"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Any ideas or hopes as to where they will be next year?

I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


Aruba....Jamaica....ooo I wanna take ya...??


Quote from: Gina on Jan 31, 2014, 01:19 AM
HEY!  My first post! :-D  I can't believe that "Gina" wasn't taken.

So, yeah....this trip was the first time I ever saw these guys live and now I'm hooked. 

I heard that they are interested in doing this all again, but are thinking about changing to different locations each time.

Welcome Gina.  :beer:

Looks like you picked one helluva great way to see MMJ live for the first time :cool: and I'm not surprised at all you're hooked.  Hopefully this next tour brings them near your home, and you can continue to feed that jones.  :wink:
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: rincon2 on Jan 31, 2014, 04:43 AM

7 hours in the airport. 

Well, at least my wife and I got to meet you and spend a little time chatting.  Great putting a face to a name I've seen on here for a while!



I know you guys are just getting back but I keep refreshing the board waiting for more long, detailed reports  :wink:


Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jan 31, 2014, 07:50 AM
Any ideas or hopes as to where they will be next year?
If you think about it Riviera Maya is the most convenient tropical location for most of the US, only 4.5 hours from LA, and closer for most of the country. That is significant. I just want to have a BEACH! 4 days in the tropics, looking at the ocean and no access to it without paying for an excursion or a rental car is not cool for me. (Kyle, it was nice talking to you. Too bad you left so early. Right after you left I had a conversation at a bar with a 67 year old retired rich guy at Bubba Gumps that was so painful  :cry: I thought I was on Candid Camera. He liked boats and talked about them for 20 minutes with out taking a breath.)


Not many videos surfacing yet.. Any videos of Shane cony and isn't it a pity?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Just posted info about the poster on sale if anyone is interested... it's over on the poster board.
Thanks to all who grabbed them at the show... super nice to meet lots of you down there!



Last song night one. The wind was steady off the ocean, about 73 degree, and perfect. Next shows the wind was different, but never a problem.


Quote from: status_serigraph on Jan 31, 2014, 12:38 PM
Just posted info about the poster on sale if anyone is interested... it's over on the poster board.
Thanks to all who grabbed them at the show... super nice to meet lots of you down there!


Justin, I just unrolled ours to look at it closely - it is really beautiful!   Sorry your trip was a little rocky. 


I'm so glad everyone had such a great time and got treated to really stellar set lists and guest appearances. I sure hope they release this on DVD.  Still looking forward to hearing more stories about the experience.

While you were all partying in the pool under a tropical sun I was stuck in Mobile, AL (...with the Memphis blues again) in the ice storm. Reading these posts and seeing the pix and videos made it a bit more bearable.

I sure hope they announce some shows soon and I can't wait to hear the new material!


Whatever happened to the dude who made a huge ruckus about the resort and not enjoying it? Did he end up going?

What an amazing time! I am still smiling....


It would be a good opportunity for a DVD or official live album, but I feel like if that happens, the odds of us getting it in its entirety go down pretty significantly. Three night stands aren't really made for widespread commercial release. I hope if they make a DVD of select performances, they supplement it with audio of the entire 3 night stand online through livemymorningjacket.com.


Anyone know Shawn from Corpus Christie? He was there with his fiancé, and we hung out the first two days, then I lost him. Fun guy as this video proves. If anyone has any clues, link him to this and get me his contact. I got pictures also. Lip Sync Hard Rock Riviera Maya


First time poster here. What an incredible time I had this week. Sinful, sinful business. Thanks to everyone who went for being universally cool, respectful and attentive audience members, and participants in the surreal-yet-pleasant memories I'm going to have forever.

I took pictures and video on my phone. You probably have some video on your phone. Would it be plausible that the entire run of shows, every minute, was recorded on video from some angle or another? What if someone collected them all and made a concert film that way? (By the way, I have no idea how to do this or if it's even possible. It's hypothetical. I just thought it would be cool.)


