"One Big Holiday" in MEXICO!!

Started by parkervb, Jun 11, 2013, 01:02 PM

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ms. yvon

Quote from: e_wind on Feb 02, 2014, 12:19 PM
it was just a complete "small talk" conversation and the guy had no clue who carl was. the conversation went something like:
"hey whats your name?"
"where are you from?"
"cool, so what do you do for a living"
"uhh.. play guitar"
"no way thats awesome, thats a full time job?" (or something along those lines)
(something along the lines of) "yeah, it pays the bills.."
the dude kept probing him, oblivious, while everyone just watched, knowing it was coming... and finally,
"so do you play in any band I would know?"
"uh... my morning jacket."

laughter all around
BRILLIANT!  :grin: :grin: :grin:

next topic:  you kids are overthinking the covers selection.  keep in mind, as long as Anita Baker is in the pre-show music they will continue to play "All Night Long."  it is the way of things.
"i don't mean to brag, i don't mean to boast, but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast."


Quote from: ms. yvon on Feb 04, 2014, 02:22 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 02, 2014, 12:19 PM
it was just a complete "small talk" conversation and the guy had no clue who carl was. the conversation went something like:
"hey whats your name?"
"where are you from?"
"cool, so what do you do for a living"
"uhh.. play guitar"
"no way thats awesome, thats a full time job?" (or something along those lines)
(something along the lines of) "yeah, it pays the bills.."
the dude kept probing him, oblivious, while everyone just watched, knowing it was coming... and finally,
"so do you play in any band I would know?"
"uh... my morning jacket."

laughter all around
BRILLIANT!  :grin: :grin: :grin:

next topic:  you kids are overthinking the covers selection.  keep in mind, as long as Anita Baker is in the pre-show music they will continue to play "All Night Long."  it is the way of things.
It's The Way That She Sings...


Great thread! Thanks all who participated.

I'm patiently waiting for the music downloads!


Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.   

Penny Lane

Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 04, 2014, 09:55 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.

i never thought i'd say this, but i've had enough of Jim's banana.. :rolleyes: :cheesy:
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 04, 2014, 04:07 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 04, 2014, 09:55 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.

i never thought i'd say this, but i've had enough of Jim's banana.. :rolleyes: :cheesy:

I have no issues with them keeping It Makes No Difference, Oh Sweet Nothin, Tyrone, etc. in the mix for a long time to come, but I have seen enough of Isn't a Pity at the end of Steam and so on.
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck


Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 04, 2014, 09:55 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.

Well, those same people that were so into the covers would have been just as into them even if they were different/new covers, and then us hardcores would have been satisfied as well. 

This is a very minor complaint, but the fact of no new covers played is defintely a little surprising.
My heart can't wait to meet you on the other side.


Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 04, 2014, 04:07 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 04, 2014, 09:55 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.

i never thought i'd say this, but i've had enough of Jim's banana.. :rolleyes: :cheesy:
That's not what he said..


Quote from: MrWhippy on Feb 04, 2014, 04:43 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Feb 04, 2014, 09:55 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 03, 2014, 02:23 PM

All three of those covers were really amazing the first, and even second time I saw them, but its too, much. It is possible that I'm just spoiled and have seen them too many times, but I would think most people in Mexico were in the same boat.

I agree with you completely that we've been there, done that.   But, I would guess that less than 10% of the people there have seen those songs before.   Besides us hardcore, everyone I talked to the next day were saying how great and novel that was.

Well, those same people that were so into the covers would have been just as into them even if they were different/new covers, and then us hardcores would have been satisfied as well. 

This is a very minor complaint, but the fact of no new covers played is defintely a little surprising.
I'm curious why they haven't performed the covers that have been recorded in-studio, such as Turn Turn Turn, True Love Ways, Trouble Sleep Yanga Wake Am, Leaving On A Jet Plane, Wear Your Love Like Heaven, Lullabyes Legends and Lies, All The Best, or Long As I Can See The Light.  They've all been winners in my book!
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Greetings all. I have been lurking here for years. Was with you at T5 and the Cap, had magical experiences at both, and love this band as much as y'all do.

Let me also say that, like others, it was only due to family issues (i.e. who will watch my kids etc...) that it became an impossibility. The whole experience sounds like it was as truly amazing as everyone has described it. I also have been checking livedownloads every day to see when these soundboards will be available.

However, these most recent posts about the covers are touching that I have been thinking about on and off since night 1 and that is: Shouldn't these shows have been a little better? Like when your most passionate fans are paying literally thousands of dollars with the primary purpose being to see their favorite band shouldn't there be numerous unprecedented moments?

