Live from the Palms on Jan. 13th

Started by NoVa_NoLa, Jan 08, 2009, 01:25 PM

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QuoteToo bad this is an iTunes exclusive.  I have never bought anything from the iTunes store, and I never will.  I simply refuse.  I never even open the program.

I haven't either. Hopelessly old-school here. But I've heard the EP. I consider myself a big fan, and look forward to the next studio album, but to me this EP is pretty non-essential anyway. Even if it was on CD, I'd probably pass. The old songs are done nicely, but hey, I have them on TTF.....and Dear Wife does nothing for me.

Don't be surprised if by the time MMJ's next 'album' comes out, it ends up being download only. I hate to admit it too, but CDs are dying a fast death, unfortunately.
"demon eyes are watchin' everywhere"


I don't mind having to download an album.  Indeed, I do it all the time through legal stores.  I just refuse to use iTunes.


What's so bad about Itunes?......I love my mac  :)
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteWhat's so bad about Itunes?......I love my mac  :)

Uhm. Me, too.  :)
Cow temperature.


i love "dear wife" haven't heard that one before. thank you too- great live song. i'm still upset there has not been an official published live version of war begun!


QuoteWhat's so bad about Itunes?......I love my mac  :)

they started charging tax! just noticed it on my last reciept. i may be a retard but i just noticed it. buying albums digitally is cheaper, but i don't get the disc and the wholesome feeling of owning that hard copy. if i'm gonna pay tax i want something for it. {maybe a little too cynical...}


Quotebuying albums digitally is cheaper, but i don't get the disc and the wholesome feeling of owning that hard copy.

And you don't get a lossless copy of the file, as you would with a CD.  That's why for bands I really care about, I'll buy the CDs along with a digital download.

When you get the CD, you are free from DRM and file-tracking, which iTunes uses.  It's not that I share my files with anyone, because I don't.  It's just the principle.  If I can buy an album on a CD and it's free of the DRM and file-tracking, then it should be the same with digital downloads.  So the only digital stores I will purchase from are stores that offer files free of any DRM or file-tracking -- and those files must be in a high-quality MP3 format.  There are plenty of options outside of iTunes, and those are what I use.


Quotei love "dear wife" haven't heard that one before. thank you too- great live song. i'm still upset there has not been an official published live version of war begun!

You missed this one...

It's a version we've held near and dear to our hearts here locally.
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QuoteOh, and for those of you who do buy it, be careful if you ever decide to share it with anyone:

QuoteBe warned: your account information is stored in every file
Although iTunes Plus files feature no copy protection, files downloaded still contain the email address you have registered with iTunes. So although files can physically be shared with, and played by, friends and family, any of your purchases that end up on file-sharing networks, for example, can be traced back to you.

If you're interested in an easy way to check your own files, find an iTunes Plus file on your computer. Then choose to open it with a text editor (Windows Notepad works fine). It'll take a while to open and will appear to be full of nonsense text, but if you choose the 'Find' option and type in the email address you have registered with the iTunes Store, you'll find that your DRM-free music is not personal information-free.,39029432,49300555,00.htm

itunes can suck my dick, they don't deserve any of my money in the first place.  the fucking middle men in music need to shut the fuck up already.  let the bands make music and then distribute it.  I bought this but if they sued me because I let my friend listen to it that seems insanely desperate.  fuck them.  mmj should have gotten the full 6bucks instead of like .75cents divided 5 ways or however the fuck that shit works out.  

the new tunes are awesome and worth the purchase.  wish/hope the band was or is getting a good percentage of the profits for it.

iTunes is the best and I love it. I have not purchased a CD in 10 years. I still don't know why people don't like iTunes, and as far as the middle man...isn't the record store a middle man...even if you by it from MMJ website...that's a middle man too. If this is your attitude than you should stope shopping all together...every store you go to is the middle man.


