NBA Playoffs

Started by capt._headdy, May 19, 2009, 11:28 PM

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QuoteI would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.


QuoteI would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.

;D That's funny for several reasons...because anyone would say that about Lebron, but more than that, because Tracy and Leon found something else to get in a fight over!  ;D

I love this place...  :D

"I'm able to sing because I'm able to fly, son. You heard me right..."


QuoteI would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.

;D That's funny for several reasons...because anyone would say that about Lebron, but more than that, because Tracy and Leon found something else to get in a fight over!  ;D

I love this place...  :D

not much of a fight when one person is right and the other person is wrong; in Leon's world, Lebron slips and falls on purpose so he doesn't get the inbounds pass. In the real world, Lebron told Williams he would come back to the ball no matter what and take the shot. Typical coward.  ;)


QuoteI would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.

;D That's funny for several reasons...because anyone would say that about Lebron, but more than that, because Tracy and Leon found something else to get in a fight over!  ;D

I love this place...  :D

not much of a fight when one person is right and the other person is wrong; in Leon's world, Lebron slips and falls on purpose so he doesn't get the inbounds pass. In the real world, Lebron told Williams he would come back to the ball no matter what and take the shot. Typical coward.  ;)
I love how you know everything Tracy. You are a typical, smug, arrogant internet doush. But being your whole life is dedicated to being so right on this MB all the time, I'll let you slid. After all, it must be tough when people don't like you in real life. What happened mommy didn't breast feed you long enough? Or maybe daddy didn't hug you enough? Or maybe it's because you haven't gotten laid in 30 years...

I love how you can know everything I think, by reading a few posts. Right if Lebron falls it's because he's to scarred to make a play... You know me so well Tracy. Maybe it's because I'm so racist that I want Lebron to fail. Or maybe I secretly think he's gay and hope he gets aids and dies. You make up what you want to believe about somebody and that's it. There is no reasoning with you. Everything has to be a fight with you and you having to end up being right.

*Oh wait, did I just pull those comments out of thin air, being I don't actually know you? You talk about karma and goodwill, but you just talk the talk. When it comes down to it, you're just an over sensitive pussy, who would ONLY talk shit over a web.
Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.


QuoteI would say that he is too much a coward to take the winning shot.

;D That's funny for several reasons...because anyone would say that about Lebron, but more than that, because Tracy and Leon found something else to get in a fight over!  ;D

I love this place...  :D

not much of a fight when one person is right and the other person is wrong; in Leon's world, Lebron slips and falls on purpose so he doesn't get the inbounds pass. In the real world, Lebron told Williams he would come back to the ball no matter what and take the shot. Typical coward.  ;)
I love how you know everything Tracy. You are a typical, smug, arrogant internet doush. But being your whole life is dedicated to being so right on this MB all the time, I'll let you slid. After all, it must be tough when people don't like you in real life. What happened mommy didn't breast feed you long enough? Or maybe daddy didn't hug you enough? Or maybe it's because you haven't gotten laid in 30 years...

I love how you can know everything I think, by reading a few posts. Right if Lebron falls it's because he's to scarred to make a play... You know me so well Tracy. Maybe it's because I'm so racist that I want Lebron to fail. Or maybe I secretly think he's gay and hope he gets aids and dies. You make up what you want to believe about somebody and that's it. There is no reasoning with you. Everything has to be a fight with you and you having to end up being right.

*Oh wait, did I just pull those comments out of thin air, being I don't actually know you? You talk about karma and goodwill, but you just talk the talk. When it comes down to it, you're just an over sensitive pussy, who would ONLY talk shit over a web.

Jeeez Leon, you said Lebron didn't have the courage to take the last shot and I disagreed and last night he proved me right. That's about it.

Plus, you have this written on the bottom of your posts:

Klink Disclaimer: My posts are not to be taken seriously. They are all in jest. Please lighten up.

I suggest you follow your own advice.  ;)

(BTW, you misspelled scared, douche, and slide  :-* ).

capt. scotty

Everyone should go to their local or online gambling source and take Denver because I just took Lakers (+4)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

The more I think about it, if Cleveland wins game 3 I will be impressed.

After LeBron's pressure relieving shot to end game 2, I have a feeling the Cavs wont jump out to a 15-20 point lead early again. If that doesnt happen, itll be interesting to see how the 2nd half goes.

Kobe just put up 41 and a W....WWLD?!
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

Cavs win, Cavs win!!!

PS: Just another reason why Cleveland sucks. No Pittsburgh fan would be like that before the game is over

The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Vadie Stark

Quote[highlight]The King has left the building.[/highlight]

They'll be showing that Lebron shot for awhile; that was his MJ over Ehlo moment, so far. I'm sure there's more to come.

You can't make up such a
           thing as that. I dare you to even try.
Not the one thing. I used to think I
could at least some way put things right.

capt. scotty

QuoteThe more I think about it, if Cleveland wins game 3 I will be impressed.

After LeBron's pressure relieving shot to end game 2, I have a feeling the Cavs wont jump out to a 15-20 point lead early again. If that doesnt happen, itll be interesting to see how the 2nd half goes.

Shooter.  8-)

I would actually favor Orlando to win this series now. They just won with Dwight Howard playing half the game, Rashard Lewis in foul trouble, and Bron Bron dropping 40.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

First off, these technical and flagrant foul calls are getting out of hand. Of course you should call them when theyre deserved, but there were at least a half dozen fouls tonight that were called one or the other and either werent flagrant or more often didnt deserve the T. I thought Jeff Van Gundy made a good point too by saying how do they just come up with 7 Technical fouls and you get suspended for a game?! kinda stupid.

