For six weeks, My Morning Jacket will be giving you free downloads to celebrate the forthcoming album Circuital. The first five downloads will be live songs taken from each of their shows at New York's Terminal 5 this past October.
On April 12th, the countdown ends with a new song from Circuital.
Download the first song, "Butch Cassidy" (
Holy fuck.
This has to mean that they will eventually release all 5 nites, right?
awesome, awesome, awesooooooooooome!!!!
Thank you MMJ!
WOW, the amount of chills I got from listening to that. I can't even begin to imagine what that week must have been like.
WOW!!!! very cool!!!
this is so cool! thanks so much for doing this!!!
I got to download this? WTF?
Why can't they be mailed to us?
Oh my god. I think I just peed a little. Thanks for these downloads MMJ...for a while there I thought you forgot T5 even happened.
Outstanding! So cool.....This is another great example of how this band cares about its fans and yet another reason why this band is so great. Thank you!
Let the Wild Rumpus Start!!!!!
This is cause for celebration. Wow, is the quality of that Butch Cassidy recording awesome.
So many reasons to be wildly excited about this. Countdown to Circuital! And live T5 recordings. Thanks CC!
The rest of the T5 recordings gotta come out at some point later in the year. What a nice holiday present that big box set is gonna make (please!)
This is big cause for celebration. Now we just gotta wait for the announcement of tour dates!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D
Life really can't get much better right now. I fucking love this band
what does this tell us about the release date!?...first single 4/12...album mid-late may?
Exactly what I was thinking. Let's hope it's pre-Hangout
I couldn't help notice the download dates, after today's, are Mondays. Then, it shifts to Tuesday, April 12 for the new song from Circuital. Tuesdays are album release days.
Nice treat. Thanks MMJ. Had a hell of a time getting onto the forum for the past hour or so. Now I know why. I got my BC d/l from Jason and The Steam Engine.
Quote from: kydiddle on Mar 03, 2011, 08:25 PM
Oh my god. I think I just peed a little. Thanks for these downloads MMJ...for a while there I thought you forgot T5 even happened.
You aren't alone...
Just listened to Butch for the 1st time. Man does that sound amazing! I recall the conversation that was mentioned that I'm the Dude had with Patrick at Joe's pub. I don't care if the rest of the recordings are only half as good as this one. That would still be better than perfect!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 03, 2011, 09:02 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Mar 03, 2011, 08:25 PM
Oh my god. I think I just peed a little. Thanks for these downloads MMJ...for a while there I thought you forgot T5 even happened.
You aren't alone...
You know that picture reminds me of a funny story when I got kicked out of a bar and my friend and I really had to pee and -- wait...I don't want to pull a JY and hijack the thread... ;D
I would like to propose something right here and right now. If they release the T5 recordings (especially if it's toward the end of the year) I say we have a weekend getaway of listening. All the T5 folks** get together, drink, and reminisce about the best week ever.
**and everyone else, of course.
man, i need to get the whole T5 night one. Would probably become my favorite live album ever.
This is a ll great news! i just want more :)
Amazingbananas!!!!! this is so great.. you know we all would love some more live tracks at some point too.
So happy... it's been a long time since i've felt this good!!! Thank you!!!
Quote from: kydiddle on Mar 03, 2011, 09:18 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 03, 2011, 09:02 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Mar 03, 2011, 08:25 PM
Oh my god. I think I just peed a little. Thanks for these downloads MMJ...for a while there I thought you forgot T5 even happened.
You aren't alone...
You know that picture reminds me of a funny story when I got kicked out of a bar and my friend and I really had to pee and -- wait...I don't want to pull a JY and hijack the thread... ;D
I would like to propose something right here and right now. If they release the T5 recordings (especially if it's toward the end of the year) I say we have a weekend getaway of listening. All the T5 folks** get together, drink, and reminisce about the best week ever.
**and everyone else, of course.
A brilliant idea. I'll commit right now.
Quote from: kydiddle on Mar 03, 2011, 09:18 PM
I would like to propose something right here and right now. If they release the T5 recordings (especially if it's toward the end of the year) I say we have a weekend getaway of listening. All the T5 folks** get together, drink, and reminisce about the best week ever.
**and everyone else, of course.
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
yeah the boards have been weird the past hour or so .. i couldn't even get my BC d/l as all things were like this ~>> :D :D :D
i am over the moon about these T5 releases .. OVER THE MOON!! and what a great way to build up to the new album :beer:
Quality is amazing. Wouldn't be surprised if we got more surprises. Love it.
deffffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaattttttt just haaaaaaaaaannnnnnnngggggggggginnn around
ho. lee. toledo.
that is BEAUTIFUL! :o
whomever had the idea to put these out: thank you! fantastic idea. :beer:
Am I the only one who clicks on the link in my email and it goes to the white screen of nothingness? Is this a firefox issue? Help a sister out! CC, you are my only hope ;)
Quote from: T5 wizzard on Mar 03, 2011, 09:47 PM
Am I the only one who clicks on the link in my email and it goes to the white screen of nothingness? Is this a firefox issue? Help a sister out! CC, you are my only hope ;)
Anxious nerd alert :D
In other words, I figured it out (and ended up downloading it 4 times :-\)
When i first saw that they were doing this I went through all the songs that I hoped got released for this first night and Butch Cassidy was not high on the list, but after listening to that...WOWWW am i happy they chose that song. It was one of those moments when I discovered just how good the song actually is after hearing it so many times before. Just plain beautiful. Please for the love of god release these T5 shows as a box set!
must.. hear... more.. T5.. butch cassidy is perfect.
Smiles all around.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 03, 2011, 08:58 PM
I couldn't help notice the download dates, after today's, are Mondays. Then, it shifts to Tuesday, April 12 for the new song from Circuital. Tuesdays are album release days.
My birthday! I hope it's released then.
I see my box set rumor mongering has paid off. Lesson learned: spread more rumors
This Butch Cassidy version live is the exact reason you go to these concerts. It brings me right on back.
Quote from: Honest Man on Mar 03, 2011, 11:38 PM
It brings me right on back.
not going to lie. can't wait to hear hot legs again.
will be upset if the z one isn't "i could never take the place of your man" need!
I could only make the final night of the T5 run, but got Butch Cassidy in Portland 4 days before this recording, a real surprise. As eager as many of us are about a full T5 release, I'd love that Portland show, too. But, hey, I will take what I can get. It does sound "so sweet".
What a wonderful treat! These boys spoil us! ;D
Thanks you guys. The jones has been quelled for at least another day. Can't wait to hear the rest.
I close my eyes.
It takes me back.
.....And so it begins....
Here are my hopes for the next several weeks:
At Dawn - Strangulation
ISM - Rollin Back
Z - Dondante or any of the covers
EU - Remants or covers
Of course I did not have the privlage to be at the T5 shows so this is just based on general preference. I also will be wearing my purity ring for a time while the first track is circulated.
I LOVE THIS BAND!! :D That was sweet...sounds so nice. I don't see how they could not release all of T5. Thank you MMJ
I am listening to BC over and over and over....
what a magical week it was, and to think, this was just the beginning....
beautiful recording.
I think I might cry...the sound is banana just got peeled.
Quote from: tdb810 on Mar 04, 2011, 08:43 AM
what a magical week it was, and to think, this was just the beginning....
beautiful recording.
Well said,Trish.
Listening to BC,it brought back the exact same feeling I had after TTF show. This was only the begining. :)
Magic!!! Thank~you MMJ, CC and all the Gods involved in recording and setting these recordings free!!!!
A song a week and the feeling of spring in the air...happy happy happy!!!!
It's so exciting to open up the page and see the T5 show and try to find everyone!!! :D :D :D
I want to hug you right now Riny! What a Wonderful Idea!
How appropriate for them to pick a real rarity to showcase T5! That's one more high quality engineered live track to mark off the list! Hope the rest are all rarities as well!
This band is the TITS!!!
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 09:20 AM
I want to hug you right now Riny! What a Wonderful Idea!
How appropriate for them to pick a real rarity to showcase T5! That's one more high quality engineered live track to mark off the list! Hope the rest are all rarities as well!
The track from the At Dawn show has to be Cobra, right? ;)
The constant stream of holy fuck continues.
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 09:38 AM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 09:20 AM
I want to hug you right now Riny! What a Wonderful Idea!
How appropriate for them to pick a real rarity to showcase T5! That's one more high quality engineered live track to mark off the list! Hope the rest are all rarities as well!
The track from the At Dawn show has to be Cobra, right? ;)
The constant stream of holy fuck continues.
I hope so, but I'm guessing they will stick with the album.
Here is a list of album tracks that have not shown up on OKONOKOS, Acoustic Chorale, Acoustic Citsuoca, Candles and Panties or CelebraciĆ³n De La Ciudad Natal.
1. Heartbreakin Man
5. Old September Blues
6. If All Else Fails
7. It's About Twilight Now
8. Evelyn Is Not Real
9. War Begun
10. Picture Of You
11. I Will Be There When You Die
12. The Dark
13. By My Car
14. Butch Cassidy4. Death Is My Sleezy Pay
7. Honest Man
9. Just Because I Do
10. If It Smashes Down
11. I Needed It Most
4. Masterplan
7. Easy Morning Rebel
9. Rollin Back
10. Just One Thing
12. One In The Same
6. Into The Woods
2. Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt.1
4. I'm Amazed
6. Sec Walkin
7. Two Halves
9. Look at You
10. Aluminum Park
11. Remnants
12. Smokin From Shootin
13. Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt.2
14. Good Intentions
Wow, what a way to end the week & start the weekend! One song a week. The days are getting longer, the temperature will (hopefully) start rising soon and before we know it, it will be spring and we will have a new album. Can it get any better than this? These boys are so good to their fans. Thanks to all who were involved!
Ky: I am down for a weekend if the box set is ever released. I am still kicking myself for not being able to make it to the first two nights. Must have this!
Nice work, BH! The Cobra suggestion was a joke ;) -- I was really hoping for Sleezy Pay to be next, but now I've jinxed myself, and it's going to be super-sweet whatever it is.
More thanks to Choder for perpetuating the T5 box set rumor, which is undoubtably behind it all.
Quote from: bluesky on Mar 04, 2011, 09:02 AM
It's so exciting to open up the page and see the T5 show and try to find everyone!!! :D :D :D
i was doing that last night and i like to think the person smack dab in the middle on the rail is me .. that's where i was for a few nights and if i wasn't there, i was on the rail to the right .. but it looks like a bunch of taller folks over there. either way, i love that picture .. sorta brings it all back :thumbsup:
well, this is certainly a lovely way to tide us over til Circuital is released - holy smokes :D hearing that brought me right back to the rail w/ Br00ke & Woodnymph and Headhunter just behind us. i pretty much just swayed w/ my eyes closed during this song. sigh.
the boys really do spoil us. imagine the tantrums if they don't release a T5 boxset... ;D
If you were going to do the technical work to release ONE track from a night of live music, you might as well do it all right? I mean I'm no sound engineer, but everything is all set up and ready to go, don't you just pump them out at that point? :);) :beer: :dankk2:
what a badass thing to do. new album has to be out mid-april
WOW...Thanks for the tasty little morsel, BUT I"M FUCKIN STARVIN ;) I NEED MORE.
It's ok to be greedy, Right ?
OK, honestly though
As many years as I have been listeing to BC off TF, I can honestly say I never really "got it" until hearing this recording. :)
Happy Days Are Here Again!! ;D
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 04, 2011, 11:40 AM
OK, honestly though
As many years as I have been listeing to BC off TF, I can honestly say I never really "got it" until hearing this recording. :)
Same here...I never actually gave BC any of my time, but I have been listening to it on repeat for the last hour. Live versions are always better...
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 04, 2011, 11:40 AM
OK, honestly though
As many years as I have been listeing to BC off TF, I can honestly say I never really "got it" until hearing this recording. :)
ditto .. BC has always been my least favorite.
This week has been an awesome whirlwind of Jacket. I hope it doesn't end until their summer tour is over. 2011 is gonna be ;D ;D ;D
2011:year of the MMJ
Quote from: Taterbug on Mar 04, 2011, 11:15 AM
WOW...Thanks for the tasty little morsel, BUT I"M FUCKIN STARVIN ;) I NEED MORE.
It's ok to be greedy, Right ?
avatar picture ???
:) :coffee:
(All you guys already said what I'm feeling. I'm just smiling and drinking coffee with my headphones on, listening to this great treat.)
I'm ready to smell what the rock's cookin!!!
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 09:38 AM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 09:20 AM
I want to hug you right now Riny! What a Wonderful Idea!
How appropriate for them to pick a real rarity to showcase T5! That's one more high quality engineered live track to mark off the list! Hope the rest are all rarities as well!
The track from the At Dawn show has to be Cobra, right? ;)
The constant stream of holy fuck continues.
I sure hope it is Cobra!!! :D
Quote from: Bigsky on Mar 04, 2011, 11:59 AM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 04, 2011, 11:40 AM
OK, honestly though
As many years as I have been listeing to BC off TF, I can honestly say I never really "got it" until hearing this recording. :)
Same here...I never actually gave BC any of my time, but I have been listening to it on repeat for the last hour. Live versions are always better...
I've always really liked this song. Saying that, I do think
it is was one of the least exciting songs. But I have always loved the line, "a soldier's death is so much bettter than defeat just hangin' around". That line makes the whole song for me.
I was embarassed when I ran into Bo at a Starbucks in Portland and asked him about that new song they'd played the night before. He seemed perplexed and suggested I was referring to Butch Cassidy. He talked about the tough time they were having with preparing some of the obscure tunes heading into T5 week. Seems they did just fine.
