Reddit AMA with Jim James - Jan 22

Started by Jackets N Pones, Jan 18, 2013, 11:26 AM

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Q: Jim, thanks a lot for doing this AMA! What song are you most proud that you've written, both musically and lyrically? Keep up the good work!

PS You guys crushed it NYE, thanks!

A:thanks for the kind words. hmmmm my shift of pride shifts from year to year...we have a system we call "the doghouse" where, for some reason i cannot explain i will start hating a song and throw it in "the doghouse" for awhile, but then out of nowhere and again for no reason, i will love it again and call it forth from the doghouse.

Q:How do you care for that luscious, manly mane of hair?
A: 1.dont shampoo. very important. only use conditioner. 2.the brand of conditioner i use is called- hold on i have to go to the bathroom and find it real quick....well shit i cant find it but anyway its made out of the bones of ancient himalayan polar bears. very rare.

Q: What, exactly, is that box you hang 'round your neck during shows? Is it an MPC?
A: it is the essence of a bumblebee sting. i took whats leftover after the sting, grilled it, flipped it, reduced it to it's purest energy vibrating on am emotional level, then lit that up and saved it. apple-s yall. apple-s.

Q: Mr. James/Yames, I am a huge fan.

I hold steadfast to the belief that "Golden" is the greatest song to listen to when on a scenic road trip. Consequently, I think that an MP3 copy of the song should come standard with every newly-purchased car in America. Are you working with Big Auto to make this happen?

Keep making the greatest music ever.

A: aw thanks for the kind words. that is funny you should mention that because yes actually i have been in meetings all week long with the heads of all major US auto companies and we have developed a 2 point plan to bring back the US auto industry to its former glory. the plan is as follows:

1.just build new versions of all the old beautiful cars. the classics. the did it right the first time, no need to improve on perfection. only make them hybrid and better on the environment in as many ways as possible and also add modern elements like GPS or stereo, etc but from the outside make them look EXACTLY like a classic model- like 75 coupe de ville for instance. 2.install the song "golden" inside of every stereo system.


Quote from: e_wind on Jan 22, 2013, 12:24 PM
surely that MOF thing is a joke...

i don't think the 5 songs thing was...but the movie part, of course.
Don't you ever turn it off


Quote from: e_wind on Jan 22, 2013, 12:26 PM
dude has really bad grammar

you're kidding right? who cares? it's a reddit AmA for crying out loud
Don't you ever turn it off



Is My Morning Jacket back in the studio for another album? If not, will they be in the near future? And if so, when?

yes we plan on working this summer and fall to get another one cookin
Don't you ever turn it off


Q:What is your beards name?

Q: Would you rather fight one horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?
A: i like these kind of questions because i feel like they deal with the big issues. im glad you asked about healthcare because i believe it is one of the biggest issues facing not only americans but the world. we need to get down to the bottom of this, thru the greed somehow, and take care of each other- to make sure that every american is taken care of no matter what...i really believe that this is possible if we can work together to see thru the greed while keeping options open to create a system that works for everyone. its not impossible. it can be done.

Q: Where do you get your capes/ponchos?
A: at joe's cape and poncho hut, located on I-95 just off the new jersey turnpike.

Q: This isn't a question, but I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for you guys bringing "It Makes No Difference" back into the fold. I stood on the rail for the Forecastle show and it was the first time that live music had ever brought me to full blown tears. Thank you.
A: thank you.

Q: 1) Did you guys ever become the second band to make it to space, as per"the battleplan" (and behind Wyld Stallyns, of course)?
A: YES we are in space as we soak i mean speak.

Q: Is My Morning Jacket back in the studio for another album? If not, will they be in the near future? And if so, when?
A: yes we plan on working this summer and fall to get another one cookin

Q: -I love the wails and screams you deliver in songs like Gideon and Wordless Chorus. Reminds me of Robert Plant. Did you have to work on that a lot before it came out like that, or did it just explode out of you during practice one day?
A:thanks! the screams and wails just kind of pop out of nowhere when they are born...we will just be rocking and rocking and then all of a sudden i am leaping around and wailing and sweating and chanting and whirling and the next thing i know it is morning and i waking up in bed... covered in mud.


lol. Same here....

Q: At what point did you realize this AMA was gonna be way more questions that you could ever handle?
A: Right now



i got three questions answered.  today was awesome.
some get stoned, some get strange, sooner or later it all gets real.


who asked the brownfit question????? perfect!
.....Back at the Model Home


.....Back at the Model Home


Quote from: tdb810 on Jan 22, 2013, 03:12 PM
who asked the brownfit question????? perfect!

im guessing Fully
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


Quote from: e_wind on Jan 22, 2013, 12:26 PM
dude has really bad grammar

He made 39 replies and skimmed / read hundreds of posts in a short 60 minutes. I think grammar was sacrificed in favor of funny, thoughtful, and rapid responses.


god damn the anti-grammar-police-police with serious attitudes are on the prowl.
don't rock bottom, just listen just slow down...


That was fun to read, what a great sense of humor Jim has.


Thanks Big Herm for posting a transcript! 
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Great questions and even better answers.   Thanks Big Herm. 



Thanks so much Big Herm.  So glad I got to read the entertaining questions and answers.


Quote from: Fully on Jan 21, 2013, 05:38 PM
Quote from: BigHerm on Jan 21, 2013, 02:08 PM
Nashville friends. I am going to forget about this tomorrow guaranteed. Someone pick up my slack and ask him when he's coming back! Remind him that shit festival fucked us last year and we haven't seen him in a while.

Thanks  :cool:

What if the band were who pulled out and caused that shit festival to have to cancel the entire thing? I don't know what happened, but it wasn't necessarily Soundland's fault, and I'm sure we'll never know what really happened.

i know what happened and the band did not pull out.  the ticket buying public pulled out.
out go the lights it begins


Quote from: e_wind on Jan 22, 2013, 04:46 PM
god damn the anti-grammar-police-police with serious attitudes are on the prowl.

IMO correcting/criticizing grammar on something as informal as a Reddit AmA or an internet forum is a total waste of time and all it does is distract from the quality of the conversation and interaction.

PS - i think you are supposed to place a comma after GD.   :wink: 
Don't you ever turn it off


Quote from: rmpotsy on Jan 23, 2013, 12:41 PM
Quote from: Fully on Jan 21, 2013, 05:38 PM
Quote from: BigHerm on Jan 21, 2013, 02:08 PM
Nashville friends. I am going to forget about this tomorrow guaranteed. Someone pick up my slack and ask him when he's coming back! Remind him that shit festival fucked us last year and we haven't seen him in a while.

Thanks  :cool:

What if the band were who pulled out and caused that shit festival to have to cancel the entire thing? I don't know what happened, but it wasn't necessarily Soundland's fault, and I'm sure we'll never know what really happened.

i know what happened and the band did not pull out.  the ticket buying public pulled out.

That doesn't surprise me either. That festival has always been much smaller than they tried to be this year. I think they easily overstepped their abilities.  Thanks for clearing that up Ryan. I have a feeling that you have good sources. :thumbsup: :wink: