"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM
Greetings all. I have been lurking here for years. Was with you at T5 and the Cap, had magical experiences at both, and love this band as much as y'all do.

Let me also say that, like others, it was only due to family issues (i.e. who will watch my kids etc...) that it became an impossibility. The whole experience sounds like it was as truly amazing as everyone has described it. I also have been checking livedownloads every day to see when these soundboards will be available.

However, these most recent posts about the covers are touching that I have been thinking about on and off since night 1 and that is: Shouldn't these shows have been a little better? Like when your most passionate fans are paying literally thousands of dollars with the primary purpose being to see their favorite band shouldn't there be numerous unprecedented moments?

-Covers. The covers aspect has been covered in these last few posts but yes the bananas thing is very NOT spontaneous and we have all basically seen one of the other covers in one way or another. Instead of covers that they have covered on soundtracks and other collections why not 3 covers that nobody has every heard from Jim's lips? I know that that woudl require rehearsal but that goes back to the thousands of dollars thing.

-New songs. I was as Phish Halloween this year (unfortunately) and I was included in those that were PISSED that they "covered themselves". That being said nobody would propose that the boys bust out the new album in  its entirety (though that would have been awesome) but why not a few of the most completed songs? I wouyldn't be writing this if they weren't JUST coming from the studio...

-Bust outs. I love the song El Caporal and especially with the whole Spanish element it would have been a very appropriate song to have played there. Anybody can pick the Tenn. Fire or At Dawn stuff they would have liked to hear but again this should have been like nothing else.

-Longer Sets- I know this has also been touched on but I was really really surprised that even with 4 am end times that the sets were as short as they were. The sets were almost identical in length to Port Chester and those shows were without a doubt a great length, however, a) this was an MMJ resort in the middle of Mexico when nobody had anywhere to go and b) they coulda pulled a Pearl Jam / Wilco at Solid Sound and done a 30-40 song set (I know, I know with 20 minute Dondante you cant have 40 songs but I think you know what I mean by this).

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way. I genuinely wish I could have been there and I'm sure that right now 10 days removed I would feel the same exact way as pretty much everyone here and, yes, it probably would have been the time of my life but that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about those things that may have made the concerts themselves 95's instead of 99/100's. If there is a 2015/2016 OBH I am in but I'd at least hope there'll be a little more that would blow my mind.

you'll feel like these shows could've been better? didn't you say you weren't even there? you didn't experience the energy and the way the songs were played, you looked at a setlist dude. and if your judging Jacket shows by setlist and song selection rather than the overall experience then you're missing the point. I think a lot of people are missing the point by getting so hung up on setlists and hearing what THEY WANT to hear. stop complaining and be happy, it's a lot more fun.


Quote from: Crayton09 on Feb 04, 2014, 10:51 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM
Greetings all. I have been lurking here for years. Was with you at T5 and the Cap, had magical experiences at both, and love this band as much as y'all do.

Let me also say that, like others, it was only due to family issues (i.e. who will watch my kids etc...) that it became an impossibility. The whole experience sounds like it was as truly amazing as everyone has described it. I also have been checking livedownloads every day to see when these soundboards will be available.

However, these most recent posts about the covers are touching that I have been thinking about on and off since night 1 and that is: Shouldn't these shows have been a little better? Like when your most passionate fans are paying literally thousands of dollars with the primary purpose being to see their favorite band shouldn't there be numerous unprecedented moments?

-Covers. The covers aspect has been covered in these last few posts but yes the bananas thing is very NOT spontaneous and we have all basically seen one of the other covers in one way or another. Instead of covers that they have covered on soundtracks and other collections why not 3 covers that nobody has every heard from Jim's lips? I know that that woudl require rehearsal but that goes back to the thousands of dollars thing.

-New songs. I was as Phish Halloween this year (unfortunately) and I was included in those that were PISSED that they "covered themselves". That being said nobody would propose that the boys bust out the new album in  its entirety (though that would have been awesome) but why not a few of the most completed songs? I wouyldn't be writing this if they weren't JUST coming from the studio...

-Bust outs. I love the song El Caporal and especially with the whole Spanish element it would have been a very appropriate song to have played there. Anybody can pick the Tenn. Fire or At Dawn stuff they would have liked to hear but again this should have been like nothing else.

-Longer Sets- I know this has also been touched on but I was really really surprised that even with 4 am end times that the sets were as short as they were. The sets were almost identical in length to Port Chester and those shows were without a doubt a great length, however, a) this was an MMJ resort in the middle of Mexico when nobody had anywhere to go and b) they coulda pulled a Pearl Jam / Wilco at Solid Sound and done a 30-40 song set (I know, I know with 20 minute Dondante you cant have 40 songs but I think you know what I mean by this).

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way. I genuinely wish I could have been there and I'm sure that right now 10 days removed I would feel the same exact way as pretty much everyone here and, yes, it probably would have been the time of my life but that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about those things that may have made the concerts themselves 95's instead of 99/100's. If there is a 2015/2016 OBH I am in but I'd at least hope there'll be a little more that would blow my mind.

you'll feel like these shows could've been better? didn't you say you weren't even there? you didn't experience the energy and the way the songs were played, you looked at a setlist dude. and if your judging Jacket shows by setlist and song selection rather than the overall experience then you're missing the point. I think a lot of people are missing the point by getting so hung up on setlists and hearing what THEY WANT to hear. stop complaining and be happy, it's a lot more fun.

I was there, had an amazing time, I'm totally happy - but I love to talk about set lists - what I like, don't like, which songs were amazing back to back, which covers I don't like, - It's not complaining.  It might be super over the top geek stuff but it's definitely not complaining.  It's just what some of us do. 

Sure a show could have been better.  (I thought Night 2 was better than Night 1).  Or it could have been a 35 song set.  Maybe someone else thought there was too much old stuff and not enough Circuital.   None of that is complaining!  If you don't want to discuss that kind of stuff, then don't - but don't accuse people who like to of being unhappy, hung up, missing the point complainers.   :grin:

Re the band being around - Besides the rumor that Jim was having a back problem, there is no way he could have walked around.  Did you see those pics of the crowded pool areas?  It would have been nuts.  He would have been surrounded by people - some wanting to take pictures with him, some wanting to read him their poems, sign their boobs,  whatever.  It would have been really hard for him to cut it off.  Carl & Bo came out at a fairly quiet time and tons of people got pics with them.   I don't know - I didn't expect it at all. 


I could make minor setlist quibbles but my group could only gush over how this was a PERFECT week!  Chilling every single day, never knowing what hungry (or thirst) felt like for days on end, and then getting minds melted every single fucking night.

I now know the true definition of the word pampered....and I like it.

Could just be some Monday quarterbacking from those that didn't go but I had a fucking blast and wouldn't have changed a thing.

I'll try to post some more detailed thoughts later with pictures.


Set list. Predictable.  Did it take anything away from the experience? Not in the least.  It was the people and the environment that actually surpassed the shows to me. The shows were great, but I have been to great MMJ shows in the past. What I had not done in the past was be a 2 minute walk from the stage to my room, in 75 degree weather at night, surrounded by 1500-2000 likeminded MMJ fans, with paid for drinks never more than 20 seconds away, able to walk up to virtually any stranger and engage in enthusiastic conversations and feel like you have know them forever. Yeah, they were good shows.

ms. yvon

this is where shit gets tedious.  and boring.  see you kids at the soda shop. :beer:
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Quote from: jaye on Feb 04, 2014, 11:20 PM
Re the band being around - Besides the rumor that Jim was having a back problem, there is no way he could have walked around.  Did you see those pics of the crowded pool areas?  It would have been nuts.  He would have been surrounded by people - some wanting to take pictures with him, some wanting to read him their poems, sign their boobs,  whatever.  It would have been really hard for him to cut it off.  Carl & Bo came out at a fairly quiet time and tons of people got pics with them.   I don't know - I didn't expect it at all.
that makes sense. 

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I'm not going to slam anyone for critiquing a show. We all do it, well most of us, even if it's just in our heads. We critique albums, songs, posters, roll call, and even the presales. It's how we organize it. There have been numerous discussions dating back to way before I became a member of this forum doing just that. Don'tGetUpset put a great deal of thought into his post. I'm glad you came out of the lurkers!

Also, Nowhere in the OBH pr literature did it state that you would get any face time with anyone from the band. It's unrealistic to think that just because you paid a lot of money to go that you are going to talk to them. They delivered exactly what the promised and some people even got a chance to meet some of them. They are musicians, and they performed. We don't own them just because we love their music.

Just have fun with it. If critical analysis is your thing, go for it. If loving the band unconditionally and seeing no flaws is it, go for it. If not posting because this stuff gets on your nerves, you know what to do.


I think we all go through the "song chaser" phase -- going to show after show in an attempt to hear the all-rare deep cut or the outta-nowhere surprise cover. Ain't nothin' wrong with that, but I will say, that once I got it outta my head that a "no-surprise" show meant a "disappointing show", my enjoyment of said shows increased ten fold. I'm just happy to see these guys rock.

In conclusion, I fully understand setlist qualms, but in my eyes, if I had an extra $2k to spend and I got to see the Jacket play "Picture of You" in addition to sit-in after sit-in with Bob motherfuckin' Weir, I'd be going home happy.


Quote from: jaye on Feb 04, 2014, 11:20 PM
Quote from: Crayton09 on Feb 04, 2014, 10:51 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM
Greetings all. I have been lurking here for years. Was with you at T5 and the Cap, had magical experiences at both, and love this band as much as y'all do.

Let me also say that, like others, it was only due to family issues (i.e. who will watch my kids etc...) that it became an impossibility. The whole experience sounds like it was as truly amazing as everyone has described it. I also have been checking livedownloads every day to see when these soundboards will be available.

However, these most recent posts about the covers are touching that I have been thinking about on and off since night 1 and that is: Shouldn't these shows have been a little better? Like when your most passionate fans are paying literally thousands of dollars with the primary purpose being to see their favorite band shouldn't there be numerous unprecedented moments?

-Covers. The covers aspect has been covered in these last few posts but yes the bananas thing is very NOT spontaneous and we have all basically seen one of the other covers in one way or another. Instead of covers that they have covered on soundtracks and other collections why not 3 covers that nobody has every heard from Jim's lips? I know that that woudl require rehearsal but that goes back to the thousands of dollars thing.

-New songs. I was as Phish Halloween this year (unfortunately) and I was included in those that were PISSED that they "covered themselves". That being said nobody would propose that the boys bust out the new album in  its entirety (though that would have been awesome) but why not a few of the most completed songs? I wouyldn't be writing this if they weren't JUST coming from the studio...

-Bust outs. I love the song El Caporal and especially with the whole Spanish element it would have been a very appropriate song to have played there. Anybody can pick the Tenn. Fire or At Dawn stuff they would have liked to hear but again this should have been like nothing else.

-Longer Sets- I know this has also been touched on but I was really really surprised that even with 4 am end times that the sets were as short as they were. The sets were almost identical in length to Port Chester and those shows were without a doubt a great length, however, a) this was an MMJ resort in the middle of Mexico when nobody had anywhere to go and b) they coulda pulled a Pearl Jam / Wilco at Solid Sound and done a 30-40 song set (I know, I know with 20 minute Dondante you cant have 40 songs but I think you know what I mean by this).

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way. I genuinely wish I could have been there and I'm sure that right now 10 days removed I would feel the same exact way as pretty much everyone here and, yes, it probably would have been the time of my life but that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about those things that may have made the concerts themselves 95's instead of 99/100's. If there is a 2015/2016 OBH I am in but I'd at least hope there'll be a little more that would blow my mind.

you'll feel like these shows could've been better? didn't you say you weren't even there? you didn't experience the energy and the way the songs were played, you looked at a setlist dude. and if your judging Jacket shows by setlist and song selection rather than the overall experience then you're missing the point. I think a lot of people are missing the point by getting so hung up on setlists and hearing what THEY WANT to hear. stop complaining and be happy, it's a lot more fun.

I was there, had an amazing time, I'm totally happy - but I love to talk about set lists - what I like, don't like, which songs were amazing back to back, which covers I don't like, - It's not complaining.  It might be super over the top geek stuff but it's definitely not complaining.  It's just what some of us do. 