I saw Jim do BC solo in 2006 and pretty much loved it since.
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 04, 2011, 12:15 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Mar 04, 2011, 11:15 AM
WOW...Thanks for the tasty little morsel, BUT I"M FUCKIN STARVIN ;) I NEED MORE.
It's ok to be greedy, Right ?
avatar picture ???
I lost a bet to Walts when the Bears lost to the Pack in the playoffs and lost my Will Ferrel
gif. for a avatar chosen by walts. So I settled on the baby pig wearing Galoshes.
Life is good and MMJ makes it better!!! For all you do this Bud's for you!
Cheers :beer:
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
for AD i hope they release either Cobra or PWW
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:20 PM
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
Yeah. Never knew it was the FIRST one though! Met Jim that day too. Swell guy.
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:20 PM
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
Yep. I thought it was a new song and embarassed myself with a comment to that effect talking with Bo the next day. D'oh!
Quote from: Taterbug on Mar 04, 2011, 12:49 PM
I lost a bet to Walts when the Bears lost to the Pack in the playoffs and lost my Will Ferrel
gif. for a avatar chosen by walts. So I settled on the baby pig wearing Galoshes.
;D ;D ;D
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:20 PM
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
:beer: while jim wore a pair of panty hose hanging off the back of his head. ;D
Like many have said, brings you right back. With the news of this, I'll be more bummed than I was when I was forced to go to my highschool graduation and had to eat my Roo tix if MMJ doesnt release all of T5.
Fingers crossed AD is either I Needed It Most or If It Smashes Down. I could settle for Cobra though ::)
Quote from: Taterbug on Mar 04, 2011, 12:49 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 04, 2011, 12:15 PM
Quote from: Taterbug on Mar 04, 2011, 11:15 AM
WOW...Thanks for the tasty little morsel, BUT I"M FUCKIN STARVIN ;) I NEED MORE.
It's ok to be greedy, Right ?
avatar picture ???
I lost a bet to Walts when the Bears lost to the Pack in the playoffs and lost my Will Ferrel
gif. for a avatar chosen by walts. So I settled on the baby pig wearing Galoshes.
Ahh, yes...Now that you remind me, I still need to pick Ruckus' avatar from our avatar bet.
Quote from: ms. yvon on Mar 04, 2011, 05:55 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:20 PM
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
:beer: while jim wore a pair of panty hose hanging off the back of his head. ;D
ahhhhh! ms y! how did I miss you as a possibility! I would say very few could claim 2 BC viewings and I'm not one of them. Ms Y and Ghosts. Anyone else?
Was Chief Okonoko at that Fillmore show?
Quote from: ms. yvon on Mar 04, 2011, 05:55 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:20 PM
They've only played Butch Cassidy 5 times EVER!
23-Jul 2006 Camden Waterfront Camden, NJ (Ghosts was this yours?)
20-Nov 2006 The Pageant St. Louis, MO (I saw this one. :P :P :P)
29-Dec 2006 The Fillmore San Francisco, CA (wizzard? danz? walterfredo?)
15-Oct 2010 State Theatre Portland, ME (JY?)
18-Oct 2010 Terminal 5 New York, NY
:beer: while jim wore a pair of panty hose hanging off the back of his head. ;D
Jim spreading his pixie dust before the show started...Panty Hose and Pixie Dust could be an EP title.
I'll never forget that Fillmore show...busted my MMJ cherry. I even scored a set list after the show. For awhile, I had no idea that a lot of the songs they played that night are rarely played.
Really hoping for the following:
At Dawn - "Just B/C I Do"
It Still Moves - "Easy Morning Rebel" or "Rollin Back"
Z - "Chills" or "I Could Never Take the Place of Your Man"
Evil Urges - "Aluminum Park" or any of the covers. You almost have to think it will be one of the songs from Evil Urges or a cover since the rest of the songs are songs that will be on Circuital.
In other news, I heard the album leaked but will not be searching for it. :(
at first i thought they were gonna realease a song per day (minus covers of course), then i did the math and realized that it didn't add up.
i'm stoked either way.
thank you MMJ
hoping for...
at dawn - bermuda highway/honest man
it still moves - dancefloors/masterplan
Z - dondante/what a wonderful man
evil urges - remnants/aluminum park
I'm gonna go with the assumption that each release will be an album track with very little prior live exposure, as with the first download.
TTF- Butch Cassidy
AD- If It Smashes Down
ISM- Rollin Back
Z- Chills or Knot Comes Loose (or Into the Woods?)
EU- Remnants
C- Holdin' on to Black Metal or Out of My System
Maybe BH or someone else can let us know what the rarest (performed live) songs are from each album. Isn't there a spreadsheet someone did with the frequency of performance for each song? I know one was done for last year's spring tour, where the setlists were pretty static. It would be interesting to see what are the least and most performed songs in the last 12 years.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 05, 2011, 12:44 PM
I'm gonna go with the assumption that each release will be an album track with very little prior live exposure, as with the first download.
TTF- Butch Cassidy
AD- If It Smashes Down
ISM- Rollin Back
Z- Chills or Knot Comes Loose (or Into the Woods?)
EU- Remnants
C- Holdin' on to Black Metal or Out of My System
Maybe BH or someone else can let us know what the rarest (performed live) songs are from each album. Isn't there a spreadsheet someone did with the frequency of performance for each song? I know one was done for last year's spring tour, where the setlists were pretty static. It would be interesting to see what are the least and most performed songs in the last 12 years.
Yes, bring on the statistics! I fully support this idea! All the data is in the archive right? Someone just needs to sort through it... should be fun... ;)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 05, 2011, 12:44 PM
I'm gonna go with the assumption that each release will be an album track with very little prior live exposure, as with the first download.
TTF- Butch Cassidy
AD- If It Smashes Down
ISM- Rollin Back
Z- Chills or Knot Comes Loose (or Into the Woods?)
EU- Remnants
C- Holdin' on to Black Metal or Out of My System
Maybe BH or someone else can let us know what the rarest (performed live) songs are from each album. Isn't there a spreadsheet someone did with the frequency of performance for each song? I know one was done for last year's spring tour, where the setlists were pretty static. It would be interesting to see what are the least and most performed songs in the last 12 years.
If someone has any raw data I can do some excel magic and turn them into purty graphs. I've got no job, so it's not like I've got better things to do (unless the band needs a lawyer with minimal experience)
I really hope the ISM download is Masterplan.
At Dawn: If it smashes down
ISM: One in the same
Z: Into The Woods
EU: Remnants or Good Intensions ;D
Quote from: tdb810 on Mar 05, 2011, 02:52 AM
Was Chief Okonoko at that Fillmore show?
yep! i think wizzard was there, too.
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
Even tho it's close in the numbers, I still can't believe that One in the Same has been played more times than rollin back
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 07, 2011, 10:52 AM
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
Even tho it's close in the numbers, I still can't believe that One in the Same has been played more times than rollin back
That brings up a good point. My numbers include Jim solo shows which also includes the original MOF tour in 2004 where about half of those One in the sames were performed.
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 11:27 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 07, 2011, 10:52 AM
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
Even tho it's close in the numbers, I still can't believe that One in the Same has been played more times than rollin back
That brings up a good point. My numbers include Jim solo shows which also includes the original MOF tour in 2004 where about half of those One in the sames were performed.
That makes sense. I do have a CD recording around that time from the Lupo's show. I believe Jim played Oxen and a few early solo acoustic staples. I should revisit that haven't in awhile.
Also I know Jim played a RS sessions thing around 04-05 (around the release of ISM). The Steam Engine was unreal and I believe can be found on youtube. I would search but I'm at work right now. I know there was another song or 2 he played which I believe were Masterplan and possibly One in the Same but I am not certain.
It was Steam, Masterplan and Golden.
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
Yay statistics, thank you so much! :)
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 12:09 PM
It was Steam, Masterplan and Golden.
Here's all 3 videos. Golden is .mp4, Steam and Masterplan are .flv files, all playable on most media software. They are awesome!
Jim James Rolling Stone Sessions (
Yeah, that 04 MOF tour Jim played a bunch of rare shit. One in the same, I cant wait, oxen, always on my mind...
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
I don't doubt the "spreadsheet nerd", but I'm surprised Rollin Back has been played that much. I thought it was something like 5-6 times. Are you counting the 1 minute Rollin Back intros that were played this year at a bunch of shows?
Quote from: mahg33ta on Mar 07, 2011, 12:32 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
I don't doubt the "spreadsheet nerd", but I'm surprised Rollin Back has been played that much. I thought it was something like 5-6 times. Are you counting the 1 minute Rollin Back intros that were played this year at a bunch of shows?
Yeah I thought it was 4 after T5
Quote from: mahg33ta on Mar 07, 2011, 12:32 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 07, 2011, 10:17 AM
I AM the spreadsheet nerd as many of you know. Again, anybody that wants it, just send me a PM and I'll e-mail it to you. It covers their entire career.
Least played tracks from each album.
1) If All Else Fails 1 Time
2) Butch Cassidy 5 Times
1) If It Smashes Down 1 Time
2) I Needed It Most 14 Times
1) Rollin Back 15 Times
2) One In The Same 18 Times
1) Knot Comes Loose 15 Times
2) Into The Woods 16 Times
1) Remnants 11 Times
2) Two Halves 26 Times
I don't doubt the "spreadsheet nerd", but I'm surprised Rollin Back has been played that much. I thought it was something like 5-6 times. Are you counting the 1 minute Rollin Back intros that were played this year at a bunch of shows?
;D Well, now I remember debating whether or not to list them. It appears that there were 7 "Rollin' Back" intros, leaving a full legitimate 8 Rollin' Backs.
Hey the spreadsheet nerd isn't perfect. ;)
So I'm assuming that April 12th will bring the album art, tracklist and release date as well as the new song.
Def agree with that!! April 12th= album art and album release date!! Was also thinking the new song could be a live recording from the eu night? Circuital? Wonderful? Friends Again?
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Mar 08, 2011, 08:15 PM
Def agree with that!! April 12th= album art and album release date!! Was also thinking the new song could be a live recording from the eu night? Circuital? Wonderful? Friends Again?
I get your thinking re: T5 releases. I would hope they'd spring one of the tracks, not yet heard by fans played live in 2010. Hell, Wonderful goes back to maybe 2007? Yep, 6-3-07, Yim solo at the Rud. Friends Again debuted 4-20-10 in B'ham and Circuital 8-11-10 in San Diego. I think we deserve one of the "new" new songs. Please.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 08, 2011, 09:13 PM
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Mar 08, 2011, 08:15 PM
Def agree with that!! April 12th= album art and album release date!! Was also thinking the new song could be a live recording from the eu night? Circuital? Wonderful? Friends Again?
I get your thinking re: T5 releases. I would hope they'd spring one of the tracks, not yet heard by fans played live in 2010. Hell, Wonderful goes back to maybe 2007? Yep, 6-3-07, Yim solo at the Rud. Friends Again debuted 4-20-10 in B'ham and Circuital 8-11-10 in San Diego. I think we deserve one of the "new" new songs. Please.
Already making use of my spreadsheet JY?
I think it will be a "new" new song.
This is off topic but the EU thread (1 year later) didn't seem to make the cut and it goes along with Wonderful being heard in 2007. Look at You is a song written for Obama, or so people say. Is this correct? Ive noticed a lot of recordings back to 07 or even 06 that he plays Look at You solo. He would have to be A. really into politics, and B. really lucky with the outcome to write that song for obama two years before the election, much less the inauguration, when there were still so many democratic candidates. Just a thought...
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 08, 2011, 11:07 PM
This is off topic but the EU thread (1 year later) didn't seem to make the cut and it goes along with Wonderful being heard in 2007. Look at You is a song written for Obama, or so people say. Is this correct? Ive noticed a lot of recordings back to 07 or even 06 that he plays Look at You solo. He would have to be A. really into politics, and B. really lucky with the outcome to write that song for obama two years before the election, much less the inauguration, when there were still so many democratic candidates. Just a thought...
No, it was written for his grandmother who passed away. However, it seemed to take on a different, more political meaning, if not interpretation, after that.
Quote from: aMillionDreams on Mar 08, 2011, 11:19 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 08, 2011, 11:07 PM
This is off topic but the EU thread (1 year later) didn't seem to make the cut and it goes along with Wonderful being heard in 2007. Look at You is a song written for Obama, or so people say. Is this correct? Ive noticed a lot of recordings back to 07 or even 06 that he plays Look at You solo. He would have to be A. really into politics, and B. really lucky with the outcome to write that song for obama two years before the election, much less the inauguration, when there were still so many democratic candidates. Just a thought...
No, it was written for his grandmother who passed away. However, it seemed to take on a different, more political meaning, if not interpretation, after that.
Yes, nicely put aMD.
Quote from: BH on Mar 08, 2011, 09:27 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 08, 2011, 09:13 PM
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Mar 08, 2011, 08:15 PM
Def agree with that!! April 12th= album art and album release date!! Was also thinking the new song could be a live recording from the eu night? Circuital? Wonderful? Friends Again?
I get your thinking re: T5 releases. I would hope they'd spring one of the tracks, not yet heard by fans played live in 2010. Hell, Wonderful goes back to maybe 2007? Yep, 6-3-07, Yim solo at the Rud. Friends Again debuted 4-20-10 in B'ham and Circuital 8-11-10 in San Diego. I think we deserve one of the "new" new songs. Please.
Already making use of my spreadsheet JY?
Haha, actually didn't use it for this. I had looked up my earliest recording of Wonderful some time ago, so there may be an earlier recording I don't have. I was at the debut for Friends Again. I used the MMJ website to check the setilist archive for the first show with Circuital. Its gonna take me some time to fully realize the glory of that spreadsheet. It is awesome! I recommend everyone check it out; an amazing amount of work.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 09, 2011, 11:12 AM
Quote from: BH on Mar 08, 2011, 09:27 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 08, 2011, 09:13 PM
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Mar 08, 2011, 08:15 PM
Def agree with that!! April 12th= album art and album release date!! Was also thinking the new song could be a live recording from the eu night? Circuital? Wonderful? Friends Again?
I get your thinking re: T5 releases. I would hope they'd spring one of the tracks, not yet heard by fans played live in 2010. Hell, Wonderful goes back to maybe 2007? Yep, 6-3-07, Yim solo at the Rud. Friends Again debuted 4-20-10 in B'ham and Circuital 8-11-10 in San Diego. I think we deserve one of the "new" new songs. Please.
Already making use of my spreadsheet JY?
Haha, actually didn't use it for this. I had looked up my earliest recording of Wonderful some time ago, so there may be an earlier recording I don't have. I was at the debut for Friends Again. I used the MMJ website to check the setilist archive for the first show with Circuital. Its gonna take me some time to fully realize the glory of that spreadsheet. It is awesome! I recommend everyone check it out; an amazing amount of work.
I'm not so much making use of the spreadsheet... but rather I'm staring at it in absolute amazement! :D I might be repeating myself here, but well done! Such a beautiful thing! I may or may not be harassing my neighbors with it as I write this... ;)
:) It's just so easy to feel happy with MMJ.... especially when they share the love like this!
wonderful sounds from our 'tucky boys!!
So we should expect another download sometime today I hope! I just checked my e-mail and the last one was dated last thursday at 5:25 pm.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Mar 10, 2011, 03:11 PM
So we should expect another download sometime today I hope! I just checked my e-mail and the last one was dated last thursday at 5:25 pm.
march 14th
Quote from: subinai on Mar 10, 2011, 03:17 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Mar 10, 2011, 03:11 PM
So we should expect another download sometime today I hope! I just checked my e-mail and the last one was dated last thursday at 5:25 pm.
march 14th
OK, i found where that's listed at as well as the other dates, thanks.
Whyyyyy did I never explore this message board before? It's SO refreshing hearing so many people geeking out about this fucking amazing band. It's nice knowing it's an active board as well, I hope to get to know some of you peoples.
Can't wait until Monday. Carry on. ;D
Quote from: Apeskies on Mar 12, 2011, 02:59 AM
Whyyyyy did I never explore this message board before? It's SO refreshing hearing so many people geeking out about this fucking amazing band. It's nice knowing it's an active board as well, I hope to get to know some of you peoples.
Can't wait until Monday. Carry on. ;D
Welcome. It is a pretty cool place. And many awesome people here. Apparently a person's favorable opinion of My Morning Jacket serves as a decent filter.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 12, 2011, 11:38 AM
Quote from: Apeskies on Mar 12, 2011, 02:59 AM
Whyyyyy did I never explore this message board before? It's SO refreshing hearing so many people geeking out about this fucking amazing band. It's nice knowing it's an active board as well, I hope to get to know some of you peoples.
Can't wait until Monday. Carry on. ;D
Welcome. It is a pretty cool place. And many awesome people here. Apparently a person's favorable opinion of My Morning Jacket serves as a decent filter.
who woulda thunk it?
I want Circuital in my hands. I want the booklet. I want the disc. I want the vinyl. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :bath:
I've been studying for mid terms like crazy and every now and then since thursday I just kept wondering, "Where the hell is the next DL?". I can't believe I haven't been reading this thread. (Too focused on Bonnaroo and school) This is what i'm hoping for,
At Dawn-Strangulation/Honest Man
It Still Moves-Easy Morning Rebel/Rollin Back
Z-Into The Woods/Dondante
Evil Urges-Touch Me 2/Aluminum Park
For the last DL day which I believe JohnnYYac said is a Tuesday I'm thinking SURPRISE!!! Circuital gets released TODAY!!!!
Probably just wishfull thinking but hey, a guy can dream right?!
i mean... radiohead has done the SURPRISE-NEW-ALBUM-pay-to-download; the-physical-formats-will-be-out-later deal soooo maybe MMJ will follow suit
Quote from: subinai on Mar 13, 2011, 01:44 PM
i mean... radiohead has done the SURPRISE-NEW-ALBUM-pay-to-download; the-physical-formats-will-be-out-later deal soooo maybe MMJ will follow suit
yea i'm not counting this out. It would be a smart move to prevent leakage. Plus it just seems like something they might do!
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 13, 2011, 01:23 PM
I've been studying for mid terms like crazy and every now and then since thursday I just kept wondering, "Where the hell is the next DL?". I can't believe I haven't been reading this thread. (Too focused on Bonnaroo and school) This is what i'm hoping for,
At Dawn-Strangulation/Honest Man
It Still Moves-Easy Morning Rebel/Rollin Back
Z-Into The Woods/Dondante
Evil Urges-Touch Me 2/Aluminum Park
For the last DL day which I believe JohnnYYac said is a Tuesday I'm thinking SURPRISE!!! Circuital gets released TODAY!!!!
Probably just wishfull thinking but hey, a guy can dream right?!
Or maybe at the end " circuital comes out blah blah and to hold you over here is the rest of the songs from the t5 shows"
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 13, 2011, 10:29 PM
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 13, 2011, 01:23 PM
I've been studying for mid terms like crazy and every now and then since thursday I just kept wondering, "Where the hell is the next DL?". I can't believe I haven't been reading this thread. (Too focused on Bonnaroo and school) This is what i'm hoping for,
At Dawn-Strangulation/Honest Man
It Still Moves-Easy Morning Rebel/Rollin Back
Z-Into The Woods/Dondante
Evil Urges-Touch Me 2/Aluminum Park
For the last DL day which I believe JohnnYYac said is a Tuesday I'm thinking SURPRISE!!! Circuital gets released TODAY!!!!
Probably just wishfull thinking but hey, a guy can dream right?!
Or maybe at the end " circuital comes out blah blah and to hold you over here is the rest of the songs from the t5 shows"
Haha niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! I like how you think :thumbsup:
I REALLY want Cobra tomorrow, but I think they'll just stick to the album, in which case I want Strangulation or Phone Went West.
Hopefully it's Hopefully...
Cobra please (including miss you beginning). And at midnight
where's my download!!! :'( its March 14th....
i neeeeeeeeeed it
anxiously awaiting................. ::) ::) ::)
It's the 14th!!! Come on download... :)
Quote from: Bigsky on Mar 14, 2011, 10:49 AM
It's the 14th!!! Come on download... :)
yes, PLEASE :) (i'm so impatient ;D)
what's going on??? Where is the down load???
Quote from: Bigsky on Mar 14, 2011, 01:02 PM
what's going on??? Where is the down load???
I hear ya. I am at work and still have had to look for work as a way to distract myself from compulsively checking the site 2x.minute.
Yeah what gives here. What song is it gonna be? I'm guessing Honest Man.
If it has to be an album song then phone went west. If not cobra is clearly the best deal how long was it 11 min?
that phone went west is f***ing incredible!!! but cobra with stones "miss you" ...mmm....can we have both? please :-*
oh man if it's Phone Went West i'll probably run around my office like a lunatic
I too hope that its PWW
or Strangulation or Cobra
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 14, 2011, 02:01 PM
If it has to be an album song then phone went west. If not cobra is clearly the best deal how long was it 11 min?
more like 25 minute cobra at T5, but watching it live made it seem like an hour
Quote from: TSarge on Mar 14, 2011, 02:09 PM
oh man if it's Phone Went West i'll probably run around my office like a lunatic
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 14, 2011, 02:35 PM
more like 25 minute cobra at T5, but watching it live made it seem like an hour
jeebus, that outro was beautiful. :o
I really really really really hope it's Cobra, I need to hear that version in pristine soundboard form
and I love your avatar ms. yvon, Twin Peaks is my favorite show ever.
if it's cobra into miss you - i'm buying drinks for everyone as i thought that was a true highlight of the week. :beer:
PWW was pretty awesome too as was AD as was pretty much every moment of the entire 5 days.
Quote from: headhunter on Mar 14, 2011, 03:09 PM
if it's cobra into miss you - i'm buying drinks for everyone as i thought that was a true highlight of the week. :beer:
PWW was pretty awesome too as was AD as was pretty much every moment of the entire 5 days.
Wasn't the order Miss You into Cobra?
Yes it was Miss you into Cobra!!! :D
they should release a song a day for the next 98 days and charge a dollar per song.. and all proceeds go to the red cross for japan relief efforts.
i know i would love to give 98 bucks to help out over the next few weeks. i think they're really going to need it.
There ya have it folks...
The Way That He Sings!
Hooray, we know what the song is. Now if they would just release it so we can download it.
Quote from: BigBossMan on Mar 14, 2011, 03:38 PM
Hooray, we know what the song is. Now if they would just release it so we can download it.
I'm listening to it right now!
How'd you manage to download it?
It sounds so nice...rollin' dice. 8)
This is great but i was secretly hoping they would choose another one. but, i'll take it!!!
(im)patiently waiting for an email... did you get the download automatically or did you enter your email in the widget again before you got it?
Quote from: dhartley34 on Mar 14, 2011, 03:50 PM
(im)patiently waiting for an email... did you get the download automatically or did you enter your email in the widget again before you got it?
Got an email with the download link. Just like Butch Cassidy
Quote from: dhartley34 on Mar 14, 2011, 03:50 PM
(im)patiently waiting for an email... did you get the download automatically or did you enter your email in the widget again before you got it?
I'm an impatient sumbitch and I re-entered my email again and BOOM!!! Got it!! :D
If you signed up last time you'll get an e-mail with a download link, no need to sign up again. E-mails are still flying around so if you haven't gotten it yet, check in a few minutes.
i was being impatient so i signed up again, and i was sent butch cassidy again.... love having 2 butch cassidy's but would love me some way that he sings
Quote from: wamsankas on Mar 14, 2011, 04:00 PM
i was being impatient so i signed up again, and i was sent butch cassidy again.... love having 2 butch cassidy's but would love me some way that he sings
Double-check your file, the file name is still Butch Cassidy, but there's a WTHS in there too!!!
Is it just me or do these recordings sound like the warmest things that have ever graced human ears? I LOVE how these are mixed...everyone comes through just right. I especially like how much I can hear Tom on this one.
Thanks, dudes :beer:
i downloaded mine..its only butch then i tried to download it again, and it said that I have exceeded my download limit
what happened? i want some music :-\ :( >:( :'(
Quote from: EasyRyder on Mar 14, 2011, 04:15 PM
Is it just me or do these recordings sound like the warmest things that have ever graced human ears? I LOVE how these are mixed...everyone comes through just right. I especially like how much I can hear Tom on this one.
Thanks, dudes :beer:
I don't know, I guess I'm just too used to the slick production on The Way That He Sings from Okonokos. This version from T5 seems a bit muddy to these ears.
Not that I don't appreciate it, though! Any live release by the band should be celebrated!
countdown to next week begun?
I'll be the one to come out and say i'm dissapointed in the song choice for this week. I love the song but for one they play it a lot and there are great live versions already.
The mix sounds great and the quality is phenominal and I hope this means that all 5 nights have been mixed for an epic Christmas box set release this year! :thumbsup:
Although the T5 version of Cobra is special there are some great versions from the 2008 tour on , I suggest the Portland show at the end of september.
Still hoping for Masterplan next week.
Quote from: Haldon on Mar 14, 2011, 04:32 PM
i downloaded mine..its only butch then i tried to download it again, and it said that I have exceeded my download limit
what happened? i want some music :-\ :( >:( :'(
same wtf?
can someone pm me the file?
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 14, 2011, 05:45 PM
I'll be the one to come out and say i'm dissapointed in the song choice for this week. I love the song but for one they play it a lot and there are great live versions already.
The mix sounds great and the quality is phenominal and I hope this means that all 5 nights have been mixed for an epic Christmas box set release this year! :thumbsup:
Although the T5 version of Cobra is special there are some great versions from the 2008 tour on , I suggest the Portland show at the end of september.
i agree. great song. it sounds awesome buuuuuuuuuuut i'd rather hear something else from that night.
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
Can't really complain about the performance or quality of that recording... holy crap!
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:12 PM
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
hahaha. just sayin!
Quote from: subinai on Mar 14, 2011, 06:43 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:12 PM
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
hahaha. just sayin!
Really? Someone who actually gets my sense of humor and isn't going to freak out?
Thank you. :)
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:12 PM
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
LMAO. Yeah, I know its hard to bitch about free tunes from your favorite band. I was just saying what some people including myself may have been thinking! :thumbsup:
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 14, 2011, 05:56 PM
Quote from: Haldon on Mar 14, 2011, 04:32 PM
i downloaded mine..its only butch then i tried to download it again, and it said that I have exceeded my download limit
what happened? i want some music :-\ :( >:( :'(
same wtf?
can someone pm me the file?
Any luck yet???
Got a second email.
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 14, 2011, 07:15 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:12 PM
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
LMAO. Yeah, I know its hard to bitch about free tunes from your favorite band. I was just saying what some people including myself may have been thinking! :thumbsup:
Eric, I dig what you're saying and pretty much agree.
But, I can't complain about free music, especially free MMJ, ESPECIALLY live tracks from T5!
