The LOST thread

Started by Ghosts_on_TV, May 10, 2007, 07:29 PM

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Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteMy theory: Widmore knows how to control the island through time, and needs Desmond to be the pilot. He will send Desmond through time to stop the bomb from going off.

Reasons: Whenever the donkey wheel turned, an event similar to the hatch blowing up happened (purple sky, etc). That seems to correspond with a release of electromagnetic radiation. So if that can be harnessed, the island can be "steered". Desmond can probably slide through time without suffering the same side effects as everyone else if its physically traveling.

If it's the alternative theory, then Widmore is going to put Desmond in the radiation and try and steer his mind through time. The problem is you need to get Desmond's body back to 1977 or whenever.

Also, it remains unclear if Widmore knows the extent of what happens to Desmond when he slips through consciousnesses. I don't think he does.

And finally, did Desmond side with Locke implicitly since his alternative life sort of sucks? Or, does he still have a choice to make, a choice that is entangled between both worlds?

I re-watched last nights episode again a minute ago and it was just as sweet the second time.  I will post this just because it's the only  possible secret thing I saw in the ep.  

Guam under "Claim" = 3.  no idea, only posting it because it says Guam.  and Sydney says Arrived.  I'm going to go far out again with it since that's the fun part.   here goes..

Desmond is shielded from the MiB because MiB is made up of electro-magnetic energy in some way.  Desmond therefore is immune from MiB possibly.  Zoey is going to get Widmore and then they'll run into most likely Richard and Co. if Richard and the gang don't meet up with Desmond first.

Whatever happens now has already happened, we've already seen the outcome for the most part.  Eloise is a cunt and there is something she is hiding without a fucking doubt.  

here is the sketch from dan's journal:



Dan explained if temporal displacement occurred you had to find something that was in both timelines and it had to be something you truly cared about, as wiz said the freighter episode.  

I think they might go with the final twist of infinity.  Both timelines must exist.  Eloise is frustrated with Desmond's decision to find Penny, wonder why?  If he does I wonder if the loop starts again.  

I think all the candidates are like the poker hand now.  They are all the candidate so to speak.  They are all necessary, the best possible hand.  

Regardless nothing that happens will effect the fact that they are off the island in another time line livin it up and desmond remembers parts of it.  They probably have to die or something before their brains become one in the new timeline perhaps?  slowly they get pulled closer from each side as the end grows near.  

I think Widmore got a wish from Jacob similar to Richard and Widmore asked to know everything there is to know about the island or something only a mortal would ask for.  then bam, he thinks he's master of the island.  See the time traveling episode when locke meets young widmore and widmore is all "you think he knows this island better than me?"

whatever widmore, richard, dogan, eloise, etc were into was some occult ass shit or something.  Dharma had a truce to stay away from them which is weird how they and the other people are separate entities.  Obviously the temple was their protection from the monster but how did Dharma know to build the fence to keep out the smoke monster?

Horus is important I think.  Plus he was one of my favorite characters.  all hippy and chill.  Dare I say I think Desmond might be Jacob's replacement?  Dare I say his last name sounds like "Who-Me" when you separate the letters and shit.  Hu-Me? wild speculation here.  But word, I think this shit has happened for infinity and will happen for infinity but it is only happening because of human beings will to survive and save the people they love.  Even if they die at this point they feel like they have made a difference and done the right thing.  they are in martyr mode.  it's gonna be crazy end of this final act.  

fuckin a.  I might edit all my errors and grammar mistakes... nah.. I'm going to watch tv.  soak it in only a handful of episodes left.


Tanks for the caps, I'm gonna review them tomorrow because yours are the best I've seen in any discussion. I can't wait!
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I just use that VLC player snapshot function.  does the trick.  I think you just right click the video and then go to video->snapshot.  it might under playback, not sure.  

What is the deal with that map that was drawn in neon ink in the hatch? Did we ever find out who drew that?  



What is the deal with that map that was drawn in neon ink in the hatch? Did we ever find out who drew that?  
Radzinsky drew the map.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


What is the deal with that map that was drawn in neon ink in the hatch? Did we ever find out who drew that?  
Radzinsky drew the map.

I hate Radzinsky, him and that little dildo who Sawyer took hostage were two of my least favorite characters.

