Alien Interview???

Started by utonynashm, Jun 30, 2005, 04:36 PM

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Do we have a doctorinthehouse?
Son-of-a-gun...actually, we do.

OK, I'll bite. I belive that all that universe is out there for a reason and I belive that we are not alone. But I have a hard time accepting that beings with the ability to travel can't care for themselves or be prepared for our atmosphere. Checking for hemorrhaging with a flashlight? Foaming from the mouth? Sounds a touch too human to me.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Hmmm...Some good points...

But you just never know...There is an explanation for everything sometimes.


Tony it's too fabricated. All of the proof that they have is nothing conclusive. It's nothing that someone with a good background in CGI or even mask-making couldn't pull off, and it looks too fake to be real. I like how their "burned in" time stamp is part of their evidence, when that could easily be added on a computer. Though there is an infinitesmall chance of something being out there, I'm sure if our planet stumbled across it, or if they stumbled across our planet, we'd hear about it.

Local news somewhere would be interviewing concerned people who saw a landing or something.

Trust me, if we knew about life on other planets, we wouldnt be hiding it.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


I agree with Eisey, it would be relatively easy to fake that piece. Also, it seems to me that, with all the diversity of life we have here on Earth, it's strange that the aliens portrayed in such things look so human. That's one of the main things that make me feel these are human fabrications.

If you're looking for something to believe in, Tony, you could try believing in yourself - you're worth it  :D


Oh man i see what your saying guys...but man oh man...You don't know about half the shit that is hidden from us...we probably made contact 50 years ago...but who knows...

I see nothing wrong with the et's being human like...hell I think et's starting us seem more bevliable than a god and relgion thing...but still...

i wonder about it all...i think it's foolish to think we are alone...think of all the different deminsions and planets and our universe may be only one trillions!  It boggles my mind...I WANNA KNOW THE ANSWERS TO EVERYTHING!!!!



Tony, perhaps a "god" didn't create us.  We might just be a little deviation in the evolutionary chain.

If that's the case, then yeah, a lot of questions can't be answered.  If you're the kind of person who needs an answer, that might be a hard thing.  

It all depends on where you're at.  If you believe in a God, then, I guess somebody talked about your answers a long time ago and you can read it in a book or two.

If you don't, but you still need some kind of meaning, then you have to find it yourself.  You have to figure out what you find important and what makes sense for you and what you think is a good way to live your life.

That's how I feel.  


I believe in God, not just because it makes everything make more sense, but because, in my mind, it all leads back to a creator. This planet, in its perfect location (think about it, our sun is just right, our planet is just the right distance from it so that all of the life on this planet can exist somewhere without bitter struggle for life) the sheer diversity of all creation (which I don't believe could eb achieved through evolution alone) and the fact that we are the ONLY living beings, out of the billions on this planet that can think and discern and communicate as intelligently as we can. I don't think that our mind's intricacy, especially the ability to sit and ponder and form abstract thought, is something that can be evolved into. There's something much more to human thought than merely synapses. Someone working on merely synapses sits in a hospital bed waiting to be fed.

The fact that we have the ability to be creative at all is proof enough to me that God exists and loves us all dearly. Tony, I have no idea whether or not aliens exist, but I am more than certain that there is a God and that he loves you.

This is going to cause all hell to break loose again, so I'm sorry if I said anything presumptuous that's offended anyone, but this is all what I believe to be true about the universe.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Or then there's Eisey's way of thinking.


Which a lot of people think.


Well if there is a fucking "god"...until "it" gets me a record deal or some shit..."it" canf uck off...

Look, I have researched over, and over, and OVER again, and thought about this entire thing...I am currently looking into near death experiances, people who say they have seen hell...etc...

I have thought about it all...there may be a creator...but why create us?  There is just so much to get into...ill talk later...maybe....

I def have thought things out a thinker...too deep sometimes...the things that come across my mind will scare the fuck out of most people.


Tony, are you forgetting the other side of near death experiences, though? The people who have seen visions of angels and Heaven. The people who say they've been travelling down a tunnel to see a light? I'm not a big believer in the full validity of all this, because when your brain is running low on oxygen and your brain and body are trying to jumpstart itself it is in an altered state, which can produce chemicals that can make you have hallucinogenic visions.