Sure a show could have been better.  (I thought Night 2 was better than Night 1).  Or it could have been a 35 song set.  Maybe someone else thought there was too much old stuff and not enough Circuital.   None of that is complaining!  If you don't want to discuss that kind of stuff, then don't - but don't accuse people who like to of being unhappy, hung up, missing the point complainers.   :grin:

Re the band being around - Besides the rumor that Jim was having a back problem, there is no way he could have walked around.  Did you see those pics of the crowded pool areas?  It would have been nuts.  He would have been surrounded by people - some wanting to take pictures with him, some wanting to read him their poems, sign their boobs,  whatever.  It would have been really hard for him to cut it off.  Carl & Bo came out at a fairly quiet time and tons of people got pics with them.   I don't know - I didn't expect it at all.
hey, I call em' how I see em' and it sounds like a bunch of complaining and people being hung up on setlists and songs THEY WANT to hear, and I don't really care, but try looking at a show as a whole experience and not songs you do and don't want to hear. that's just my opinion. I don't give a shit if anyone critiques a show, but this dude wasn't even there and says the shows could've been better. fuckin' laughable! jaja


Quote from: Fully on Feb 05, 2014, 05:06 AM
If not posting because this stuff gets on your nerves, you know what to do.

"...it's gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


people complaining about OBH are out of their mind.


My biggest complaint is I never got to pull off the roof top hot tub orgy I had dreamed about. Now I'm stuck with all these robes and lotions.


Quote from: bartel on Feb 05, 2014, 11:08 AM
people complaining about OBH are out of their mind.

Disagree. It's a forum/message board and people are entitled to their opinions. It's not always going to be roses, and perfume around here, and shouldn't be,IMO.

Complaining just to complain is one thing, but voicing what they feel is a warranted gripe is fine. If someone who was there didn't have the same experience as someone else, or had a gripe, why do they have to be out of their mind? Sure, some of us would've loved to have been there, and that would've been enough to make us happy, no matter what else happened but not everyone is like that. Doesn't make them out of their minds.
"Where's Jim going?"


Quote from: ericm on Feb 05, 2014, 11:52 AM
Quote from: bartel on Feb 05, 2014, 11:08 AM
people complaining about OBH are out of their mind.

Disagree. It's a forum/message board and people are entitled to their opinions. It's not always going to be roses, and perfume around here, and shouldn't be,IMO.

Complaining just to complain is one thing, but voicing what they feel is a warranted gripe is fine. If someone who was there didn't have the same experience as someone else, or had a gripe, why do they have to be out of their mind? Sure, some of us would've loved to have been there, and that would've been enough to make us happy, no matter what else happened but not everyone is like that. Doesn't make them out of their minds.

You know what I take back what I said... I agree with you 100%... People are allowed to voice their opinion whatever that may be. But, I do think sometimes people who don't go are jealous and say the show wasn't as good as.. (for example port chester) and use this a defense mechanism for their jealousy.


I wasn't there, really wish we could have made it...and from all accounts, photos, videos, etc. sounds and looks like an amazing time was had by all.  We will make EVERY attempt to attend if they do this again.

that said, I really do feel like 'dontgetupset' (great name by the way re your comments!) has some very valid points.  I must admit I was a bit surprised too by the lack of some excitement with the setlists.  Obviously one cannot judge the awesomeness factor of any show by the setlist.  But...you can certainly make comments, and be entitled to your opinions.  As stated, people traveled great distances and paid exorbitant amounts of money to see their favorite band in such a unique environment...throw them a musical bone!  Like others have said, many of the covers are so played out.  Really can't believe they did the whole careless whisper, banana thing again.  I saw the first two times they did it...Fillmore SF NYE and T5, and gotta admit when they started doing it at T5 it immediately took away from some of the magic that occurred at the Fillmore.   Expectations were obviously sky high for OBH though, and that can really come back to bite you sometimes. 

I can't wait to hear the OBH recordings though, all comments above aside, I still wish we could have pulled it off and joined in the craziness.  I'm glad everyone had an amazing time, and the hotel issues were almost a non-issue.  Hope to make the next one!

(and I agree with everything ericm said)


Didn't they play 2.5 hours  3 nights? Give the boys a break  :tongue:


Quote from: bartel on Feb 05, 2014, 12:10 PM
Quote from: ericm on Feb 05, 2014, 11:52 AM
Quote from: bartel on Feb 05, 2014, 11:08 AM
people complaining about OBH are out of their mind.

Disagree. It's a forum/message board and people are entitled to their opinions. It's not always going to be roses, and perfume around here, and shouldn't be,IMO.

Complaining just to complain is one thing, but voicing what they feel is a warranted gripe is fine. If someone who was there didn't have the same experience as someone else, or had a gripe, why do they have to be out of their mind? Sure, some of us would've loved to have been there, and that would've been enough to make us happy, no matter what else happened but not everyone is like that. Doesn't make them out of their minds.