So Radzinsky peaced out before getting shot during the "incident"?  

Bizzaro Charlie really isn't doing it for me either.  It's like instead of being Charlie he's acting like his character in flashfoward or something (and that show started to be lame and soon as they said there was going to be another flashforward, just my .02cents).  fucking spin-offs.  

I wish there was a lost fan site with all the episodes separated by character.  Or is there already a list with each specific characters episode list?  I want to watch the Desmond episodes again, the Farrady Episodes, and Eko's episodes.  

The not saying MiB's name thing has gotta be one of the rules.  He never wants to tell him this name.  Dogan was pretty bad ass in that scene when Claire was all "He wants to see you" and Dogan was all "Who wants to see me" and Claire was all "you know who".  If Claire would have said his name, if she even knows it, I wonder if Dogan would have gained power or some sort of leverage against the wild beast.  

Are there any mythological beasts or demons related to Bore/Pigs/Swine,etc?

Why does MiB always say "I forgive you" and after sawyer disses him then apologizes all funnily?  He shows manners.  What is MiB is God? sheeeiit.



What is the deal with that map that was drawn in neon ink in the hatch? Did we ever find out who drew that?  
Radzinsky drew the map.

I hate Radzinsky, him and that little dildo who Sawyer took hostage were two of my least favorite characters.

So Radzinsky peaced out before getting shot during the "incident"?  

Bizzaro Charlie really isn't doing it for me either.  It's like instead of being Charlie he's acting like his character in flashfoward or something (and that show started to be lame and soon as they said there was going to be another flashforward, just my .02cents).  fucking spin-offs.  

I wish there was a lost fan site with all the episodes separated by character.  Or is there already a list with each specific characters episode list?  I want to watch the Desmond episodes again, the Farrady Episodes, and Eko's episodes.  

The not saying MiB's name thing has gotta be one of the rules.  He never wants to tell him this name.  Dogan was pretty bad ass in that scene when Claire was all "He wants to see you" and Dogan was all "Who wants to see me" and Claire was all "you know who".  If Claire would have said his name, if she even knows it, I wonder if Dogan would have gained power or some sort of leverage against the wild beast.  

Are there any mythological beasts or demons related to Bore/Pigs/Swine,etc?

Why does MiB always say "I forgive you" and after sawyer disses him then apologizes all funnily?  He shows manners.  What is MiB is God? sheeeiit.

There's always more to MiB's words..."I'll give you what you want" means you get exactly what you want except it's nothing what you want, you know?

So you're saying that MiB might be Beetlejuice?

I don't know if I posted it here, so I'll say it again - Charlie is the opposite of himself, instead of always accidentally killing himself all the time, he's now less apologetic and more arrogant and intentionally trying to kill himself.
I'm surrounded by assholes


Read yesterday that we have 5 hrs of Lost on the 5/23 finale day, 2hr recap, 2hr episode, & cast interview on Jimmy Kimmel Live after the show!

Sticky Icky Green Stuff


What is the deal with that map that was drawn in neon ink in the hatch? Did we ever find out who drew that?  
Radzinsky drew the map.

I hate Radzinsky, him and that little dildo who Sawyer took hostage were two of my least favorite characters.

So Radzinsky peaced out before getting shot during the "incident"?  

Bizzaro Charlie really isn't doing it for me either.  It's like instead of being Charlie he's acting like his character in flashfoward or something (and that show started to be lame and soon as they said there was going to be another flashforward, just my .02cents).  fucking spin-offs.  

I wish there was a lost fan site with all the episodes separated by character.  Or is there already a list with each specific characters episode list?  I want to watch the Desmond episodes again, the Farrady Episodes, and Eko's episodes.  

The not saying MiB's name thing has gotta be one of the rules.  He never wants to tell him this name.  Dogan was pretty bad ass in that scene when Claire was all "He wants to see you" and Dogan was all "Who wants to see me" and Claire was all "you know who".  If Claire would have said his name, if she even knows it, I wonder if Dogan would have gained power or some sort of leverage against the wild beast.  

Are there any mythological beasts or demons related to Bore/Pigs/Swine,etc?

