The NFL Thread 2009

Started by capt._headdy, Mar 20, 2009, 01:29 AM

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QuoteWhen's the Vince Young era V2.0 going to start? Id want him in now or have Collins on a short leash if I was you.

While I'd like to see Young get some time to try to prove himself again, I'm not convinced that he's ready. He looked pretty good in the pre-season games, though. Who knows? Maybe he COULD come in and do a good job.

Collins hasn't been horrible. It's our Defense that has lost the games for us. Although Collins HAS made a few bonehead interceptions.


Quote0-3 plus Pennington is hurt  :'( :'( :'(

If I was a Dolphin fan, Id kind of want to see what I have in Chad Henne though. Its not like Pennington is going to take you to the promised land.

Not like either has many options to throw to though

Pennington is just a great leader and seemed like a good guy too- hate to see him get hurt... we just picked up thigpen... should be trying to get a receiver instead- ted ginn has been nothing but a disappointment.  Makes me want to try out for the Dolphins- I sure as hell could have made some of the catches he's been missing.
Oh I'll never say I knew you, but my heart can't wait to meet you on the other side

capt. scotty

Quote...or you just got beat by a better team.  8-)

You talk shit too soon, we'll see about that November 15.

When the bungals win at home for the first time in 8 years vs the Steelers, you kind of need to get as much out of it as possible if youre a bungals fan.

How's your "my favorite team is going to have a great year" prediction going for you so far?  Any more predictions Mr. Expert?

Quotation please.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Quote...or you just got beat by a better team.  8-)

You talk shit too soon, we'll see about that November 15.

When the bungals win at home for the first time in 8 years vs the Steelers, you kind of need to get as much out of it as possible if youre a bungals fan.

How's your "my favorite team is going to have a great year" prediction going for you so far?  Any more predictions Mr. Expert?

Quotation please.

First of all, I think it's funny you're taking back your prediction that the steelers will have a good year.

Secondly, here's the quote from page 14 of the fantasy football thread. Right after I told you I don't give a shit about your dimestore predictions:
QuoteI predict the Steelers are that much more dangerous because we finally have a return man that not only we can count on, but has the goods.

Even more dangerous? Maybe they'll win two superbowls this year!

There you go, smart guy.
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

capt. scotty

You're really reaching if me saying our special teams will be more dangerous this year means "my favorite team is going to have a great year" or that I expect another superbowl

And FYI, right now the Steelers are tied for 4th in the NFL in kick return yard average, whereas last year they were 29th in the NFL in kick return yard average. So it looks like my prediction is correct thus far.

Just like I never said were going to be great this year, I havent given up on them either. I still expect us to make the playoffs. We lost 2 close games, not like we got blownout. Im fine with 1-2 right now considering how the games have gone, in addition to the fact that we've been playing without arguably the most game-changing defensive player in the NFL.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


QuoteI predict the Steelers are that much more dangerous because we finally have a return man that not only we can count on, but has the goods.

You said the steelers are more dangerous not "I predict their special teams will be better than they'll be worse overall".  You said they will be even more dangerous this year, they won the superbowl last year, so what am I supposed to think?

Really, you can't talk you're way out of that. You could try, but you'll look like even more of a dumbass.

You talk and talk and talk and think eventually you'll end up making sense. You've already backtracked twice, first saying you didn't predict the steelers would be good this year and then by making excuses for being 1-2 like they would still be more dangerous this year (as you actually originally predicted) if Troy wasn't banged up. So which is it? Have you given up on your Steelers or on being a football expert?

BTW, I still stand by my only prediction in either of the NFL threads:
QuoteHere's my prediction: the steelers won't win it all and Capt Headdy will still be a complete jackass. (Now THAT'S a safe prediction!)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive

capt. scotty

Alright, Mr. Semantics. Im not even going to respond to this BS anymore, because apparently you take everything word for word and interpret it how you please so it fits your POV, so its pointless even to counter.

Its downright hilarious how you are exactly like Tracy in regards to this.