But, I've played the TWTHS from Letterman regularly and, while an abbreviated version, I like it more that the T5 version. Don't hurt me!
I also liked someone's idea (I forget who) that we be given the opportunity to purchase the T5 downloads to donate to relief efforts in Japan. I'd drop a C-note easily.
I hate to say this, as it would be a very generous gesture of charity by the band and their fans, but it would also be incredible publicity for the new album's release. It would make the news and reach folks who don't watch American Dad. This, of course, may not be a good thing, just thinking.
Oh, and it would give us the T5 shows, there's that, too.
So, we had Butch Cassidy, at real treat, then TWTHS, a standard. Hmmmm.
Revised list
TTF- Butch Cassidy
ISM- Just One Thing
Z- Off The Record
EU- Remnants
C- Circuital
I have a hunch that next week's will be Rollin Back..
they used it for some intro jams on that fall tour and i've been listening to the album version of Rollin' Back alot while enjoying a nice drive out in the sun
what if these songs are the songs that captured the different elements of each album that the band took into the studio to make "circuital"
raw (butch cassidy) live (TWTHS) beautiful (rollin back) surreal (don dante) underrated (remnants)
and then it's circuital
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 14, 2011, 09:31 PM
I have a hunch that next week's will be Rollin Back..
they used it for some intro jams on that fall tour and i've been listening to the album version of Rollin' Back alot while enjoying a nice drive out in the sun
what if these songs are the songs that captured the different elements of each album that the band took into the studio to make "circuital"
raw (butch cassidy) live (TWTHS) beautiful (rollin back) surreal (don dante) underrated (remnants)
and then it's circuital
I'd love for you to be right, but I wonder if "size matters". The first two tracks were 4:30 and 5:39 respectively. RB and D epic, no? Over 10 minutes, I suspect. Might not matter. They keep us guessing...
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 14, 2011, 09:44 PM
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 14, 2011, 09:31 PM
I have a hunch that next week's will be Rollin Back..
they used it for some intro jams on that fall tour and i've been listening to the album version of Rollin' Back alot while enjoying a nice drive out in the sun
what if these songs are the songs that captured the different elements of each album that the band took into the studio to make "circuital"
raw (butch cassidy) live (TWTHS) beautiful (rollin back) surreal (don dante) underrated (remnants)
and then it's circuital
I'd love for you to be right, but I wonder if "size matters". The first two tracks were 4:30 and 5:39 respectively. RB and D epic, no? Over 10 minutes, I suspect. Might not matter. They keep us guessing...
bingo.. that's the best part
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 12, 2011, 01:37 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 12, 2011, 11:38 AM
Quote from: Apeskies on Mar 12, 2011, 02:59 AM
Whyyyyy did I never explore this message board before? It's SO refreshing hearing so many people geeking out about this fucking amazing band. It's nice knowing it's an active board as well, I hope to get to know some of you peoples.
Can't wait until Monday. Carry on. ;D
Welcome. It is a pretty cool place. And many awesome people here. Apparently a person's favorable opinion of My Morning Jacket serves as a decent filter.
who woulda thunk it?
hahaha, thanks guys! =D Happy to be here. 8)
I'm living without internets, so I came to this coffee shop to DL today's song. I've been waiting all freaking day! I can't stop listening..........=DD I'm so pissed I missed these shows, still...but I'm glad they've graciously given us these downloads!!
*prays for box set*
Quote from: Apeskies on Mar 14, 2011, 10:11 PM
I'm living without internets, so I came to this coffee shop to DL today's song. I've been waiting all freaking day! I can't stop listening..........=DD I'm so pissed I missed these shows, still...but I'm glad they've graciously given us these downloads!!
*prays for box set*
Yes!!!! Box set! Welcome!
Quote from: tdb810 on Mar 14, 2011, 10:20 PM
Quote from: Apeskies on Mar 14, 2011, 10:11 PM
I'm living without internets, so I came to this coffee shop to DL today's song. I've been waiting all freaking day! I can't stop listening..........=DD I'm so pissed I missed these shows, still...but I'm glad they've graciously given us these downloads!!
*prays for box set*
Yes!!!! Box set! Welcome!
I'll take 2!! :thumbsup:
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:47 PM
Quote from: subinai on Mar 14, 2011, 06:43 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Mar 14, 2011, 06:12 PM
How dare they offer me the free music that I don't want >:(
hahaha. just sayin!
Really? Someone who actually gets my sense of humor and isn't going to freak out?
Thank you. :)
i can't stay mad at you
I synced up the audio released today to video
My Morning Jacket - At Dawn Live @ T5 - The Way That He Sings (
Nice work rats21!!! ;)
Brilliant! great job! thank you, that adds so much to being right back there in that space in time!
Thanks for doing that. Great Job! :thumbsup: :beer:!
Thanks! I see me!
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
I agree, either they are pulling bingo balls with song names out of a spinning cage, or they are teasing us for a future release. I'm sorry but the soundboard recordings sound too pristine not to release at some point. Picking that song out of what was played that night was their way of grooming us for future sonic glory. As much as I was hoping for something other than TWTHS, this may be the best sounding live recording of the song I've heard yet (possibly better than Okonokos).
My new question is, when the shows are released, how often will we revisit the studio versions of each album? I think I've only listened to Z twice since Okonokos came out and that was pretty much to just hear the songs that didn't make it on that DVD/CD. And I love that album!
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 15, 2011, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
I agree, either they are pulling bingo balls with song names out of a spinning cage, or they are teasing us for a future release. I'm sorry but the soundboard recordings sound too pristine not to release at some point. Picking that song out of what was played that night was their way of grooming us for future sonic glory. As much as I was hoping for something other than TWTHS, this may be the best sounding live recording of the song I've heard yet (possibly better than Okonokos).
My new question is, when the shows are released, how often will we revisit the studio versions of each album? I think I've only listened to Z twice since Okonokos came out and that was pretty much to just hear the songs that didn't make it on that DVD/CD.
The live versions are indeed special, but I still like to go back to the studio albums regularly as I think they come with their own special qualities. Some of the vocal layers and other production nuggets are like playgrounds for my ears when listening on headsets. From the very first note of Z, I can't stop smiling. It's nice that we have both to love!
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 15, 2011, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
I agree, either they are pulling bingo balls with song names out of a spinning cage, or they are teasing us for a future release. I'm sorry but the soundboard recordings sound too pristine not to release at some point. Picking that song out of what was played that night was their way of grooming us for future sonic glory. As much as I was hoping for something other than TWTHS, this may be the best sounding live recording of the song I've heard yet (possibly better than Okonokos).
My new question is, when the shows are released, how often will we revisit the studio versions of each album? I think I've only listened to Z twice since Okonokos came out and that was pretty much to just hear the songs that didn't make it on that DVD/CD. And I love that album!
I agree!
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 15, 2011, 01:31 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 15, 2011, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
I agree, either they are pulling bingo balls with song names out of a spinning cage, or they are teasing us for a future release. I'm sorry but the soundboard recordings sound too pristine not to release at some point. Picking that song out of what was played that night was their way of grooming us for future sonic glory. As much as I was hoping for something other than TWTHS, this may be the best sounding live recording of the song I've heard yet (possibly better than Okonokos).
My new question is, when the shows are released, how often will we revisit the studio versions of each album? I think I've only listened to Z twice since Okonokos came out and that was pretty much to just hear the songs that didn't make it on that DVD/CD. And I love that album!
I agree!
I finally was able to listen to this T5 version of TWTHS on a good system. I noticed that the bass was really prominent in the mix, which I think comes at the expense of Jim's vocals and both Jim and Carl's guitars.
I then listened to Okonokos' TWTHS on the same system. The guitars are a lot more prominent in this mix, but they don't come at the expense of the bass. The bass is a lot more subtle, and interacts with Patrick's drums very well, as it should.
So, it just comes down to a matter of preference. For me, The Way That He Sings is a guitar song. I love hearing the interaction between Carl's guitar and Jim's guitar. I don't hear it as well in the T5 version as I do in the Okonokos version.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
i concur.
T5-LIVE is in the works.
Quote from: buymycar on Mar 15, 2011, 03:49 PM
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 15, 2011, 01:31 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 15, 2011, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2011, 10:11 AM
after yesterday's release, i feel like they are definitely going to release the T5 shows :-/ I was slightly dissappointed (yet still grateful!) that it was that song and not one of the others, why release a song that there are already a hundred live versions out there..(that said, thank you, sir, may i have another? i still love it..just leads me to believe there will be an official release)..
I agree, either they are pulling bingo balls with song names out of a spinning cage, or they are teasing us for a future release. I'm sorry but the soundboard recordings sound too pristine not to release at some point. Picking that song out of what was played that night was their way of grooming us for future sonic glory. As much as I was hoping for something other than TWTHS, this may be the best sounding live recording of the song I've heard yet (possibly better than Okonokos).
My new question is, when the shows are released, how often will we revisit the studio versions of each album? I think I've only listened to Z twice since Okonokos came out and that was pretty much to just hear the songs that didn't make it on that DVD/CD. And I love that album!
I agree!
I finally was able to listen to this T5 version of TWTHS on a good system. I noticed that the bass was really prominent in the mix, which I think comes at the expense of Jim's vocals and both Jim and Carl's guitars.
I then listened to Okonokos' TWTHS on the same system. The guitars are a lot more prominent in this mix, but they don't come at the expense of the bass. The bass is a lot more subtle, and interacts with Patrick's drums very well, as it should.
So, it just comes down to a matter of preference. For me, The Way That He Sings is a guitar song. I love hearing the interaction between Carl's guitar and Jim's guitar. I don't hear it as well in the T5 version as I do in the Okonokos version.
That's why I cited my preference for the abbreviated performance of TWTHS on Letterman in October. The guitars drive the song. I think its a balanced mix but allows Jim and Carl to bring it. And they generally play well when they're on TV (OBH on Conan, Gideon w/Boston Pops on Letterman, Anytime on Conan, SNL).
I don't think I've ever heard a bad performance of the this song. They tend to always do it justice and it is a righteous awesome tune.
Of course, I've listened to the T5 version on my laptop at work, in my car, on my mp3 player, in the kitched CD player, and on my home computer. I've yet to listen to it on "the system". Need to do that tonight.
OBH on Conan is my favorite youtube video to watch at any time. great performance, better reaction by Conan
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 15, 2011, 10:38 PM
OBH on Conan is my favorite youtube video to watch at any time. great performance, better reaction by Conan
hahaha yeah definitely. Conan got his face melted. Hilarious
Quote from: Honest Man on Mar 15, 2011, 11:06 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 15, 2011, 10:38 PM
OBH on Conan is my favorite youtube video to watch at any time. great performance, better reaction by Conan
hahaha yeah definitely. Conan got his face melted. Hilarious
he definitely bought the record
It Still Moves takes its turn in the spotlight!
Is it April 12 yet?
Masterplan please and thank you.
I'm home with a sick kid, so I can obsess about today's release with much greater intensity than if I was at work. Sweet. And It Still Moves night, the one I missed the most. I'll be happy no matter what, but...
Hmm... Its all good!
1. Mahgeetah
2. Dancefloors
3. Golden
4. Masterplan
5. One Big Holiday
6. I Will Sing You Songs
7. Easy Morning Rebel
8. Run Thru
9. Rollin Back
10. Just One Thing
11. Steam Engine
12. One In The Same
13. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (Bob Dylan)
14. How Could I Know
15. Sooner
16. Head Held High (The Velvet Underground)
17. It Makes No Difference (The Band)
18. All Night Long (Lionel Richie)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 21, 2011, 08:48 AM
I'm home with a sick kid, so I can obsess about today's release with much greater intensity than if I was at work. Sweet. And It Still Moves night, the one I missed the most. I'll be happy no matter what, but...
Hmm... Its all good!
1. Mahgeetah
2. Dancefloors
3. Golden
4. Masterplan
5. One Big Holiday
6. I Will Sing You Songs
7. Easy Morning Rebel
8. Run Thru
9. Rollin Back
10. Just One Thing
11. Steam Engine
12. One In The Same
13. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (Bob Dylan)
14. How Could I Know
15. Sooner
16. Head Held High (The Velvet Underground)
17. It Makes No Difference (The Band)
18. All Night Long (Lionel Richie)
I would like any of these...I fully's all good.
I'm just enjoying the weekly release... :D
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 15, 2011, 10:38 PM
OBH on Conan is my favorite youtube video to watch at any time. great performance, better reaction by Conan
Dont you miss the days of never seeing the boys faces? I love how when Jim starts singing he is behind his own curtain of hair. I cant even picture Tommy having hair like that anymore.
Quote from: MikeR1390 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:41 AM
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 15, 2011, 10:38 PM
OBH on Conan is my favorite youtube video to watch at any time. great performance, better reaction by Conan
Dont you miss the days of never seeing the boys faces? I love how when Jim starts singing he is behind his own curtain of hair. I cant even picture Tommy having hair like that anymore.
when they had hair like that, even when you knew they song, you didn't expect jims voice to come from that grizzly bear.
I can't even download it until I get home at around 6, but I'm dying to know what song it is. How will I ever make it unil April to hear Circuital?
Jeez they're killin' me again with this waiting.
i would like music please! taannkk youuu!