Why does MiB always say "I forgive you" and after sawyer disses him then apologizes all funnily?  He shows manners.  What is MiB is God? sheeeiit.

There's always more to MiB's words..."I'll give you what you want" means you get exactly what you want except it's nothing what you want, you know?

So you're saying that MiB might be Beetlejuice?

I don't know if I posted it here, so I'll say it again - Charlie is the opposite of himself, instead of always accidentally killing himself all the time, he's now less apologetic and more arrogant and intentionally trying to kill himself.

he could be beetlejuice, I wouldn't mind as long as he turns into that giant snake at least once.  

interesting take on Charlie.  I think once he finds Claire (his constant) he's going to be all "saved" and shit and think "God" did it and then he's going to become a born again "christian", THEN he's going to go to the past and pork jack's mom and then that's the end of the series with one final slow-mo "LOST" at the end.  which leaves us with the point to the entire show:  Charlie is Jack's Father Christian.  


So Radzinsky peaced out before getting shot during the "incident"?
If I am remembering this correctly....Kalvin and Radzinsky were in the hatch together.  I believe they worked on the map together.  Then Radzinsky blew his brains out (per Kalvin...and I am not sure one can trust Kalvin).  Then Desmond shows up and Kalvin "rescues" him from the "sickness" of the island and basically kidnaps him and brings him to the hatch to push the button.  Then Desmond figures out something is up (I think there was a tear in Kalvin's quarantine suit) and follows him to the beach where his sailboat is anchored.  And then Desmond kills (?) Kalvin on accident.  Did he actually kill him?  And since Kalvin wasn't buried, what became of his presumed dead body?
Now the question is whether the Incident had always been Juliet detonating the bomb.  If so, somehow they get the Swan completed for Radzinsky to hit the button and release the energy every 108 minutes.  If not, and detonating Jughead changed the game, then who knows what became of Radzinsky after Jughead was set off.
I wish there was a lost fan site with all the episodes separated by character.  Or is there already a list with each specific characters episode list?  I want to watch the Desmond episodes again, the Farrady Episodes, and Eko's episodes.  
At you can search for the characters and it brings you to a synopsis page for that character.  On the right hand side of the page there will be a list of centric episodes for that character.  For example, here is Desmond's page:
His episodes are:
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 1"
"Live Together, Die Alone, Part 2"
"Flashes Before Your Eyes"
"The Constant"
"Happily Ever After"

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

been doing some light reading...  Boar's are historically evil as fuck:

QuoteThe word pig has many associations; ferocity, violence, sloth, gluttony, evil, dirt, vulgarity.  Pigs are prized as food in some cultures, and abhorred as unclean in others.  

Quote Joseph Campbell argues that there has been an evolution in sacred entities--moon, serpent, pig, bull, and finally horse.  (Occidental Mythology. Viking, 1964. 154; Primative Mythology. Viking, 1959. 197)  Campbell is overly fond of asserting patterns, and this one may be overstated, but this one receives support from the fact that in much of Oceana, where the latter two animals do not exist, the pig retains its ancient importance.

Quote "The boar is the beast of death," Robert Graves says (White Goddess.  The Noonday Press, 1969. 210), and much of the sacred and symbolic import of boars and pigs in general is in fact connected with death.  Death is, of course, a central concern of most religions, but in those which emphasize the danger to the soul of devouring demons, and in those in which human sacrifice is an important element, contemplation of death takes on a special vividness and immediacy.  The pig is, among other things, a devourer; it is a menace to crops and to people, it is voracious and it is omnivorous.  Even the strong-stomached goat will not eat meat, its young, or manure.  Stories of domestic pigs killing and eating children, women in childbirth, even grown men are abundant, and some are undoubtedly true.  Thus for dangerousness the pig has no rival among domestic animals, except the bull, but he at least will not eat you.

Quote  Polynesian masks of the devouring demon are almost inevitably armed with boar's tusks, an odd fact considering that the demon is female.  Ancient representations of Medusa, however, often show her with boar's tusks as well as with serpent locks.  In the East, too, statues, pictures, and masks of demons have tusks.  Thus the pig-devourer is also a creature of the underworld.  What the earth produces it takes back into itself, and the sow, the most prolific of barnyard mammals, is also omnivorous and voracious to the point of eating her own young.

