Me and my coworkers had a slow day @ work the other day and we just started talking about music groups we did not like and it got me thinking. So just wanted to see what groups some people did not like. I will leave a room running when I hear these groups....Nickelback, Coldplay, and Maroon 5. Okay forum who makes you curl up in the fetal position when you hear them?
Everything you listed, plus U2. There is no justifying U2, but someone inevitably comes in "B-b-b-ut Joshua Tree-era is sooooo goood!". No, no it's not. None of it is.
Owl City.
I really hate, loath. despise the use of flute in rock music; therefore, I can not stand Jethro Tull.
But for just regular bands/musicians/singers that I don't like Justin Bieber (I have a preteen girl who forced me to go to his concert...Oh the humanity! It was horrible) most bands on country radio are atrocious, and LMFAO sucks too. Really anything played on radio is pretty bad.
Quote from: Fully on Oct 02, 2011, 02:07 PM
I really hate, loath. despise the use of flute in rock music; therefore, I can not stand Jethro Tull.
you are my cosmic twin; i was going to write the SAME exact thing.
Not a "band" per se, but...
The "s" is mine.
U2 for the most part.
Kanye (never will forgive Roo '08).
Most metal
Was given Cold Play tickets at MSG. I turned from happy drunk to angry drunk by the end of it. They actually pissed me off.
(On the bright side, Rilo Kiley opened for them which began a great love for all things Jenny Lewis.)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 02, 2011, 02:42 PM
Not a "band" per se, but...
The "s" is mine.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 02, 2011, 01:25 PM
Owl City.
Take your pick
You Do Your Thing-Montgomery Gentry (
Toby Keith - Trailerhood (
Trace Adkins - Swing (
Big & Rich - Comin' To Your City (Video) (
LoCash Cowboys, "Here Comes Summer" - OFFICIAL VIDEO (
Quote from: Fully on Oct 02, 2011, 02:07 PM
I really hate, loath. despise the use of flute in rock music; therefore, I can not stand Jethro Tull.
Duane Allman's work with Herbie Mann might convert you, specifically on the epic title track from the album Push Push.
I despise lots of artists and bands, but here's a few:
Nelly Furtado
Diana Krall
The Cure
Depeche Mode
New Order
Johnny Lang
Eric Clapton's '80s and latter career
The Tea Party (awful Canadian power trio posers)
Stereos (awful Canadian dance/pop/punk band)
Maroon 5
and... most jam bands including Galactic, DMB, WSP, Moe. etc... and I used to love the genre, but can't stand it now for the most part, excluding the pioneeers such as the Dead and Allmans; I've cooled hard on Phish too.
Quote from: tbear on Oct 02, 2011, 02:55 PM
U2 for the most part.
Kanye (never will forgive Roo '08).
Most metal
As far as Genesis goes, I hope you're talking about their post 1984-commercial/pop hits era. If not, you're missing out on some great stuff,imo.
Here's a Peter Gabriel era tune, done sans Peter, on one of the tours following his leaving the band, and Phil at his finest,imo.
Firth Of Fifth:
Genesis - Firth Of Fifth - Six Hours Live (
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
I need to add Kings of Leon, but I more despise them as people. Ke$ha is number one though.
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
Thanks for jogging my memory!
Yes, how could I forget the horridness of Kings of Leon, Slipnot, Rage, Korn, Creed, Limp Bizkit, most modern country and non Joe Walsh Eagles.
I'll have to somewhat disagree with the Nuge. Politics and hunting aside, I like his work in The Amboy Dukes and some of his solo work, especially "Stranglehold". He is a fucking lunatic though.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 02, 2011, 08:31 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
Thanks for jogging my memory!
Yes, how could I forget the horridness of Kings of Leon, Slipnot, Rage, Korn, Creed, Limp Bizkit, most modern country and non Joe Walsh Eagles.
I'll have to somewhat disagree with the Nuge. Politics and hunting aside, I like his work in The Amboy Dukes and some of his solo work, especially "Stranglehold". He is a fucking lunatic though.
His lunacy and his ugly right wingedness have ruined him for me.
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:50 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 02, 2011, 08:31 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
Thanks for jogging my memory!
Yes, how could I forget the horridness of Kings of Leon, Slipnot, Rage, Korn, Creed, Limp Bizkit, most modern country and non Joe Walsh Eagles.
I'll have to somewhat disagree with the Nuge. Politics and hunting aside, I like his work in The Amboy Dukes and some of his solo work, especially "Stranglehold". He is a fucking lunatic though.
His lunacy and his ugly right wingedness have ruined him for me.
I know what you are saying, but if we actually knew more personal stuff about most of our music heroes, we'd probably hate them too. I love Chuck Heston movies, but I can't say I like his right wingedness either (although he was liberal regarding civil rights).
Go easy on The Eagles, they wrote great songs..
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 02, 2011, 10:14 AM
Everything you listed, plus U2. There is no justifying U2, but someone inevitably comes in "B-b-b-ut Joshua Tree-era is sooooo goood!". No, no it's not. None of it is.
pre-Joshua Tree era was so good..
Joshua Tree was more than good--it was a phenomenal album! (even Zooropa, it freed me from the chains of rural Ohio, it transported me, c'mon! spoken from someone who must have been born in the 80s) ;)
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 02, 2011, 10:11 PM
Go easy on The Eagles, they wrote great songs..
For me they fall under a category I'd like to start called: "Bands you once liked, but grew to hate". I'll throw Journey into this category along with ELP and most jam bands.
Despise is a strong word.
I would second:
U2 post Achtung
Kings post Because...
I would add:
Coldplay post A Rush of...
I just assume anyone over the age of 12-13 with any sense of pride hates all the bad pop.
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 02, 2011, 04:03 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 02, 2011, 02:42 PM
Not a "band" per se, but...
The "s" is mine.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 02, 2011, 01:25 PM
Owl City.
Finally! someone who acknowledges the horror that is Owl City!
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
I'm surprised to see you don't like Rage. S/T is a classic album.
Boston makes me want to vomit. Jethro Tull is awful too.
Quote from: lucylew on Oct 02, 2011, 11:38 PM
Boston makes me want to vomit. Jethro Tull is awful too.
I forgot about Boston. How many college boyfriends tried to impress me with how cool they were because they were into Boston. And all I ever thought was how much Boston sucked ass.
I can't believe I forgot second-to-none tribute album whore and performer on EVERY all-star fundraiser known to humankind, not to mention dysfunctional celebrity serial dater; I give you the stunningly irrelevant and even in her prime, really really average: Sheryl Crow.
Oh, and that self-important phony with a suspect rags-to-riches upbringing, that continuously switches genres in a blatant any-which-way-the-music-wind-blows kind of way, driven by her desperate, yet inevitably fruitless, pursuit of another hit: the incomparable Jewel.
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 02, 2011, 10:14 AM
Everything you listed, plus U2. There is no justifying U2, but someone inevitably comes in "B-b-b-ut Joshua Tree-era is sooooo goood!". No, no it's not. None of it is.
You just made my day! I couldn't have put it any better than that! ;D
Ignoring the obvious crap pop:
Mumford & Sons
Kings Of Leon
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 03, 2011, 12:10 AM
I can't believe I forgot second-to-none tribute album whore and performer on EVERY all-star fundraiser known to humankind, not to mention dysfunctional celebrity serial dater; I give you the stunningly irrelevant and even in her prime, really really average: Sheryl Crow.
Oh, and that self-important phony with a suspect rags-to-riches upbringing, that continuously switches genres in a blatant any-which-way-the-music-wind-blows kind of way, driven by her desperate, yet inevitably fruitless, pursuit of another hit: the incomparable Jewel.
And True, yeah I cannot stand Rage. I does surprise people. I've actually hated them since day 1.
I also really don't like Vampire Weekend. They whine just a little too much for me. Just not enough substance for me.
The Killers...cant stand them, dont get the hype at all
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 02, 2011, 11:21 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 02, 2011, 04:03 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 02, 2011, 02:42 PM
Not a "band" per se, but...
The "s" is mine.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 02, 2011, 01:25 PM
Owl City.
Finally! someone who acknowledges the horror that is Owl City!
I guess I should consider myself lucky that I've never even heard of Owl City?
Then there should be another thread for those Bands: (The Eagles)
"Bands you hate ONLY because of commercial success, overexposure to their music, or they just seem like kind of pompous a**holes.."
That's why I hate Kesha so much. I hate her music more than anything, and I hate her as a person.
Also: hootie and blowfish
Matchbox 20
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 03, 2011, 11:30 AM
That's why I hate Kesha so much. I hate her music more than anything, and I hate her as a person.
Also: hootie and blowfish
Matchbox 20
My ten year old daughter tells me that she farts glitter. That's actually a pretty good description of her talent.
Two pages in and no one has hated Conor yet? We have come soooo far... ;)
I try to stay away from the hate, but I must profess my utter distaste for all things Meatloaf.
Hootie? Hating on Hootie? Man...dark times
Hating on Meatloaf too now? Jeez
Green Day, Linkin Park.
Anything where the words cannot be heard or understood.........or they are screamed beyond a level of enjoyment or talent. Also I really despise bands like The Killers(Duran Duran rip off.......and they were not good in the 80's) as well as Coldplay. They have been sued a few times for stealing riffs etc from past artists. I feel like if you are that talented and are that successful financially the least thing you could do would be to be original. Also many of the "mainstream country artists" that are nothing more than rock artists that could not make it in that genre so went to the less crowded country genre and tagged it new country. More disturbing is the fact that these artists are played on mainstream radio stations as top 40/rock artists. It is a foul cry away from the Hank Williams sr. johnny cash days when country was good and had a purpose in the overall music cosmos. Now it is a joke! I think that about covers it for me.
Quote from: BH on Oct 03, 2011, 11:43 AM
Two pages in and no one has hated Conor yet? We have come soooo far... ;)
No I still despise him. I just forgot about the one who sings like Goat Boy in my rush to get for more annoying acts out there.
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 03, 2011, 11:54 AM
Green Day, Linkin Park.
i am really embarrassed but i like Linkin Park...good workout music..
also, Kanye is good! how can you not love Gold Digger?! he makes bad rhyming good..
Who the hell is Owl City?!
The only band listed so far that I really despise is Limp Bizkit.
I haven't heard a lot of the pop and country stuff brought up. Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2011, 01:54 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wolf People - Tiny Circle (
I love this song
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 03, 2011, 01:58 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2011, 01:54 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wolf People - Tiny Circle (
I love this song
Dude, I dig it!
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:59 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
It is, it comes on the radio when I'm working, which adds to the dislike towards this song
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 03, 2011, 01:58 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2011, 01:54 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wolf People - Tiny Circle (
I love this song
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:06 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:59 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
It is, it comes on the radio when I'm working, which adds to the dislike towards this song
When this song frist came out a couple of years ago I thought it was a new Postal Service song.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
As I was vomiting, through watery eyes, I saw over 58 million views. Damn.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 03, 2011, 02:13 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
As I was vomiting, through watery eyes, I saw over 58 million views. Damn.
I'd never heard of Owl City as well. Do you tell your kids that their is no "Magic" button at the same time as the Santa Claus and Easter bunny speech?
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Oct 03, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:06 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:59 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
It is, it comes on the radio when I'm working, which adds to the dislike towards this song
When this song frist came out a couple of years ago I thought it was a new Postal Service song.
;D my friend always referred to Owl City as "that bad combo of the Postal Service and Death Cab"
Bruce Springsteen
Rod Stewart
I'm sure that there are more, but these are the first few that came to mind. I don't listen to any modern pop radio, so fortunately, I have no idea what most of the prior mentioned modern artists sound like.
Whoa... 3/4 of those are awesome
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:31 PM
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Oct 03, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:06 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:59 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
It is, it comes on the radio when I'm working, which adds to the dislike towards this song
When this song frist came out a couple of years ago I thought it was a new Postal Service song.
;D my friend always referred to Owl City as "that bad combo of the Postal Service and Death Cab"
Ben Gibbard is Death Cab and The Postal Service.
When I first heard it I thought it was the postal service until I was told otherwise
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 03, 2011, 04:09 PM
Whoa... 3/4 of those are awesome
I think you meant to say, "3/4 of those are
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
Sure. I never got the almost cult like love for them. Can't say as I loath them, I just don't like them.
Quote from: jones on Oct 03, 2011, 03:11 PM
Bruce Springsteen
You know, I actually kind agree with you. I just don't get Bruce.
I never got Bruce till I moved here. A lot of his music is pictorial (NJ). Also, it's more than just being cool and liking Nebraska but from what I hear (HH and ericm) he gives everything to his shows. Probably not many shows with similar setlists or under 4 hours..He's on my bucket list but I don't go to Arena shows so I'm afraid I'll never see him unless he plays a festival again.