-Covers. The covers aspect has been covered in these last few posts but yes the bananas thing is very NOT spontaneous and we have all basically seen one of the other covers in one way or another. Instead of covers that they have covered on soundtracks and other collections why not 3 covers that nobody has every heard from Jim's lips? I know that that woudl require rehearsal but that goes back to the thousands of dollars thing.

-New songs. I was as Phish Halloween this year (unfortunately) and I was included in those that were PISSED that they "covered themselves". That being said nobody would propose that the boys bust out the new album in  its entirety (though that would have been awesome) but why not a few of the most completed songs? I wouyldn't be writing this if they weren't JUST coming from the studio...

-Bust outs. I love the song El Caporal and especially with the whole Spanish element it would have been a very appropriate song to have played there. Anybody can pick the Tenn. Fire or At Dawn stuff they would have liked to hear but again this should have been like nothing else.

-Longer Sets- I know this has also been touched on but I was really really surprised that even with 4 am end times that the sets were as short as they were. The sets were almost identical in length to Port Chester and those shows were without a doubt a great length, however, a) this was an MMJ resort in the middle of Mexico when nobody had anywhere to go and b) they coulda pulled a Pearl Jam / Wilco at Solid Sound and done a 30-40 song set (I know, I know with 20 minute Dondante you cant have 40 songs but I think you know what I mean by this).

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way. I genuinely wish I could have been there and I'm sure that right now 10 days removed I would feel the same exact way as pretty much everyone here and, yes, it probably would have been the time of my life but that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about those things that may have made the concerts themselves 95's instead of 99/100's. If there is a 2015/2016 OBH I am in but I'd at least hope there'll be a little more that would blow my mind.


I was at the Pearl Jam Spectrum show where they played 40+ songs and 4 hours. They are my favorite band by a long shot.

I never saw it happening but the second night was as good as that show and the third was miles better. For me it's about how well they play a song... And they way they rocked out on some of them was just on a different level.

The Phish AC shows were fantastic (minus the own cover) and they are firing on all cylinders right now just like PJ, but right now MMJ is the best band you can see live. Never thought I would ever say that but they are in their prime right now. Eventually they will start replacing a few covers so everyone just needs to take a deep breath. I always complain about hearing Yellow Ledbedder but once show time hits, I end up needing it because it's just so damn good. That's the same how I feel about OBH.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Quote from: Somey on Feb 02, 2014, 10:31 AM
One of the best times of my life, shows were great, that one day with the contests was hilarious, I got DJ the pool basically the last two days. Can not wait til next year.

Nicely done, on the DJ


I for one had the greatest experience of my life with my best friends listening to the greatest music that's out today. I have heard almost all of the covers played at OBH at least once and it bothered me not. Sure, the bananas thing is a bit forced at this point. I agree with JohnnyYAC that they should do these other covers that are GOLDEN. However, COME ON. I have seen nothing but negativity surrounding this event on this board. I spent the same money, made serious sacrifices the same as everyone else to get there and I have absolutely zero complaints.

Would I have loved to hear different songs they never play, absolutely!
Would I have loved to hear new covers, absolutely!
Would I change a thing about the experience. NO
Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.


Quote from: justbcuzido on Feb 04, 2014, 07:57 PM
I for one had the greatest experience of my life with my best friends listening to the greatest music that's out today. I have heard almost all of the covers played at OBH at least once and it bothered me not. Sure, the bananas thing is a bit forced at this point. I agree with JohnnyYAC that they should do these other covers that are GOLDEN. However, COME ON. I have seen nothing but negativity surrounding this event on this board. I spent the same money, made serious sacrifices the same as everyone else to get there and I have absolutely zero complaints.

Would I have loved to hear different songs they never play, absolutely!
Would I have loved to hear new covers, absolutely!
Would I change a thing about the experience. NO

Below is a summary of all I have read here and it's been leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Well, now that everybody has mentioned it, I was pretty disappointed with their covers. They always play the same ones. This also applies to their own songs as well. It's like, play a new song already, we've heard all of these before. Also, what's with them closing with OBH every damn time? I mean, C'mon guys.... Is it that hard to have a little creativity and do something different?

And that leads me to another thing... What's with them having the same opening music that they've had for the last year? And shit, they even played the same Outkast laden mix tape in between shows every damn night! It really seems as though the boys are hitting the cruise control on us HARDCORE fans... It's like, fuck it, we got them to Mexico, they have nowhere else to go, so fuck it, they'll listen to anything we make them listen to. I mean it has to be better than the flaming lips set right?

