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MY mmj

Started by PAjake, May 02, 2005, 10:39 PM

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my MMJ profile.  what kind of mmj fan are you?

This is me: what I have, order according to favorite listening experience as an album, and why

 #1 At Dawn - never forget my first, a masterpiece.
 #2 The Tennessee Fire - simply great
 #3 Acoustic Citsuoca - wish it was album length
 #4 It Still Moves - toward selling out maybe but very good
 #5 Chocolate and Ice - extreme far out stuff, rocks!
 #6 Return to Thunderdome - I was there.
 #7 Ch2-Learning - two words "call Tyrone"
 #8 does X-mas...- jj doin' new morning!
 #9 Ch1-the sandworm - good healthy roots
#10 run thru(single)- breathin'
#11 songs:ohia - cool but weird (even for me)

anyone else?


I don't really see how "It still Moves" is "toward selling out". Is it because Dave Matthews label released it?
There aren't necessarily any "singles" on the album, per se. There are some DAMN fine songs, but nothing that screams "RADIO!" , which screams "SELL OUT!" to some people.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time. I guess I just want to see how you describe that...


don't get me wrong, it's a damn good album. I would love to hear any jacket song on the radio, and I don't know if the ATO influence is the variable factor.  I realize that nothing stays the same and that every band evolves (at least the good ones) but I like the previous stuff a little better.  I'm anxiously awaiting the new album to determine anything further.  like analyzing history - you really can't classify the period while in it, time tells. When a new album comes out we can connect the dots and step back and check the line.  MMj is my all time favorite - tied with the allman brother's band (I like their older stuff better too).  None of their albums are even close to bad, yet.





it still moves is great all around

As long as you keep a straight face...


I also vehemently disagree that It Still Moves in any way represents a sell out.  First of all, getting music played on the radio is how most musicians get wide spread groups to listen to their music.  Sucess does not directly equal sell out.  I think of sell out when a band changes it's format and style to accomplish the above.  Metallica sold out.  They were popular, making good money, etc.  Then they changed from long edgey songs to short radio friendly ones and hired Bon Jovi's producer.  However, can we fault them for wanting to make more money?  

I think anytime people are fans of a smaller, lesser known groups, their is a bit of jealosey when loads of other people are now into them too, and lots of them tend to be high school kids, people who like one radio song, or other lame sub groups.  This is funny because often while the bands are smaller, the fans are constantly pushing them on people so they will listen to them.
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


Oh man, the Metallica "sell-out". I have some opinions on this one.

While I don't like the direction Metallica has gone since the Black Album, I really don't think they've completely sold out. Biggest reason being, as you get olde,r your attitude changes. Where you once an angst and anger filled 20-year-old who got drunk every night and was pissed at the world cuz he had no money, and now you're 40 something, making millions, living a very nice house and you have a family, finally got out of rehab for alcohol for the last time, and seem to have the world going for you, its hard to be pissed at social injustice.

Where albums like Master of Puppets and Ride the Lightning, and especially Justice, hold so muhc water when your a teenager or in your twenties and want to raise hell, as you egt old, you mellow out. you start writing softer stuff, or toning it down a bit. And, especially when you have as much clout as MEtallica, you earn the right to experiment a little. Some of it worked, some of it didn't, I'm sure they've learned that.

But here is my major gripe: For everyone who hates Metallica because of St. Anger - DON'T. That album, in my opinion, really was not meant to be released. Listen to how they made it. It was basically the four of them being completely pissed with eachother, were they were as a band, and just shit goign on in their lives, so they got together in a room and slammed their frustrations out while recording. Then, they pro-tools'ed it together. They didnt even record it as an album really, half of it was cut-and-paste from them just throwing down.

I think the reason they released was because they HAD to. The fans were getting anxious, we hadnt seen a studio album from them in years,  and they realized, oh no, we have to release this. You can tell they don't love it, they don't really get cheers for it live, they've begunt hrowing solos into the new songs, the fans don't cheer for it in concert. They've learned their lesson, I'm sure, and I'm anxious to see them produce a new album. I'm not the hugest fan anymore, but I will most certainly buy any new material that they produce.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.

peanut butter puddin surprise

Oh come on now.  There's plenty of reasons to not like Metallica, none of which are because of St. Anger.

Let's see:

-the Nazi-like nonsense about file sharing.  Give me a break.  

-the near stranglehold their music has on radio.  Like cheeseburgers clogging arteries, "Master of Puppets" sounds more stale than Wham! played backwards.  It won't be long now before they get lumped in with the other cryogenically frozen classic rock artists who have no career other than 4000 radio spins an hour.