You know what I take back what I said... I agree with you 100%... People are allowed to voice their opinion whatever that may be. But, I do think sometimes people who don't go are jealous and say the show wasn't as good as.. (for example port chester) and use this a defense mechanism for their jealousy.
I remember comments made about night 2 at the Wiltern by folks not there saying it was a week set list. Not to anyone I know who was there. It was almost surreal in it's contrast of night one, and the most unique MMJ show I have seen. Now Gibson at Universal was a strange unsatisfying show.


Hi everyone. Been dealing with a power outage so wasn't able to respond (I know you were all eagerly awaiting).

In no way do I discount those that think that these were the three greatest shows of all time and I hope that tolerance is reciprocated. The point was made about crowd energy and I fully understand how- from a fan's perspective- the crows energy is not even capable of being replicated. That is from a FAN's perspective though. Nothing will change the fact that I think the BAND could have done more.

I agree with the whole Jim being swarmed thing- its really not worth debating the band's interaction with the crowd that paid about 3-4 million dollars to be there. I would like to think that Jim could have played Wayne Coyne's role in MCing something or judging a contest (or showing his face at the dance party) but I would not have posted anything if I only felt that Jim was mildly introverted.

My main thing and I am sticking to it is that if pearl Jam can do a 4 hour + shows and if Springsteen can do the same for like 40 nights straight at age 60 at Giants Stadium I would have thought this band could have finished off the 3 nights with a surprise full 3rd set or an extra hour of playing etc...

If I could do it all over again I would have gone knowing everything I know now but hopefully somebody from Cloud9 peruses these forums and to the same extent that they are probably leaning more and more with each event (for example I imagine that they will NEVER contract with an unfinished hotel in a 3rd world country after all of the anxiety (whether realized or unrealized))  so too they may read this healthy respectful conversation amongst friends and realize they may need to push their bands for a little more.


Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 05, 2014, 01:15 PM
Hi everyone. Been dealing with a power outage so wasn't able to respond (I know you were all eagerly awaiting).

In no way do I discount those that think that these were the three greatest shows of all time and I hope that tolerance is reciprocated. The point was made about crowd energy and I fully understand how- from a fan's perspective- the crows energy is not even capable of being replicated. That is from a FAN's perspective though. Nothing will change the fact that I think the BAND could have done more.

I agree with the whole Jim being swarmed thing- its really not worth debating the band's interaction with the crowd that paid about 3-4 million dollars to be there. I would like to think that Jim could have played Wayne Coyne's role in MCing something or judging a contest (or showing his face at the dance party) but I would not have posted anything if I only felt that Jim was mildly introverted.

My main thing and I am sticking to it is that if pearl Jam can do a 4 hour + shows and if Springsteen can do the same for like 40 nights straight at age 60 at Giants Stadium I would have thought this band could have finished off the 3 nights with a surprise full 3rd set or an extra hour of playing etc...

If I could do it all over again I would have gone knowing everything I know now but hopefully somebody from Cloud9 peruses these forums and to the same extent that they are probably leaning more and more with each event (for example I imagine that they will NEVER contract with an unfinished hotel in a 3rd world country after all of the anxiety (whether realized or unrealized))  so too they may read this healthy respectful conversation amongst friends and realize they may need to push their bands for a little more.
YOU WERE NOT THERE DUDE! So how are you going to act like you were? Forget about the crowd energy, you don't understand the energy the band was playing with. How could the band do more if you can't even comprehend what they gave in the first place considering you weren't there?


Firstly, and I don't know where I heard this once but dontgetupset.

I am only referring to those things that can be gleaned from the videos available, written reports, and setlists.

The qualitative aspects of what I have critiqued are not targeted at what WAS played. It has to do with certain objective standards that those that see a lot of live music can all agree on. A 45 minute stand alone concert is a joke and unheard of. An 8 hour concert is unheard of (barring Phish 12/31/99). In this case they probably met expectations: about 21 songs in 2.5 hours. Again, in purely quantifiable terms I, when I still thought I might be going, thought they would blow people's minds with a Pearl Jam-esque 40 songs in 4+ hours show. Its fine that they blew people's minds with the energy but that that would happen was a given with this band- thats one of the reasons we like them so.

I stick to what I say. I expected something DARING and from what I see that didn't happen. Nevertheless, dontgetupset.