David Berman disses MMJ

Started by cmccubbin@work, Apr 14, 2008, 01:09 PM

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big hungry joe


Wayne of The Flaming Lips was once asked how he felt that Britney Spears outsells him by millions. He repiled something to the degree of- I'm not going to get pretentious and tell people the diffrence in "good" and "bad" music; if someone makes a record that moves you, be it a 12 year old girl or a 44 year old man, it shouldn't piss me off, I should be happy that people have found something that makes them happy.

I love, love, love that statement.  I smile when I see people really embracing music of any kind.  If it's not my cup of tea, so be it.  You know what, there are probably more 13 year olds that get passionate about music than 40 year olds.   So Mariah Carry is going to sell more albums than Bruce Springsteen.  So what?  Music can't be judged, or rated in some sort of contest?  As an artist, David should know that better than anyone.  Did Van Gogh complain that nobody bought his paintings?

I couldn't agree less. I know I'm like the only one in the world who will defend this position but I don't think music is COMPLETELY subjective as most people seem to believe.  No one can convince me that the song on taco bell's commercials has as much musical merit as Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.  Call me pretentious but I think it's pretty egotistical to believe that your interpretation of a song is just as valid as anyone else's.

actually, roughly 6 years ago, taco bell's commercials featured a song by a band called shadowy men on a shadowy planet, an instrumental band from canada. they also did a song called "having an average weekend", which you know as the kids in the hall theme song. they were a good band.