Also, ISM a "sell out"?!  That's as stale as Wham! played backwards.  Come on, we've beat this dead horse and it's still dead.  Give me critical response in a subjective comparision between the other records, not "they sold out".   Franz Ferdinand sold out.  Modest Mouse sold out.  MMJ don't "sell out" anything except every concert venue they ever play at.  Somehow I doubt we'll hear "Golden" on the OC or as the track hawking Preparation H.  Just my two cents...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


(John, I wish you wrote for music magazines.  Seriously. :))

Brian Matthews

Eisey, you just proved that Metallica has sold out completely.  "they released [St Anger] because they HAD to"...WHY? "fans were getting anxious" i.e. record sales down= greedy bastards making less money.  The black album and those pansies cutting their hair was the end of Metallica.  They are most likely the worst sellouts of ALL TIME!  And yeah, bands evolve/its members get old (as do its fans), but do I want Metallica playing my polka music when im 90? No!  They will continue to release soulless, worthless scum as long as the sheep continue to gobble it up (which reminds me of McDonalds).

Whew! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who listens to Wham! backwards.

And wouldn't "Run Thru" make a great laxitive commercial?  ;D

peanut butter puddin surprise

Quote(John, I wish you wrote for music magazines.  Seriously. :))

ah, sweet dreams.  in a perfect world, hell yes.  but like my 'ol man used to say...

"you can wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first"


and wham! backwards isn't nearly as bad as deep blue something and creed mixed together.  ewwwwwww.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quote Modest Mouse sold out.  

True.  But their latest cd is still really fucking amazing - at least as good as Lonesome Crowded West.  So does it matter?  


Quote"you can wish in one hand and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first"

Okay.  I've been trying to make sense of this all day.  In the end, I'd rather have a clear, shit-free hand, than a hand full of shit, I think.  Who wants shit all over their hand?



Good News was a great album, but I was disgusted when my sister told me that Modest Mouse was on the OC. I still love them though.  

In three years when their next album is released, all of the little trendy teen fans that thought Good News was their debut album will have forgotten them.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


For years and years I've been trying to sell out, but no one will buy me. What am I doing wrong?
I'm ready when you are


PAjake, to get back to your post: why d'you think the Songs: Ohia split EP is weird? I still think it's one of their best releases ever...
I'm ready when you are


I think Eisey you did help prove my point with your comments on St. Anger... while I agree with you on the evolution of an artist over time (it's been more pleasant with U2 than Metallica), St. Anger was kind of pitched as a "return" to their former style.  Can anyone find one person who listen to Metallica preBlack album who doesn't think they've regressed since Bob Rock was brough on and they started doing video's, soundtracks, etc.  What's next?  A Burger King commercial?

Wham rules whatever direction you play it in.

Making money and selling out are not the same unless you are changing your style (either musically or in the way the artist comports themselves) in order to make money.  I can't speak for Modest Mouse, but a buddy of mine is in a band Split Habit, who just had a song played on a recent episode of Smallville.  These guys are the classic story.  Their label folded, half of them live with your parents, they work shitty jobs on the side, none of them have any money at all, etc.  I hardly view their music's appearence on Smallville a sign they are selling out.  
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


QuoteFor years and years I've been trying to sell out, but no one will buy me. What am I doing wrong?
Nothing.  You're too good.  It scares them.  :)

peanut butter puddin surprise

I never knew you were for sale O.  If I buy you, will you move to Amerika?  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

Sal Paradise

So bands like Modest Mouse and Franz Ferdinand are selling out because they are being played on MTV and have a song on a hit tv-series? Come on! The 'Selling Out' comment is used way to easy. So what if a band makes short catchys songs that get played on the radio a lot. You either like it or you don't. You guys make it sound like it's the easiest thing in the world to 'sell out' like you say it. 'OK now sell out time, let's write a short catchy song and we'll get on the radio and our music will be featured on a TV Show!' You should be glad bands like that get some attention. It sounds like some of you are never satisfied. You complain When it's all Britney and Backstreet on the radio and when a band like Modest Mouse gets a lot of airplay (do they really?), they're 'selling out'. ME, I would love to see MMJ getting played on MTV, it would be awesome to hear their music used in a TV series, even if it's OC, that would fucking kick ass man! You know, MMj is on a major, one of their songs was used in a beer commercial, that movie is coming up, they're getting more popular everyday, it's only a matter of time before their music pops up on MTv or a hit TV series and are you gonna call them sell-outs when that happens? You either like a band or you don't, it shouldn't matter where you hear their music being played. I say, the more places the better.
The sound in your mind is the first sound that you could sing