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
Bon Scott was way better. I agree that their music is redundant, they're a one-trick pony for sure. However, I can still enjoy them from time to time.
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
sorry man, but if you don't "get" this, then I'm not sure you "get" rock and roll
AC/DC Let there be rock (1977, Unedited video version) (
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 04, 2011, 12:21 AM
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
sorry man, but if you don't "get" this, then I'm not sure you "get" rock and roll
AC/DC Let there be rock (1977, Unedited video version) (
agreed tracy, was coincidentally about to post a video too.
AC/DC - Its A Long Way To The Top If Ya Wanna Rock And Roll (
I used to not like Bruce Springsteen much either, but I eventually came around. His music evokes Americana, it's hard not to like it.
Uhh...AC/DC has been "meltin' faces" since before MMJ were born. Angus Young should be on the Mt. Rushmore of meltin' faces. AC/DC probably laughs at the term "meltin' faces"...they just call it "playing."
I find it tough to dislike early AC/DC, especially "Jailbreak" and "Whole Lotta Rosie".
A couple of other bands I despise, but they fall under "Bands I once liked, but now hate":
Bob Seger
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 04, 2011, 12:27 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 04, 2011, 12:21 AM
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
sorry man, but if you don't "get" this, then I'm not sure you "get" rock and roll
AC/DC Let there be rock (1977, Unedited video version) (
agreed tracy, was coincidentally about to post a video too.
AC/DC - Its A Long Way To The Top If Ya Wanna Rock And Roll (
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 03, 2011, 04:11 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:31 PM
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Oct 03, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 02:06 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:59 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Oct 03, 2011, 01:34 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Who the hell is Owl City?!
Sorry in advance.
Owl City - Fireflies (
People usually assume this: "Rich, you like Indie stuff, you must love Owl City"
But, they're just... horrible.
Yeah, that's really shitty! ;D It sounds like a bad parody song! Is this popular right now???
It is, it comes on the radio when I'm working, which adds to the dislike towards this song
When this song frist came out a couple of years ago I thought it was a new Postal Service song.
;D my friend always referred to Owl City as "that bad combo of the Postal Service and Death Cab"
Ben Gibbard is Death Cab and The Postal Service.
When I first heard it I thought it was the postal service until I was told otherwise
Yeah, that was his point, if you take everything bad about Ben Gibbard, you'd get Owl City. I think. At least!
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 03, 2011, 07:30 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 03, 2011, 12:10 AM
I can't believe I forgot second-to-none tribute album whore and performer on EVERY all-star fundraiser known to humankind, not to mention dysfunctional celebrity serial dater; I give you the stunningly irrelevant and even in her prime, really really average: Sheryl Crow.
Oh, and that self-important phony with a suspect rags-to-riches upbringing, that continuously switches genres in a blatant any-which-way-the-music-wind-blows kind of way, driven by her desperate, yet inevitably fruitless, pursuit of another hit: the incomparable Jewel.
And True, yeah I cannot stand Rage. I does surprise people. I've actually hated them since day 1.
Just a question about the Rage hating. Did you feel the same when they teamed up with Chris Cornell and became Audioslave? Just inquisitive.
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 04, 2011, 12:21 AM
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 03, 2011, 08:13 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 02, 2011, 08:17 PM
Just a few
Pretty much any modern country (Toby Keith needs to just go the fuck away)
The Eagles. God the fucking Eagles
Ted Nugent
U2 post Achtung Baby
Kings of Leon post Because Of The Times
Rage Against The Machine
Slipnot (really any shitty "metal" band in the ne metal category)
Limp Bizkit/Fred Durst
It's like you read my mind and saw this list in my head...I cannot believe I forgot Creed...yuk. Can I add AC/DC to that? The same horrible vocals even though they had 2 different singers and the same lame guitar riff over, and over, and over again. :dankk2:
sorry man, but if you don't "get" this, then I'm not sure you "get" rock and roll
AC/DC Let there be rock (1977, Unedited video version) (
My bad..should have said more recent of there stuff. Did not know that they were the top dog of the rock n roll game. Guess I am not as cool as some of u. I can respect the older stuff but I'm sorry when I hear them on the radio or anything else I immediately change the channel or station. Good year though 1977, the year I was born. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 04, 2011, 05:30 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 03, 2011, 07:30 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 03, 2011, 12:10 AM
I can't believe I forgot second-to-none tribute album whore and performer on EVERY all-star fundraiser known to humankind, not to mention dysfunctional celebrity serial dater; I give you the stunningly irrelevant and even in her prime, really really average: Sheryl Crow.
Oh, and that self-important phony with a suspect rags-to-riches upbringing, that continuously switches genres in a blatant any-which-way-the-music-wind-blows kind of way, driven by her desperate, yet inevitably fruitless, pursuit of another hit: the incomparable Jewel.
And True, yeah I cannot stand Rage. I does surprise people. I've actually hated them since day 1.
Just a question about the Rage hating. Did you feel the same when they teamed up with Chris Cornell and became Audioslave? Just inquisitive.
I repectfully hate Rage. The same can't be said for the borefest that is/was Audioslave.
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 04, 2011, 05:30 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 03, 2011, 07:30 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 03, 2011, 12:10 AM
I can't believe I forgot second-to-none tribute album whore and performer on EVERY all-star fundraiser known to humankind, not to mention dysfunctional celebrity serial dater; I give you the stunningly irrelevant and even in her prime, really really average: Sheryl Crow.
Oh, and that self-important phony with a suspect rags-to-riches upbringing, that continuously switches genres in a blatant any-which-way-the-music-wind-blows kind of way, driven by her desperate, yet inevitably fruitless, pursuit of another hit: the incomparable Jewel.
And True, yeah I cannot stand Rage. I does surprise people. I've actually hated them since day 1.
Just a question about the Rage hating. Did you feel the same when they teamed up with Chris Cornell and became Audioslave? Just inquisitive.
Yes. I thought Audioslave was awful.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 04, 2011, 03:19 PM
Bob Seger
Noooooooo....another one on my bucket some BS~
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 03, 2011, 01:18 PM
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 03, 2011, 11:54 AM
Green Day, Linkin Park.
i am really embarrassed but i like Linkin Park...good workout music..
also, Kanye is good! how can you not love Gold Digger?! he makes bad rhyming good..
PENNY???? You of all people I would never expect to say that lol.
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 03, 2011, 01:58 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Oct 03, 2011, 01:54 PM
Quote from: bbill on Oct 03, 2011, 01:27 PM
Jethro Tull is awesome though. FLUTE ROCK!!! :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Wolf People - Tiny Circle (
I love this song
Wolf People Rule!
