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Why, Jim?...

Started by xWilliamX07, Jul 04, 2008, 10:26 AM

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Let me first mention that I am a new to the MMJ forums and am not one who is dedicated to the community of forums of any kind to be honest. Let me also mention MMJ is a very touching band to me, and its music, lyrics, and style is like no other, which has totally won me over, thus making me a very big fan for the past 2 years. However, I came here to voice a very strong concern of mine in regards to Jim's latest album and the content within it. Yeah, I know a bunch of you as far as I've skimmed through most the posts, that you're somehow in love with this new album, which seems contradictory to those who initially were attracted to the band from MMJ's original roots and style. Yes, I understand that Jim's approach on this album was a new attempt and obviously took a chance to emulate their "live sound" and stray from "rock and roll". But, the music has changed far too much, the vocals have changed enough to be dissapointingly noticed, and the lyrics are horrendous to me (I will get to that part momentarily). Mind you, this is strictly my opinion and I have to let this out, so be open minded and put down your guns, if you would be so kind. So, why is it you fans are so won over by this album when it has abandoned the much of the MMJ roots and its original--unique sound? Yes, this album is unique in its own way, but not the unique level that is shared by those of the former albums. The albums with the mystifying wave of music that is emitted from the band that would capture the hearts of those with distinct taste. Now, I just hear something strange and distant compared to what I used to know and enjoy so much. The lyrics are too greatly involved with God, whereas earlier albums seldomly mentioned God. If Jim is spiritual, which I know he is, so be it, but don't make some damn christian rock album, just because you thought it might be a good concept for the album OR because you achieved some greater "connection" with your faith. If I wanted to hear some christian rock, or something of that sort, I'd go to the religous section of the music store. About half the album is dedicated to God it seems, and yes that bothers me, because once again, I was under the impression that MMJ wasn't a religious group, since they'd seldomly even mention anything even related to God. Call this one petty rant with no meaning, but I feel rather decieved by an artist I so greatly appreciate, who then releases a piece of work that is too different in content, which contains that which I despise (anything of religion). That's just me, or, even the many who feel that way but won't say anything due to the masses interwoven with a man made craft called faith. So, all I want to know is, why did Jim put so much emphasis on his beliefs in God all of the sudden, and will this be his new direction? If so, I'm sorry but I will not be capable of enjoying any new work with such relation and style that betrays the roots that won everyone who is an MMJ fan today over.  I have also listened to this album six times hoping it will strike me in a positive light, but no light at all. On i-tunes reviews I see many good reviews, but also see a considerable number of the bad, those which have the same confusion as I and greatly disappointed, which gave me some consolation. So, this is a really long pent up passionate cry of 'why?' and I hope it reaches those who share the same concerns. If anyone survived and understands this, please speak now. Thanks...
There is no good, there is no bad, just opinion and perspective.


QuoteMind you, this is strictly my opinion and I have to let this out, so be open minded and put down your guns, if you would be so kind.

My opinion: I don't like you very much.
A christian rock album? Come on....


It's just an album. Did you hear Bonnaroo or RCMH?

Crap, these guys still rock you hard.

So much emphasis on a freakin' album.
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."


It's fine if you don't like me. I actually expect most who read this to be offended in some ridiculous way, but if one is a true MMJ fan, they'd see the error in some experiment gone wrong. And as for the "christian rock" bit? Have you listened to the lyrics clearly or not? They have far too much reference and relation to that which is anything of god/religion. Take it as it is, and hate all you like kind sir.
There is no good, there is no bad, just opinion and perspective.

Jon T.

QuoteIf Jim is spiritual, which I know he is, so be it, but don't make some damn christian rock album, just because you thought it might be a good concept for the album OR because you achieved some greater "connection" with your faith.

First, this isn't a Christian Rock record.   But mainly, are you really telling the songwriter here to not write about something he has a connection to?  Seriously?  We are all entitled to our opinions, even if they are wrong.   But for you to think someone shouldn't write about what inspires them, well, that don't make no sense.


QuoteIt's just an album. Did you hear Bonnaroo or RCMH?

