Favorite MMJ song?

Started by wakka oner, Sep 30, 2003, 04:30 PM

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I don't have much time listening MMJ, but from what I've heard I have to say Steam Engine's me current favourite.


Since the 'At dawn' demos are being released again, more people will get to know 'Chills'. What a great song that is... And I still absolutely love 'If all else fails', another song that disappeared into obscurity for reasons I cannot imagine.
I'm ready when you are

port a potty

"Demo discs" - are you referring to the extra disc that was included with the original release of At Dawn?  


I believe that is the one.
the future is Ginger


QuoteI believe that is the one.

I'm ready when you are


It's not a favourite song, more a favourite sound - I love hearing the guitarist's fingers move on the strings. It always makes me think "that's real music". I don't know if there's a technical term for it. The beginning of "Hopefully" is an excellent example.


QuoteI love hearing the guitarist's fingers move on the strings.

I know what you mean, doctor.  I remember really loving that sound when I was first learning guitar, and I was listening to Dylan's album "Good As I Been To You" (one of my favorites of his).  That sound of fingers sliding on steel is all over that album. :)


Thanks. I'll look that one out.


i think the first the song i heard was "one in the same" - jim james' voice was so different to anything else, so captivating...
but of course like others said, it changes like the mood, like the days... right now, it's "come closer" and "i needed it most".
No, just a Zaphod Beeblebrox, didn't you hear i come in six packs?


My favorite song this far...
Come Closer...
Emotional attachments to that one Bigtime! ;)


Come Closer
so i slave away.
on the floor and walls for a day.
buy you the beer can you pay.
get emotional each time they say your name.
oh soldier you look so strong.
who held you that you fought so long.
who told you that you left me amazed.
there's something left i gotta say.
how long can you stay?
i been waitin all day...
i been meltin away...
just to send off with you.
come closer. come closer.
so today. i wont call anyone for change.
"toes 'cross the floor," hear it play.
good at holdin back at eatin away your legs.
come closer.
oooh boo laa tooo. x3. come closer

 Great song,MK. ;)
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


I wonder if MMJ has any idea what their music is capable of...figure that one out  :-*


QuoteI wonder if MMJ has any idea what their music is capable of...figure that one out  :-*

Don't know if they do, but some of us definately do  ;)

Welcome to the gang, MagicKiss


QuoteI wonder if MMJ has any idea what their music is capable of...figure that one out  :-*

I don't think they should. The magic might get lost if they'd become too aware of it... Let 'em just make music. More! More!
I'm ready when you are


Come closer is a great song but let me tell some of you jacket heads something you may not be aware of. A few years back, MMJ did a Christmas song set on Louisville's local WFPK.  They did come closer w/ other lyrics

"Oh Santa you look so strong.  What held you that you took so long?  ... etc. etc.



finishing my point.

It was live.

they had the christmas sleigh bells in the back ground and it was ... a MOMENT.

so much so I was semi-dissapointed when they released the CD w/ other lyrics.

But back to the point. This is a hard topic. "I will sing you songs" and "War Begun" are still some my faves but it's like Zepplin, how can you name one song?

See you all at the concerts!!


I really enjoy when they close with "phone went west".  It is always a great way to end the show.  And, it is played at almost every show I have seen.  I really enjoyed when they opened a show with "ATDawn" when opening for the Doves.  I gues my favorite album song is "Death is the Easy Way".  Not a popular choice but very overlooked.  Alchohol makes me tired at times too.  But, the first song I ever heard was "AT Dawn", and it was amazing.  What a band.


QuoteI really enjoy when they close with "phone went west".  It is always a great way to end the show.  And, it is played at almost every show I have seen.  

That's really good to hear. It's my absolute favourite. We'll be seeing the band twice  ::)   ::)  in July, and I hope they play it both times.

A song I've been listening to a lot lately, but haven't taken much notice of before is "Honest Man" I'm growing to love it. It shows just how versatile the guys are.

diamond lil

your ass it draws me in?

bermuda highway all the way


Go ahead and share your favorite MMJ track with everyone :)
You know, words are so common anymore and people say
things like "great" and "fantastic" and others too
much.  I've discovered there is really not many words in our language that can describe the music this band makes, or better yet, the music that Jim creates.  A friend of mine always says "They can do no wrong."  Well, it took hearing alot of different recordings by them to make me realize he is so right.  I'm really "in to" 'Come Closer.'
Listen to this song again, my friends.  Listen to the way he
says the word 'closer.'  He is FEELING it!!!  It's not
just a word in a lyric to a song.... you can feel it
come from inside of him.  'It's just the way that he
sings!!!'  How else can you put it?!  He could sing
about dog crap and make it beautiful.  That's a little
exaggeration, but you get what I'm saying.  With CC, I
can picture a woman slowly strolling across a wooden
floor to him when he beckons 'come closer.'  I can SEE
them move slow together to this tune... maybe in their
own slow-dance. It's beautiful.  It makes you feel
beautiful.  It brings smiles and thoughts of future
embraces and slow dances.  When will the world see
that this man/band are genuis???  ???
tameegee in sc