I'm not trying to come accross as being jeering here, but I am honestly interested in what your beliefs are about our purpose, if you have come to any conclusions. I know how hard it is when it seems like absolutely nothing is here for a purpose outside of eventual non-existence and a small piece of influence on some other peoples lives. I know it's tough man, and I hope so much that you can find what it is you're looking for.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


That aint gonna happen, but thanks...

I just fucking hate it all...the whole be positive god bullshit or born agains or anything...ANYTHING!

I dont wanna talk anymore...

Too much to say...


Why are we here?

We are here to party with cute redheads with curly hair.

To pitch a tent and make a friend.

To smile when we see JCon's baby.

To be moderated by a baxter named cc.

...and to oogle guitars...

Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.

peanut butter puddin surprise

wow, this got deep quick.

and then,

QuotePosted by: jonjon Posted on: Today at 4:19am
Why are we here?

We are here to party with cute redheads with curly hair.

To pitch a tent and make a friend.

To smile when we see JCon's baby.

To be moderated by a baxter named cc.

...and to oogle guitars...

which made me smile.  :)

groove on, my brothers and sisters.  this debate is interesting.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Tony, brother, I feel for ya.  What you are going through is known as an existential crisis, you're trying to find meaning in the world.  As one who has been through this already, let me tell you that any meaning that you find in the world is going to be a projection.  (Ever notice how god also takes on human features, i.e. love, justice, beauty).  The deal is that you are here for whatever reason you want, if you want to make music or have babies it's up to you.  If you want to be believe that you are a part of a higher order (aliens, god or what) it's your trip.  And on this trip you can either have fun or be miserable, that's your choice, too.  Good luck on your inward journey!
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Hey thanks a lot man!  I don't know what I am going through...but it isn't just a crisis...I can never not think these things...It will always be with me...I just know I am REALLY unhappy...all the for a few moments...

I defenitly don't think I am part of some higher order of e.t.'s...hahaha...

But, I defintly don't think we have the whole picture of life, and our time presented to us yet...Partly, I think were being lied to and partly, we just dont know and can't understand it all...

What im saying goes much deeper than just:  god, devil, jesus came here to save us, etc...whatever...

Think about this:  If you were raised not knowing god or chirstianty or any relgion---then some of this might not even bother you, it wouldn't cross your mind, cause you wouldn't know, (this should be tested somewhere), so then what about tribes in the jungle that have their own beliefs, are they wrong?  People have been brainwashed into this bible is right thing, go to chruch on sunday, never question a thing,--bullshit!  Open your minds and humans fear the unknown--that's why we HAVE to beleive in a god and that it loves us...

But christiantys hold on western culture is so firm, this will seem like blasphmey to some...Free your minds and your ass will follow!

I think they're lost periods of time we dont know....I dont think life started on this planet...I dont think that god just zapped us all here one day and boom there is the universe or whatever...

Think of how there are different deminsions and shit, like history and the future just keeps playing out over, and over, and over again in some other fabric of time and space...

Maybe when our fabrics get crossed that's when some people tap into dreams of the future or past lives...or even ghosts sightings can me our "wires" just getting mixed...but then ghost hauntings seem to be like the entities know what they're doing, so i gotta work on that part of the theroy...

SO MUCH TO SAY...I feel like I HAVE to question the very basis of our fucking can you not?!!?


I know what you mean, man. That's why I majored in philosophy as an undergrad.  These urges to tackle the most metaphysical of questions will taper off as you wade through these problems a little.  You should read Nietzsche's "Beyond Good and Evil" today if you haven't yet.  Just remember, there are some things that we can know and some things we can't, the trick is understanding the difference between the two.  
BTW, MMJ fucking rocks! ;D
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


QuoteI feel like I HAVE to question the very basis of our fucking can you not?!!?

Sometimes you have to leave it alone, though...  Or maybe just accept that we maybe won't be able to know, and it doesn't really matter anyhow.  Know what I mean?  :)


I do know what ya mean...but I cant leave it alone....mysetery or something....I have to find it, discover it...or at least get a peice of it....

I am not here to be in a cubical or soomething I wanna truley know....if any human can take it on, its me!

peanut butter puddin surprise

I also suggest reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a fine book and good read that makes philosophical points without being preachy.  It will also convince you not to look too deeply into these issues...go rent Pi if you really want to get freaked.

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there