Quote As both producer and devourer, the pig effectively represents the primative view of divinity as an earth goddess beyond good and evil.  However, by the dawn of history the sky fathers, Zeus, Yaweh, Indra and their counterparts have taken over and the evolution toward moral religion has begun.  The creatures of the underworld, already viewed with fear, become increasingly sinister and abhorrent.  Even in Polynesia, where so much that was primitive remained until modern times, the masculine assertied itself sufficiently to find rites for eluding the devouring demons.  The fact that pig's blood was in ancient times a powerful purifying agent suggests on the one hand the sacredness of the pig, and on the other its affinity with the demonic.  Thus when Jesus casts the demons out of the man he sends them into a herd of swine, and action appropriate both because pigs are sacred animals, and thus able to absorb and carry off evil, and because as underworld creatures themselves, they have an affinity with  the demonic that makes them receptive to it.

QuoteTo the modern mind the uncleanness of the pig is obviously connected to the pig's affinity for dirt:  one the one hand, a demonic trait; on the other, at least to our minds, an unhygenic one.  To the ancients the concept was more ambiguous.  The primary meaning of uncleanness was holiness.  Therefore, to come in contact with an unclean creature, that is, a creature highly charged with spiritual power, was somewhat equivalent to touching a radioactive object--such an object as the Ark of the Covenanant, for instance.

QuoteThe Syrians neither sacrificed nor ate pigs, and if a man touched a pig he was unclean for the rest of the day (Frazer. 546).  Among the Egyptians, also, touching a pig was unclean, and swineherds were a class almost of untouchables, forbidden even to enter a temple (Frazer. 548).

QuoteThus, the eating of pork, at the proper time, was a sacremental act.  There is in myth a tendency for things to mean, or to be, also their opposite; the pig's very holiness makes it unclean.

QuoteThe pig is, in fact, rather human in its omnivorousness, its propensity for violence, and in the sparceness of its hair.  A pig hung up to be butched does look disconcertingly human, especially from a distance.  Perhaps for this reason the cannibals of the Pacific call human flesh long pig.

 Pigs, however, have been more than mere humans; they have been gods as well.  According to Frazer (Frazer. 554), "it may almost be laid down as a rule that an animal which is said to have injured a god was originally the god himself."

Quote According to the story as we now have it, Persephone one day, while gathering flowers with the daughters of Ocean was abducted by Pluto, god of the undereworld.  Her mother goes searching for her.  Learning after nine days from Helios, the sun, that her daughter has been carried off, Demeter protests to Zeus and the other gods.  Getting no satisfaction, she withdraws to Eleusis, allowing the world to fall into sterility until the gods force Zeus to restore her daughter.  Persephone, however, had eaten one or several pomegranate seeds in the underworld, and so ever afterwards has to spend one third of every year with the god of the underworld, the time which becomes known as winter.

QuoteIn the Chinese folk novel, Monkey, for instance, Pigsy, originally a divine being, was placed on earth in a half-human, half-pig form as punishment for a drunken indiscretion with the moon goddess' daughter (trans. Arthur Whaley.  Grove Press, 1958. 81.).  Before his conversion to Buddhism, Pigsy was also a demon, a cannibal, and a glutton.  His weapon, a manure fork, indicates his affinity with excrement.

Quote The Egyptian god, Osirus, a god of fertility, grain, and agriculture in general, also had a connection with both Persephone and the pig.  He is tricked into a coffin by his brother, Set, and sent floating down the Nile to the sea.  His sister, Isis, also a divinity of agriculture, searches the world for him until she recovers the coffin at Byblos and hides it among the reeds.  Set,  one night while hunting a boar by the light of the moon, discovers the coffin and tears the body into fourteen pieces.  (In one version of the story Set, in fact, transforms himself into a black pig.)  The pieces are later recovered by Isis with the help of, among others, Thoth the moon god, and Anubis, the underworld Jackal.  Osirus is restored to life and becomes a god of the underworld, to whom pigs were sacrificed during a great yearly harvest festival.

