Current Joys

Started by ycartrob, Aug 22, 2006, 12:22 PM

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capt. scotty

QuoteI believe this qualifies.  

My dad, 74, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer exactly 5 years ago.  His form of cancer has a 2-3% survival rate after 5 years.

On Thursday, his oncology team discharged him from his treatment group.  A participant in an experimental treatment regimen for pancreatic cancer, my dad has been cancer-free for nearly three years.

The surgery, chemo, and radiation have beat the shit out of his body, but he is a lucky man.  And I, a lucky son.

Thats great Yac! Im pretty sure Pancreatic cancer is by far the most devastating form of cancer there is, amazing he beat it!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

hell yeah yac.  cancer blows.  glad your dad kicked it's ass.  horrible stuff all around, glad medicine is getting better.  


That's beautiful, YYac   :)  I'm so happy for you and your family.
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Awesome YYac.  My mom's doctor gave her one year.   That was more than 5 years ago.  Feels damn good to win some.  It was her diagnosis and my love of MMJ that I believe brought me to this board and all of you lovely people.  It gave me someone else to talk to in a rough time in my life.  This was my first post.  Totally cheesy reading it back now. ;D  

God bless you and your dad JY.

I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.

Penny Lane

johnny and dave, now THAT's some current joy... :) ;)
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


QuoteI believe this qualifies.  

My dad, 74, was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer exactly 5 years ago.  His form of cancer has a 2-3% survival rate after 5 years.

On Thursday, his oncology team discharged him from his treatment group.  A participant in an experimental treatment regimen for pancreatic cancer, my dad has been cancer-free for nearly three years.

The surgery, chemo, and radiation have beat the shit out of his body, but he is a lucky man.  And I, a lucky son.

Wow!  That is awesome news, Johnny!  Way to go Johnny's Dad and BH's mom....inspirational!


QuotePenny is completing the last test of her academic career.  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

hey thanks! i luv all you guys!

penny's cool but christine's been a nervous, haggard wreck for four years, it'll be cool to see how she gets her life back (and to see if she stops talking about herself in the 3rd person)...

Way to go, Christine!!  Congrats!  :)


Quotejohnny and dave, now THAT's some current joy... :) ;)
Great news guys! Huge vibes for complete recoveries and for anyone else so afflicted.
"'s gonna be great -- I mean me coming back with the band and playing all those hits again"


Thanks everyone.  I told my Dad about posting his news to the MMJ fan forum.  He is amazed at such a thing and appreciates all of your kind words, as do I.  BH, you are my brother from another mother (all the P. Floyd references in that first post are just icing on the cake).  
The fact that my heart's beating is all the proof you need.


I've just been for a walk round the block!
I had an operation on my leg a couple of weeks ago and I've been walking round the house (with two sticks) for a while. I had my metal staple things taken out (49 of them!) and thought I'd venture outside. I'm so chuffed with myself.

By the way, I had the operation under a spinal anaesthetic so I was awake thoughout. I loaded all the songs that make me smile onto my mp3 player to drown out the sound of the drilling and sawing. I could still hear them a bit but with the jacket in my ears I didn't care!

Oh, and doesn't somethng like this remind you how good good friends are?

So pleased for you and your Dad johnnYYac. That's great news!
The experiment requires that you continue.


Great news Susan. Glad you're back up and moving around.

Way to kick cancers ass Johny's dad.


QuoteI've just been for a walk round the block!
I had an operation on my leg a couple of weeks ago and I've been walking round the house (with two sticks) for a while. I had my metal staple things taken out (49 of them!) and thought I'd venture outside. I'm so chuffed with myself.

By the way, I had the operation under a spinal anaesthetic so I was awake thoughout. I loaded all the songs that make me smile onto my mp3 player to drown out the sound of the drilling and sawing. I could still hear them a bit but with the jacket in my ears I didn't care!

Oh, and doesn't somethng like this remind you how good good friends are?

So pleased for you and your Dad johnnYYac. That's great news!

I've been wondering about you.  I was afraid to ask!  Walking around the block already!  Impressive!
I'm digging, digging deep in myself, but who needs a shovel when you have a little boy like mine.


QuoteDr. Dog.  Headliners.  Tonight.

I was so wanting to go to this, but I'm gonna have to miss it.   :(

Have fun.  

Make sure you get there early enough to catch Deer Tick.  I'm serious...they're awesome.

Caught this show in Philly on Thursday & NYC on Saturday. Been a big DT fan for awhile now... I really like Dr Dog's new album though. They put on a great show.
The wind blew me back, via Chicago, in the middle of the night.


the refined pleasures of nuanced, complicated truth
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quotethe refined pleasures of nuanced, complicated truth
I'm a sagittarian  ;)
The experiment requires that you continue.


Thanks Mike and Dave. I'm doing really well  :)
The experiment requires that you continue.


Quotethe refined pleasures of nuanced, complicated truth
I'm a sagittarian  ;)

;)  my sister!

I don't know you, but I'm glad to hear you're doing better.   :)
if it falls apart or makes us millionaires


Quotethe refined pleasures of nuanced, complicated truth
I'm a sagittarian  ;)

;)  my sister!

I don't know you, but I'm glad to hear you're doing better.   :)

Thanks so much. You're very kind  :)
The experiment requires that you continue.


Keep on Truckin' My Sister in Jackethood... :)
"You are only as young as the last time you changed your mind" T. Leary


QuoteAwesome YYac.  My mom's doctor gave her one year.   That was more than 5 years ago.  Feels damn good to win some.  It was her diagnosis and my love of MMJ that I believe brought me to this board and all of you lovely people.  It gave me someone else to talk to in a rough time in my life.  This was my first post.  Totally cheesy reading it back now. ;D  

God bless you and your dad JY.

WOW, that is really moving stuff ! And I just love that you were able to share the link of that original post.  
Really wonderful  -- so good to hear that folks out there are kicking CANCER's ass!  All the best to you and Mamma!
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