I need my MMJ fix...please release my T5 hit...I'm jonesing.... :D :o :D ;)
Maybe they are using the free downloads to gauge national interest on a future release of these shows. Tell everyone, facebook, twitter, email links,whoever you can get to download, let's show the band this is needed. Not just by us (obviously) but others as well.
ps. Masterplan would make my day ;D
Quote from: Bigsky on Mar 21, 2011, 04:08 PM
I need my MMJ fix...please release my T5 hit...I'm jonesing.... :D :o :D ;)
Hahaha.....I'm tweekin, I'm tweekin, I'm tweekin!
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 21, 2011, 01:11 PM
I can't even download it until I get home at around 6, but I'm dying to know what song it is. How will I ever make it unil April to hear Circuital?
Who knows if it will even be released by 6!
Quote from: TSarge on Mar 21, 2011, 04:38 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 21, 2011, 01:11 PM
I can't even download it until I get home at around 6, but I'm dying to know what song it is. How will I ever make it unil April to hear Circuital?
Who knows if it will even be released by 6!
So i'm not the only one who has yet to get the download...
cmon' man I got 2 burgers wit cheese
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 04:47 PM
cmon' man I got 2 burgers wit cheese
i got the fries and coke..
I'm dying here! last week I got the download at 4pm.
Yeah this is really getting ridicurous.
I know I hate it when they don't give us free shit in a timely manner.
The audacity!
I want my MTV MP3!
Anticipation building...
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 21, 2011, 07:23 PM
Anticipation building...
if it's steam engine i'll shit myself.. literally
^^^Awesome!!! And very true!
it's been exactly 5 months since the ISM show....
Front page says its one big holiday
There it is. People are going to bitch, but that OBH was one of the best things I've ever seen the band do.
Ooh! A rare gem! ;D
Its all good. Surprising, though. :o
just like MMJ to pick their shittiest live song >:( ::) ;D
One with Jim, Johnny and Carl all tearing it the fuck up though. Danny Cash played too, but it didn't really add anything.
and horns!
Like the horns ;D
Got my email! Downloading... 21 seconds remaining...
Man sounds killer, may be my favorite OBH to date. ;D
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:06 PM
Man sounds killer, may be my favorite OBH to date. ;D
It was the best one I've seen. Even better than Roo 08 with hammett.
That was mighty awesome!
Umm... the site hasn't even updated for me and there's no email :-\
I can't imagine such a sandwich! To have that OBH early on in the middle of so much more great music! Wish I was there.
1. Mahgeetah
2. Dancefloors
3. Golden
4. Masterplan
5. One Big Holiday
6. I Will Sing You Songs
7. Easy Morning Rebel
8. Run Thru
9. Rollin Back
10. Just One Thing
11. Steam Engine
12. One In The Same
13. Tonight I'll Be Staying Here With You (Bob Dylan)
14. How Could I Know
15. Sooner
16. Head Held High (The Velvet Underground)
17. It Makes No Difference (The Band)
18. All Night Long (Lionel Richie)
the guitar jam at the end is the best live officially released thing i've ever heard in my life :dankk2:
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:13 PM
( T5 box set to go, please. Thank you.
the it still moves show was the only show i saw and this obh brings back so many great memories. they cut off the intro, it went on for at least a full minute before the guitar cuts in.
i haven't even been able to find an aud recording. anyone find it?
i get it, they want to please all fans, but after BC i was really looking forward to some "rarities". awesome none the less. this band really does give to its fans over and over
and i still haven't gotten an email and the page hasn't updated. whats the dil
page still hasn't updated for me either, but i did get the email. Bummer E, sucks to be late to the party.
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:54 PM
page still hasn't updated for me either, but i did get the email. Bummer E, sucks to be late to the party.
try entering you email again and see if it sends you the link?
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:55 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:54 PM
page still hasn't updated for me either, but i did get the email. Bummer E, sucks to be late to the party.
try entering you email again and see if it sends you the link? (
try this it's my link from my email
opened up my email feelin' good and leeumber. haha
maybe i was stoned or my mind was being blown but, i don't remember the horns.. like at all (T5).
the mix is so fuckin good.
they're totes gonna release T5-LIVE.. i mean, why go to all the trouble to do just one track per show?
just had a mega-huge eargasm. bonafide.
don't judge me.
It's the song I would have put last on my list that i wanted from this album but the version is un-fuckin-real. Love those horns!!!!! :D
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:56 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:55 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:54 PM
page still hasn't updated for me either, but i did get the email. Bummer E, sucks to be late to the party.
try entering you email again and see if it sends you the link? (
try this it's my link from my email
nice post, here all three: ( ( (
I was messing around with four letter combination's starting with Q trying to find the other songs haha, weird videos keep popping up instead.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 21, 2011, 10:15 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:56 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:55 PM
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:54 PM
page still hasn't updated for me either, but i did get the email. Bummer E, sucks to be late to the party.
try entering you email again and see if it sends you the link? (
try this it's my link from my email
nice post, here all three: ( ( (
I was messing around with four letter combination's starting with Q trying to find the other songs haha, weird videos keep popping up instead.
thats pretty smart. id imagine that they arent all prepared yet
Favorite of the three released so far??
Quote from: MikeR1390 on Mar 21, 2011, 10:26 PM
Favorite of the three released so far??
Butch Cassidy! Though that One Big Holiday version is amazing
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 21, 2011, 09:13 PM
;D ;D ;D
I just double checked the youtube videos of OBH from ISM night. Definitely had Johnny Quaid on the version they just gave us! and Danny Cash!
Best set of guitar solos at the end of OBH since they played with Kirk Hammet at Roo - although I might have to give this one the nod. Much tighter.
i didn't get my download until 9:47pm, and that is past my computer checking time (cause I'm lame and was in bed)
so i was super pumped to come into work today and find this little gem waiting in my inbox for me
wow....i forgot how amazing the performance of OBH with the horns and everyone on stage was...i can def feel the power through my computer speakers at work
something tells me i'll be listening to this one a few times over
The horns were the Dearland horns, right?
This is great. From where I was standing during this, the mix was awful at the worst part of the show. Overall, the show sounded fine, but for this song, all I heard was fuzz and a little bit of horns. Couldn't distinguish between what was actually being played and what I was just "singing along in my head". Could barely tell any of the guitars apart.
So crisp and clear now
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 22, 2011, 09:22 AM
This is great. From where I was standing during this, the mix was awful at the worst part of the show. Overall, the show sounded fine, but for this song, all I heard was fuzz and a little bit of horns. Couldn't distinguish between what was actually being played and what I was just "singing along in my head". Could barely tell any of the guitars apart.
So crisp and clear now
EXACTLY! I didn't get too excited when I saw OBH pop up in my email, but my GAWD this recording is phenomenal. I missed so much at the show because it was just noise and my own yelling inside my head. Please, please, please release them all....
So awesome! The intensity and energy on stage was amazing, and the rushing going on towards the end is understandable with all that craziness. It felt like an encore in the middle of the show, and was a great foreshadowing for the end of the week!
I can't stop listening to Butch Cassidy. It made me start thinking that with this being the song they picked to release, there is a good chance it starts to get some play time. Right? Then I started thinking about how awesome this song would be as the first song of an encore. I'm getting tired of daydreaming about this kind of stuff. I really, really need a tour announcement. PRONTO!
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 22, 2011, 09:22 AM
This is great. From where I was standing during this, the mix was awful at the worst part of the show. Overall, the show sounded fine, but for this song, all I heard was fuzz and a little bit of horns. Couldn't distinguish between what was actually being played and what I was just "singing along in my head". Could barely tell any of the guitars apart.
So crisp and clear now
i concur. the sound at T5 was very boomy.. some songs were muddy, while others were crystal clear. this OBH version (3 guitars/horns) was incredible but, it will always pale in comparison to the Great Plaza show in Philly last august. my boy and i were right up front and Jim got so close i almost touched him. Carl was soloing like a foot away from my camera. glorious.
you know what they say; you'll never, ever forget your first time (show). lol
One Big Holiday (
I just want to clarify, when I say "the mix was awful at the worst part of the show", I of course meant "best" when I said "worst", as in "this couldn't have fallen a part at a worse time".
Also, I was not referring to any sausage-like portion of the show, so don't go accusing me of saying the band is sausagey
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 22, 2011, 12:50 PM
I just want to clarify, when I say "the mix was awful at the worst part of the show", I of course meant "best" when I said "worst", as in "this couldn't have fallen a part at a worse time".
Also, I was not referring to any sausage-like portion of the show, so don't go accusing me of saying the band is sausagey
i dont think i'll ever be able to explain how awesome it was at T5.. a part of me wants to be humble and gracious and not giving the T5 week as much credit as it deserves for the sake of those who weren't there...
and then i'm like.. F THAT.. it was the greatest week of music ever
Quote from: darkglow on Mar 22, 2011, 01:56 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 22, 2011, 12:50 PM
I just want to clarify, when I say "the mix was awful at the worst part of the show", I of course meant "best" when I said "worst", as in "this couldn't have fallen a part at a worse time".
Also, I was not referring to any sausage-like portion of the show, so don't go accusing me of saying the band is sausagey
i dont think i'll ever be able to explain how awesome it was at T5.. a part of me wants to be humble and gracious and not giving the T5 week as much credit as it deserves for the sake of those who weren't there...
and then i'm like.. F THAT.. it was the greatest week of music ever
It def was, I'm just glad we got a second OBH as that was really the only song where it was truly muddled for me. That and lil billy, but during that we just moved down to the floor and our problems vanished.
My Morning Jacket - One Big Holiday - Terminal 5 - 10-21-10 (
Since the download this week was One Big Holiday I wanted to throw up my youtube video of the song from that night. Seeing Danny Cash on stage was awesome and the horn section was having a blast too!
Any guesses for next week. At this point I think it will be Gideon, Wordless or Anytime. Hoping for Dondante or Into the Woods personally.
def agree! I hope its into the woods! But after twths and obh i think it will be gideon, and go with the most played live theme ;) ;)
Guesses: Gideon, Anytime
Wishes: Dondante, Into the Woods, Chills
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 24, 2011, 08:21 PM
Guesses: Gideon, Anytime
Wishes: Dondante, Into the Woods, Chills
I sure hope so!
Lay Low please!
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 24, 2011, 02:51 PM
Any guesses for next week. At this point I think it will be Gideon, Wordless or Anytime. Hoping for Dondante or Into the Woods personally.
Gideon is my guess (good recording of the extended version would be nice) i hope dondante but mmj won't give us the pleasure. my fantasy is i could never take the place of your man but they won't release covers. prince isn't that nice.
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 25, 2011, 02:42 AM
Quote from: Erik26 on Mar 24, 2011, 02:51 PM
Any guesses for next week. At this point I think it will be Gideon, Wordless or Anytime. Hoping for Dondante or Into the Woods personally.
Gideon is my guess (good recording of the extended version would be nice) i hope dondante but mmj won't give us the pleasure. my fantasy is i could never take the place of your man but they won't release covers. prince isn't that nice.
I could never take the place of your man has technically been released before though, Bonnaroo 05.
Yea but unless I'm listening the wrong recording the quality isn't that good
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Mar 25, 2011, 09:28 AM
Yea but unless I'm listening the wrong recording the quality isn't that good
Yeah, its not that great. It's soundboard, but its not mixed or anything. My point was that it was allowed to be released.
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 25, 2011, 01:25 AM
Lay Low please!
Has there been significant disucssions around the awesomeness of that song? It's in my MMJ top 5. I'm still surprised that humanity has not adopted it as its anthem. It really isn't a well known Jacket song to the casual fan or beyond. I think I want to die to the double guitar solo at the end just like I want to be reborn to David Bowie's Starman.
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 25, 2011, 10:34 AM
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 25, 2011, 01:25 AM
Lay Low please!
Has there been significant disucssions around the awesomeness of that song? It's in my MMJ top 5. I'm still surprised that humanity has not adopted it as its anthem. It really isn't a well known Jacket song to the casual fan or beyond. I think I want to die to the double guitar solo at the end just like I want to be reborn to David Bowie's Starman.
Lay Low is probably the song most responsible for my love of MMJ. The sexy lyrics and Allman-esque guitar jam sold me on this band like nothing before it. Like the partial Run Thru and Rolling Back teases from the 2010 tour, hearing the mid-point jam after Good Intentions left me with music-induced blue balls in Vermont, Mansfield, and Portland. I hate to think what's gonna happen when I hear my next complete Lay Low. Stand clear!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 25, 2011, 12:16 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on Mar 25, 2011, 10:34 AM
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 25, 2011, 01:25 AM
Lay Low please!
Has there been significant disucssions around the awesomeness of that song? It's in my MMJ top 5. I'm still surprised that humanity has not adopted it as its anthem. It really isn't a well known Jacket song to the casual fan or beyond. I think I want to die to the double guitar solo at the end just like I want to be reborn to David Bowie's Starman.
I hate to think what's gonna happen when I hear my next complete Lay Low. Stand clear!
Just listened to T5 OBH really fucking LOUD! Oh Man... They're pretty good at what they do I reckon. ;)
I really hope we get "Into the Woods" that song reminds me of driving on road trips to go see MMJ!
Quote from: CHIMMJFAN on Mar 26, 2011, 03:14 PM
I really hope we get "Into the Woods" that song reminds me of driving on road trips to go see MMJ!
yea would love to get better audio for my video.
anticipation is approaching maximal capacity for MMJ March Monday Madness :D :D :D
me and baby fetus would be much obliged to have some lay low jam generously spread on our toast tomorrow morning :coffee:
guess: Wordless, Gideon, Anytime
want: It Beats, OTR, WAWM
Actually, does it really matter?
Z song within the next 24 hours! What will it be? I can't choose; I'll be happy, regardless. Just hope it happens before 8 pm this time!