Quotebuying albums digitally is cheaper, but i don't get the disc and the wholesome feeling of owning that hard copy.

And you don't get a lossless copy of the file, as you would with a CD.  That's why for bands I really care about, I'll buy the CDs along with a digital download.

When you get the CD, you are free from DRM and file-tracking, which iTunes uses.  It's not that I share my files with anyone, because I don't.  It's just the principle.  If I can buy an album on a CD and it's free of the DRM and file-tracking, then it should be the same with digital downloads.  So the only digital stores I will purchase from are stores that offer files free of any DRM or file-tracking -- and those files must be in MP3 format.  There are plenty of options outside of iTunes, and those are what I use.

iTunes is about 80% DRM free now and only has DRM on the rest because of retarded loser record labels. Most folks can't notice a 256kbps encoded mp3 vs CD audio unless your listening on a Mcintosh receiver anyway.
Just taking a little fuel from your fire, I prefer holding something when I buy it too. That's going to go away sooner or later though... CDs are dead.
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QuoteI still don't know why people don't like iTunes

I already outlined some of my reasoning in a post above.


I have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?


QuoteI have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?

Only someone who has been around for 44 years could be so wise! ;)

Sheesh, at first I thought to myself, "Wow, one of the best things about this ep, is that it shouldn't cause so much controversy like Evil Urges did."  I guess I was wrong.   I like lossless hard copies with artwork as much as the next guy, but let's not get out of hand here.  It's a six song live studio thing that was done quick and easy six months after the last album came out.  Can't we just be happy about it?

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteI have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?

Only someone who has been around for 44 years could be so wise! ;)

Sheesh, at first I thought to myself, "Wow, one of the best things about this ep, is that it shouldn't cause so much controversy like Evil Urges did."  I guess I was wrong.   I like lossless hard copies with artwork as much as the next guy, but let's not get out of hand here.  It's a six song live studio thing that was done quick and easy six months after the last album came out.  Can't we just be happy about it?

I only listen to music when I can hand the perfomer cash money in person and then have them play a song right in front of me. That's just how I roll.

I'm 45


I'm happy, BH is happy, anyone else?

I still can't stop listening to this EP...I LOVE CANDLES AND PANTIES! :D


QuoteI have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?

Only someone who has been around for 44 years could be so wise! ;)

Sheesh, at first I thought to myself, "Wow, one of the best things about this ep, is that it shouldn't cause so much controversy like Evil Urges did."  I guess I was wrong.   I like lossless hard copies with artwork as much as the next guy, but let's not get out of hand here.  It's a six song live studio thing that was done quick and easy six months after the last album came out.  Can't we just be happy about it?

Same here Tracy...I only eat meat if I can take a bite of the animal myself.

I only listen to music when I can hand the perfomer cash money in person and then have them play a song right in front of me. That's just how I roll.

I'm 45

Same here Tracy...I only eat meat if I can take a bite of the animal myself.


QuoteI have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?

Yeah, well if you wanna impress me, you've gotta tell me, in the form of an essay, why I don't use iTunes.


iTunes is about 80% DRM free now and only has DRM on the rest because of retarded loser record labels. Most folks can't notice a 256kbps encoded mp3 vs CD audio unless your listening on a Mcintosh receiver anyway.
Just taking a little fuel from your fire, I prefer holding something when I buy it too. That's going to go away sooner or later though... CDs are dead.

Most of iTunes may be DRM-free, but there is still file tracking in place.,39029432,49300555,00.htm

And they're not MP3 files.


QuoteI have a masters degree in social work and have been a counselor for the past 8 years, let me give this a whirl (ie, stand back, I'm a professional!):

So, what you're saying ultravisitor, is that you don't use I-Tunes?

Yeah, well if you wanna impress me, you've gotta tell me, in the form of an essay, why I don't use iTunes.

I am not here to impress anyone. I am only here seeking clarity.


it's not on itunes here.   :'(