Quote Whatever animal is said to have injured a god  was originally the god, himself.  Whatever animal was sacrificed to a god originally was the god.  Animals that are unclean, that is, not eaten, are the god, or at least represent an aspect of him.  Thus an identification of Osirus with the pig is supported not only by the sacrifice of pigs, but also by the story of the dismemberment, since Set may well have originally been a boar rather than a boar hunter.  Or perhaps Osirus is the boar that he is hunting.  The savage and violent tearing apart of the body is an act typical both of real boars and of the boars of mythology.  Three other elements of pig myths also appear in this story:  grain, the moon, and the underworld.  Persephone too became an underworld divinity through her marriage to Pluto, and though in the Eleusian story she wishes only to return to her mother, in other contexts she appears as a grim and frightening queen of the dead.

QuoteIt is from the islands of the Pacific, however, that we have the best documented accounts of the spiritual significance of the pig.  The relationship between pig and female devouring demon who sits at the entrance to  the other world to devour unprepared souls has already been mentioned.  To escape the demon, the first requirement was to reconstruct a partially erased labyrinthine design in the sand (Joseph Henderson and Maud Oakes. The Wisdom of the Serpent. Collier, 1971. 48-51.).  The second was to substitute for oneself a sacrificial pig, a specially raised and consecrated boar with long, curling tusks.[/tt][/b]

Quote The grandest of all boars, however, is from India; Vishnu as cosmic boar rescues the goddess earth from the depths of the cosmic sea.  Since Vishnu is the second member of the Hindu trinity, and in some of the Vedas is the supreme god, this is a glorious pig indeed.

Quote  The three colors sacred to the moon goddess--white, black and red are also the common colors of pigs.  The white pig, a sow of course, primarily represents fertility.  The Celtic Caridwen, in fact, means white sow.  The city founded by Aeneas, Alba Longa, the forerunner of Rome, was also named for a white sow, for the river god Tiber told Aeneas to build where he found a white sow lying with thirty newborn piglets at her udder.  The black pig, on the other hand, is the underworld death pig.  The red boar?--probably a solar beast.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

A pig farmer on an even more massive scale is Odysseus.  Why pigs are emphasised so heavily in the Odyssey,  Homer does not make clear.  However, the are probably the shadow of Odysseus' Olympian rationality--the power of night, of darkness, of the underworld, of the feminine and unconscious.  The number of important female characters in the story is striking--Athena, Calypso, Circe, Helen, Nausicaa, the old nurse, Penelope.

Quotehe is first recognized by the old nurse because of a scar made on his thigh by a wild boar; one of his greatest dangers is Circe, the witch who turns men into swine, and who sends Odysseus on his journey to the underworld where, among other sights, he is shown a procession of the great women of antiquity.

Who is The Man in Black?

Let's figure this shit out before the show tells us.  ABC can suck it.

Also, I think Eloise is Medusa now.


A pig farmer on an even more massive scale is Odysseus.  Why pigs are emphasised so heavily in the Odyssey,  Homer does not make clear.  However, the are probably the shadow of Odysseus' Olympian rationality--the power of night, of darkness, of the underworld, of the feminine and unconscious.  The number of important female characters in the story is striking--Athena, Calypso, Circe, Helen, Nausicaa, the old nurse, Penelope.

Quotehe is first recognized by the old nurse because of a scar made on his thigh by a wild boar; one of his greatest dangers is Circe, the witch who turns men into swine, and who sends Odysseus on his journey to the underworld where, among other sights, he is shown a procession of the great women of antiquity.

Who is The Man in Black?

Let's figure this shit out before the show tells us.  ABC can suck it.

Also, I think Eloise is Medusa now.

So are you subscribing to an Illiad/Odyssey theory now?

If you think about it, it sort of makes sense...especially since Demond is now on his "second journey" after a considerable break
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I'm not sure.  I think there is elements from all the mythology relating to the boar, desmond, etc.   Each character has their own story with a fusion of the ideas.  I think that's why they always mention so many different books.  It's not specifically, say exactly like the Illiad/Odyssey but uses a lot of the elements.  The amount of literature, film, music, etc that they've introduced is ridiculous.  There are star wars, back to the future, comparisons thrown in there all the time.  Romeo and Juliet is an obvious one.  