Crap, these guys still rock you hard.

So much emphasis on a freakin' album.

There's emphasis because it's an idea to where Jim stands now, and also like I said, I'm a fan of concern who would enjoy future albums produced without such lame content.
There is no good, there is no bad, just opinion and perspective.


QuoteIf Jim is spiritual, which I know he is, so be it, but don't make some damn christian rock album, just because you thought it might be a good concept for the album OR because you achieved some greater "connection" with your faith.

First, this isn't a Christian Rock record.   But mainly, are you really telling the songwriter here to not write about something he has a connection to?  Seriously?  We are all entitled to our opinions, even if they are wrong.   But for you to think someone shouldn't write about what inspires them, well, that don't make no sense.

Well here's what makes sense, friend, is that earlier works didn't possess that lyrical content (or if so very little) which is great in my book, but when you release something which then DOES have such content, and it strays from the original type of lyrical content of former albums, that bothers a person who has conflicting views, and their artist who they adore, now decides to release and display such religious rubbish. Not all of the album is, but about one HALF of it is, and that's a statement. Understand?
There is no good, there is no bad, just opinion and perspective.

D. Sinclair

Violeteye, I don't agree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion, of course. I can perhaps see why you infer a Christian God from some of the lyrics, but I also think God is a universal thing to a lot of people.  I'm not saying I know what's in Jim's heart, but perhaps you needn't be so quick to judge.

Everyone hears things differently, though.  That's why art is so interesting.  It's totally subjective and open to our own interpretations.

I just have to say this is the 9 millionth thread on whether or not Evil Urges is any good and it needs to stay civil, fine people, or it's getting locked.

Just an early warning because I can see this getting silly based on what I read in the 5,678,355th thread about this topic.  :P



Kind of off-topic and I aplogize if it's been covered before but why no lyrics for the album on the site under releases?  I think Z's lyrics were up right away...


QuoteLet me first mention that I am a new to the MMJ forums and am not one who is dedicated to the community of forums of any kind to be honest.

I once learned never to trust anyone who says "to be honest"...

(or "to tell you the truth")


QuoteVioleteye, I don't agree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion, of course. I can perhaps see why you infer a Christian God from some of the lyrics, but I also think God is a universal thing to a lot of people.  I'm not saying I know what's in Jim's heart, but perhaps you needn't be so quick to judge.

Everyone hears things differently, though.  That's why art is so interesting.  It's totally subjective and open to our own interpretations.

I just have to say this is the 9 millionth thread on whether or not Evil Urges is any good and it needs to stay civil, fine people, or it's getting locked.

Just an early warning because I can see this getting silly based on what I read in the 5,678,355th thread about this topic.  :P

Well said. Guess your the Moderatrix for some reason.

I agree , I'm sick of folks analyzing this album.
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."



Kind of off-topic and I aplogize if it's been covered before but why no lyrics for the album on the site under releases?  I think Z's lyrics were up right away...

Gotta buy the album.  ;)
"Somewhere out there is a land that's cool, where peace and balance are the rule."



You don't know what you are talking about. You mentioned that you have only been listening to the band for two years. Quess what.. they have been doing their thing for ten years. Do you think a band changes in ten years?...I think that one is obvious. Maybe you didn't really like the band in the first place? Maybe it took this record for you to figure it out. What kind of music do you make? Please don't criticize things like lyrics and sound when you have no idea what you are talking about. Let's hear your music and your lyrics. Christian Rock... Hmmmm...don't think so. Have you heard any Christian rock bands? Maybe if you weren't so narrow in your interpretation of the lyrics it wouldn't just have to be about God. Lyrics can mean anything they want to mean. As far as emulating their live sound. This album is actually the opposite. It is the most produced, most arranged album to date. It has a studio sound. This is something that is hard to emulate live. Before you go on a rant try and do your homework first.

Fan of the Music


Why is it that we have to put up with you atheists who feel it is your right to change everything and run over those of us who believe in God?  Piss off and stuff your "opinion" which is actually an anti-religious rant.  

