My Circuital Review

Started by MyJacket18, May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM

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Quote from: TAFKAGB

Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.

lol you dum and you're trac list suks

(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM

This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.

Multi million dollar?  Riiiiight.  I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question.  Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they?  Oh, no, they got it right!  After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'.  Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap.  Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career.  It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good!  It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has.  EU is full of moments like that.  Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.   

I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing.  I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors.  Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example.  MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT.  The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think.   That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!

listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it.   It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges.  Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people.  All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album.  a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z.  It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all.  plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.


Quote from: BigHerm on May 09, 2011, 06:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB

Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.

lol you dum and you're trac list suks

(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)

haha you're post sux!

The man said Victory Dance follows Movin' Away but it doesn't.  One is the opening track and the other is the closer and that's a fact.  Look at the tracklisting moron LOL!  You're logic sux!!

Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he?  So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit.  An album of b sides frankly.

really? to me it's pretty solid.  I could do without Give Up The Ghost, but the rest, particularly Bloom are pretty great.  These Are My Twisted Words, Harry Patch, Supercollider, and The Butcher make it a little more fun. 

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

now that I know what's going on this thread is becoming kinda legendary. 


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 06:58 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM

This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.

Multi million dollar?  Riiiiight.  I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question.  Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they?  Oh, no, they got it right!  After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'.  Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap.  Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career.  It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good!  It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has.  EU is full of moments like that.  Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.   

I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing.  I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors.  Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example.  MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT.  The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think.   That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!

listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it.   It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges.  Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people.  All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album.  a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z.  It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all.  plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.

I like you.  You've got spunk. 

First of all....

1. I am not a NOOB but registered 4 years before you NOOOOOOOOOOOOB so suck my withered teats, sonny jim.
2. My tracklisting did indeed BLOW HARD and I can only aplogise.  What a total cunt!
3.  John leckie is indeed a notable producer but that doesn't mean he did a great job with MMJ, does it?  I don't dislike the production, I just find it a little flat sometimes.  A personal thing, maybe but such an opinion isn't heresy for crying out loud.  You think Remnants sounds good?  Really?  Again, there are so many factors involved in these things to assume that by simply having a name producer with a track record will result in sonic glory is wrong, of course.  Life ain't that simple.   

I only dissed his spelling after he mentioned 'school'.  Seemed an obvious thing to do.  Cheap?  For sure but I'm not above such things, I admit, and it was simply too tempting.  Apologies. 


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 07:04 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit.  An album of b sides frankly.

really? to me it's pretty solid.  I could do without Give Up The Ghost, but the rest, particularly Bloom are pretty great.  These Are My Twisted Words, Harry Patch, Supercollider, and The Butcher make it a little more fun.

There's two really good songs on there - Codex and Lotus Flower - and even those are hardly 'great' by their standards.  The rest is substandard though pleasant. 


Quote from: TAFKAGB
Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he?  So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.
Oh! There is your problem. You can't fucking read.  :D

Go back and read it again, and again...and again.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 07:18 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 06:58 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM

This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.

Multi million dollar?  Riiiiight.  I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question.  Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they?  Oh, no, they got it right!  After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'.  Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap.  Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career.  It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good!  It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has.  EU is full of moments like that.  Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.   

I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing.  I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors.  Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example.  MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT.  The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think.   That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!

listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it.   It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges.  Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people.  All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album.  a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z.  It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all.  plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.

I like you.  You've got spunk. 

First of all....

1. I am not a NOOB but registered 4 years before you NOOOOOOOOOOOOB so suck my withered teats, sonny jim.
2. My tracklisting did indeed BLOW HARD and I can only aplogise.  What a total cunt!
3.  John leckie is indeed a notable producer but that doesn't mean he did a great job with MMJ, does it?  I don't dislike the production, I just find it a little flat sometimes.  A personal thing, maybe but such an opinion isn't heresy for crying out loud.  You think Remnants sounds good?  Really?  Again, there are so many factors involved in these things to assume that by simply having a name producer with a track record will result in sonic glory is wrong, of course.  Life ain't that simple.   

I only dissed his spelling after he mentioned 'school'.  Seemed an obvious thing to do.  Cheap?  For sure but I'm not above such things, I admit, and it was simply too tempting.  Apologies.

I hate the production on Evil Urges.  but that's my point, I like the new one better because Jim and Co. produced it themselves and it feels more intimate.


That's true.  I'm just a fussy bastard I guess.

Enjoy the album folks.


whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:


Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:

Did you expect any different?
Some girls mothers are bigger than others girls mothers...


Quote from: DougMac on May 09, 2011, 06:11 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM

Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...

TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a must not have finished school

I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.

This is too beautiful.  Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies. 

Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.

dude, your an idiot. it's very pleasant around here, so please don't come here to just be an asshole. also, what our friend Big was saying, is that ON REPEAT, VD follows Movin' Away.

If someone has a dig saying I didn't finish school then proceeds to type a post with spelling mistakes and an analogy that isn't one am I not allowed to take the piss a bit?

Of course, I'M the idiot!  You're the one who's calling people names, mate.

I'm a very sorry for the misbelling...I was at werk andd had to type vast befour the boss walked bye.

I wasn't trying to impress anyone with my analogy or comment about finishing school...the track list didn't do it for me. I think if someone actually took me seriously about saying they didn't finish school, then they're deeper problems here that I can't try to solve. I was also coming down on him because he was preaching. I don't like preachers so go fly a kite...I'm a preacher.  :thumbsup:



Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:

Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).


Quote from: DougMac on May 09, 2011, 07:03 PM
Quote from: BigHerm on May 09, 2011, 06:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB

Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.

lol you dum and you're trac list suks

(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)

haha you're post sux!

The man said Victory Dance follows Movin' Away but it doesn't.  One is the opening track and the other is the closer and that's a fact.  Look at the tracklisting moron LOL!  You're logic sux!!

Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he?  So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.
I know you are just a I'll try to be nice...did you read my entire post that started this? I clearly stated "I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice."

So kiss my jacket!

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:

Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).

it was bluntmaster.  and you're not too far off.  This thread has just been ravaged by the goat.  TAFKAGB is Goat Boy.  he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.


no's all circuital

Who's loving the lyrics on this album? JJ is the man when it comes to making me all soft...Wonderful is always making my eyes feel weird.


Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 08:47 PM
Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:

Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).

it was bluntmaster.  and you're not too far off.  This thread has just been ravaged by the goat.  TAFKAGB is Goat Boy.  he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.

No way!?  Goat Boy from Scotland?  What's up?  Ahh memories of Camera Obscura at the Tunnels in Aberdeen in '06.  Wait, am I all wrong?
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head


Quote from: Ruckus on May 09, 2011, 09:15 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 08:47 PM
Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:

Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).

it was bluntmaster.  and you're not too far off.  This thread has just been ravaged by the goat.  TAFKAGB is Goat Boy.  he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.

No way!?  Goat Boy from Scotland?  What's up?  Ahh memories of Camera Obscura at the Tunnels in Aberdeen in '06.  Wait, am I all wrong?

And Sticky, you will always be Bluntmasta. I refuse to use ER.

Sticky Icky Green Stuff

I'm not sure where he's from,  he's goat boy, or was previously in another life and that's all that matters. a legend or myth, like mist from a fog or a shadow that follows you.  he got banned and he got banned hard.  then he went to Amsterdam or something and until today that's all I've heard of the mysterious goat.  some say he was a revolutionary, others say a traitor.  one must never let their guard down in the presence of such a beast.