I think they're going for some hybrid Shakespearean type Tragedy for the new millennium.  There is so much fucking tension in the show, it's practically what it's built off of.  For them not to end on some sort of bitter sweet note wouldn't do the show justice.  If things end up all nice and perfect I'm not sure how I'll feel.  


QuoteI'm not sure.  I think there is elements from all the mythology relating to the boar, desmond, etc.   Each character has their own story with a fusion of the ideas.  I think that's why they always mention so many different books.  It's not specifically, say exactly like the Illiad/Odyssey but uses a lot of the elements.  The amount of literature, film, music, etc that they've introduced is ridiculous.  There are star wars, back to the future, comparisons thrown in there all the time.  Romeo and Juliet is an obvious one.  

I think they're going for some hybrid Shakespearean type Tragedy for the new millennium.  There is so much fucking tension in the show, it's practically what it's built off of.  For them not to end on some sort of bitter sweet note wouldn't do the show justice.  If things end up all nice and perfect I'm not sure how I'll feel.  

I have the same feeling...the ending to me needs to be something more positive than Sopranos (I hate how Tony died, and I only came to terms with it last week) and something more like Battlestar without the "rush" to tie things up (Starbuck's ending was frustrating yet awesome).

I feel like they've set up a sort of set it all up like the Iliad in terms of two sides and a cast of Gods, Demigods, Mortals and mythical powers. But it's not simply that. I mean when you think about it, it's always the classics - Romeo, Homer, "Philosophers"...maybe it's about all the LOST culture that we forget about in the name of Kardashian
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

QuoteI'm not sure.  I think there is elements from all the mythology relating to the boar, desmond, etc.   Each character has their own story with a fusion of the ideas.  I think that's why they always mention so many different books.  It's not specifically, say exactly like the Illiad/Odyssey but uses a lot of the elements.  The amount of literature, film, music, etc that they've introduced is ridiculous.  There are star wars, back to the future, comparisons thrown in there all the time.  Romeo and Juliet is an obvious one.  

I think they're going for some hybrid Shakespearean type Tragedy for the new millennium.  There is so much fucking tension in the show, it's practically what it's built off of.  For them not to end on some sort of bitter sweet note wouldn't do the show justice.  If things end up all nice and perfect I'm not sure how I'll feel.  

I have the same feeling...the ending to me needs to be something more positive than Sopranos (I hate how Tony died, and I only came to terms with it last week) and something more like Battlestar without the "rush" to tie things up (Starbuck's ending was frustrating yet awesome).

I feel like they've set up a sort of set it all up like the Iliad in terms of two sides and a cast of Gods, Demigods, Mortals and mythical powers. But it's not simply that. I mean when you think about it, it's always the classics - Romeo, Homer, "Philosophers"...maybe it's about all the LOST culture that we forget about in the name of Kardashian

Kim Kardashian's fat ass IS the island.  you don't want to know what the black smoke really is...

I'm not sure what to think about starbucks role.  I'm not sure if I got the point.  she was all human and all dead but like was a ghost?  I don't get it.  was she jesus christ or something?  totally called the first earth not being the real earth.  You know it's earth when they show you africa. that's what's up.


QuoteI'm not sure.  I think there is elements from all the mythology relating to the boar, desmond, etc.   Each character has their own story with a fusion of the ideas.  I think that's why they always mention so many different books.  It's not specifically, say exactly like the Illiad/Odyssey but uses a lot of the elements.  The amount of literature, film, music, etc that they've introduced is ridiculous.  There are star wars, back to the future, comparisons thrown in there all the time.  Romeo and Juliet is an obvious one.  

I think they're going for some hybrid Shakespearean type Tragedy for the new millennium.  There is so much fucking tension in the show, it's practically what it's built off of.  For them not to end on some sort of bitter sweet note wouldn't do the show justice.  If things end up all nice and perfect I'm not sure how I'll feel.  

I have the same feeling...the ending to me needs to be something more positive than Sopranos (I hate how Tony died, and I only came to terms with it last week) and something more like Battlestar without the "rush" to tie things up (Starbuck's ending was frustrating yet awesome).

I feel like they've set up a sort of set it all up like the Iliad in terms of two sides and a cast of Gods, Demigods, Mortals and mythical powers. But it's not simply that. I mean when you think about it, it's always the classics - Romeo, Homer, "Philosophers"...maybe it's about all the LOST culture that we forget about in the name of Kardashian

Kim Kardashian's fat ass IS the island.  you don't want to know what the black smoke really is...