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 04, 2011, 11:43 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 03, 2011, 01:18 PM
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 03, 2011, 11:54 AM
Green Day, Linkin Park.
i am really embarrassed but i like Linkin Park...good workout music..
also, Kanye is good! how can you not love Gold Digger?! he makes bad rhyming good..
PENNY???? You of all people I would never expect to say that lol.
but do
NOT get me wrong, if i was driving my car and saw him jaywalking across a busy street and there was a slight chance i could get away with it, i'd def try a hit and run...but I can't deny talent...he's made a couple of good records..
Cheap Trick. Something about them makes me want to throw myself out of a window. I'd rather listen to Yoko Ono sing than hear "I Want You to Want Me" ever again
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 05, 2011, 09:19 AM
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 04, 2011, 11:43 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 03, 2011, 01:18 PM
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 03, 2011, 11:54 AM
Green Day, Linkin Park.
i am really embarrassed but i like Linkin Park...good workout music..
also, Kanye is good! how can you not love Gold Digger?! he makes bad rhyming good..
PENNY???? You of all people I would never expect to say that lol.
but do NOT get me wrong, if i was driving my car and saw him jaywalking across a busy street and there was a slight chance i could get away with it, i'd def try a hit and run...but I can't deny talent...he's made a couple of good records..
I'm with ya on that. Hate the person. Love the talent.
Widespread Panic
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 04, 2011, 10:19 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 04, 2011, 03:19 PM
Bob Seger
Noooooooo....another one on my bucket some BS~
Penny, you're awesome! 8)
Love Kanye, love his music. :bath:
Despise is a strong word. There are quite a few bands where I just don't understand the adulation. Arcade Fire, Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead to some extent.
Quote from: bbill on Oct 05, 2011, 01:14 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 04, 2011, 10:19 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 04, 2011, 03:19 PM
Bob Seger
Noooooooo....another one on my bucket some BS~
Penny, you're awesome! 8)
His later career was a disgrace, specifically his '80s shit.
BH and Jones be hatin'. I adore Meatloaf :-* If I took BH to a Karaoke bar after the T5 At Dawn show, he totally would have sang Paradise by the Dashboard Light with me. I would have even let him be the man too.
Not their 80s output but I despise Hetfield and Ulrich
Fleet Foxes is getting there ;D
Quote from: ALady on Oct 05, 2011, 01:54 PM
Love Kanye, love his music. :bath:
Despise is a strong word. There are quite a few bands where I just don't understand the adulation. Arcade Fire, Neutral Milk Hotel, Radiohead to some extent.
Cannot believe I forgot to mention this group....Train....OMG, I just threw up in my mouth. :embarassed:
I second Vampire Weekend. They're like all the worst parts of the 80s in one band. Like pre-canned yacht rock that yuppies listen to on boats that aren't quite big enough to be yachts.
And leave Seger alone! A Seger/DBT mix is all you need to drive the open highway.
I don't hate Alice in Chains and Rage, but I do hate their fans, and by proxy, have grown to despise the music.
Other than that, I hate most modern pop singer/songwriters. Jason Mraz is a no one who thinks he's someone, and John Mayer is like a muscle car with an automatic transmission - just wasted ability.
Since you might have missed it, let's turn this up a notch......Widespread Panic.
Quote from: sweatboard on Oct 05, 2011, 08:12 PM
Since you might have missed it, let's turn this up a notch......Widespread Panic.
Won't say I despise (though I hate their part in Before the Music Dies), but I definitely don't get their popularity.
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 05, 2011, 08:46 PM
Quote from: sweatboard on Oct 05, 2011, 08:12 PM
Since you might have missed it, let's turn this up a notch......Widespread Panic.
Won't say I despise (though I hate their part in Before the Music Dies), but I definitely don't get their popularity.
I tried and tried to get into WSP over the past 10-15 years, but it just didn't happen. I just find their music incredibly boring and nearly devoid of catchy hooks and melodies, but they do have lots of soul, which is unusual. Jimmy Herring still rules though.
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 05, 2011, 08:46 PM
Quote from: sweatboard on Oct 05, 2011, 08:12 PM
Since you might have missed it, let's turn this up a notch......Widespread Panic.
Won't say I despise (though I hate their part in Before the Music Dies), but I definitely don't get their popularity.
Do I just need lsd, shrooms, or Opiates..... I don't get it, please explain. If I WAS on any of these things I think I would run from this music.
Quote from: sweatboard on Oct 05, 2011, 09:10 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 05, 2011, 08:46 PM
Quote from: sweatboard on Oct 05, 2011, 08:12 PM
Since you might have missed it, let's turn this up a notch......Widespread Panic.
Won't say I despise (though I hate their part in Before the Music Dies), but I definitely don't get their popularity.
Do I just need lsd, shrooms, or Opiates..... I don't get it, please explain. If I WAS on any of these things I think I would run from this music.
I'm with you on this one. I'm going to see them on Friday night with a friend, but I'm just not feeling it at all. Never have.
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 05, 2011, 07:23 PM
Cannot believe I forgot to mention this group....Train....OMG, I just threw up in my mouth. :embarassed:
Train really upsets me too. I read this in an article someone posted here on the forum - "whitest song to ever have the word soul in".
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 05, 2011, 08:01 PM
I second Vampire Weekend. They're like all the worst parts of the 80s in one band. Like pre-canned yacht rock that yuppies listen to on boats that aren't quite big enough to be yachts.
And leave Seger alone! A Seger/DBT mix is all you need to drive the open highway.
I don't hate Alice in Chains and Rage, but I do hate their fans, and by proxy, have grown to despise the music.
Other than that, I hate most modern pop singer/songwriters. Jason Mraz is a no one who thinks he's someone, and John Mayer is like a muscle car with an automatic transmission - just wasted ability.
I agree with this entire post. :thumbsup:
Vampire Weekend blows donkey dick
I really hate The Killers and the '80s Britpop bands they obviously worship. And that jokey Franz Ferdinand can't break up fast enough for my liking.
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 05, 2011, 11:54 PM
Vampire Weekend blows donkey dick
Exactlly Right!
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 05, 2011, 10:17 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 05, 2011, 07:23 PM
Cannot believe I forgot to mention this group....Train....OMG, I just threw up in my mouth. :embarassed:
Train really upsets me too. I read this in an article someone posted here on the forum - "whitest song to ever have the word soul in".
