Dutch Reviews

Started by admin, Oct 17, 2005, 06:11 AM

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I used babel to translate this so don't blame me for the funky sentences ;)

The Mojo of this month count out no less than 5 ASTRE for the new cd of My Morning jacket and that does this renowned music illustrated magazine but seldom. It is in this case no longer than rightly, because z is indeed an amazing good cd, which the already not sick predecessors on all fronts weet to exceed. For the first time My Morning jacket did not repair once their cd in each other in the schuurtje in its own backyard, but were incorporated there in a professional studio under the guidance of topproducer (of Radiohead John Leckie) confessed. It Kentucky have done the link well, because never My Morning jacket sounded this way floated. On their previous cd's My Morning made jacket already Americana in the broadest sense of the word and this description applies also on Z. Folk, country, rock, soul, headstock, Southern Rock, it comes all beyond, but the nothing predominated unique sound of these fantastiche link. The Mojo call listening to the fourth of My Morning jacket a religious experience. That goes us what dares far, but call a master work we best.

in dutch:

De Mojo van deze maand telt maar liefst 5 sterren neer voor de nieuwe cd van My Morning Jacket en dat doet dit gerenommeerde muziektijdschrift maar zelden. Het is in dit geval niet meer dan terecht, want Z is inderdaad een verbluffend goede cd, die de al niet misselijke voorgangers op alle fronten weet te overtreffen. Voor het eerst sleutelde My Morning Jacket hun cd eens niet in elkaar in het schuurtje in de eigen achtertuin, maar werd er opgenomen in een professionele studio onder leiding van een topproducer (de van Radiohead bekende John Leckie). Het heeft de band uit Kentucky goed gedaan , want nog nooit klonk My Morning Jacket zo gedreven. Op hun vorige cd's maakte My Morning Jacket al Americana in de breedste zin van het woord en deze omschrijving is ook van toepassing op Z. Folk, country, rock, soul, pop, Southern Rock,het komt allemaal voorbij, maar niets overheerst het unieke geluid van deze fantastiche band. De Mojo noemt het beluisteren van de vierde van My Morning Jacket een religieuze ervaring. Dat gaat ons wat ver, maar een meesterwerk durven we het best te noemen.


That's so cool!  ;D
What's headstock?!!
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quotebecause never My Morning jacket sounded this way floated

I think that's the best review I've ever read.  :)  


I'm ready when you are


 "That goes us what dares far, but call a master work we best"

Why's it sooo soft when the cannons unload on the others?
Why're we so loud when we say it wont happen to us?


Mooie review maar wat bedoelen ze met misselijke voorgangers?  Spreken ze hier over een andere band?

QuoteWhat's headstock?!!

The translation program translated "Pop" (meaning Pop-music) to headstock.   This programm is not sane, must be a virus, I guess.


QuoteMooie review maar wat bedoelen ze met misselijke voorgangers?  Spreken ze hier over een andere band?

niet misselijke voorgangers


TRICKY!!  It won't translate.

I'm going to take a stab:
QuoteMooie review maar wat bedoelen ze met misselijke voorgangers?  Spreken ze hier over een andere band?
This reviewer doesn't seem to like headbangers?  Is he talking about another band?

Quoteniet misselijke voorgangers
He never likes headbangers.

I have a question - what are the Dutch etymological roots?  German/Russian?  


QuoteTRICKY!!  It won't translate.

I'm going to take a stab:
This reviewer doesn't seem to like headbangers?  Is he talking about another band?

He never likes headbangers.

I have a question - what are the Dutch etymological roots?  German/Russian?  

 ;D Nice stabs Meg.

Dutch is part of the Indogermanic languages. It's kinda between German and English I think.
Did you know Belgium is divided in a Dutch and a French speaking part.
The north was invaded by Germanic tribes (also The Netherlands) and tribes that came overseas from England. The South was Roman territory (French-speaking).
We're kind of a weird country, actually.
Our territories have been ruled by many different countries and divided in many ways through history, it's complicated stuff!

peanut butter puddin surprise

all I know is that every single person I've ever met from your country has been friendly, laid back, and very well educated.  and i've met more folks than just uncle riny...who was all of those qualities and more!  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Quoteall I know is that every single person I've ever met from your country has been friendly, laid back, and very well educated.  and i've met more folks than just uncle riny...who was all of those qualities and more!  ;)

And great Music Fans..and not just because of MMJ :-).  In working with new release distribution for musicians in various genres, we get the most favorable, and super-friendly, feedback and press from everyone there.