2010-10-22 Terminal 5 - New York City, NY
1. Wordless Chorus
2. It Beats 4 U
3. Gideon
4. What A Wonderful Man
5. Off The Record
6. Into The Woods
7. Anytime
8. Lay Low
9. Knot Comes Loose
10. Dondante
11. Chills
12. Lullabys, Legends And Lies (Shel Silverstein)
13. Where To Begin
14. How Do You Know
15. Hit It And Quit It (Funkadelic)
16. A Quick One While He's Away (The Who)
17. I Could Never Take The Pace Of Your Man (Prince)
18. Careless Whisper (George Michael)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 27, 2011, 11:25 PM
Z song within the next 24 hours! What will it be? I can't choose; I'll be happy, regardless. Just hope it happens before 8 pm this time!
2010-10-22 Terminal 5 - New York City, NY
1. Wordless Chorus
2. It Beats 4 U
3. Gideon
4. What A Wonderful Man
5. Off The Record6. Into The Woods
7. Anytime
8. Lay Low9. Knot Comes Loose
10. Dondante----------
11. Chills
12. Lullabys, Legends And Lies (Shel Silverstein)
13. Where To Begin
14. How Do You Know
15. Hit It And Quit It (Funkadelic)
16. A Quick One While He's Away (The Who)
17. I Could Never Take The Pace Of Your Man (Prince)
18. Careless Whisper (George Michael)
I pick those three....
Quote from: Im The Dude on Mar 28, 2011, 12:30 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 27, 2011, 11:25 PM
Z song within the next 24 hours! What will it be? I can't choose; I'll be happy, regardless. Just hope it happens before 8 pm this time!
2010-10-22 Terminal 5 - New York City, NY
1. Wordless Chorus
2. It Beats 4 U
3. Gideon
4. What A Wonderful Man
5. Off The Record6. Into The Woods
7. Anytime
8. Lay Low9. Knot Comes Loose
10. Dondante----------
11. Chills
12. Lullabys, Legends And Lies (Shel Silverstein)
13. Where To Begin
14. How Do You Know
15. Hit It And Quit It (Funkadelic)
16. A Quick One While He's Away (The Who)
17. I Could Never Take The Pace Of Your Man (Prince)
18. Careless Whisper (George Michael)
I pick those three....
Nice picks. Wonderful Man is another favorite, but its kinda short, even on a good day, and I'd love Dondante, but its pretty lengthy, so I kinda doubt it'll be the one.
How Do You Know has always been one of my favorite early/rarity songs, I would be ecstatic if I could hear that today. I can't take the anticipation of these releases anymore, I'm gonna try and put it outta my head til later tonight.
What were the singles released (if any) when The Tennessee Fire and At Dawn came out? I'm guessing Off The Record today, just seems to be the trend to make the T5 release "singlesque".
When I hear the studio version "Anytime" it always gets me when I hear "Dang It" in the first 5 seconds! ;D
Hoping for a Knot Comes Loose, Into The Woods or Lay Low.
id honestly take any song from the Z night. hit me!
Quote from: touchingmept2 on Mar 28, 2011, 10:23 AM
When I hear the studio version "Anytime" it always gets me when I hear "Dang It" in the first 5 seconds! ;D
Haha... I think he's saying "Damn"... bt I always hear "Dan", which is my name ;D
Come on "Into The Woods"
(hoping saying it three times will make it appear)
Maybe a good shower head and my right hand... will bring on "Into the Woods!!!" ;D
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Mar 28, 2011, 12:23 PM
Maybe a good shower head and my right hand... will bring on "Into the Woods!!!" ;D
or blindness... or hairy palms... :P
Looks like we got ourselves a little "It Beats 4 U".
And hey, it came at 3PM -- not bad!
I'm beating it right now...and it sounds pretty sweet :D
Quote from: Bigsky on Mar 28, 2011, 03:07 PM
I'm beating it right now...and it sounds pretty sweet :D
;D ;D ;D ;D I see what you did there, and I like it!
ill take it!
I love this song. This is turning into a nice little EP. And for free, too. Not sure how much the bandwidth is costing the band, but I sure do appreciate it. :thumbsup:
I'm really hoping next week will be Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt. 2... Am I right that we haven't gotten that one released in its live form yet? Or have I missed it somewhere?
Any song from Evil Urges that hasn't been released in some form will be fine with me.
Great song, great recording, love free music, etc etc etc, but really unimpressed with this weeks choice. Its just a personal opinion, but this is my least favorite song from Z.
great song, and I'm not going to complain about free music, but having Butch Cassidy as the first song got me excited that they were going to think outside the box a little bit in terms of the song selection.
Don't get me wrong, I love The Way That He Sings, One Big Holiday (best released version), and It Beats 4 U a ton, but I was just hoping for those underrated album tracks that the T5 run showcased, and special versions of the heavy hitters (which the One Big Holiday tracks falls under) - like Into The Woods for the former or Dondante for the latter.
Hoping for Touch Me Pt. 2 or Smokin' From Shootin' next week
I love this song cuz it showcases Tommy's amazing bass lines. and the ending, the way they jammed it out for a bit; brilliant. I'm not even gonna talk about JJ's vocal work cuz it goes w/ out saying.
just wanted to thank the band and management for putting this together for the fans. much obliged fellas. it sucks that we won't see ya's on the east coast for a while but, I had the good fortune to witness 3 of 5 T5 shows so I can't really complain.
I'll probably buy 2 copies of Circuital when it drops, maybe give it to a stranger, who knows?... feelin very charitable lately.
if they release Remnants next week I will straight shit my pants; I'm seriously.. you guys.
Yeah the guitar tone and effect at the end of this is insane in the membrane. :o
Woot! that's what I'm talkin' bout'. Thanks MMJ ;D
For some reason this song always reminds me of a wolf stalking it's prey or lurking in a image like this comes to mind every time Jim hits that primal and intense vocal part at the end:
Don't judge me ;D
Love the end, Hard to believe patrick does that with just 2 arms and 2 legs. You guys sure he wasn't wearing somekind of spider suit with extra arms and legs in it.
As for next week, I'm honestly hoping for something unusual that i may not even like usually. Sec Walkin, Remnants, Alluminum Park, or Two Halves. If I was a bettin man I'd say Librarian and Thank You Too both have high potential though.
my favorite z song. cant' wait to hear this version!
It Beats 4 U at the beginning of a show is like a salad. It cleanses the palate and gets you ready to dig in for the main course.
actually that pic was from wordless chorus. :P
i love to hear how these songs have translated on the road over all these years.. this song played live sends a way different tone than the album version
Quote from: oistheone on Mar 28, 2011, 03:02 PM
Looks like we got ourselves a little "It Beats 4 U".
And hey, it came at 3PM -- not bad!
Seeing as how that was
DURING MY 2ND INTERVIEW for a job I've been trying for, for a couple weeks now.... I'm going to go ahead and credit the magickal good vibes it brings everybody to raising universal vibrations which eventually translated into I'VE GOT THE JOB!!!
Just believe and you can do (
Thank you MMJ once again and thanks all forum friends, whose good vibes have helped me in so many ways in just the (almost) one year that I've known you kind folks!! Group hug time agaaaaaiiinnn!!
And for the sweet nostalgia T5's IB4U brings to me after dealing with interview stuffs....... (
Quote from: woodnymph on Mar 28, 2011, 06:36 PM
Quote from: oistheone on Mar 28, 2011, 03:02 PM
Looks like we got ourselves a little "It Beats 4 U".
And hey, it came at 3PM -- not bad!
Seeing as how that was DURING MY 2ND INTERVIEW for a job I've been trying for, for a couple weeks now.... I'm going to go ahead and credit the magickal good vibes it brings everybody to raising universal vibrations which eventually translated into I'VE GOT THE JOB!!!
Just believe and you can do (
Thank you MMJ once again and thanks all forum friends, whose good vibes have helped me in so many ways in just the (almost) one year that I've known you kind folks!! Group hug time agaaaaaiiinnn!!
And for the sweet nostalgia T5's IB4U brings to me after dealing with interview stuffs....... (
Congratulations Woody! :beer: :thumbsup:
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 28, 2011, 04:00 PM
Great song, great recording, love free music, etc etc etc, but really unimpressed with this weeks choice. Its just a personal opinion, but this is my least favorite song from Z.
I've gone through phases where I feel the same. It has a really unique sound to it that for me if I am in the wrong mood I just can't listen to it. Not sure why, weird eh? Since I decided to learn the drums for it my opinion has changed. Also agree with what somebody else said about it being like the salad before the main course.
Thanks again MMJ for sharing free tunes with us! Love Love Love! And beer! :beer: :beer:
Great choice! Come to think of it, it was impossible to go wrong with any Z song, especially live. I like this recording even better than the Okonokos version.
Evil Urges? Hmm. Nothing has been released yet, so anything is possible. However, the band seems to be going with stuff they consider personal favorites (Butch Cassidy), so I'd rule out some of the numbers that were frequently played earlier on but were phased out (Thank You Too, Sec Walkin, Librarian). Remnants would be cool, seeing how little it's played, but I'd put my money on either of the Touch Mes or Smokin'.
heeeellllllo tommy so much bassy goodness in this recording. :D
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 28, 2011, 07:48 PM
Great choice! Come to think of it, it was impossible to go wrong with any Z song, especially live. I like this recording even better than the Okonokos version.
Evil Urges? Hmm. Nothing has been released yet, so anything is possible. However, the band seems to be going with stuff they consider personal favorites (Butch Cassidy), so I'd rule out some of the numbers that were frequently played earlier on but were phased out (Thank You Too, Sec Walkin, Librarian). Remnants would be cool, seeing how little it's played, but I'd put my money on either of the Touch Mes or Smokin'.
Celebracion EP = evil urges, highly suspicious, and labrarian
Hard to have smokin' w/o tmigsII, my guess will be tmigsI or Evil Urges, my want = Remnants
I'm betting on touch me 1.
Don't forget I'm Amazed. Wouldn't surprise me.
Who else thinks that they're picking these songs out of a hat?
Very well could be.
i'm going with:
1. evil urges
2. i'm amazed
3. touch me pt 2
i really want remnants or highly suspicious
Quote from: rusty95 on Mar 28, 2011, 08:47 PM
Quote from: The DARK on Mar 28, 2011, 07:48 PM
Great choice! Come to think of it, it was impossible to go wrong with any Z song, especially live. I like this recording even better than the Okonokos version.
Evil Urges? Hmm. Nothing has been released yet, so anything is possible. However, the band seems to be going with stuff they consider personal favorites (Butch Cassidy), so I'd rule out some of the numbers that were frequently played earlier on but were phased out (Thank You Too, Sec Walkin, Librarian). Remnants would be cool, seeing how little it's played, but I'd put my money on either of the Touch Mes or Smokin'.
Celebracion EP = evil urges, highly suspicious, and labrarian
Hard to have smokin' w/o tmigsII, my guess will be tmigsI or Evil Urges, my want = Remnants
You got me there. Forgot about that EP.
TMIGS1 feels like a good choice, considering how much it was played towards the end. Plus, it's an awesome song live.
I played all 4 downloads, in order, last night wearing primo headphones. AWESOME! Two more tracks will make this a nice little EP, a preview of the full T5 release. ;)
btw- did anyone notice a tempo shift in the first half of The Way That He Sings or was it just me?
Evil Urges is up. Circuital is on deck.
Quote from: buymycar on Apr 04, 2011, 02:48 AM
Evil Urges is up. Circuital is on deck.
I misunderstood the baseball reference and thought it was UP as in
uploaded....errrg ;)
I suppose an AM release was too optimistic anyway...
touch me part 1
evil urges
highly suspicious
are my top 3 guesses
Remnants... paaaaalease?
Quote from: EasyRyder on Apr 04, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: buymycar on Apr 04, 2011, 02:48 AM
Evil Urges is up. Circuital is on deck.
I misunderstood the baseball reference and thought it was UP as in uploaded....errrg ;)
I suppose an AM release was too optimistic anyway...
Ha! Sorry about that. I should word things more carefully around release times. :)
Quote from: buymycar on Apr 04, 2011, 12:33 PM
Quote from: EasyRyder on Apr 04, 2011, 10:35 AM
Quote from: buymycar on Apr 04, 2011, 02:48 AM
Evil Urges is up. Circuital is on deck.
I misunderstood the baseball reference and thought it was UP as in uploaded....errrg ;)
I suppose an AM release was too optimistic anyway...
Ha! Sorry about that. I should word things more carefully around release times. :)
Release times ARE
dangerous times worries though, it was only wishful thinking on my part ;D! Hopin' we get Aluminum Park today (but expect Saamokin' from Shootin')!!
Hope for remnants or aluminum park. Expecting touch me 1 or smoking.
would like to see smokin or aluminum... but think touch me pt. 2 ... but can also see thank you too, thanking all of us!!!!! :thumbsup:
Looks like we got Smokin From Shootin!
Can't wait to get home from work and listen to this bad boy.
this sounds freaking amazing
damn yall wheres my email? I never really figured this out, but I signed up once and thats all I needed to do right? I've re-signed up I think every week. 8)
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 04, 2011, 05:53 PM
damn yall wheres my email? I never really figured this out, but I signed up once and thats all I needed to do right? I've re-signed up I think every week. 8)
I just got my email a minute ago -- like you, I was too impatient to wait for that and went ahead and signed up for the 5th time. :D
didn't get my email this time... hhmmmm... can someone post a link from they're email plzzzz.
nevermind, incoming now ;D
Ok now I can't wait to see the lights in chicago during this song..
for anyone having trouble with the email (
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 04, 2011, 05:59 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 04, 2011, 05:53 PM
damn yall wheres my email? I never really figured this out, but I signed up once and thats all I needed to do right? I've re-signed up I think every week. 8)
I just got my email a minute ago -- like you, I was too impatient to wait for that and went ahead and signed up for the 5th time. :D
exactly what i had to do...just didn't post that part
This is one of the most emotional songs in their catalog IMO...obviously in a different way than most others given that EU is stratospheric in so many different ways.