Saw that same article, hilarious could not agree more.
Two more: Foreigner and Styx. Ugh.
Quote from: Honest Man on Oct 05, 2011, 11:54 PM
Vampire Weekend blows donkey dick
you mean in a bad way, right?
This topic is right up my alley... Here we go.
1. Genesis (anything with Phil Collins) His voice is like nails on a chalk board to me
2. The Eagles
3. Dave Matthews Band
4. Bush
5. Creed
Thats it for now; I know theres more, but those were top of mind.
So many to choose from... but if I had to narrow it down:
1- Creed
2- Coldplay
3- Maroon 5
Did I mention Creed?
Oh and to those saying U2, Bob Seger, Bruce Springsteen? You all need your heads examined. :o
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 10, 2011, 02:42 PM3. Dave Matthews Band
I forgot DMB. Annoying to no end.
guns & roses
I know, I'm not sure what it is about axle roses voice that makes me want to smash my balls with a hammer.
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 06, 2011, 05:42 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 05, 2011, 10:17 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Oct 05, 2011, 07:23 PM
Cannot believe I forgot to mention this group....Train....OMG, I just threw up in my mouth. :embarassed:
Train really upsets me too. I read this in an article someone posted here on the forum - "whitest song to ever have the word soul in".
Saw that same article, hilarious could not agree more.
My sister wanted me to read train lyrics at her wedding. That conversation was some real comedy. Needless to say I didn't do it. train is so bad.
I completely second vampire weekend. It really bums me out that Ryan Adams loves the vamp so much. Can't believe he covered their entire record.
As of last week I despise fleet foxes too.
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 12:47 PM
guns & roses
Wow, really?
Yo dude in another thread you said anthrax has the album of the year
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 11, 2011, 02:42 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 12:47 PM
guns & roses
Wow, really?
Yo dude in another thread you said anthrax has the album of the year
That wasn't me Mr. Windy. You have me cornfused with someone else. I like Clutch, maybe thats what your thinking ?
You should have read the lyrics for your sister. She would have done it for you ;D
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 03:32 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 11, 2011, 02:42 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 12:47 PM
guns & roses
Wow, really?
Yo dude in another thread you said anthrax has the album of the year
That wasn't me Mr. Windy. You have me cornfused with someone else. I like Clutch, maybe thats what your thinking ?
You should have read the lyrics for your sister. She would have done it for you ;D
I despise Axl. He's a complete ass. Outside of some songs from Appetite, I personally think they are overrated. But when they are on point, damn they sound great. Plus they have the honor of being horribly overplayed which has killed what's great about the songs they sound great on.
And Clutch kicks ass.
Fleetwood Mac
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 03:32 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 11, 2011, 02:42 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 12:47 PM
guns & roses
Wow, really?
Yo dude in another thread you said anthrax has the album of the year
That wasn't me Mr. Windy. You have me cornfused with someone else. I like Clutch, maybe thats what your thinking ?
You should have read the lyrics for your sister. She would have done it for you ;D
Oh that was most definitely me yes. Album is awesome, real return to form for them.
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 04:31 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 03:32 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 11, 2011, 02:42 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 11, 2011, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Oct 11, 2011, 12:47 PM
guns & roses
Wow, really?
Yo dude in another thread you said anthrax has the album of the year
That wasn't me Mr. Windy. You have me cornfused with someone else. I like Clutch, maybe thats what your thinking ?
You should have read the lyrics for your sister. She would have done it for you ;D
Oh that was most definitely me yes. Album is awesome, real return to form for them.
tater i was talking to buaw. it was a cheap shot cause I too hate g&r :)
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
A TON? That's being pretty generous. He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song on an otherwise kickass record, and nearly ruined my college-going years through being played on somebody's boombox about every 30 minutes.
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
Sorry fellas but GnR just doesn't appeal to me. Axle + cornrows = fuckstick
Def Leppard
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song ..
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 12, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song ..
Flabbergasted because I forgot the article before "awful," or because I hate that shitty song? ;)
Quote from: walterfredo on Oct 11, 2011, 04:26 PM
Fleetwood Mac
Even their original heavy blues incarnation, led by the great Peter Green?
fleetwood mac oh well (
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 11:15 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 12, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song ..
Flabbergasted because I forgot the article before "awful," or because I hate that shitty song? ;)
the only good thing about that song is that it was in step brothers.... to me gnr just seems like the band that was starting the "hard rock" scene. which sucks. its not really rock and roll to me
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
A TON? That's being pretty generous. He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song on an otherwise kickass record, and nearly ruined my college-going years through being played on somebody's boombox about every 30 minutes.
Well the entire Appetite album is a masterpiece... then there are a number of songs off the bloated Illusions albums (Estranged, Civil War, November Rain, Breakdown, Garden are just a few that come to mind), the Lies songs are great and there are even a handful off Chinese Democracy (There Was A Time, Prostitute, Street of Dreams). The guy might be a hardcore prick but his impact on rock is undeniable. It's all opinions really. Just know that your opinion... is wrong. ;)
Also lets not forget that Slash is one of the most badass guitarists ever.
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 12, 2011, 12:06 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 11:15 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 12, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song ..
Flabbergasted because I forgot the article before "awful," or because I hate that shitty song? ;)
the only good thing about that song is that it was in step brothers.... to me gnr just seems like the band that was starting the "hard rock" scene. which sucks. its not really rock and roll to me
I was in college when Welcome to the Jungle came out. GnR was a welcome relief to all the pop hair bands that were prevelent at that time. Having said that, their first album was the only one I ever really liked. They got too much success too soon and obvs. couldn't handle it. All of their other albums seemed bloated and filled with excess whereas WthJ was fresh and rocked in a way that rock had really been missing since the seventies.
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 12:20 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
A TON? That's being pretty generous. He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song on an otherwise kickass record, and nearly ruined my college-going years through being played on somebody's boombox about every 30 minutes.
Well the entire Appetite album is a masterpiece... then there are a number of songs off the bloated Illusions albums (Estranged, Civil War, November Rain, Breakdown, Garden are just a few that come to mind), the Lies songs are great and there are even a handful off Chinese Democracy (There Was A Time, Prostitute, Street of Dreams). The guy might be a hardcore prick but his impact on rock is undeniable. It's all opinions really. Just know that your opinion... is wrong. ;)
Well, I loved Appetite (except for that one fucking song), and enjoyed Lies...I'm not denying his impact, just quibbling with the amount, I suppose. When accounting in units of measure for mass, a TON seems excessive when referring to Mr. Rose and associates. Comparative Rock Impact on this scale for other icons, say, Bob Dylan, must be in the tens of thousands of tons.