Being "dangerous" has no correlation with "best team" or "win the superbowl".  Show me where it says theyre synonyms, Webster. I specifically mention the return man, youre rediculous.

And way to go out on a limb with your prediction! In reality, you have no business even disputing my "predictions" when you dont have enough balls to post your own thoughts/opinions.

...and I havent backtracked on anything. I have no idea what youre talking about.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

I think im sitting LT in my main league and our league, so Im pretty sure hell tear up the Steelers tonight
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Washington vs Tampa Bay...a truly crappy game. The only thing that really scares me is if Tampa wins they'll act like they've really accomplished something.  :-X
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


I'm kinda pissed that they're showing the Denver vs. Dallas game over New Orleans vs. NY Jets.
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!


QuoteI'm kinda pissed that they're showing the Denver vs. Dallas game over New Orleans vs. NY Jets.

check cbs. i've got dal/den on fox and nyj/no on cbs.


QuoteI'm kinda pissed that they're showing the Denver vs. Dallas game over New Orleans vs. NY Jets.

check cbs. i've got dal/den on fox and nyj/no on cbs.

No second game on CBS here in Pittsburgh, they had bullriding on after the Pats Ravens game! Thats a bunch of bullshit, pun intended!
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!

capt. scotty

QuoteI'm kinda pissed that they're showing the Denver vs. Dallas game over New Orleans vs. NY Jets.

check cbs. i've got dal/den on fox and nyj/no on cbs.

No second game on CBS here in Pittsburgh, they had bullriding on after the Pats Ravens game! Thats a bunch of bullshit, pun intended!

yeah...whats up with CBS not showing any late games at all this season?

i didnt even watch the 2nd half of DEN/DAL...Romo looks lost without T.O.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

For the first time in ever, I was actually rooting for the Patsies today...Thanks for pulling out a win and beating the Ratbirds!! Suggs was pretty close to breaking Bradys other knee on a possible cheap shot in the game.

Cant say Im surprised NO beat NYJ, but I guess it could have been close if not for those 2 defensive TDs for NO.

Ronnie Brown, how could I have ever doubted your return to excellence??? Bad miscue right there            [smiley= bag.gif]

Indy and the G-Men look pret-tay, pret-tay, pretty tough
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary

bear sin rug

Manning brothers Super Bowl would be hype!

But we allll know who's coming from the AFC! Suprise! Suprise! 4-0!

It's a bad idea

bear sin rug

Cant say Im surprised NO beat NYJ, but I guess it could have been close if not for those 2 defensive TDs for NO.

Really? If the Saints had not scored 14 points it would have been a closer game? Defensive TD's count just as much as offensive TD's, just ask any Steelers fan -- but you're not saying the Steelers should have lost to the Cards in the SB in spite of Harrison's TD before half, are you?  ;)

It's a bad idea

capt. scotty

Cant say Im surprised NO beat NYJ, but I guess it could have been close if not for those 2 defensive TDs for NO.

Really? If the Saints had not scored 14 points it would have been a closer game? Defensive TD's count just as much as offensive TD's, just ask any Steelers fan -- but you're not saying the Steelers should have lost to the Cards in the SB in spite of Harrison's TD before half, are you?  ;)

My point was I expected NO to win fairly easily because I figured their improved D would give Sanchez and their O trouble and force some turnovers, but you wouldnt expect a team to get 2 Def TDs in a game.  Not saying either team shouldve won or lost, just that it wouldve been closer than I expected w/o those 2 TDs in all liklihood.

...and the Broncos have got to be 1 of the worst 4-0 teams ever. Their D looks solid though. I still cant believe Philly let Dawkins go. Dumb move even if he is 35 or 36, and he's the biggest reason their D looks legit IMO. DJ Williams being healthy helps as well.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

The future has arrived

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


I found out today that one of my friends can't make it for the November 15 Steelers vs. Bungles game, and that I'll be buying the ticket! Bragging rights! 8-)
That's motherfuckin' John Oates!