And really, no new songs? No new jams? And what's with their guitars? They keep playing the same ones. It's like get a new guitar already, geez! I have half a dozen guitars and I'm not even in a band, get your shit together MMJ or else I'll keep complaining that not only do you put on the greatest rock and roll show in live music today, but its so bad I keep coming back!

END RANT --- Come on folks, who can say they didn't have the greatest time of their life?
Mona Lisa must'a had the highway blues, you can tell by the way she smiles.


Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM
Greetings all. I have been lurking here for years. Was with you at T5 and the Cap, had magical experiences at both, and love this band as much as y'all do.

Let me also say that, like others, it was only due to family issues (i.e. who will watch my kids etc...) that it became an impossibility. The whole experience sounds like it was as truly amazing as everyone has described it. I also have been checking livedownloads every day to see when these soundboards will be available.

However, these most recent posts about the covers are touching that I have been thinking about on and off since night 1 and that is: Shouldn't these shows have been a little better? Like when your most passionate fans are paying literally thousands of dollars with the primary purpose being to see their favorite band shouldn't there be numerous unprecedented moments?

-Covers. The covers aspect has been covered in these last few posts but yes the bananas thing is very NOT spontaneous and we have all basically seen one of the other covers in one way or another. Instead of covers that they have covered on soundtracks and other collections why not 3 covers that nobody has every heard from Jim's lips? I know that that woudl require rehearsal but that goes back to the thousands of dollars thing.

-New songs. I was as Phish Halloween this year (unfortunately) and I was included in those that were PISSED that they "covered themselves". That being said nobody would propose that the boys bust out the new album in  its entirety (though that would have been awesome) but why not a few of the most completed songs? I wouyldn't be writing this if they weren't JUST coming from the studio...

-Bust outs. I love the song El Caporal and especially with the whole Spanish element it would have been a very appropriate song to have played there. Anybody can pick the Tenn. Fire or At Dawn stuff they would have liked to hear but again this should have been like nothing else.

-Longer Sets- I know this has also been touched on but I was really really surprised that even with 4 am end times that the sets were as short as they were. The sets were almost identical in length to Port Chester and those shows were without a doubt a great length, however, a) this was an MMJ resort in the middle of Mexico when nobody had anywhere to go and b) they coulda pulled a Pearl Jam / Wilco at Solid Sound and done a 30-40 song set (I know, I know with 20 minute Dondante you cant have 40 songs but I think you know what I mean by this).

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way. I genuinely wish I could have been there and I'm sure that right now 10 days removed I would feel the same exact way as pretty much everyone here and, yes, it probably would have been the time of my life but that doesn't mean we can't have a discussion about those things that may have made the concerts themselves 95's instead of 99/100's. If there is a 2015/2016 OBH I am in but I'd at least hope there'll be a little more that would blow my mind.



Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way.

I agree people should be able to discuss their opinions - if you can't do it with other hardcore fans on the band's forum, where can you?   People can have a great time and totally love a band and a performance and should still be able to critique it. 


Quote from: justbcuzido on Feb 04, 2014, 07:58 PM
Quote from: justbcuzido on Feb 04, 2014, 07:57 PM
I for one had the greatest experience of my life with my best friends listening to the greatest music that's out today. I have heard almost all of the covers played at OBH at least once and it bothered me not. Sure, the bananas thing is a bit forced at this point. I agree with JohnnyYAC that they should do these other covers that are GOLDEN. However, COME ON. I have seen nothing but negativity surrounding this event on this board. I spent the same money, made serious sacrifices the same as everyone else to get there and I have absolutely zero complaints.

Would I have loved to hear different songs they never play, absolutely!
Would I have loved to hear new covers, absolutely!
Would I change a thing about the experience. NO

Below is a summary of all I have read here and it's been leaving me with a bad taste in my mouth.

Well, now that everybody has mentioned it, I was pretty disappointed with their covers. They always play the same ones. This also applies to their own songs as well. It's like, play a new song already, we've heard all of these before. Also, what's with them closing with OBH every damn time? I mean, C'mon guys.... Is it that hard to have a little creativity and do something different?

And that leads me to another thing... What's with them having the same opening music that they've had for the last year? And shit, they even played the same Outkast laden mix tape in between shows every damn night! It really seems as though the boys are hitting the cruise control on us HARDCORE fans... It's like, fuck it, we got them to Mexico, they have nowhere else to go, so fuck it, they'll listen to anything we make them listen to. I mean it has to be better than the flaming lips set right?