Yeah, we are pretty laid back, well, most of us  8)



The translation program translated "Pop" (meaning Pop-music) to headstock.   This programm is not sane, must be a virus, I guess.

Thank you  :)

Maybe this is a new word we can use to describe the Jacket?
When someone asks what do they sound like? you can reply something like, "Man, they're pretty fucking headstock!"  ;)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


Quotemore dutch/belgian reviews:


Godnondeju, I was in fact from to for looking at to It Still Moves the part two. Secretly but full expectation. It runs therefore differently, z other wafer is but after just as firm doorkauwen the genot is not less large. Therefore gooi you cruel expectations overboard, recensent. Do it now! Z is deeply, z is laminated. John Leckie's (producer of Radioheads The Bends and The Stone Roses) production is glashelder. Jim James engelengalm have been proportioned up to in exactly the correct quantities. Pick-up-truck-rock for the vertebrate droomrock of ` Into the have made Woods ', ` Gideon ' and ` It beats for You. James ' resounding vocalen are sometimes impregnated to in ridiculous like against the end of ` Wordless Chorus ' but nevertheless always remain it net within the frameworks of the good taste. The six minutes of ` Lay Low is built quietly of atmospheric southern rock to freakout jet ear jam of Lynyrd Skynyrd-achtige proporties. James shine in clincher ` Dondante where the zanger vocalen drenched in MDMA splendidly concerning the minimum jet ear melody is lays down whereas that minimum basis slow aanzwelt degenerates and in such typical My Morning Jacket-climax. Heavily tinkling jet ears and donderdrums which delicious tekeer go. It is just as get used, nevertheless but z in the long run nevertheless offers jacket that to so many different facets of the brio of My Morning after a number of lustre turns you cup under goes. (23 October 2005)


Quotemore dutch/belgian reviews:



ATO, 2005 Sony ` z ', the new plate of My Morning jacket, go of start with dark, uncomfortable synth which evengoed a rag fat drum ' n bass van Andy c or DJ Aphrodite could have rung in. This unexpected kickoff puts immediately the tone for a plate on which the altcountry altcountry-formatie dares Kentucky new walk paths. Whereas their songs dared degenerate in the past sometimes in long spun out jam sessions, My Morning jacket on ` z for more compact and gebaldere sound opt. The plate clocks, as it happens, finished on goeie 47 minutes. Rivers Cuomo van Weezer would make gewag of epic proporties, but in comparison with ` It Still Moves has Jim James and kompanen the length of their numbers has been considerably shortened. In comparison with the previous work also the diversity on those ` falls z displays: a zest r&b, a pinch reggae and light elektronica, the bebaarde countryrockers do not twist on their new plate their hand for. To let we immediately but our most important conclusion there against throw: ` z are a paradoxical plate. The disc marks a crack with the past and nevertheless its all elements of in former days present. Jim "The more reverb the better" James zoekt still the higher regionen of the tone ladder on, the emotional song lines are supported still by intimistisch and melodious jet ear work and is enjoy plate also this on his best at a crackling hearth fire with a bottle Merlot in the buurt. In what then does the discrepancy with plates hide as ` It Still Moves ' and ` ate Dawn '? Wel, it is such as football analyst to Wim the Coninck would say concerning Anderlecht-Betis Sevilla: the difference is present him in finishing. The countryrockers John Leckie (earlier already behind the buds at Radiohead, Stone Roses and Muse) under the arm have taken and that fruit have clearly thrown off. Leckie give ` z ' an appreciation which did think us of what Nigel Godrich for ` Sea Change ' of Beck meant. The plate sounds very subtle and nicely finished, polished without clean or. The hoekjes of the songs sit crammed with details without we also but one thought seconde of overdaad. ` Wordless Chorus is a beautiful example: on the context we hear the sea rustle and a bicycle bel tinkles without the song is lost sight of. The number proves that a refrain full aah aah's can the soul touch much more than certain out-of-date frasen which even the association without name would label still as farinaceously and clichématig (that means you, James Blunt). The following number, ` It beats 4 you, belongs now already in our lijstje My Morning Jacket-classics: ijle vocal of James take along our, accompanied by circling synthesizers, to unprecedented altitudes, whereas subtle drumroffels try in vain offer work against this irrisistible etherische splendour. Beside the dragging ballads can there on ` z also old-fashioned become gerockt. In the contagious ` What a Wonderful man He were ask to a swinging piano exuberant jet ears at dancing. The number a superb single would be: exciting, catchy and beyond for you the weet. Also ` Lay Low is no less than rechttoe rechtaan rocknummer. In with kinderstemmetjes cheered eup ` Into The Woods (a rolling mill, jawel) hears pass we then a carrousel the revue. The number is illustrative for the experimental character of the plate. There is however concluded traditionally with the slowly awakening ` Dondante, a number that uncomplicated on the previous plate could have stood: gentle drums, ditto and scarcely bass to descry a jet ear accompanies hyperemotioneel sounding James to a majestic peak. When the song extinguishes softly we let us remain bottle smile and an empty wine blissful with in the seat behind. With ` z My Morning deliver jacket one of the most pleasant surprises of the year. It is their most varied and uitgepuurde plate so far. There no note stands up too much and that has in the past differently been sometimes. Worrying for eindejaarslijstjes has now already taken a commencement.