But DAMN. these recordings and this version are so great. THANKS!! :beer: I can't believe Circuital is just around the corner now :D
Smokin!!! Definitely one of my favorite live tunes off of EU. Thanks again MMJ! :beer:
Love It!!!!!! 6 months removed from October and it still resonates.
Love these reminders of one of the greatest weeks of my life and certainly the greatest musical week ever.
In all of music ever made, this is the second best song to play air drums to
It's only logical that what may the greatest MMJ track in their discography is the song they choose for this week.
Great recording. I was wishing for something a little more rare, but now I'm glad this is the choice. Probably my favorite tune from EU.
NOW, One week until a studio recording from Circuital. Cannot wait. I would love for this to be something we haven't yet heard, but Circuital, Friends Again, or Wonderful would be fine by me as well.
After I typed that, I realized it could just be a T5 recording of one of those songs, couldn't it? Did they ever say it would be a new recording? I don't know.
edit: just read the original post by CC, and it says the first 5 will be live songs, so I assume the 6th will be what we've all been waiting for.
I was REALLY hoping for Touch Me 2, but can't complain at this song either.. sounds great.
New My Morning Jacket in T minus 7 days! In other news, Smokin' is awesome.
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 04, 2011, 07:15 PM
In all of music ever made, this is the second best song to play air drums to
That is a very bold assertion. One I can't disagree with immediately, but need to think about. I love the rat-tat-tat-tat during the chorus- "smokin from shootin" ... rat-tat-tat-tat, "smokin from shootin'", rat-tat-tat-tat...
Quote from: The DARK on Apr 04, 2011, 08:26 PM
New My Morning Jacket in T minus 7 days! In other news, Smokin' is awesome.
Love the avatar and Troll Toll sig! :beer:
I would guess (although I don't know what the point is anymore) that the DL for next week is going to be whatever is the first single from the album. I am hoping for something a little more rockin than 'Friends Again' or 'Wonderful' but that's just me. Mostly what I would like is something completely new that nobody has heard.
Exciting next 7 days for Bonnaroo folk--New MMJ tune AND lineup additions!
my favorite from the t5 singles
butch cassidy
smokin from shootin
Quote from: headhunter on Apr 04, 2011, 07:13 PM
Love It!!!!!! 6 months removed from October and it still resonates.
Love these reminders of one of the greatest weeks of my life and certainly the greatest musical week ever.
Butch Cassidy and Smokin From Shootin make perfect bookends for the T5 Countdown. It means MMJ is going all in with guns ablazin'.
So far we have 5 songs, 28 minutes of pure T5 bliss...this is becoming a very nice EP. I think once they release all of T5 on a DVD/CD box set, with the cover of each DVD/CD being the poster from that night...I will be floating on the carpet of my melted face... :D
Quote from: mahg33ta on Apr 04, 2011, 08:53 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 04, 2011, 07:15 PM
In all of music ever made, this is the second best song to play air drums to
That is a very bold assertion. One I can't disagree with immediately, but need to think about. I love the rat-tat-tat-tat during the chorus- "smokin from shootin" ... rat-tat-tat-tat, "smokin from shootin'", rat-tat-tat-tat...
The rat-tat-tat is great, but put it loud and turn up the bottom end to listen to how dynamic Patrick gets with that kit. It's almost as if he is taking the lead in the song and everyone else is keeping the rhythm.
The number one air drum song, of course, is Run Thru.
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 05, 2011, 09:14 AM
So far we have 5 songs, 28 minutes of pure T5 bliss...this is becoming a very nice EP. I think once they release all of T5 on a DVD/CD box set, with the cover of each DVD/CD being the poster from that night...I will be floating on the carpet of my melted face... :D
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 05, 2011, 01:48 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 05, 2011, 09:14 AM
So far we have 5 songs, 28 minutes of pure T5 bliss...this is becoming a very nice EP. I think once they release all of T5 on a DVD/CD box set, with the cover of each DVD/CD being the poster from that night...I will be floating on the carpet of my melted face... :D
if only there were video cameras at T5
Is anyone thinking about a Pre-order special package that might be online here in the next few weeks for the album?
I hope, like I've seen by some bands they do a bundle with vinyl+CD+shirt etc...
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 04, 2011, 08:58 PM
my favorite from the t5 singles
butch cassidy
smokin from shootin
I've only listened to butch cassidy so far. I'm not sure if that's good or bad.
Can you all believe that in 5 days we'll have some brand spankin' new jacket music
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 06, 2011, 12:58 PM
Can you all believe that in 5 days we'll have some brand spankin' new jacket music
I want circuital right now. this tantric love making shit is wearing me out.
Even though I would really like it to be a new song we have never heard... I am curious to hear studio version of "circuital"!!!
Wait so is today the day?
EDIT: No, I woke up this morning feeling good and limber, when my telephone it rang. It was bad news from the band's main page, tellin on the 12th, a new song it would bring.
Today is only the 11th.
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 10:36 AM
Wait so is today the day?
i thought it was today...looks like it is tomorrow though
Quote from: scosby2 on Apr 11, 2011, 10:38 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 10:36 AM
Wait so is today the day?
i thought it was today...looks like it is tomorrow though
Is it just me, or has the announcement changed from "Circuital" to "a song from Circuital"? Not that it matters, just curious.
I forgot it was the 12th and not today... :P
I love how MMJ is teasing us every week, but once tomorrow comes and goes the wait until May 31st is going to be crazy. I kind of wish the countdown was done so the release was only 1-2 weeks after tomorrow. Anyways, I wanted to thank the boys for all their generous giving
So on FB hangout music asked what was everyone's favorite MMJ song. So naturally, I kick into rumor-monger mode and said it's the flute solo at 5:23 from Hangin on to Black Metal.
Inbox exploded with people asking where I got it and how it can be obtained.
flute solo... ;D
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 12:43 PM
So on FB hangout music asked what was everyone's favorite MMJ song. So naturally, I kick into rumor-monger mode and said it's the flute solo at 5:23 from Hangin on to Black Metal.
Inbox exploded with people asking where I got it and how it can be obtained.
;D those dummies must not know it's only 4:19 or something
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 12:43 PM
So on FB hangout music asked what was everyone's favorite MMJ song. So naturally, I kick into rumor-monger mode and said it's the flute solo at 5:23 from Hangin on to Black Metal.
Inbox exploded with people asking where I got it and how it can be obtained.
well played, sir ;D Some classic trolling right there!
I'm strating to feel the circuits... :D
I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I'm kinda nervous. :embarassed: ;D
Quote from: Jon T. on Apr 12, 2011, 09:31 AM
I'm kind of embarrassed to admit this, but I'm kinda nervous. :embarassed: ;D
love it! i am always nervous for jacket's almost a parental, protective kind of thing combined with super high expecations....i don't know....weirdness
check the frontpage :)
holy shit!
I'm in the club, I'm in the club!
That eye is kinda Tool-esque.
not gonna lie... not feeling this tune too much besides the short solos :-\
I love it so much my heart hurts! :D So nice to have a studio version!
information overload! live box? new club to join? new song? i just shit my pants, great.
Am I the only one listening to Octoplasm???!?!? If you order the box set + fan club membership you get 2 songs immediately - Circuital & Octoplasm!
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 10:00 AM
information overload! live box? new club to join? new song? i just shit my pants, great.
Information overload indeed! :D
Octoplasm is instrumental.....
I am at work and about to come down with a serious whooping cough or salmonella or something. I have to hear this
i want the deluxe set, but no CD comes with it. i require all media versions of this album, dammit.
God do I hate unemployment. So so very much.
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 10:10 AM
i want the deluxe set, but no CD comes with it. i require all media versions of this album, dammit.
Haha but its the only way to get the 30 min documentary DVD...
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
and i am assuming the download version is itunes friendly?
More questions:
Pros/cons of Apple Lossless vs 320 kpbs MP3?
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
Quote from: TSarge on Apr 12, 2011, 10:17 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
my "buy" link isn't working...not good for my mmj impulsivity disorder
How come nobody is commenting on this:
4 sneak preview downloads of forthcoming live box set
So.....that's got to be a live box set of the Teriminal 5 shows right?
Circuital...the EP is complete! 8)
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Apr 12, 2011, 10:19 AM
How come nobody is commenting on this:
4 sneak preview downloads of forthcoming live box set
So.....that's got to be a live box set of the Teriminal 5 shows right?
There's a thread for it.
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:21 AM
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Apr 12, 2011, 10:19 AM
How come nobody is commenting on this:
4 sneak preview downloads of forthcoming live box set
So.....that's got to be a live box set of the Teriminal 5 shows right?
There's a thread for it.
lol I see that now.
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Apr 12, 2011, 10:19 AM
How come nobody is commenting on this:
4 sneak preview downloads of forthcoming live box set
So.....that's got to be a live box set of the Teriminal 5 shows right?
im praying it is
i think i have to preorder the black vinyl so my wallet doesnt hurt too much whenever they drop this live box set
It's definitely T5. I think the only question at this point is if they're able to clear the rights to the covers and whatnot or if we'll get an "abridged" version of some covers but not all. I'd expect to get at least one cover per show though. I'd shit my pants if we got full shows.
For what it's worth, I'm opting for the 320kbs MP3. I don't see why that won't be iPod/iTunes friendly, and they're DRM. I do not use Apple lossless, and I don't know why they have to specify that one is DRM free unless the other is not.
Not that I'm going to pirate or anything. Just sayin'.
The Octoplasm iTunes cover art is awesome
Quote from: subinai on Apr 12, 2011, 10:31 AM
The Octoplasm iTunes cover art is awesome
post a pic?
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 10:10 AM
i want the deluxe set, but no CD comes with it. i require all media versions of this album, dammit.
I've ordered both teh deluxe set and the CD version. I don't even have a turntable at present, but I had to have it on green vinyl.
Quote from: MarkW on Apr 12, 2011, 10:34 AM
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 10:10 AM
i want the deluxe set, but no CD comes with it. i require all media versions of this album, dammit.
I've ordered both teh deluxe set and the CD version. I don't even have a turntable at present, but I had to have it on green vinyl.
Same here, except not the CD version.
I gotta say that I'm a little disappointed in the band for not letting me direct download my tshirt. They never do anything for us fans. Throw us a goddamn bone!
Quote from: SaraBananaBear on Apr 12, 2011, 10:05 AM
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 10:00 AM
information overload! live box? new club to join? new song? i just shit my pants, great.
Information overload indeed! :D
I'm feeling the same way... just saw all the info and ran to the forum to digest it all!
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 10:18 AM
Quote from: TSarge on Apr 12, 2011, 10:17 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
my "buy" link isn't working...not good for my mmj impulsivity disorder
Mine is not working as well...CC any help?
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 10:37 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 10:18 AM
Quote from: TSarge on Apr 12, 2011, 10:17 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
my "buy" link isn't working...not good for my mmj impulsivity disorder
Mine is not working as well...CC any help?
i changed my browser to firefox and it worked....
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 10:37 AM
i changed my browser to firefox and it worked....
I used firefox - it was slow but it worked...
I'm playing Circuital now, full blast. You can hear the recording difference. This is going to sound soooooooooo good on Vinyl. Even on the MP3 I can hear the warmth
does the deluxe set not come with a CD? it looks like it does in the pic, but it's not listed as an item...
It was slow for me in FF too. I think it's just server overload
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 10:37 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 10:18 AM
Quote from: TSarge on Apr 12, 2011, 10:17 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
my "buy" link isn't working...not good for my mmj impulsivity disorder
Mine is not working as well...CC any help?
hit refresh and try again,
should work for all browsers now.
Quote from: firesofcanning on Apr 12, 2011, 10:40 AM
does the deluxe set not come with a CD? it looks like it does in the pic, but it's not listed as an item...
Suppose that's the 30 minute exclusive documentary DVD perhaps? :)
2 Questions
1) Anymore info on the album itself yet? (can't seem to find a link, closer look at artwork, tracklist etc)
2) Is the Circuital MP3 available yet? (have not gotten the email link or can find one on the site) EDIT: Just got the link and have closed my office door!
Quote from: SaraBananaBear on Apr 12, 2011, 10:42 AM
Quote from: firesofcanning on Apr 12, 2011, 10:40 AM
does the deluxe set not come with a CD? it looks like it does in the pic, but it's not listed as an item...
Suppose that's the 30 minute exclusive documentary DVD perhaps? :)
haha. good call!
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:39 AM
I'm playing Circuital now, full blast. You can hear the recording difference. This is going to sound soooooooooo good on Vinyl. Even on the MP3 I can hear the warmth
Work's done for me today now. I've closed the office door and put Circuital and Octoplasm on. I'm working on a way of leaving early to get back and blast them through some proper speakers.
Wow i just ordered the super edition! This just made my day! I love how they named the fan club "Roll Call" haha ;D
Will my post count carry over to the new members-only area? I need a way to assert my fandom.
Quote from: CC Baxter on Apr 12, 2011, 10:40 AM
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 10:37 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 10:18 AM
Quote from: TSarge on Apr 12, 2011, 10:17 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:14 AM
OK so is octoplasm for roll call members or is it for deluxe members?