And really, no new songs? No new jams? And what's with their guitars? They keep playing the same ones. It's like get a new guitar already, geez! I have half a dozen guitars and I'm not even in a band, get your shit together MMJ or else I'll keep complaining that not only do you put on the greatest rock and roll show in live music today, but its so bad I keep coming back!

END RANT --- Come on folks, who can say they didn't have the greatest time of their life?

Well done.

(Could add: "since we spent so much money they really should have set aside a shit load of time to do a HUGE fucking endless line meet and greet. I mean, I played poker with a few guys and a few stayed up until 4am spinning tunes and partying with us, but shit, we should have had the chance to get in a really fucking long line, maybe starting at like 8am or something, so we could gush for 2.35 seconds and get a pic. jeez wtf. Wayne was cool for approximately 90 seconds when a bunch of drunken folks mobbed him after the lip sync). Room for improvement IMO!"



JTG- your responses are funny and I really can't stress enough how I think this band is so damn good right now and how I am jealous of anyone that was able to attend this thing. In fact, in some ways, even if they have subsequent Caribbean festivals in different countries with 90 degree weather in January I STILL will be jealous that you guys got to go to the virgin one. It is not jealousy though that prompted my first post. I love every one of their studio albums and don't know what my musical life would be like without each and every one but when reviewing/analyzing/critiquing/digging deeper its okay for someone to say "where the $%^# did Highly Suspicious come from and why is it on this album?" (I love the song in every one of its incarnations). So too here.

JTG, you actually reminded me of another aspect that left me a little befuddled. I am a little surprised that the WHOLE band (read: MR. JJ) did not partake more in the daily activities and the goings-on on the grounds. Right now the guy is a superstar and it seems like every day he is covering a new song for a new soundtrack or the like so I can hear why he didn't want to be attacked or surrounded by passionate fans. But this goes back to the whole thousands-of-dollars thing. I think that the feeling on this board BEFORE 2014 was that part of paying the premium was to be in a close environment where everyone could sit in chairs around the pool drink and not worry about TMZ getting a hold of every instant since if you were paying to be there it meant you were passionate enough about the band to be capable of meeting the members and not freaking out.

Now that I'm add it let me add something else. At one point a long time ago somehow the idea got around that there may be an acoustic concert at checkout on Thursday. After Bobby Weir played his acoustic "surprise" set at Paradise Waits I, at least, expected that MMJ would sort of copy that (since only a minority of attendees were actually aware of the Weir event and therefore would have treated it with shock). Did it ruin the event that nothing like this happened? No. Was the music that WAS played awesome? Yes. But for that person with a blue collar job who spent a good portion of his annual earnings so that he could be completely blown away I imagine at least in the back of their mind they may have had slightly higher expectations about what to expect before January 26th. (Please don't address why a blue collar person should be spending so much money on an event like this or why his expectations would be so high).


I actually respect the aptly-named dontgetupset for the commentary. I don't think the forum has been excessively negative about OBH but for a few obsessing over construction delays. I know it was a great time, but pretty much agree with each of these points. I was surprised by the lack of surprises in the three setlists, with a few notable exceptions. I found it disappointing, though perhaps understandable, that Jim and others stayed off-site and mostly out of sight from attendees but for the shows themselves. It should, in no way, suggest I think OBH was anything but an amazing time. But these are fair observations, in my humble, sure-wish-I-could've-gone opinion.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


Quote from: jaye on Feb 04, 2014, 08:10 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Feb 04, 2014, 07:19 PM

People on this board will have the knee-jerk reaction to me saying "some people will never be satisfied" but I (obviously) think my points are kinda valid and that other people feel the same way.

I agree people should be able to discuss their opinions - if you can't do it with other hardcore fans on the band's forum, where can you?   People can have a great time and totally love a band and a performance and should still be able to critique it.


I agree.  Sometimes I feel like I have to watch what I say on this board, even if it isn't really a big deal because some people get bent out of shape.  No one is hating on this festival.  It was amazing for those who went, and fun to hear about from those who had to miss out.  However, lots of people made some very valid, minor, complaints.  That is not anything to get too upset over.  We should be able to openly discuss our favorite band, both the positives and negatives, without the back lash of upset board members.

I personally assumed there would be a couple setlist surprises for such a special occasion, but there really weren't any.  Maybe spontaneous curation sets and PC spoiled everyone.  Either way, I am always jealous when people get to see my two biggest white whales (Strangulation and O is the One) when I am not in attendance.
I wonder why we listen to poets when nobody gives a fuck