I propose different units for measuring Axl's influence...I give him 8 bags of sugars' worth of Rock Impact.
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 12:39 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 12:20 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
A TON? That's being pretty generous. He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song on an otherwise kickass record, and nearly ruined my college-going years through being played on somebody's boombox about every 30 minutes.
Well the entire Appetite album is a masterpiece... then there are a number of songs off the bloated Illusions albums (Estranged, Civil War, November Rain, Breakdown, Garden are just a few that come to mind), the Lies songs are great and there are even a handful off Chinese Democracy (There Was A Time, Prostitute, Street of Dreams). The guy might be a hardcore prick but his impact on rock is undeniable. It's all opinions really. Just know that your opinion... is wrong. ;)
Well, I loved Appetite (except for that one fucking song), and enjoyed Lies...I'm not denying his impact, just quibbling with the amount, I suppose. When accounting in units of measure for mass, a TON seems excessive when referring to Mr. Rose and associates. Comparative Rock Impact on this scale for other icons, say, Bob Dylan, must be in the tens of thousands of tons.
I propose different units for measuring Axl's influence...I give him 8 bags of sugars' worth of Rock Impact.
Well 2 full albums, most of Illusions which would make up another album... yeah he's made quite the impact. Gotta give credit where it is due... even if the guy is an absolute jerk-off, he's responsible for a number of classic songs.
And of course, if Jim James ever did a cover of "that one fucking song"... my guess is you wouldn't be SO quick to say how much you hate it... ;)
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 01:00 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 12:39 PM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 12:20 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 12, 2011, 09:51 AM
Quote from: StaggerLee on Oct 12, 2011, 08:54 AM
How can you hate November Rain? Maybe one of the greatest songs of the 90's. Not to say that Axl Rose is not a douche bag, which he most certainly is; but shit GnR rules.
Well said StaggerLee. You can hate on Axl all you want. Guy is a pompous arrogant douche if there ever was one. But he is responsible for a TON of great music. Hell even Chinese Democracy had a handful of really solid tunes on it.
A TON? That's being pretty generous. He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song on an otherwise kickass record, and nearly ruined my college-going years through being played on somebody's boombox about every 30 minutes.
Well the entire Appetite album is a masterpiece... then there are a number of songs off the bloated Illusions albums (Estranged, Civil War, November Rain, Breakdown, Garden are just a few that come to mind), the Lies songs are great and there are even a handful off Chinese Democracy (There Was A Time, Prostitute, Street of Dreams). The guy might be a hardcore prick but his impact on rock is undeniable. It's all opinions really. Just know that your opinion... is wrong. ;)
Well, I loved Appetite (except for that one fucking song), and enjoyed Lies...I'm not denying his impact, just quibbling with the amount, I suppose. When accounting in units of measure for mass, a TON seems excessive when referring to Mr. Rose and associates. Comparative Rock Impact on this scale for other icons, say, Bob Dylan, must be in the tens of thousands of tons.
I propose different units for measuring Axl's influence...I give him 8 bags of sugars' worth of Rock Impact.
Well 2 full albums, most of Illusions which would make up another album... yeah he's made quite the impact. Gotta give credit where it is due... even if the guy is an absolute jerk-off, he's responsible for a number of classic songs.
And of course, if Jim James ever did a cover of "that one fucking song"... my guess is you wouldn't be SO quick to say how much you hate it... ;)
dude seriously, that card is getting so old. People on here are so quick to say "well if Jim did this or that you would probably change your mind." It's honestly kind of BS because if I saw Jim cover Hot N Cold or he said in an interview that Katy Perry was a huge influence, I wouldn't run and buy her records. She'd still be a talentless (sexy) skeez.
believe it or not, most of the weirdos on here that spend obscene amounts of time and money on this band (myself included) can see flaws in their works.
QuoteAnd of course, if Jim James ever did a cover of "that one fucking song"... my guess is you wouldn't be SO quick to say how much you hate it...
Pretty sure I would still hate it. A cover of that tune by any artist I enjoy would not be able to override the effect caused by the billion times I had heard it previously.
Crispy is curmudgeon
I agree with most all of what you say buuuaaawwwww!! 'Cept the Chinese democracy part. Condense the Illusions into one album and you have two rock masterpieces.
I respectfully disagree on your point about this board ewind. I long ago quit writing negatives about this band because of how defensive (make that offensive) people got. I only take jabs here and there now. ;)
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 12, 2011, 01:23 PM
Crispy is curmudgeon
Here is a statement everyone can get on board with. ;D
(you forgot the article and some punctuation)
I never cared for GnR (Axl bugged me), but I have lots of respect for what they did, music wise. Izzy was their backbone and when he left, it was basically over. Slash is a great great lead guitarist and I admire Duff's rebirth. I do love that R&R were a real rock band in the era when whimpy ruled the airwaves.
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 12, 2011, 12:06 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 11:15 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Oct 12, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 12, 2011, 10:27 AM
He is also responsible for Sweet Child O' Mine, which is awful song ..
Flabbergasted because I forgot the article before "awful," or because I hate that shitty song? ;)
the only good thing about that song is that it was in step brothers.... to me gnr just seems like the band that was starting the "hard rock" scene. which sucks. its not really rock and roll to me
G n' R not rock and roll? That is nonsense.
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 12, 2011, 01:23 PM
Crispy is curmudgeon
I agree with most all of what you say buuuaaawwwww!! 'Cept the Chinese democracy part. Condense the Illusions into one album and you have two rock masterpieces.
I respectfully disagree on your point about this board ewind. I long ago quit writing negatives about this band because of how defensive (make that offensive) people got. I only take jabs here and there now. ;)
Seriously is, I didn't know... now I do!
Chinese Democracy is not a particularly good album, and certainly not a Guns N Roses album. I gotta say though there were a handful of songs I actually did like and the last song on the album I like VERY much. And you are spot on about the Illusions albums. It was overkill, but take the best tracks of both, make it one album and that's one hell of an album there. Ah, to each their own.
But boy, do I hate Creed... LOL
I am sitting here trying to brainstorm more bands to add to my list (a spectacular way to waste time) and i realize that there are alot of recent songs on the radio that I hear and can't stand but I am so out of touch with popular music; i have no clue the names of the bands.