Quotemore dutch/belgian reviews:


My Morning jacket - z Who? Huh? Okay, this alt-rock group has not been really confessed provisionally at the general public. But there we want gladly bring change in. ` z were exclaimed by zowat all critici as a plate of the year. And rightly! This is ` O.K. computer ', white of the Beatles, ` Harvest Moon ' of Neil Young... the mile pile in the rock, in short. It does live our hartje virtue that we in the year to be possible in which this pareltje first see the light. Music is difficult define: grand, thoughtful rock concerning young deernen, and the button in your heart which comes sit suddenly entirely separately. Poëzie and rock-`n-roll, boys and little girls, it can be a beautiful marriage! Discover this cd the same day. You there us the rest of your life gratefully for its.


Quotemore dutch/belgian reviews:


e new My Morning jacket, kortweg z been called, late clearly the influence of producer hears John Leckie (Radiohead, Stone Roses). In the beregoede openers Wordless Chorus and It beats 4 you are already immediately flirted with a strong amount elektronica. For misunderstandings to occur Jim James there sing once more on top of: "we are the innovators, they are the imitators." Louisville, Kentucky offer enormously much space for variatie and experimentings to the fourth album of the group. Introverted numbers as Gideon and knot of Come false, in which James on pour out his acquaintance, schizophrenic wise its heart, stand in strident contrast with the striking lively reggaedeuntje of off the record or rough gitaarsolo in modern rocksong such as Lay Low. On the first interview weet you perhaps not this way well what you must with that diversity to sounds to, but after a couple lustre turns it grows abstract z to spiritual altitudes. A thing is certainly well almost: My Morning jacket have exceeded themselves for the zoveelste time.


Quotemore dutch/belgian reviews:



Z: If you roll over the character have you a triangel and sits there also somewhere seven My Morning told in hides, jacket - front man Jim James recently in an interview. You can therefore all sides. A title which covers the cargo perfectly, because the fourth album of the kentucky kentucky-boys is their most varied plate dusver. That becomes immediately clearly at opener Wordless Chorus, a number that starts with a dark r&b bass line and dubgroove where Lee Scratch Perry in unpacked the years seventy gladly. With the aid of producer John Leckie, the man who ever still at Radiohead and the Stone Roses behind the buds zat, do not shy away from My Morning jacket to a rolling mill to venture itself in "Into The Woods". An excellent choice this way proves to be because Jim put James everything effortlessly to its hand and makes of it with its typical voice sound an excellent album.