Oh yeah and if you don't want religion in your music you better not listen to anything because some form of higher power worship tinges most music (whether its devil worship or connecting to your God).

I bet you want "In God We Trust" off our currency too.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


QuoteSo, why is it you fans are so won over by this album when it has abandoned the much of the MMJ roots and its original--unique sound?

I'll give it a shot:

I Wanna Hold You Hand + I Am The Walrus = The Beatles
Blowin' in the Wind  + Maggie's Farm = Bob Dylan
Good Times, Bad Times + D'yer Mak'er = Led Zeppelin
Truckin' + Unbroken Chain = The Greatful Dead
I Will Follow + Zooropa = U2
New Day Rising + Thumbtack = Bob Mould
Radio Free Europe + Drive = REM
Fake Plastic Trees + Weird Fishes = Radiohead
Passenger Side + Spiders  = Wilco
Eveyln is Not Real + Highly Suspicious = My Monrning Jacket

and it goes on and on and on and on....

Personally, I am glad artists change. Personally, I am glad I change.
This is a process that will always be as long as man continues to search within himself. Change is good.

Being angry that an artist no longer fits in the box you built for them, suspending them in time and space without the opportunity for growth and introspection is silly.

To quote Billy Joel (whom all roads lead back to):

Everybody's talkin' 'bout the new sound
Funny, but it's still rock and roll to me



Kind of off-topic and I aplogize if it's been covered before but why no lyrics for the album on the site under releases?  I think Z's lyrics were up right away...

Gotta buy the album.  ;)

I bought it.  Haven't memorized the lyrics and sometimes at "work" I want to check on a line or two.  I guess you kind of answered my question though....   I never was a good businessman



Kind of off-topic and I aplogize if it's been covered before but why no lyrics for the album on the site under releases?  I think Z's lyrics were up right away...

I was actually just about to say that...

I'm not sure where you're getting all these "christian rock" references. Look at You, Smokin From Shootin, and Remnants are the only songs where he references or even suggests a "God". Look at You is the only song where the gospel influences are present, and he never directly mentions God in it. Also, Smokin From Shootin, the one song that does reference God, has the lines "Faith can't prove what science won't resolve". Doesn't sound very "Christian rock" to me. And a one liner about a "designer" in Remnants should not get you riled up. Lots of songs on the album are love songs, and you can take them as you want. It seems like you hate the lyrics on the album just because you want to. Don't pretend that this is a new development either. He specifically mentions that he believes in a "God" in some shape or form in Strangulation and Steam Engine, which ironically seems to be two of their best songs.

You're probably riled up from the Rolling Stone interview where they said the album would have gospel influences. Gospel music is extremely different from Christian rock. Radiohead said that their song "Reckoner" had gospel influences, and that hardly sounds like Christian rock, does it? Music can move someone even if that person doesn't know what's taking him.

Jim often refers to some sort of "spirit" that takes him as he writes. That's not religon. Tons of songwriters say that it seems like this happens as they write. It may or may not be something supernatural, it's just something they can't explain. And since when has writing about the unexplained ever been a bad thing? Take your militant atheism elsewhere. This is My Morning Jacket.

Also, you make it sound like they have completely abandoned their roots. Listen to Sec Walkin and Look At You again and tell me that sounds like anyone other than My Morning Jacket. The roots are there, the branches just continue to grow. If you hate Evil Urges that much, you still have four albums and several eps of good, straight-up MMJ to listen to anytime you want. Some bands will give you an album that you can spend the rest of your life listening to. MMJ has given you four (five if you love Evil Urges).
In another time, in another place, in another face

D. Sinclair

QuotePiss off and stuff your "opinion" which is actually an anti-religious rant.  

Well, that is certainly going to change his mind!  

Not a very Christian reaction, methinks.

Also, this...



oh, and


and the trifecta!

Jon T.

Personally, I am glad artists change. Personally, I am glad I change.
This is a process that will always be as long as man continues to search within himself. Change is good.

Being angry that an artist no longer fits in the box you built for them, suspending them in time and space without the opportunity for growth and introspection is silly.