I'd like to punch that fake goody-two-shoes Bruno Mars in the teeth.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 12, 2011, 01:37 PM
I never cared for GnR (Axl bugged me), but I have lots of respect for what they did, music wise. Izzy was their backbone and when he left, it was basically over. Slash is a great great lead guitarist and I admire Duff's rebirth. I do love that R&R were a real rock band in the era when whimpy ruled the airwaves.
Izzy had to much class to stay in the band. However, Axl makes Courtney Love look classy...
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 12, 2011, 08:47 PM
It appears as though he ate a metric ton of cake.
...and Chris I'm glad that you called yourself out before anyone else had a chance.
When MY Band "Hey Girl" finally gets going we ARE covering this song, so deal with it!!!
Paula Abdul - Rush Rush (
In Axl's attempt to look like Van Morrison, he ended up eating Van Morrison. Good grief
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 13, 2011, 02:48 PM
In Axl's attempt to look like Van Morrison, he ended up eating Van Morrison. Good grief
Hard to believe it's him. And I thought he looked bad in his braided hair phase.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 13, 2011, 02:55 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 13, 2011, 02:48 PM
In Axl's attempt to look like Van Morrison, he ended up eating Van Morrison. Good grief
Hard to believe it's him. And I thought he looked bad in his braided hair phase.
So whatcha ya'll think? Is he pushing a deuce, deuce & a half? I remember when I was just a lad in the late 80's & thought this dude was cool. Father time has not been kind to Mr. Rose. :thumbsup:
Ha wow maybe this post should be renamed from Bands you despise to we hate you Axl Rose?!
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 13, 2011, 02:55 PM
Quote from: mjk73 on Oct 13, 2011, 02:48 PM
In Axl's attempt to look like Van Morrison, he ended up eating Van Morrison. Good grief
Hard to believe it's him. And I thought he looked bad in his braided hair phase.
He's gone Traceadkinesque
The Strokes
Quote from: buaawwww on Oct 14, 2011, 09:18 AM
Ha wow maybe this post should be renamed from Bands you despise to we hate you Axl Rose?!
Have you seen the beginning of this post? From all the Ke$ha hating I thought people were going to try and find her and hunt her down @ nightfall with pitchforks. ;)
He's fat.
I hate him.
and the cold November rain.
Full Disclosure...... I cried my eyes out over loosing my first girlfriend when "Don't You Cry Tonight" came on the radio....and by radio, I mean my cd player. :)
Guns N' Roses - Don't Cry (
Don't you take it so hard now
And please don't take it so bad
I'll still be thinkin' of you
And the times we
And don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
Don't you cry tonight
There's a heaven above you baby
And don't you cry tonight
so true axl, so true.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 03, 2011, 12:10 AM
I Sheryl Crow.
Can't stand her either, though I will always like her song about Steve McQueen (c'mon that is some timelessly cool subject matter)--and who the hell is she to tell me how much toilet paper I am supposed to use? What an insufferable twat!
Oh and God Bless Ted Nugent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On a separate note my own list:
Eminem---nails on a chalk board, this is not the model of a genius
Kansas--bloated (though Steve Morse is awesome)
Ween--just agravating
Pretty much anything in the "pop" genre--Brittany/Christina/and so forth
Reo Speedwagon (kinda falls in the previous classification)
Coldplay: I could take or leave 'em
More to come I'm sure but my brain is awash in aggravation re: Ms Crow
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 15, 2011, 03:21 PM
On a separate note my own list:
Eminem---nails on a chalk board, this is not the model of a genius
Kansas--bloated (though Steve Morse is awesome)
Ween--just agravating
Pretty much anything in the "pop" genre--Brittany/Christina/and so forth
Reo Speedwagon (kinda falls in the previous classification)
Coldplay: I could take or leave 'em
More to come I'm sure but my brain is awash in aggravation re: Ms Crow
I would normally agree with you regarding Kansas and Steve Morse (although he wasn't part of their classic lineup), but as a fan of Supernatural, I've grown to like the show's oft-used almost theme song, "Carry On My Wayward Son" . It's totally perfect as a primer and flashback promo.
Ween flip from so many styles, there's always something I like. Dean is one of the best drunk lead guitarists I've ever seen. He never misses a note even though he sometimes has trouble standing.
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 15, 2011, 03:21 PM
On a separate note my own list:
Eminem---nails on a chalk board, this is not the model of a genius
Kansas--bloated (though Steve Morse is awesome)
Ween--just agravating
Pretty much anything in the "pop" genre--Brittany/Christina/and so forth
Reo Speedwagon (kinda falls in the previous classification)
Coldplay: I could take or leave 'em
More to come I'm sure but my brain is awash in aggravation re: Ms Crow
Get the fuck out of here with Ween. There has never been a better breakup song than this:
Ween - Baby Bitch (
I suspect you've only heard someone's choice "gimmick" song that they think makes them a novelty act in the same way many people think Zappa is a joke because of Yellow Snow or TMBG or PUSA for their lyrics
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 15, 2011, 03:21 PM
On a separate note my own list:
Eminem---nails on a chalk board, this is not the model of a genius
Kansas--bloated (though Steve Morse is awesome)
Ween--just agravating
Pretty much anything in the "pop" genre--Brittany/Christina/and so forth
Reo Speedwagon (kinda falls in the previous classification)
Coldplay: I could take or leave 'em
More to come I'm sure but my brain is awash in aggravation re: Ms Crow
Most of this post is a headache.
EMINEM - Kill you (
I don't like hip hop, it aint my bag. The Marshall Mathers LP however is one of my favorite records ever. This is something I usually wouldn't say, but this is SO brutal its awesome.
Eminem in 2011 does suck.
Ween just seems like a really weird band to "despise".
The "pop" genre? Does this count:
Michael Jackson-Billy Jean-full version (
Pop is like every other genre, theres some awesome shit, and then theres just some shit.
I can agree with REO and Coldplay. Coldplay upsets me they're so boring.
I fucking hate van halen...wouldn't watch them if they were playing in my living room
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 15, 2011, 03:30 PM
as a fan of Supernatural, I've grown to like the show's oft-used almost theme song, "Carry On My Wayward Son" . It's totally perfect as a primer and flashback promo.
I love the show too but that Kansas song takes me back to the South Park episode "Guitar Queero" everytime ;D
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 16, 2011, 01:54 PM
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Neither one of your song posts do anything to advance their status with me. Yeah Dean plays guitar well but the songs and Gene's voice shut me down so they do nothing for me but aggravate. I love Zappa and these guys are nowhere near his league.
