who really like totally OMG loves I'm Amazed or thinks their catalogue started at Z and glowsticks are totally awesome to throw at the band. Just look at the rage when Phish lotteries exclude people who complain "I HAD NO PROBLEM GETTING INTO CLIFFORD BUT NOW ALL THESE N00BS ARE TAKING MY TICKETS!"

Justified or not, it's understandable sentiment.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Quote from: br00ke on Feb 18, 2011, 11:34 AM
it's actually a girls phish forum .. PT and the like are much too douchey. which is another reason why i love this forum .. non-douchy dudes  :thumbsup: i was on rec.phish a zillllion years ago and PT for a while (also a zillion years ago) but they wore on me.

got ya... I will sometimes look at PT, but I am a PP member myself...


Maybe I'm reading too much into it, but judging by the very first post in this thread, the message seemed to indicate that forum fandom would play a part, and I am pretty surprised to see so few from here getting selected. Of course there are large numbers of non-forum megafans out there (I see them at every show) that are just as (if not more) deserving, but still.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Ah, Internet communication breakdown.  Look what I started.  Another thread johnnYYacked!

The only fans I know, aside from the ones I meet at shows, are the people on this forum who choose to post.  Each one I've met has turned out to be someone I would gladly call "friend."  I want my friends to go to this taping because I KNOW them and their love of MMJ. 

That said, I never would suggest that one's decision to post, lurk, whatever qualifies your dedication to the band or your right to these tix.  Augh!

The heads up from CC made it sound as though they were going to draw from forum members first, as this is probably the only MMJ-dedicated site on- or off-line.  Apparently, there are other places where folks heard about this or many with inside connections.

Good luck to all humans. 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 18, 2011, 12:01 PM

Good luck to all humans.

Shit did Watson send in a submission too?
I'm surrounded by assholes


was some shakin' and some record playin'


Quote from: el_chode on Feb 18, 2011, 11:45 AMOther side of that is no one wants this creepy cult to be the only members of the audience as they hold hands together during I Will Be There When You Die

;D ;D ;D

RE: the forum playing a part in spots for the taping ... maybe it didn't. maybe it was clear that they wanted super hardcore fans for the taping (obvi) and CC/theband/whoever knows we are all googly-eyed for MMJ and if anyone is hardcore it's our nerdy* group. maybe someone said to Gotham that forum members would be perfect and that was their contribution to casting selecting us .. and that's where it ended.

* said with love and pride ;)


Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 18, 2011, 12:01 PM

The heads up from CC made it sound as though they were going to draw from forum members first, as this is probably the only MMJ-dedicated site on- or off-line.  Apparently, there are other places where folks heard about this or many with inside connections.

Good luck to all humans.

The message went out to the entire MMJ mailing list so all fans subscribed to that got a chance to reply. The Main reason to give you a heads up on the forum was so you'd know it was coming and could reply right away. Mentioning you're a forum member might have helped but it wasn't a guarantuee. I don't know the exact selection process but i'm sure Gotham Casting is trying to do this as honest as possible. Like they said, more people might get added in the coming days, as people cancel, and more seats are added.


so it's already full?

damn, that sucks.
Is there a doctor in the house tonight?


Quote from: CC Baxter on Feb 18, 2011, 12:28 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 18, 2011, 12:01 PM

The heads up from CC made it sound as though they were going to draw from forum members first, as this is probably the only MMJ-dedicated site on- or off-line.  Apparently, there are other places where folks heard about this or many with inside connections.

Good luck to all humans.

The message went out to the entire MMJ mailing list so all fans subscribed to that got a chance to reply. The Main reason to give you a heads up on the forum was so you'd know it was coming and could reply right away. Mentioning you're a forum member might have helped but it wasn't a guarantuee. I don't know the exact selection process but i'm sure Gotham Casting is trying to do this as honest as possible. Like they said, more people might get added in the coming days, as people cancel, and more seats are added.

by the way CC you've been admin-ing this thread like a champ.  thanks for hopping in where appropriate with updates and clarifications!!


Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 18, 2011, 12:40 PM
Quote from: CC Baxter on Feb 18, 2011, 12:28 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 18, 2011, 12:01 PM

The heads up from CC made it sound as though they were going to draw from forum members first, as this is probably the only MMJ-dedicated site on- or off-line.  Apparently, there are other places where folks heard about this or many with inside connections.

Good luck to all humans.

The message went out to the entire MMJ mailing list so all fans subscribed to that got a chance to reply. The Main reason to give you a heads up on the forum was so you'd know it was coming and could reply right away. Mentioning you're a forum member might have helped but it wasn't a guarantuee. I don't know the exact selection process but i'm sure Gotham Casting is trying to do this as honest as possible. Like they said, more people might get added in the coming days, as people cancel, and more seats are added.

by the way CC you've been admin-ing this thread like a champ.  thanks for hopping in where appropriate with updates and clarifications!!

2nd that


The two or three that have received notification, did they receive notification via email, phone, etc.

Are they in/around NYC or somewhere else.  I'm in Kentucky and unfortunately I doubt I have any chance.  But I can hope.
It's just the way that he sings


Quote from: Penne BruLane on Feb 18, 2011, 11:42 AM
Quote from: ynwa on Feb 18, 2011, 10:48 AM
wait, 3 forum members?  i thought i only saw 2 - Br00ke & Rats21... who's the 3rd? 

i'd like to say that i don't think someone who has thousands of posts should be considered more deserving of tickets than a newbie or lurker.  maybe that's because i was a fan of the music long before i checked out the forum and then did just lurk for a while before actually registerring.

forums aren't everyone's cup of tea but that doesn't mean they can't also be a superfan.

just my 2 cents  :)

completely agree..i have a ton of posts but most of them are STOOPID as hell and not even MMJ related. my point about only 1 reg poster getting a ticket is that the announcement dropped and people here saw it here before the email went out so were anxiously awaiting (and therefore responded quickly) the email it said to respond quickly, therefore i thought they were taking them on first come first serve basis..THAT'S why i commented that i was shocked..there are  thousands of awesome diehard fans who don't want to post or be a part of our 'family' here..that's cool, too..

thanks, brooky! i owe you much...i'll have to figure out how to repay you..

DOH!  this is all a mess  ;D  i was typing that post up probably @ the exact same time as willy was doing his.  admittedly, my gut reaction was "who the hell got all the tickets?  i thought being on the forum would count for something.  humf." but then i remembered to back before i joined the crazies, whom i love & feel so lucky to call my friends  :-*

my post was intended to show a little support to our newer members.  show them that the mmj boards are a place where, for the most part, people are kind & help each other out with all kinds of stuff.  i'm not on any other forums but from what i've heard - some can be pretty brutal to noobs just cuz they are a noob.  can't say i've ever come across that here.

miss penne brulane - congrats to you too!  knowing that you & brooke are both going makes me feel a little bit better.  am i jealous? HELL YEAH!  but, personally knowing you ladies & your dedication to mmj, i'm very alright with it.

:beer: :beer: :beer:

"You have to be odd to be number one." -- Dr. Seuss


Quote from: CC Baxter on Feb 18, 2011, 12:28 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 18, 2011, 12:01 PM

The heads up from CC made it sound as though they were going to draw from forum members first, as this is probably the only MMJ-dedicated site on- or off-line.  Apparently, there are other places where folks heard about this or many with inside connections.

Good luck to all humans.

The message went out to the entire MMJ mailing list so all fans subscribed to that got a chance to reply. The Main reason to give you a heads up on the forum was so you'd know it was coming and could reply right away. Mentioning you're a forum member might have helped but it wasn't a guarantuee. I don't know the exact selection process but i'm sure Gotham Casting is trying to do this as honest as possible. Like they said, more people might get added in the coming days, as people cancel, and more seats are added.


Appreciated the heads up.  Keep 'em coming; we'll calm down eventually. ;)
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I don't want to make any lurkers, n00bs, or anyone feel unwelcome, so I offer this token of peace and welcomeness

There is one rule on this board though: don't fall in love on the MMJ Boards

I'm surrounded by assholes