Quote from: WeirdBeard on Jan 31, 2014, 03:25 PM
First time poster here. What an incredible time I had this week. Sinful, sinful business. Thanks to everyone who went for being universally cool, respectful and attentive audience members, and participants in the surreal-yet-pleasant memories I'm going to have forever.

I took pictures and video on my phone. You probably have some video on your phone. Would it be plausible that the entire run of shows, every minute, was recorded on video from some angle or another? What if someone collected them all and made a concert film that way? (By the way, I have no idea how to do this or if it's even possible. It's hypothetical. I just thought it would be cool.)

someone did this exact thing with the Pearl Jam Wrigley show from last year. 
Don't you ever turn it off


Quote from: parkervb on Jan 31, 2014, 03:32 PM
someone did this exact thing with the Pearl Jam Wrigley show from last year. 

Well, there you go then. Let's do this.


Quote from: jaye on Jan 31, 2014, 01:36 PM
Quote from: status_serigraph on Jan 31, 2014, 12:38 PM
Just posted info about the poster on sale if anyone is interested... it's over on the poster board.
Thanks to all who grabbed them at the show... super nice to meet lots of you down there!


Justin, I just unrolled ours to look at it closely - it is really beautiful!   Sorry your trip was a little rocky.

ahh no worries! Thanks for the kind words!


All three nights had some incredible batches of 4 or 5 consecutive songs.  Night three had the hardest rocking Dondante I've ever heard.  Picture of You was a highlight and not because it's rarely played, but because it was simply awesome.  The jam at the end WOW.  The last several songs of night 3 weren't particularly rare  or special for those of us who have seen MMJ a lot, but they were a ton of fun and well placed in the show.  Well Dancefloors and Highly Suspicious were pretty special with the Pres Hall Jazz Band horns in the mix.  I gotta say the sound was perfect every night and for every band.  They nailed the mix down just right.

The band flat out brought it every night like they always do no matter where they play.  The vibe of the place, weather, ease to move around, the amount of personal space, ease to obtain drinks, etc  could not have been better. 

My wife, who had never seen MMJ before and came down to Mexico for the vacation aspect,  left mid show each night (head ducking right now to avoid people throwing stuff and screaming expletitives).  Although she admitted the concerts were better than she thought they would be, she said  that she really really liked the people.  And that's the thing.  The Forum members and non Forum people were all terrific.  Getting to hang with old friends and meet new ones made for an amazing few days.  For sure see you next time anytning like this happens again.


I've lurked here off and on for a while, mostly just to get up to speed on gossip for shows I'd be attending.

I just got back to work after 24 hours of travel hell...delays, cancellations, stand-bys, sleeping at ATL, still don't have luggage.  And boy do I hate this job I've come back to.  So I keep daydreaming about the past few days.

One little thing from these shows stands out to me, in my pondering retrospect, of what a cool experience this was.  The little thing was all those wonderful glow-sticks.  I don't know who came up with it, if Cloud 9 was involved, or folks from here who planned ahead, whatever.  What I did think was so damned cool was that, here is this band, certainly popular, but not widespread, and it's relatively challenging music to get into as far as rock...by that I mean you've got to put in your time, listening, enjoying, seeking out the rare stuff, all of that.  So anyways, they take the stage, and no matter what they are going to open with, everyone is ready, all on the same page, we know the song, we know when it kicks, we know the most epic moment to throw those beautiful sticks up in the air.  9 bands out of 10 at MMJ popularity or better, they're going to have their own sparks or lights or whatever to accentuate the songs.  But here we had this beautiful symmetry of spirit, we were their special effects, shooting up into the sky at just the right moments, and then there decorating the show the rest of the night.  Victory Dance the last night was the best example of this.  I was just smiling ear to ear taking it all in.

Anyways, I'm delirious from lack of sleep, so maybe I'm on my own with this happy thought.  But to me that one fun little idea exemplified the vibe of the entire event.  We were all there enjoying the band and this music, that for whatever reason, clicks with us, I think in pretty deep ways for a lot of us.  Everyone there was into it, and loving it, and was going to stay 'til the last drop every night, soaking it all in.

Good times.  Thanks to anyone reading this who had anything to do with making this happen.