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 16, 2011, 04:52 PM
Most of this post is a headache.
EMINEM - Kill you (
I don't like hip hop, it aint my bag. The Marshall Mathers LP however is one of my favorite records ever. This is something I usually wouldn't say, but this is SO brutal its awesome.
Eminem in 2011 does suck.
Ween just seems like a really weird band to "despise".
The "pop" genre? Does this count:
Michael Jackson-Billy Jean-full version (
Pop is like every other genre, theres some awesome shit, and then theres just some shit.
I can agree with REO and Coldplay. Coldplay upsets me they're so boring.
Not sure what you mean with the headache reference but posting an "Enema-em" video does nothing to change my feelings about him being a piece of shit not worth listening to and his voice still grates on my nerves. Michael Jackson was great in his day with his brothers in the J5 beyond that I really classified him in the R&B genre but never really followed his stuff--I more referred to the bubblegum crap marketed to pre-pubescent girls. Ween I guess I could just ignore :-\
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 23, 2011, 03:14 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 16, 2011, 01:54 PM
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Neither one of your song posts do anything to advance their status with me. Yeah Dean plays guitar well but the songs and Gene's voice shut me down so they do nothing for me but aggravate. I love Zappa and these guys are nowhere near his league.
At this point I see it one of two ways for you and Ween:
1) You're going into it expecting to hear Zappa. There are two similarities between Frank and Ween, one is that their lyrics can seem like a novelty to some, the other is that their style of playing is so varied that there's nothing really to compare them to in one shot. If you think you're going to hear some Zappa-esque orchestration and composition, you're definitely going to not hear that.
2) It's just not a band you'll ever stomach in the same way that I'll never like Watermelon even though I try to like it once every summer
Either way I'm just going to leave this here and maybe you'll click on it:
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo (Live) (
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 23, 2011, 05:09 PM
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 23, 2011, 03:14 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 16, 2011, 01:54 PM
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Neither one of your song posts do anything to advance their status with me. Yeah Dean plays guitar well but the songs and Gene's voice shut me down so they do nothing for me but aggravate. I love Zappa and these guys are nowhere near his league.
At this point I see it one of two ways for you and Ween:
1) You're going into it expecting to hear Zappa. There are two similarities between Frank and Ween, one is that their lyrics can seem like a novelty to some, the other is that their style of playing is so varied that there's nothing really to compare them to in one shot. If you think you're going to hear some Zappa-esque orchestration and composition, you're definitely going to not hear that.
2) It's just not a band you'll ever stomach in the same way that I'll never like Watermelon even though I try to like it once every summer
Either way I'm just going to leave this here and maybe you'll click on it:
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo (Live) (
Those are bang-on points. Also, Ween really appeals to a college kid mentality and demographic as did Weezer in their beginings. I've heard Ween described as college rock and it fits: juvenile at times, with some serious musicianship and a wide variety of styles underscoring often silly lyrics and themes. One of the best things I can say about Ween is that they aren't boring, something Frank Zappa thought was most important.
BTW, I could've gone to that Ween Live in Toronto show back in 1996, but I didn't know them (I was listening to other things such as jam bands and lots of jazz and Frank Zappa). Damn! Fuck You Phish!!
Quote from: Jaimoe on Oct 23, 2011, 05:34 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 23, 2011, 05:09 PM
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic on Oct 23, 2011, 03:14 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 16, 2011, 01:54 PM
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Neither one of your song posts do anything to advance their status with me. Yeah Dean plays guitar well but the songs and Gene's voice shut me down so they do nothing for me but aggravate. I love Zappa and these guys are nowhere near his league.
At this point I see it one of two ways for you and Ween:
1) You're going into it expecting to hear Zappa. There are two similarities between Frank and Ween, one is that their lyrics can seem like a novelty to some, the other is that their style of playing is so varied that there's nothing really to compare them to in one shot. If you think you're going to hear some Zappa-esque orchestration and composition, you're definitely going to not hear that.
2) It's just not a band you'll ever stomach in the same way that I'll never like Watermelon even though I try to like it once every summer
Either way I'm just going to leave this here and maybe you'll click on it:
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo (Live) (
Those are bang-on points. Also, Ween really appeals to a college kid mentality and demographic as did Weezer in their beginings. I've heard Ween described as college rock and it fits: juvenile at times, with some serious musicianship and a wide variety of styles underscoring often silly lyrics and themes. One of the best things I can say about Ween is that they aren't boring, something Frank Zappa thought was most important.
BTW, I could've gone to that Ween Live in Toronto show back in 1996, but I didn't know them (I was listening to other things such as jam bands and lots of jazz and Frank Zappa). Damn! Fuck You Phish!!
I had never heard that cut of Buenos tardes, but it is crystal clear and amazingly done, so now I have to go see if it's on Archive.
And I agree with your first point about the college rock that's not "college rock" (read: REM, Replacements, etc). If anything, I think Ween is just a bar band that puts on an amazing rock show. Sort of like Phish. And that's not a slight to either artist.
In fact, before you write off ween, it might be best to pull a MMJ and see them live first and see if you don't get hooked that way.
That's what happened to me.
Ween! Is that Jim at 1:31? ;)
Quote from: el_chode on Oct 23, 2011, 05:09 PM
Quote from: MMJ_fanatic link=topic=15629.msg283011#
quote author=el_chode link=topic=15629.msg282211#msg282211 date=1318787643]
And to underscore Jamoie's point:
Ween - Buckingham Green live from chicago (
It's also a great intro to the many guitar faces of Deaner
Neither one of your song posts do anything to advance their status with me. Yeah Dean plays guitar well but the songs and Gene's voice shut me down so they do nothing for me but aggravate. I love Zappa and these guys are nowhere near his league.
At this point I see it one of two ways for you and Ween:
1) You're going into it expecting to hear Zappa. There are two similarities between Frank and Ween, one is that their lyrics can seem like a novelty to some, the other is that their style of playing is so varied that there's nothing really to compare them to in one shot. If you think you're going to hear some Zappa-esque orchestration and composition, you're definitely going to not hear that.
2) It's just not a band you'll ever stomach in the same way that I'll never like Watermelon even though I try to like it once every summer
Either way I'm just going to leave this here and maybe you'll click on it:
Ween - Buenas Tardes Amigo (Live) (
Quote from: ALady on Oct 24, 2011, 04:16 AM
That's what happened to me.
Seeing Ween first (Lollapalooza this August) seemed to work, the best part of the day, 'cept for MMJ, of course.