I'm not sure what to think about starbucks role.  I'm not sure if I got the point.  she was all human and all dead but like was a ghost?  I don't get it.  was she jesus christ or something?  totally called the first earth not being the real earth.  You know it's earth when they show you africa. that's what's up.

I took it as Starbuck came back as an angel of sorts. I think they intentionally didn't explain it...and if they did, it wouldn't have been nice at all, ya know? Its one of those things that just had to be left as it was. Sure, we may not have closure, but as a result I think we all felt like Lee instead of watching how Lee felt.

I think LOST is going to do a lot of that for us because they've never been big on "showing" us how to feel, they're big on letting us figure it out for ourselves and putting ourselves in the middle of it all, ya know?

When you think about it, from the moment Starbuck goes rogue, her character could just as well have been on LOST
I'm surrounded by assholes

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I know what you're saying.  I thought Battlestar Galactica was pretty good but would have been better if it was shorter.   There were a lot of fairly boring episodes.  The characters definitely grew on me, others not so much.  I hated that Helen bitch from the second she was introduced.  She was obviously a skin job too.  I thought she was the most annoying character in the show and one of the worst of the actors.  The other chicks were so damn hot though.  

I'm hoping lost will be a little more satisfying in the sense of not being too predictable as it comes to a close.  

Also hear what you're saying about the director/writers putting you in Lee's position instead of watching how Lee felt.  We are on the same time line as 815, it's cool how they make that perspective sink in.  After a couple episodes of the first season it really does feel like you yourself are trapped on the island saying "what the fuck is going on?".

I assume the next couple episodes are going to be desmond meeting up with the losties in both timelines giving closure to the one timeline until the last moment when they reveal that MiB is HIV.

Think about it.    


Sticky Icky Green Stuff



Next week is going to be amazing.  So.. thoughts?  John Locke's character get's completely pissed on no matter what timeline.  I literally feel bad for him.  I have never been able to truly hate any incarnation of John but damn Desmond, hitting a man in a wheel chair with a car is pretty extreme haha.

It seems like when people have their flashes of the previous timeline they remember everything of it from start to finish.  It's too simple to think Desmond hit John because MiB threw him in the well.  I believe Jack and John are each others constant.  Which is the ultimate pay off I can think of.  we all took notice and said john is going to get spinal surgery from jack.  It just wasn't on his own free will, it was desmond who gave him "a little push".  haha.  fuck man, John Locke has gotten pissed on for 6years straight and he's a totally nice dude at the heart of it.  Good fucking writing.

The Michael/People who did bad stuff on the island explanation for the whispers is interesting but it still does not explain Christian one bit.  Right now Desmond is literally sitting on a pocket of magnetic energy, I wonder if it is having an effect on his actions?

Libby only "liked" Hurley? What a loose slut.  She's hot though.   Her eye kinda looked like Thom Yorke's eye in one of the shots.  I'd still tap it.

Confirmed this episode:
-Memories Transfer to the Alternate Timeline, for the good or the bad?
-Hurley is a cold straight baller.

I almost wonder if the man in black gains energy from each person he kills.  I noticed he seemed to be making a staff with the similar attitude Eko had.  I want an Eko comeback, BAD.  but if he was seen off the island by Hurley does that mean his "soul" is trapped on the island? thus is this why Michael and Walt were not on the plane?  Because his consciousness was trapped on the island and could not transition to the next "ring" of the circle. the next doll within a doll so to speak.  

damn this shit is tight as fuck.  I want to see desmond shoot lasers or something from his hands.



First, Willy Wonka? Supwidat?

Goddammit Hurley.

Anyway, I'm wondering if Desmond touching Locke's hand will change Desmond in the other world.

I'm also wondering if Hurley's luck will now change

And I'm wondering if Desmond ran over Locke due to being aware of the Island or because he needs everyone at the Hospital, which makes me wonder if the Hospital is Zuul.

I'm guessing Desmond is like a Zipper and his job is to make the two ends meet.

I think it's unbelievably clear now that Locke is 100% not good
I'm surrounded by assholes