I am not actually sure... I ordered the "Limited Deluxe Box" + the Roll Call package, and after I paid for the shiznit I got a link to download both Circuital and Octoplasm
my "buy" link isn't working...not good for my mmj impulsivity disorder
Mine is not working as well...CC any help?
hit refresh and try again,
should work for all browsers now.
mine still doesn't work...I'm at work so there might be a firewall or my flash might be out of date.
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:47 AM
Will my post count carry over to the new members-only area? I need a way to assert my fandom.
Sadly, no. We will all have n00b status, and you will spend your time asking questions about Jim's favourite breakfast foods.
Quote from: SaraBananaBear on Apr 12, 2011, 10:42 AM
Quote from: firesofcanning on Apr 12, 2011, 10:40 AM
does the deluxe set not come with a CD? it looks like it does in the pic, but it's not listed as an item...
Suppose that's the 30 minute exclusive documentary DVD perhaps? :)
that's right, disc in the deluxe image is the dvd, not the cd.
Quote from: MarkW on Apr 12, 2011, 10:56 AM
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 12, 2011, 10:47 AM
Will my post count carry over to the new members-only area? I need a way to assert my fandom.
Sadly, no. We will all have n00b status, and you will spend your time asking questions about Jim's favourite breakfast foods.
Just checked the mmj store for a couple of new items!!!!
Too much at once. My head is literally going to explode! A fan club called "Roll Call". How perfect is that! They love us. THEY REALLT LOVE US! ;) Special release songs! This is going to smash the old record for most money spent on one release! And I've never been so happy to pay it in all my life! I'm going to listen to Octoplasm but not Circuital if I can help it. If for no other reason than that I am going to listen to this album a million times, and I don't want one song getting out in front of the others and screwing it up!
Thanks MMJ. Seriously. You rock my world.
headhunter, where are you? someone txt the man please --- all of this vinyl excitement will surely make his head explode!
Quote from: BH on Apr 12, 2011, 11:16 AM
Too much at once. My head is literally going to explode!
no kidding :D :D
Did anyone get lossless versions of Circuital and Octoplasm or was that only for the forthcoming album download? Mine came in high quality mp3 which is fine but I'm just checking. I want the best possible version of Octoplasm since that will probably be the only one version we get. This is so friggin cool. That green vinyl is the shit. And how about the seed implanted book mark! What kind of seeds I wonder!!! :o :o
Quote from: BH on Apr 12, 2011, 11:58 AM
Did anyone get lossless versions of Circuital and Octoplasm or was that only for the forthcoming album download? Mine came in high quality mp3 which is fine but I'm just checking. I want the best possible version of Octoplasm since that will probably be the only one version we get. This is so friggin cool. That green vinyl is the shit. And how about the seed implanted book mark! What kind of seeds I wonder!!! :o :o
the bookmark has me mighty curious too ::) ::)
and i got the mp3s too...
I'm hoping the seeds are for a money tree.
I just woke up to all this shit. God damn!
NPR article! The album will be streaming there a week earlier than the release date: (
Quote from: The DARK on Apr 12, 2011, 12:09 PM
NPR article! The album will be streaming there a week earlier than the release date: (
:D Thanks for sharing!
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on Apr 12, 2011, 12:04 PM
I just woke up to all this shit. God damn!
Me too. I had a text that said how much does Roll Call cost? I repsonded with "What is roll call?" then 20 minutes later I said "holy shit"
I wanna get the deluxe box set with all the extra stuff and all that, but i don't have a record player and I'm wondering if it's worth it.
Plus, I wanted to buy the cd from an independent record store to support that other cause of MMJ.
Tough Call. Thoughts?
Does anyone know if the money gets charged to your account right away? Or do they wait until the package ships?
Quote from: BigBossMan on Apr 12, 2011, 12:17 PM
I wanna get the deluxe box set with all the extra stuff and all that, but i don't have a record player and I'm wondering if it's worth it.
Plus, I wanted to buy the cd from an independent record store to support that other cause of MMJ.
Tough Call. Thoughts?
You can get the box set, frame the records (until you get a turntable) and still buy the CD from a record store.
May cost a lot.....but it'd make me happy :thumbsup:
Quote from: tdb810 on Apr 12, 2011, 11:38 AM
headhunter, where are you? someone txt the man please --- all of this vinyl excitement will surely make his head explode!
:dankk2: Head exploded as soon as I found out !!!!!
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Apr 12, 2011, 12:19 PM
Does anyone know if the money gets charged to your account right away? Or do they wait until the package ships?
I can see a hold on my account right now. I'm assuming the transaction will come out within the next couple of days.
btw, Circuital sounds great!
shit i need money to get this. ..... and vs/vitalogy box . i think i rather get this. wow.
I have burned the T5 EP (plus bonus tracks) to a CD for my ride home. The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year). This is a nice little I just need to create some album art work...
I wanna get the deluxe box set with all the extra stuff and all that, but i don't have a record player and I'm wondering if it's worth it.
Plus, I wanted to buy the cd from an independent record store to support that other cause of MMJ.
Tough Call. Thought
My record player is broke and I still ordered, no brained for me plus the green ones are super, not sure I would play them anyhow. Pull the trigger already.
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
I have burned the T5 EP (plus bonus tracks) to a CD for my ride home. The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year). This is a nice little I just need to create some album art work...
Listening to the T5 downloads plus Circuital and Octoplasm as an "EP mix" as I write. It flows nicely.
Super stoked for the 31st of May, and some live action in the summer. It's been too long.
EDIT: How f'in good is OBH with the horns from T5? Unreal.
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
I have burned the T5 EP (plus bonus tracks) to a CD for my ride home. The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year). This is a nice little I just need to create some album art work...
Where did you get these bonus tracks? Is the T5 EP you speak of the free downloads we have been getting each week? Sorry if noob questions but I don't wanna miss out on anything.
Quote from: Jellyfish on Apr 12, 2011, 06:03 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
I have burned the T5 EP (plus bonus tracks) to a CD for my ride home. The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year). This is a nice little I just need to create some album art work...
Where did you get these bonus tracks? Is the T5 EP you speak of the free downloads we have been getting each week? Sorry if noob questions but I don't wanna miss out on anything.
Yes - sorry to get you excited for no reason. I just burned the T5 download tracks plus today's downloads. Sounds goooooood through proper speakers.
Can't please 'em all.
Besides...I think since "Holdin on to Black Metal" is being sold as a single track it may be the actual first single.
i cant seem to get the buy now link to work. anyone else having this issue?
Quote from: My Monkey Friend on Apr 12, 2011, 08:54 PM
i cant seem to get the buy now link to work. anyone else having this issue?
it seems to be either a browser issue or a java issue. if you're using firefox try google chrome. if that doesn't work update your java shit maybe, anybody else with a solution I'm just guessing.
google chrome worked, thanks sticky.
octoplasm is nuts!
Circuital makes me wiggle.
We just got a new computer and Circuital was the first song I downloaded with it!
This deluxe edition is going to be awesome. Im just about to get a new turntable too! My other one is dying...
Listening to the T5 downloads plus Circuital and Octoplasm as an "EP mix" as I write. It flows nicely.
Super stoked for the 31st of May, and some live action in the summer. It's been too long.
EDIT: How f'in good is OBH with the horns from T5? Unreal.
I have heard 100 different live versions of obh and this is def the best one ever!!! the horns are ridiculous!!
Now the wait is on for April 26th for the Holdin on to Black Metal download
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Apr 12, 2011, 10:22 PM
Now the wait is on for April 26th for the Holdin on to Black Metal download
Say what?
WOoooooww this is all too fucking awesome. Im not a big vinyl guy and with the "forthcoming live box set" coming soon i decided to cheap out and go with the cd + roll call membership. Best 60 bucks i ever spent. Octoplasm is pretty great, cant wait to hear more from this self-hypnosis thing. MMJ is the fucking best
Circuital is magic. Its got a pulse...
Now the wait is on for April 26th for the Holdin on to Black Metal download
Say what? April 26th "Holdin' on to Black Metal" mp3 release $1.99. :thumbsup:
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Apr 12, 2011, 10:22 PM
Listening to the T5 downloads plus Circuital and Octoplasm as an "EP mix" as I write. It flows nicely.
Super stoked for the 31st of May, and some live action in the summer. It's been too long.
EDIT: How f'in good is OBH with the horns from T5? Unreal.
I have heard 100 different live versions of obh and this is def the best one ever!!! the horns are ridiculous!!
Now the wait is on for April 26th for the Holdin on to Black Metal download
is octoplasm out? shit i need money to preoder this :'(
Listening to CIRCUITAL now. GOD.... I dig this groove. Jim's voice just never gets old. This band and this music is just so inspiring. Made this graphic for a personal bumper sticker. You're all welcome to it. Enjoy!
( (
I was listening to the T5 Smokin from Shootin with earphones at the gym this morning - Man, I friggin love Bo's work on this. The keys are ever so subtle and almost organ sounding. It's like every one of these releases is one of the best (if not the best) versions I've heard.
Preview of holdin on to black metal (
Guys, theres a HOTBM 30 second clip on amazon
I am seriously kicking myself for just now beginning to check these forums.
Holdin' on to Black Metal sounds fucking awesome and I would've had no idea if not for checking here.
Yeah it's awesome. Its been posted here 5+ times cause there's no thread for it. According to amazon it's released in like a week?
From Deluxe Box to RSD picture discs to Circuital single vinyl and Roll Call/Self Hypnosis and the impending live box set and now stumbling on clips from the VH1 Storytellers and now this little clip - This is becoming one of the most exciting times for me musically in like 15 years! I don't feel like so many things and possibilities have rolled out at once in a long, long while and now in one week's time we will have Holdin' on to Black Metal!
I feel like this is the perfect place to nerd out about it I did.
This is a place I come only to nerd out about the boys my friend. :bath:
e_wind, I was at the Chicago show in August, as well - debating on Chicago or Wakarusa this year. I've never been to Wakarusa and of course as soon as I move to Lawrence it's moved to the Ozarks.
How's the weather at Wakarusa? Bonnarroo's weather, to me, was fuuuuuucking miserable...minus the 4 hours of MMJ in the light rain ;)
The weather will be just the same. I get ya tho, it's too damn hot at these festivals! The only difference is that at Wakarusa you have the option of camping in the woods
Bummer - It's hard to even drink a beer in that hot ass weather.
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year).
Can you please point us (me) to where these bonus tracks are located? Thanks! :thumbsup:
Quote from: on Apr 19, 2011, 12:23 PM
Bummer - It's hard to even drink a beer in that hot ass weather.
Now you're just talking nonsense... ;) :beer:
Quote from: wheelhousetunes on Apr 19, 2011, 12:42 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year).
Can you please point us (me) to where these bonus tracks are located? Thanks! :thumbsup:
He just added live versions to it, they aren't really the "bonus tracks".
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on Apr 19, 2011, 01:23 PM
Quote from: wheelhousetunes on Apr 19, 2011, 12:42 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on Apr 12, 2011, 04:07 PM
The bonus tracks are Carried Away and Friends Again (both live from last year).
Can you please point us (me) to where these bonus tracks are located? Thanks! :thumbsup:
He just added live versions to it, they aren't really the "bonus tracks".
correct...I just took them from a couple bootlegs of the boys from last summer
Quote from: on Apr 19, 2011, 12:23 PM
Bummer - It's hard to even drink a beer in that hot ass weather.
Hehe, that's what Jack and Coke is for. :thumbsup:
WOAH when has it ever been too hot for beer? I mean, it's scientifically possible for it to be too hot for fermented rice water that caters to your inner man by counting carbs and calories.
But beer? I mean it's just diluted hopped up whiskey. A good ale gets better as it gets warmer!
Cheers, everybody!
Havin' a listen to all my new goodies - and you are all right - where there is a will there is a way - the drinking must go on even in the heat!
Quote from: on Apr 19, 2011, 12:09 PM
e_wind, I was at the Chicago show in August, as well - debating on Chicago or Wakarusa this year. I've never been to Wakarusa and of course as soon as I move to Lawrence it's moved to the Ozarks.
How's the weather at Wakarusa? Bonnarroo's weather, to me, was fuuuuuucking miserable...minus the 4 hours of MMJ in the light rain ;)
Which is why the Hangout will be ideal :). Sand, sun & surf! Oh, and plenty of beer!
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 19, 2011, 09:31 PM
WOAH when has it ever been too hot for beer? I mean, it's scientifically possible for it to be too hot for fermented rice water that caters to your inner man by counting carbs and calories.
But beer? I mean it's just diluted hopped up whiskey. A good ale gets better as it gets warmer!
Quote from: on Apr 19, 2011, 11:39 AM
From Deluxe Box to RSD picture discs to Circuital single vinyl and Roll Call/Self Hypnosis and the impending live box set and now stumbling on clips from the VH1 Storytellers and now this little clip - This is becoming one of the most exciting times for me musically in like 15 years! I don't feel like so many things and possibilities have rolled out at once in a long, long while and now in one week's time we will have Holdin' on to Black Metal!
I feel like this is the perfect place to nerd out about it I did.
Brother, I.could have written this same post myself! You echoed my own feelings perfectly. Thank you. Let us all nerd out. With beer. :-)
Hey, sorry to bring this back from the dead...
By any chance could someone provide me with the artwork or the link to the free download from Evil Urges Live at T5... not the actual album (which I have and love). For some reason the only album artwork I am missing is from this day. Thanks!