Clearly, Nuggs won bc of their bench. JR Smith played about as good as possible, and Birdman seemed to be doing something positive every single possession, defensive or offensive, that he was on the court. Add in Nene and Kenyon being great both ways, and no way Lakers are winning that game.

I dont get why they havent gone to Gasol more. No one on the Nuggs can guard him, and he just seems to score at will when he gets the ball in good position or when he's open. They might as well start calling Odom "Casper" too, because he's nonexistent. He might be the most overrated player in the league. If overrated isnt the right adjective, then I dont understand why people talk about him not producing, because 90% of the time he doesnt show up
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

Penny Lane

fingers crossed cleveland can find the basket tonight .... :o :o

capt--don't ever put pittsburgh fans above cleveland fans-- i grew up on the halfway in between point. even my family is split down the middle..EQUALLY BAD
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

capt--don't ever put pittsburgh fans above cleveland fans-- i grew up on the halfway in between point. even my family is split down the middle..EQUALLY BAD

what do you mean equally bad?

in this instance (if you watched the clip), I was saying Pittsburgh fans would never talk about how the team just lost and the series is over BEFORE the actual game is even OVER!  :D

I know I didnt think the Super Bowl was over after Fitzgerald got his long TD and Arizona took the lead with only a few minutes left  8-)
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons

capt. scotty

[size=20]Hey Ma, Where's My RAFER?!?!?!![/size]

...I laughed my ass off when some assistant coach was drawing up plays late in the game for Cleveland. Mike Brown has to be the biggest joke of a coach in any major sport. He should pay commission to LeBron. If I was the King, I wouldnt want to leave Cleveland, I would demand they get a new coach.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons


Thank god I dont live in Cleveland.
As long as you keep a straight face...

Penny Lane

it's like watching a train wreck; i've had a knot in my stomach since sun night.
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill


Quote[size=20]Hey Ma, Where's My RAFER?!?!?!![/size]

...I laughed my ass off when some assistant coach was drawing up plays late in the game for Cleveland. Mike Brown has to be the biggest joke of a coach in any major sport. He should pay commission to LeBron. If I was the King, I wouldnt want to leave Cleveland, I would demand they get a new coach.
I couldn't agree ANY MORE with you. I could put on a suit and fill the line up card out.
the fruit bats love makin' made all the kids cry


Quote[size=20]Hey Ma, Where's My RAFER?!?!?!![/size]

...I laughed my ass off when some assistant coach was drawing up plays late in the game for Cleveland. Mike Brown has to be the biggest joke of a coach in any major sport. He should pay commission to LeBron. If I was the King, I wouldnt want to leave Cleveland, I would demand they get a new coach.
I couldn't agree ANY MORE with you. I could put on a suit and fill the line up card out.

I don't know guys.  I think Mike Brown is a pretty good coach.  Even before the real maturation of Lebron, he made the team pretty competitive and turned them into a defensive powerhouse.  Just check the numbers pre and post Brown on the defensive end.  

Secondly, in the modern NBA where each team typically has at least an offensive and defensive assistant, many who have been head coaches at some point in their career, it isn't out of the ordinary for that specialist coach to draw up a play under supervision from the head coach.

Now having said that, Cleveland has to find a way to defend the pick and roll better.  What seems interesting to me is that typically 3 point shooting teams get their shots off through the drive and kick game or low post doubles.  However, in this series, though the aforementioned two have worked, the Magic seem to be getting an inordinate number of open 3's derived from the pick 'n roll game.  Hmmm...

BUT, live by the 3, die by the 3 and I still give Cleveland a more than a very slim chance to pull it off because I can see Orlando going cold.

Mike Brown in key situations must however, pretend like he is not nervous and that he knows what he is doing.
Can You Put Your Soft Helmet On My Head

Penny Lane

Quote[size=20]Hey Ma, Where's My RAFER?!?!?!![/size]

...I laughed my ass off when some assistant coach was drawing up plays late in the game for Cleveland. Mike Brown has to be the biggest joke of a coach in any major sport. He should pay commission to LeBron. If I was the King, I wouldnt want to leave Cleveland, I would demand they get a new coach.
I couldn't agree ANY MORE with you. I could put on a suit and fill the line up card out.

I don't know guys.  I think Mike Brown is a pretty good coach.  Even before the real maturation of Lebron, he made the team pretty competitive and turned them into a defensive powerhouse.  Just check the numbers pre and post Brown on the defensive end.  

Secondly, in the modern NBA where each team typically has at least an offensive and defensive assistant, many who have been head coaches at some point in their career, it isn't out of the ordinary for that specialist coach to draw up a play under supervision from the head coach.

Now having said that, Cleveland has to find a way to defend the pick and roll better.  What seems interesting to me is that typically 3 point shooting teams get their shots off through the drive and kick game or low post doubles.  However, in this series, though the aforementioned two have worked, the Magic seem to be getting an inordinate number of open 3's derived from the pick 'n roll game.  Hmmm...

BUT, live by the 3, die by the 3 and I still give Cleveland a more than a very slim chance to pull it off because I can see Orlando going cold.

Mike Brown in key situations must however, pretend like he is not nervous and that he knows what he is doing.

i agree about living and dying by the 3, it's almost as risky as relying on LeBron making the last min shot. sometimes it pans out...othertimes you're crunked! i also agree about them not being able adjust on defense--how does that keep happening...our only hope is that DH gets his 7th technical and he's out for a game .....please, i said a prayer to the patron saint of lost sports causes--Sec Walkin.  :-/
but come on...there's nothing sexy about poop. Nothing.  -bbill

capt. scotty

They rescinded SuperDwight's technical foul from yesterday. He still only has 5 T's.
The thing is, Bob, it's not that I'm lazy, it's that I just don't care. - Peter Gibbons