Favorite MMJ Lyric???

Started by MMJ_fanatic, Jan 05, 2005, 06:14 PM

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Quote"why's it so loud when they say it won't happen to us?"
Prophetic Jim
Came out a year before 911

Coffee just snorted out of my nose.  I first read "Prophylactic Jim".  HA!

(Ah jeez, not that the topic was very funny.  Sorry.)

I've got By My Car in my head, and I've had it in my head since last night when I put TF on, happening to have been in a little bit of a sad mood.  And now it's stuck.  But I really like this line:
"you said, evan, is comin over again. and i said, if he does, i'll kick his head IN."
There's something about it that reminds me of every guy who's loved a girl, and said girl is going out with a fucking tool, and guys want to help by being violent.  But there's also a lot of hurt in there.

Anyhow, that's from a girl's perspective.  Stupid Evan.  What a tool.


very insightful analyis there Miss--I think yer on to something there :-/
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteAnyhow, that's from a girl's perspective.  Stupid Evan.  What a tool.

I still find 'a tool' to be one of the weirdest words in the word. What exactly does it mean? I mean, a tool is handy, I'd say. So what's the philosophy behind this word?

Err, anyway, this is just me being a language-nerd again. Please ignore me.
I'm ready when you are



I still find 'a tool' to be one of the weirdest words in the word. What exactly does it mean? I mean, a tool is handy, I'd say. So what's the philosophy behind this word?

Err, anyway, this is just me being a language-nerd again. Please ignore me.

No, O, I think that's a good question.  I have no idea, but I'm going to go out on a limb...

I believe it might have something to do with our tendancy to use, ah... male and female bits as negative names.  The most obvious being the 'c' word that has a different connotation in the UK than it does here.  So, tool is not unlike rod, or snake, or, ah, pipe or whatever...



absolutely ;) a tool is most often used by hand and a guy is often happiest when his tool is in use in one way or another :D
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


TAKE ME OUT of this dead-end nightmare. TAKE ME OUT of this hell im in.
TAKE ME OUT of this dead end nightmare, and put me back in a world i can live.

what a breath-taking classic country harmony that Jim's got happenin there. It's things like this that make me love this band.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


            HMMM.HMM.(clearing throat)
                Sittin here with me and mine all wrapped up in a bottle of wine
The Mad Hatter,he waits for Alice to come to tea again.


Oh and another one i forgot about,I also love it on the Acoustic Citsuoca Cd on the Bear he say...Theres still time to CHEEEEONGE your mind.CLASSIC JIM!
The Mad Hatter,he waits for Alice to come to tea again.


These are my favourites of those:


QuoteThese are my favourites of those:

Im trying to sound this one out...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



but where are they from? the ageeyon, is obviously "At Dawn". The others, though?

And to themadhatter, i defintely agree with the "chaaayeeeeonge" from Acouticitsuoca's "The Bear". This live version is so much more pwerful than the album cut.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


bee-yats is from "Why does my mind blow to bee-yats" from The Way That He Sings.

Love is from... well, every song that he mentions love. :)  (That's not a crazy one, I think it's just the accent.)


i would contest taht "bee-yats" should actually be "beeeyits".

I keep trying to pronounce "bee-yats" like "bee yachts"

Oha nd sepaking off MMJ, i just threw two more songs onto the Tab thread. "If All else Fails" and "Nashville to Kentucky". Reason I mention it is that I think you (being Megan) could probably pull off an awesome rendition of "Nashville to Kentucky". I just wish I could harmonize with myself, because I soooo want to do that middle bit live at a coffee-house. But I digress...more on Jim's accent!
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


ummm.Just forget that last comment.
The Mad Hatter,he waits for Alice to come to tea again.


Quotei would contest taht "bee-yats" should actually be "beeeyits".

I keep trying to pronounce "bee-yats" like "bee yachts"

Oha nd sepaking off MMJ, i just threw two more songs onto the Tab thread. "If All else Fails" and "Nashville to Kentucky". Reason I mention it is that I think you (being Megan) could probably pull off an awesome rendition of "Nashville to Kentucky". I just wish I could harmonize with myself, because I soooo want to do that middle bit live at a coffee-house. But I digress...more on Jim's accent!
I know harmony from Nashville to Kentucky!  If we do a 2nd tribute record, why don't you record it and send it to me and I'll mix in harmony?  :)

I'm listening to The Way That He Sings right now to see about the proper phonetics for beeyats.  I was just gonna fast forward to that bit, but it's way too good, and it's a very very good morning song.  (I didn't do very well with phonetics in theatre school.  And yes.  It was one of our courses.)

So I'll report back.  

on edit:  Okay, you are correct.  bee-yits.  :)


I know harmony from Nashville to Kentucky!  If we do a 2nd tribute record, why don't you record it and send it to me and I'll mix in harmony?  :)
sounds awesome. you sounded great from what I heard on the tribute album. I was expectign you to sound like Melissa Etheridge, for some reason, and I was pleasantly surprised.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


sounds awesome. you sounded great from what I heard on the tribute album. I was expectign you to sound like Melissa Etheridge, for some reason, and I was pleasantly surprised.
WHAT?  That's hilarious.  Why?  Melissa Etheridge?  The "I Wanna Come Over" girl?



WHAT?  That's hilarious.  Why?  Melissa Etheridge?  The "I Wanna Come Over" girl?


yes  :-[ her, somewhow I thought hmmmm 30 years old, plays guitar and sings. Must be Melissa Etheridge. Wow. Upon listening to your tribute stuff, I must say, you remind a lot more of Lisa Loeb than Melissa Etheridge, but don't take that as an insult either, I don't listen to many female artists.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


It's 11:11 - make a wish...

Lisa Loeb, eh?  (I don't know her.)  Well there you go.

You should listen to more girls!  ;)