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Started by aMillionDreams, Mar 02, 2006, 08:05 AM

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Since our fearless mod decided to call me out, I thought I'd do publicly what I have already done privately, apologize to DD for some nasty comments I made under a guest account.  I didn't mean them, I've never even heard his band,  I was only try to make a point about OTHER people on this forum who use guest acounts to be dicks, namely:  conaway and ycarrot.  Apparently it's okay for them and not for me.  

BTW, I was not Chris T, that was some other asshole who apparently is above the law around here too.  
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


strange way to make a point...

I have no knowledge of conaway or ycarrot using guest accounts to be a dick and there's no way of you knowing so it's not right to assume that. dont think i'm monitoring people or something, have better things to do, but sometimes it's just really obvious.

other people have been doin it, yes. so...
have you been a guestdick and feel like confessing,
this is the place to tell us and all will be forgiven ;)


remember the post about what the boys had for breakfast?

that was this dick right here.   ;)


I want to be forgiven as well. I know I can be a classless jerk sometimes. Love ya!!


And I posted fake apologies from the assholes using guest accounts.

And I don't apologize for it.  I don't understand the point of name-calling and ridiculing people you don't even know. Especially anonymously.  That is not only asshole-ish, but really fucking cowardly.

And I'm guessing that none of these jerks would have the balls to say shit to somebody's face.


When somebody was askin' about Jim's angel tattoo, I was "halo" when I answered because I thought it would be funny.

I was anonymous in a reply to an aMD post once because he was really pissing me off and I didn't want to ruin my rep.   8)

Maaaaaan I feel better now.  ;)


This is my new favorite thread of all-time.  Come on Carrot fess up I know you had to have gotten in on this action.  I really want to know who said what.  This is exciting. :)
There's Still Time.........


Hey Meg, why does it say you only have 77 posts?  Does it wrap around once you reach 10,000?  ;)  
There's Still Time.........


QuoteHey Meg, why does it say you only have 77 posts?  Does it wrap around once you reach 10,000?  ;)  

yeah. i wanted to ask the same thing..but OT!  ;)


I would like to confess right now about how perfect I am.  I've never slandered anyone or said anything negative.  Even if someone says something I disagree with, I'll agree just to avoid discussion and conflict.  
In short, I'm way better than everyone else and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.  



QuoteI would like to confess right now about how perfect I am.  I've never slandered anyone or said anything negative.  Even if someone says something I disagree with, I'll agree just to avoid discussion and conflict.  
In short, I'm way better than everyone else and you should all be ashamed of yourselves.  


that was a pretty big hit of meth you just took.   8)


QuoteHey Meg, why does it say you only have 77 posts?  Does it wrap around once you reach 10,000?  ;)  

An old, old wise Ninja taught me how to revert time to my advantage.  In the process, all of you gained a year.  I like to help.  


I have never used a fake name.I yam who I yam. ;D
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need

peanut butter puddin surprise

there's only one thing left to say:

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I once made a post under the guest moniker, but it was because I didn't realize I wasn't logged in and I hadn't posted alot before-- so I thought it was normal to ask for your I still used "Coltrane." I always felt dirty about it though.

And now I feel real bad about any negative posts I've ever had.

Except that Alice In Chains thread. I wasn't really being negative though, just honest. The thought of Layne Staley is sad. And Jerry Cantrell IS cool, sort of.

and I love EC!!!!!!!!! mayor of Drugachusettes, I declare this pizza to be...AWESOME!!!


Quotethere's only one thing left to say:


No apologies, huh.  That's a suprise.  Lord knows Riny won't call you out, but I learned that trick from you.  I guess you'll have to continue to be a "secret asshole"

(BTW, I never hidden my identidy when calling out this asshole, and I am not afraid to tell him he's an asshole in person.  He's the one who avoided me before and after the Palace show.   Just to set the record straight.)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive



No apologies, huh.  That's a suprise.  Lord knows Riny won't call you out, but I learned that trick from you.  I guess you'll have to continue to be a "secret asshole"

you can't fuck with royalty.   ;D



you can't fuck with royalty.   ;D

uh-oh.  questioning the hierarchy of mmj royality?  I hope this post goes through before it's locked and deleted.  ::)

My favortie thread of all-time was locked and deleted this morning but I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about that either.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive



uh-oh.  questioning the hierarchy of mmj royality?  I hope this post goes through before it's locked and deleted.  ::)

My favortie thread of all-time was locked and deleted this morning but I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about that either.

i only heard about that thread, didnt get a chance to actually see it.  here on out, im never sleeping to see what i might be missing otherwise.  



i only heard about that thread, didnt get a chance to actually see it.  here on out, im never sleeping to see what i might be missing otherwise.  


i only heard about that thread, didnt get a chance to actually see it.  here on out, im never sleeping to see what i might be missing otherwise.  

it was pretty awesome.  much in the same spirit as my "John Conaway is a hypocrite" thread i started a few months ago.  It didn't get too long before Riny squashed it, whilst calling me out about being No Joke in the process.  

He told me it was because we're apparently not allowed to start a thread to talk about someone on the forum.  However, the "clique" had plenty of threads started about them.  Didn't conaway have a lot to say about them too?  Wow, all this seems very...what's the word...hypocritical.  

but who am I to say, I'm just a jacket fan.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive